Martial God Conqueror





When Du Shaofu's palm touched that pure white lotus, he was suddenly overjoyed!    


He did not suffer any hindrance and smoothly grasped it in the palm of his hand!    


Without hesitation, he picked it up and prepared to store it in his Universe Bag.    


But at the same time, countless terrifying sword beams suddenly swept across the sky, straight towards Du Shaofu's body!    


He immediately ordered the nine Divine Thunder Cauldron to attack and destroy all of them!    


Under the cooperation of many experts, the defenses of Teng Yuanshan, Zhang Haoran, Meng Dongyang and the seven Qing Cang Holy Land disciples were quickly torn apart!    


The first action of these rankers was to stop Du Shaofu, to not let him obtain that pure white lotus!    


"The Yu Qing Divine Emperor got that lotus flower. Go and seize it!"    


Immediately, an expert started shouting!    


"Let's attack together!"    


The rest of the people all shouted out, and rushed towards Du Shaofu!    


"With your strength alone, how can you resist the three of us?!"    


Su Moyan, Chi Yuanlin, and Lian Caiyun all coldly snorted. Three different attacks struck out simultaneously, and instantly pushed Xiao Yun back!    


After that, the three of them no longer bothered with Xiao Yun and rushed towards him!    


They also did not expect that after breaking through the barrier of light surrounding the Nine-Leaf Lotus, the purple robed youth would actually be able to remove it so easily!    


If he did not take action now, the treasure might really fall into the hands of the Yu Qing Divine Kingdom!    


"Whoever wants the lotus in my hand, I'll take it for myself!"    


Du Shaofu's gaze swept across, the power in his body surged, and the terrifying Power of Laws swept across!    


He grabbed the lotus with one hand and clenched it tightly with the other!    


In front of him, the experts who had not been repelled by the nine cauldrons had already arrived!    




The Forbidden God Palm was activated, and the void suddenly exploded, space collapsing and forming a terrifying vortex, crushing all the attacks!    


It was also at this time that the three Sacred Ground's disciples who had escaped Xiao Yun's clutches came close!    


They moved at the same time and unleashed a terrifying attack towards Du Shaofu, but it was easily destroyed!    


At this time, Du Shaofu's strength was already far above the three of them. Even if the three of them worked together, they would still be unable to pose any threat to him!    


Reaching the Great Perfection of the Severing of the Four Great Primordial Laws was not the same as normal people. It was unknown whether anyone had ever done something as terrifying as this since ancient times!    


Therefore, in just a single exchange, Du Shaofu had easily defeated three people's combined attack!    


But soon after, his brows slightly raised, and he felt extremely surprised!    


It was because after the three of them made a move, they didn't continue to rush at him. Instead, they turned around and ran towards the small pond behind him!    


"Lotus Leaf!"    


In just an instant, Du Shaofu understood their plans!    


Not only was there a lotus in the clear blue pool, there were also nine lotus leaves. Because of the sudden attacks of so many experts, he hadn't had the time to pluck them yet!    


Those lotuses were undoubtedly the most valuable treasures, but the lotus leaves were definitely extraordinary as well. With such an advantage, how could the three Holy Lands' Holy Maiden just sit idly by?    


Thinking of all these, how could Du Shaofu delay any longer. Quickly turning around, he quickly grabbed with his palm, and instantly obtained three lotus leaves!    


But Su Moyan, Chi Yuanlin, and Lian Caiyun were not slow either, they each obtained two lotus leaves!    


"I've eaten all the meat, so I'll let you guys have some soup!"    


In total, six lotus leaves had been snatched away, Du Shaofu was not angry, and thought in his heart.    


His body flickered, with a move of his, he immediately appeared beside Xiao Yun in the air!    


The current Xiao Yun had suffered from severe injuries. Under the attacks of three people with similar cultivations, he did not seem to be strong enough!    


Du Shaofu took out a few Precious Medicine and fed them to Xiao Yun.    


"That kid is over there!"    


Many experts looked over, and pointed at Du Shaofu's figure.    


The greatest benefit of the lotus had already been taken away by this kid, and he had even obtained three lotus leaves!    


