Martial God Conqueror



The battle at the Certify Martial Arena during the day had shocked everyone. The outcome of the battle had completely engulfed all four sides of the family.    


The strongest amongst the younger generation of the Law Family, Han Qianran, was defeated.    


The name of War God was spread throughout the legal world.    


The moon shone brightly in the sky, and in the ancient grand hall, many elderly people sat upright with serious expressions on their faces.    


"It's hard to spy on him, and he seems to be a bit lecherous."    


In the hall, Clan Elder Shang Yin spoke out, this was his evaluation of the fellow.    


"Fusing three Spirit Lightning s is a miracle. If that kid is really lustful, it would be easy to deal with him. Let him stay in the Dharma Clan and once the Divine Domain Space is activated, he would be our Dharma Artifact Foreman. He would be able to suppress everyone." The old man in the lead position spoke, and his eyes shone with a profound light. The more he looked at Meng Hao, the more resplendent his gaze became.    


Han Qianran was also defeated, such a young man, is he really someone that the outside world can nurture?    


A elder opened his mouth and slightly frowned as he said, "Could it be the legendary descendant of those few terrifying existences in this world?"    


"He has the Golden Crow Burning Sky Thunder related to the Golden Winged Roc race. Rumor has it that the Golden Crow Burning Sky Thunder left the Golden Winged Roc race a long time ago. However, with the strength of the Golden Crow Burning Sky Thunder, there shouldn't be many people in this world that could do anything to him. With that brat's strength and cultivation level, it's impossible for him to fuse them ? "    


"Qing Yu, Chen Qiong, did the two of you notice that it might be that brat?" An old man spoke in the main hall, exuding a majestic aura.    


"It's difficult to pry, but it shouldn't be. Does that boy have the strength to defeat Qianran?"    


Qing Yu said. He had spied from afar, and it was difficult for him to pry anything out, but he did not believe that the kid would have the power to defeat Han Qianran.    


"He doesn't look like one either. However, that kid shouldn't be so crafty." Chen Qiong hesitated for a while before he spoke.    


"Maybe we know too little about him. No matter what, we will know the result tomorrow." Within the great hall, someone spoke. Although his voice wasn't loud, it was enough to shake the entire ancient hall.    


At night, the white moonlight shined on the ancient city.    


At night, a middle-aged man with disheveled hair staggered along the empty street. He wore a dark long robe that had not been washed for a long time; he looked like a beggar.    


There were armored disciples patrolling the street. When they saw the middle-aged man, they respectfully stood to the side, but they did not dare to approach. They did not make a sound and only continued patrolling after the middle-aged man had stumbled away.    


The middle-aged man arrived at a wide and ancient courtyard. He stood in front of the courtyard and lifted his head slightly. One could vaguely see that under the disheveled hair was an extremely handsome face.    


This courtyard was the courtyard Du Shaofu was resting on. Deep into the night, it was quiet.    


Staring at the courtyard, the drunk middle-aged man quietly left with a glimmer in his eyes beneath his messy hair.    


The next morning, when the first rays of dawn broke through the veil of the night, the sun rose from the east to spit out the brilliant morning light ?    




When the sky lit up and the first ray of sunlight shone on the Certify Martial Arena, the entire area around the Certify Martial Arena was already filled with a sea of people.    


There were men, women, old and young, all of them gathering at the vast plaza. Almost all the disciples of the Law Family had gathered at the Certify Martial Arena.    


But today was very strange, as the surrounding Certify Martial Arena was completely silent, no one spoke a word.    




There were only occasionally beast roars coming from the surroundings.    


Above the Certify Martial Arena, a violet-haired youth stood there as though he had arrived early in the morning, his eyes slightly closed.    


His body was flowing with luster, and his clothes were fluttering. The surrounding space was a little distorted, and he was releasing an ancient, magnificent, and desolate misty aura. It was almost like he was surpassing the ordinary.    


He just stood there casually, yet others could feel that he was a genius among men, one of the most outstanding existences in the world.    


Under the faint sunlight, his purple hair was suffused with radiance, and his body was shrouded in radiance. Under the faint sunlight, his purple hair was suffused with radiance, and his body was shrouded in radiance.    


swish swish *    


Qi Jiajun, Heng Qi, Jiang Yunfeng, Hui Mutian, Long Wu, Long Ci, Huang Ling'er and the rest of the eight great families, Dragon Clan, and Phoenix Clan had all arrived one after another, causing a lot of commotion.    


However, it was still a beauty that couldn't bear to alarm the drawing man on the Certify Martial Arena. The purple-haired youth's current beauty had already fused together with the surrounding space, becoming completely natural.    


