Martial God Conqueror





In the next instant, a resplendent dark golden light filled the entire sky.    


A dark golden Golden Winged Roc appeared, with a wingspan of three thousand meters, blotting out the sun and blotting out the sky. A terrifying pressure that covered the sky descended, causing the heaven and earth to tremble!    


That was Jialou Jueming's actual body. The pair of eyes that was as black as a black hole looked down, and it caused people's heart to palpitate with fear. It was as if it could devour a person's soul.    


"Jialou Jueming was actually forced to use his true body!"    


Many of the disciples of the Golden Winged Roc Clan looked at Jialou Jueming's terrifying main body with focused eyes, even Jialou Jueyu was not his opponent, but at this moment, Jialou Jueming had actually used his main body against Du Shaofu, which was enough to prove just how terrifying the human Du Shaofu was.    


"Kid, everything is over now!"    


A sharp chill appeared in the pitch-black pupils of the original owner of the tower. Behind the massive dark-gold body, a dark golden glow suddenly surged and some runes began to circulate. An overbearing pressure burst out from the enormous body, and twenty-seven bright feathers wrapped in a dark golden glow appeared.    


Those were the twenty-seven Feather of the True Roc s. Jialou Jueming had activated them when he was fighting with Jialou Jueyu earlier.    


Although Jialou Jueming had taken away Jialou Jueyu's nine Feather of the True Roc s before, he had not refined them yet, so he could only use his own twenty-seven.    


"Heavens, Jialou Jueming is really angry!"    


"Twenty-seven Feather of the True Roc s, Jialou Jueming must want to kill that Du Shaofu in one go!"    


But at this moment, looking at Jialou Jueming who was using his main body, who had used twenty-seven Feather of the True Roc s the moment he attacked, the protectors of the elders seats below, and the disciples of the Golden Winged Roc Clan around him, all of their expressions changed.    


Even Jialou Changtian and the old lady's eyes surged with a golden light.    


Zi Xuan looked at the twenty-seven Feather of the True Roc s flying in the air, his purple eyes quietly surging with magnificent colors.    


"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"    


Under Jialou Jueming's control, the 27 black gold feather s flew out and seemed to have turned into 27 battle spears, causing the Space Ripple to boil.    


The twenty-seven feather battle spears were bright like lightning, piercing through the air one after another, terrifyingly powerful.    




The twenty-seven feather s seemed to be able to destroy anything. Carrying with them an illusionary phenomenon of Golden Winged Roc, they were shockingly powerful, and instantly swept towards Du Shaofu.    


At this moment, no matter who it was, they couldn't help but gasp for breath on Du Shaofu's behalf.    


With the power of Jialou Jueming using twenty Feather of the True Roc s, Cultivator in the initial stages of Martial Domain Stage would definitely have to dodge three of them. They wouldn't even dare to face them head on, so the consequences of being swept away could be imagined.    




At the same time, Du Shaofu also moved, his figure retreating. The Golden Wings of Great Roc flapped, and he continued to leap in the air, starting from his surroundings.    


At the same time, in the center of Du Shaofu's right palm, a blinding light that resembled divine light suddenly exploded forth.    




Dazzling light spread throughout the Talisman Secret Mark. A faint dragon's roar and tiger's roar could be heard as the sparrow croaking and turtle singing resonated within the world.    




The sound waves shook one's soul. Accompanied by gusts of wind and thunders, it was as if ghosts and gods were wailing as they surged out from the void!    


Du Shaofu floated horizontally in the air, the Golden Wings of Great Roc behind his back fluttered, the light in his hands became more and more resplendent, causing all the gazes around the plaza to tremble as they fell on Du Shaofu's body.    


Everyone could feel that there was a terrifying aura that was about to burst out from his right hand.    




In that moment, a purple and gold light started to shine from Du Shaofu's right palm. Violet-Golden Heaven Place was born, the God of hosts, was in the sky!    


In that instant, the Violet-Golden Heaven Place shot up into the sky, and a burst of dazzling light shot out like a suppressed volcano. The sound was thunderous, and the wails of ghosts and gods could be heard, as though there was the roar of a devil!    


The Divine Weapon was entirely purplish-gold in color. It looked like a tiger bone dragon with the wings of a heavenly phoenix soaring into the sky. It was like a phoenix soaring into the sun as it streaked across the nine heavens, causing the surrounding space to distort and explode.    


This terrifying might, caused all the surrounding gazes to shake, and caused their eyes to fall on the Violet-Golden Heaven Place in Du Shaofu's hands as though they had been electrocuted.    


"Do you really think This Emperor is an easy target!"    


Du Shaofu shouted as he waved the Violet-Golden Heaven Place in his hand, causing it to slip out of his hand.    