Other than the Extensive Beginning Holy Land, the True Yan Sacred Grounds, and Jing Yue Sacred Grounds each obtaining two lotus leaves, the rest of them had nothing!    


Therefore, they all stared at the violet-robed young man. The aura of many people shook once more, wanting to encircle and kill him!    


"Yu Qing Divine Emperor, we have so many powers here, if only you get the benefits, I'm afraid it won't be good!"    


A robust man who looked to be in his thirties spoke harshly, looked at Du Shaofu and said.    


His eyes flashed fiercely, looking at Du Shaofu's Universe Bag again and again.    


"I broke that light barrier, so I naturally obtained the treasure. I think it's pretty good, there's no problem with that!"    


Du Shaofu said while looking at the other party without changing his expression.    


He was not afraid of these people. Although they were all the strongest in Chang Rong Tian's group, if they were to fight, even if he wanted to escape, no one would be able to stop them!    


Moreover, there were also seven people with Qing Cang Holy Land and Yu Qing Divine Kingdom present to assist!    


"The light barrier was indeed broken by you, but with so many pairs of eyes watching you, I'm afraid it would be hard for you to take all the treasures by yourself!"    


At this time, another youth walked out, and looked at Du Shaofu: "In my opinion, there are many lotus petals, why don't you keep half, leave the rest for us to split! This way, you will not be at a disadvantage! "    


His eyes glittered with greed!    


The Precious Medicine that was able to be born in this place must be terrifying, and the light barrier that was formed earlier was extremely terrifying, it was not something that an ordinary person could possess!    


How could anyone not be tempted by the extraordinary sight of the lotus flowers and lotus leaves!    




Du Shaofu suddenly snorted, and stared at the young man, and said: "I truly admire the thickness of your skin, you actually dared to say such shameless words, and you're still not panting at all! If you want the lotus flower, all of you should give up! To me, even losing a single petal would be a huge loss! "    


His eyes lit up as he looked at the young man with an indescribable sense of ridicule!    


He had made it very clear that it was impossible to give the treasures to everyone for distribution. Why should he let others reap the benefits from what he had obtained with his own ability?    


However, his attitude quickly aroused the dissatisfaction of many experts!    


"Yu Qing Divine Emperor, could you still not see the situation before your eyes?"    


"That's right!" With so many people present, if you want to obtain the benefits of being alone, I'm afraid no one will agree with you! "    


"Come to think of it, with just your Yu Qing Divine Kingdom alone, even if you include Qing Cang Holy Land, it's impossible for you to contend against so many experts!"    


"I advise you to hand over the treasure quickly. Otherwise, once we start fighting, it will be difficult to stop everything!"    


A few experts jumped out one after another. Each of their words were filled with menace, threatening intent.    


Among them, many of the Holy Son's Holy Maiden spoke out. They were not afraid of Du Shaofu and Qing Cang Holy Land, and adding all of them together, there were only a dozen or so people on their side!    


All of them, in total, numbered more than eighty people!    


With such a huge disparity, if they really fought for it, no one would believe that Du Shaofu could still keep the lotus.    


"Yu Qing Divine Emperor, you have to think about it carefully. Don't mislead yourself!"    


The muscular man who spoke at the beginning spoke again as he stared at Du Shaofu with his bell-like eyes.    


The muscles all over the burly man's body began to crackle and crackle. His aura was rising like clouds and smoke, soaring into the sky, not concealing his killing intent in the slightest!    


"So much nonsense!" If you want to snatch it, then just give it a try. I have been afraid of you for a long time! "    


Du Shaofu's gaze swept across everyone one by one, not dodging at all.    


Only Su Moyan from the Extensive Beginning Holy Land, Chi Yuanlin from the True Yan Holy Lands, and Lian Caiyun from the Jing Yue Sacred Grounds were all expressionless and did not threaten them with their words. However, the disciples of the Sacred Grounds beside them were also looking at Du Shaofu as if he was a lamb!    


"What an arrogant boy. Since you want to die so badly, how can we not help you!"    


The big sized man suddenly roared in anger, his body was extremely nimble, and he rushed towards Du Shaofu!    


"Attack together. The benefits will be divided evenly!"    