"Is he the one from the Dharma Clan!?"    


Qi Jiajun, Huang Ling'er and the rest looked at the figure standing on the Certify Martial Arena, their eyes narrowed, as though he was the ruler of this world.    


"He's a strong opponent!"    


As Heng Qi spoke, he felt just how terrifying that figure who stood there quietly was.    


The entire area was silent. The purple-haired youth stood tall and straight, his body straight like a sharp treasure sword. Once he unsheathed his sword, the surrounding cold energy would flow recklessly, and sword light would fill the world!    




In the courtyard, Du Shaofu who was seated cross-legged spat out a mouthful of turbid air, and the white divine light surrounding him converged into his mouth and nose, as well as the pores all over his body and entered his body.    


His pair of eyes opened, and all types of light shone in his eyes. Soon after, it returned back to its clear and bright state.    


Beneath the battle robe, Du Shaofu's skin was sparkling and translucent like jade, giving off a feeling of mystery.    


"Everyone is waiting for you. If you don't dare to use your Certify Martial Arena today, then just say so."    


The moment Du Shaofu walked out of the courtyard, he saw Li Mi.    


Seemingly because of some grievances she had suffered when she went back last night, Li Mi was becoming more and more hostile towards Du Shaofu, but she also became a little fearful.    


The elder had already warned him that if this youth left the family, she would be directly expelled as well. She did not expect the clan to value this fellow to such an extent that they would be able to expel him from the family.    


Therefore, at this moment, Li Mi really wished that this rascal would be brutally abused by Brother Shao Mo. She was afraid that the clan would not value this rascal so much and she would no longer need to care about this hooligan bastard.    


"Who said I don't dare? If I go early, I might not win. Besides, I'm already an invincible war god!"    


Du Shaofu's face was full of confidence as he stared at Li Mi. He smiled evilly and said, "Think carefully about it, once I win today, I will immediately marry the six beauties of the legal family. If you don't be more courteous to me, I will marry you first, and then I will divorce you immediately the next day."    


"You're an idiot! How dare you!"    


Li Mi immediately stomped her feet and cursed. She had never seen such a shameless fellow before.    


"Alright, we should set off now!"    


Han Luoyu helplessly smiled. She clearly knew that regardless of whether this mysterious youth in front of her won or lost, he would still be someone that the entire clan valued.    


If this young man was able to win today, then the importance that the clan attached to him would definitely reach a new height. Perhaps, they might really be able to marry him and let him watch over six people.    


However, in Han Luoyu's heart, he was very clear that no matter how strong this youth was, how could he defeat him? He was a monstrous existence.    


The Certify Martial Arena, the surrounding vast plaza, and the human figures were like a tide.    


Many experts, elders, protectors, and other figures in the entire family appeared around the Certify Martial Arena today.    


Han Qianran was also there. Behind him were Li Chuya, Qin Zhe and the other outstanding youths of the Dharma Clan.    


They silently stood under the Certify Martial Arena, not saying a single word. Their expressions were solemn, and any one of their auras were extremely powerful.    


"This wargod is here, why aren't you picking up the driver!"    


When such a loud shout came from far away, it was like a clap of thunder that resounded in all directions.    


"This guy finally came, and he's still so arrogant!"    


The entire area was in an uproar, and that loud shout finally disrupted the mental state around Certify Martial Arena.    


Everyone looked up and saw a young man in battle clothes appear in the air, followed by two beautiful women.    


From afar, it looked like he was hugging on both sides.    


"It's Li Mi and Han Luoyu, my heart!"    


At this moment, it was unknown how many young men were heartbroken.    


Qi Jiajun, Heng Qi, Xu Lingzi, Mo Junyu and the others squinted their eyes, looking at the young man dressed in battle robes flying towards them, their gazes were filled with complex emotions.    


"All of you go to the side and wait for me, in case I hurt you guys later. Later, we can go back and have a good talk about the dual cultivation tonight."    


Du Shaofu hugged the two girls from left and right, his voice loud.    




Li Mi scolded loudly and kicked him, causing Han Luoyu to shyly avoid her kick.    


But at this time, Du Shaofu's figure had already disappeared, as though a ray of rainbow had landed on the Certify Martial Arena.    


"Bastard, that was my dream lover. He ruined me!"    


The crowd cursed as they stared at the arrogant brat hugging them from left to right. This was blatant bravery. The hearts of countless youngsters were dripping with blood.    


Under the Certify Martial Arena, Han Qianran raised his head and looked at the young man in battle robes.    


Du Shaofu changed into a clean set of battle uniform and seemed to have purposely washed himself.    


The purple-haired young man slowly lowered his face. His purple hair was extremely eye-catching.    


Then he opened his eyes, which shone with a kind of innate pride, but also a sort of coldness.    




And also at this moment, when the purple-haired youth opened his eyes, the light in them grew brighter and brighter, illuminating the entire Certify Martial Arena like a divine light, accompanied by an overwhelming aura that swept out in all directions.    


Under this aura, the surrounding space started to tremble.    


No one would have thought that the violet-haired youth would instantly make a move. His aura made it hard for people to calm their hearts, as though there was a great suppressive force weighing down on them.    


"Too strong!"    


Qi Jiajun, Heng Qi and the other young experts were all shocked.    


The purple-haired youth was currently enshrouded in radiance. He was spotless and untainted by dust and purple light, as if a deity had descended into this world. He was extraordinary and unparalleled.    


"Make your move. Let me see your strength!"    


The purple-haired youth spoke with a calm expression. His entire body was glowing, causing the surrounding people to look at him with a sense of respect, as if he was a god.    


"If you want me to make a move, then do it! Don't you know that you need to prepare some treasures for me to make a move? Otherwise, if all those cats and dogs want to challenge me, I'll be too busy to do so!"    


But what responded to the purple-haired youth was Du Shaofu's loud shout that shook the skies; his aura was astonishing, and he was not courteous at all.    


"Gu Gu"    


Hearing Du Shaofu's loud shout, countless people in the surroundings gasped, their hairs standing on end. That arrogant brat actually dared to act so arrogantly towards him.    




Suddenly, the heaven and earth began to tremble. Resplendent rays of light illuminated the heavens.    


A trident that was wrapped in resplendent rune appeared on top of the Certify Martial Arena, as the terrifying aura shattered the surrounding space.    


When that resplendent trident appeared, all of the experts present trembled in fear as their hair stood on end.    


It was as though a chill had suddenly gushed into their hearts that could freeze their bone marrow and split their primordial spirit.    


"The Guardian Holy Artifact 'Void Holy Light Halberd'. Oh my god, I'm not seeing things, am I?!"    


The voices of the eight noble families, Dragon Clan and young experts with Phoenix Clan were trembling.    


Under that terrifying pressure, the ground quaked, creating a strange phenomenon.    


That three-pronged halberd hovered in the air, shining with dazzling light that illuminated the heavens and the earth. Its power caused strange phenomena to occur in the heaven and earth; it was extremely terrifying.    


"Win against me, today's Void Holy Light halberd is yours, if not, this halberd will behead you!"    


The purple-haired youth said, although his expression darkened by quite a bit, his bearing did not decrease, his voice still remained cold and calm, and he said: "However, to deal with you, there is no need to use the Void Holy Light Halberd!"    


"I accept!"    


Du Shaofu said, his gaze looking at the void Holy Light halberd, it was an absolute treasure, it could shake the world but it was far from being able to compare, most likely this void Holy Light halberd, was already the law family's treasure.    


"Make your move. Set up the Talisman Array s and use your Primordial Spirit to attack. Let me see what level you have reached."    


He was Han Yingmo, a name that only a few people in this world knew, but those who knew of this name would never doubt his power.    


He was not the number one person in the outer sect younger generation of the Law Family, but in front of him, Han Qianran, the number one person of the Law Family's younger generation, had to be respectful and respectful.    


"So noisy. Do you have another sense of superiority? The younger generation of the Law Family is unable to withstand a single blow from me. What qualifications do you have to act like a chicken in front of me!"    


Du Shaofu could not stand the attitude of the purple-haired youth, nor his gaze.    


Du Shaofu had more or less heard about the other party's identity yesterday.    


Han Yingmo, the hidden evildoer of the Law Family. Although Han Qianran was the number one person in the younger generation, he was obtained when Han Yingmo no longer intervened.    


But Du Shaofu was the Demon King, he did not put Han Yingmo in his eyes.    


"Alright, then I'll help you!"    


Suddenly, a bright light exploded out from within his purple hair. Endless amounts of Talisman Secret Mark s exploded out of his hair, converging into a terrifying light, as if they were spreading out a godly picture. There were Demon Beast howling inside, billowing waves, and mountains collapsing, it was extremely terrifying.    


He apologised to everyone because he was meeting his relatives and friends for the holidays today. This chapter was the only thing he could do for now, so he could be considered to have been lazy during the holidays. Furthermore, the update would be in the evening tomorrow, while Xiao Yu was going to take the exam tomorrow.    


Finally, I wish you brothers and sisters a happy family, Mid-Autumn Festival many more with your family.    


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