"A mere person with insignificant Yu Qing Divine Kingdom dares to be so arrogant, I'll send you to your death today!"    


"Kill him and seize the lotus!"    


As the big man made his move, even more experts also made their moves!    


Dozens of figures rushed out, all rushing towards Du Shaofu!    


"Holy Son, let's …"    


From Extensive Beginning Holy Land side, a disciple went to Su Moyan's side and was interrupted halfway through his words.    


"No rush, wait a moment!"    


Su Moyan waved his hand and said softly.    


The other Chi Yuanlin and Lian Caiyun also chased away the disciples who were about to make a move, preventing them from going forward to fight for the treasures!    


"Let's first check out his strength first. I keep having the feeling that this kid is really strange and isn't easy to deal with!"    


Chi Yuanlin muttered, and then quieted down, and raised his head to look at the sky.    


It was obvious that the three Holy Lands didn't plan to take action. Perhaps they just wanted to wait and see what would happen, then act when the time was right!    


When the three groups of people combined, they occupied forty percent of the total number of people. As a result, at this moment, there were a total of more than sixty figures that pounced towards Du Shaofu!    


"Brother Du, we'll cover you. You go first!"    


Xiao Yun said to Du Shaofu as he brought seven disciples of the Qing Cang Holy Land up front.    


He was panicking in his heart. After all, there were simply too many enemies at this time. If he didn't quickly retreat, he feared that he really might end up in a bad situation!    


However, just as he finished speaking, Du Shaofu gently pulled Xiao Yun back, and he said: "All of you, do not attack. After we get rid of these cats and dogs, we will distribute the treasures! "    


Xiao Yun was already injured, and the others were also severely injured, so it was not appropriate for them to continue fighting!    


"What an arrogant hooligan! He dares to dream of fighting dozens of people alone!"    


On the other side, the burly man had already rushed over, and after hearing Du Shaofu's words, he could not help but sneer.    


The big man was laughing in his heart. How could he have met such a reckless kid?    


Who did he think he was? To be able to fight against so many proficient Choppers by himself?    


Not to mention him, even if the strongest Holy Son Holy Maiden Su Moyan, Chi Yuanlin, Lian Caiyun and the others were to attack at the same time, they would still be smashed into pieces!    


Over sixty slashes at the Perfection Stage, even if it was against an expert with Immortal Cloud One, it would still be worth fighting!    


"This kid is simply too arrogant to the point that it makes one's blood boil!"    


Some experts sneered, and then rushed forward at the same time!    


Facing the encirclement and annihilation of these strong warriors, Du Shaofu did not move and did not shake, even going to the extent of directly welcoming them, and taking the initiative to fight!    


A blazing light rose from his body as his Power of Laws s surged mightily. Wave after wave of an intangible charm exploded forth from his body!    


"Brother Du!"    


Seeing the purple-robed youth rush out, Xiao Yun stretched out his hand, wanting to say something, but was stopped by Meng Dongyang.    


"Don't worry Holy Son, I think I can handle this situation!"    


Although his words were serious, they did not carry much seriousness.    


"That's right!" Let the Divine Emperor go fight alone, if he really needs our help, we can help him! "    


Zhang Haoran also stepped forward and nodded his head, while Teng Yuanshan who was at the side also nodded his head.    


They were well aware of Du Shaofu's strength. When the spatial and physical laws had reached the late stage of True Severing, he would already be able to fight against the top one hundred powerhouses of the Yu Qing Divine Kingdom!    


Now, he had even mastered the four great primal laws to perfection. Such a heaven defying level of cultivation was definitely unrivalled in this world!    


The three of them believed that even if there was a second stage Innate realm expert present, the Divine Emperor would be able to handle it. Even if he was killed, it would not be impossible!    


Therefore, the sixty people in front of him were probably nothing to worry about!    


But when they heard what Xiao Yun and the rest of the Qing Cang Holy Land said, they were stunned!    


"Is he really that strong?"    


Xiao Yun frowned, he did not dare believe it in the slightest.    


He turned his head and looked towards Du Shaofu's direction with skeptical eyes. He wanted to see the true strength of the purple-robed youth!    


If it was really as Meng Dongyang and the other two had said, then the difference between him and was just too great, and he could fight against dozens of experts at the peak of the True Severing Stage by himself.    


"Where did they get their confidence from?"    


The rest of the Qing Cang Holy Land were also filled with doubts and were extremely puzzled.    


And under their attentive gazes, Du Shaofu instantly collided with dozens of people!    


"I'll use you guys to test out my strength after I break through!"    


Du Shaofu shouted, and waved his hand!    


boom boom boom *    


The nine Purple Thunder Profound Cauldron smashed through the void like nine towering mountains, directly smashing into the crowd!    


Immediately after, his throat released an earth-shaking dragon's roar, and his body instantly transformed. The second transformation of the Cyan Spirit Armor was unleashed, transforming into a huge green dragon.    




The disciples of the various major forces were all shouting, wave after wave of world-piercing attacks fiercely crashed down, surging up with terrifying waves, surging towards Du Shaofu!    


Every single person here was an expert, and they were all existences that could suppress a region. Their attacks arrived at the same time and instantly reduced the space around them to a state of utter chaos!    




Du Shaofu let out a long roar, the nine Divine Thunder Cauldron suppressed in all directions, and all of their attacks were destroyed without form!    


Then, his draconic tail swept out in a vertical slash, directly striking the two figures and sending them flying!    


After the breakthrough, the second form of the Cyan Spirit Armor, the Azure Dragon body, was also much stronger than before.    


The faces of those people who were sent flying paled a bit. Even though they didn't sustain any serious injuries due to their deep cultivation base, they still felt the vibrations and the blood in their bodies churning!    


After recovering slightly, they did not hesitate and rushed towards Du Shaofu once again.    


"You do indeed have some strength, but you still have to die!"    


When the burly man saw this, his eyelids unconsciously twitched. After suppressing the shock in his heart, he gritted his teeth and spoke.    


He was also from a Sacred Ground, so as a Holy Son, his strength was naturally extremely strong. However, he felt that there was still a huge difference in strength between what Du Shaofu had just displayed and what he had displayed!    


"Kill!" I have never seen anyone who could fight against dozens of enemies by himself! "    


An expert coldly shouted, and together with the rest of the experts, he unleashed a wave of light from the Mandate of Force, wanting to kill Qin Wentian!    


Almost all of the experts at the perfection stage were disciples of the Sacred Grounds, and every single one of them were extremely terrifying. There were even many Holy Maiden of the Holy Son, who knew how much stronger they were compared to those of the same realm as them!    


None of them believed that the young Yu Qing Divine Emperor was capable of suppressing the entire audience and sweeping away all the heroes!    


Under the situation where their realms were similar, the sacred daughters of the various Sacred Grounds could practically represent the strongest true slaying Cultivator in all of the 33 Heavens!    




Du Shaofu did not bother to talk with them, he only roared and roared. The Dragon Body rolled and flew about, smashing apart the attacks of the various experts time and time again!    


In the sky, the nine Divine Thunder Cauldron charged about unhindered, smashing apart the layers of light beams formed by the Laws!    


After several rounds of exchange, there were at least 20 people that were swept by the dragon's tail or smashed by a large cauldron; their shock was not small!    


At the same time, Du Shaofu's Dragon Body had also received a few strong attacks and burst open, but after recovering his Immortal Profound Body, it quickly healed!    


Suddenly, a subtle balance appeared in the battle!    


This scene caused everyone's hearts to jump out of their chests!    


"How can he be so strong!"    


"That's impossible! A cultivation base at the great circle of the truth, how could it possibly be so terrifying!? "    


"Too terrifying, this is too abnormal!"    


The eyes of the people from Extensive Beginning Holy Land, True Yan Holy Land, and Jing Yue Holy Land were all opened wide, as though they were looking at a monster, staring at the dancing green dragon body in the sky!    


The three Holy Son Holy Maiden's hearts also jumped, as though they wanted to jump out of their throats!    


They simply couldn't believe the scene that was unfolding in front of them. The strength of that violet-robed youth was simply too shocking!    


If they hadn't seen it happen today, no matter how much they let go of their imagination, they definitely wouldn't have dared to believe that there was actually someone in the world with such terrifying Cut Truth Stage!    


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