When the Peerless Divine Weapon appeared, it let out a dragon's roar and a tiger's cry and a bird's cry.    




At the same time, above the Violet-Golden Heaven Place, from within the resplendent purple gold rune, an Azure Dragon phantom, a White Tiger Phantom, a Phoenix phantom, and a Divine Tortoise appeared.    


When the Four Beasts Phantom appeared, the surrounding space around the phantom ruptured. A terrifying aura descended onto the entire space, causing one's soul to tremble!    


The four beast images roared, and the astonishing pressure became even more dumbstruck. With the spreading of the Peerless Divine Weapon's aura, it directly filled the skies and blocked Jialou Jueming's twenty-seven Feather of the True Roc s!    


That terrifying aura of four phantom s, awe-inspiring pressure roiled in all directions, covering the entire sky, causing many disciples of Golden Winged Roc s whose strength was not enough to tremble a little.    


"What a powerful godly weapon!"    


"So it turns out that human Du Shaofu still has such a treasure on his body!"    


The gazes all around the plaza were filled with shock and shock. That Divine Weapon was terrifying, following the terrifying Sword Qi flying in the sky, sword beams flew out one after another, causing cracks to appear on the surface of the Space Ripple.    


Cracks began to appear in the sky one after another, crisscrossing like spider webs.    


At this moment, looking at the Violet-Golden Heaven Place that Du Shaofu had suddenly summoned, Jialou Jueming's eyes moved slightly as he flapped his wings. The battle spears that the twenty-seven feather s had transformed into were shining brightly as they pierced straight towards the Azure Dragon White Tiger, the Phoenix Profound Spirit Qi Four Beasts Phantom, using the strength of the Grand Qi, wanting to destroy it.    


The Violet-Golden Heaven Place was very strong, but the twenty-seven Feather of the True Roc s that Jialou Jueming was activating seemed to be even stronger, and he was gradually trying to suppress the Four Beasts Phantom.    


The Feather of the True Roc was not an ordinary treasure, it was a treasure among treasures, and was considered one of the most important treasures in the entire Golden Winged Roc Clan.    


For countless years, there had only been nine Feather of the True Roc s within the Golden Winged Roc s.    


But right now, Jialou Jueming was still activating twenty-seven Feather of the True Roc s, how terrifying was that!    




The time that the Four Beasts Phantom s on the Violet-Golden Heaven Place were being suppressed also affected Du Shaofu greatly. He suddenly spat out a mouthful of pale golden blood, the huge pressure rampaging and attacking his body.    


Right at the same time he spat out the fresh blood from his mouth, the hand seal on Du Shaofu's hand flew out again.    


"Mad Dragon Nine Heavens, borrowing the power of Dragons!"    


A loud shout came out of Du Shaofu's mouth, resounding across the entire battlefield. A golden light erupted from the mountain stream into the sky, and with a lightning speed, five giant dragon phantom formed.    


At the moment, Du Shaofu was using the 'Mad Dragon Nine Heavens', which could increase his strength by a lot.    


Before this, Du Shaofu only had the power of four dragons to activate the Mad Dragon Nine Heavens, but now, it had reached the level of the power of five dragons.    


"Ao! Ao! Ao! Ao!"    


The five huge dragons roared, and their roars filled the nine heavens, causing the sky to boil, and in an instant, turned into five pillars of energy, striking Du Shaofu's body like lightning.    




In an instant, the aura around Du Shaofu's body that had just stepped into the Nirvana Martial Saint Level began to rise rapidly like a rocket. When the aura reached to the point where the Nirvana Martial Sovereign was about to reach the middle stages, it stopped.    


The power of five Dragons, from the edge of the Nirvana Martial Sovereign to the Nirvana Martial Sovereign, was just barely nearing the middle stages. This was already the limit of Du Shaofu's Mad Dragon Nine Heavens.    


"I didn't expect that human to have such a method!"    


In the elders' seats, the Third Elder's aged face also had some fluctuations to his gaze.    


Activating the Mad Dragon Nine Heavens, Du Shaofu's strength rose explosively, at the same time, everything seemed long. The speed of the condensed handprint was as fast as lightning, the aura in his body was completely connected to the Violet-Golden Heaven Place, and the Profound Qi in his body also flooded into the Violet-Golden Heaven Place like a flood.    




In an instant, the purple-golden light around the Violet-Golden Heaven Place grew even brighter. Right after the Azure Dragon White Tiger and Phoenix Profound Martial Four Beasts Phantom were suppressed, they bounced back again, directly blocking the twenty-seven Feather of the True Roc s.    


boom rumble rumble *    


At this moment in the sky, the sound of this showdown was like a clap of thunder as it shattered the space!    


All the people below were shocked. The human Du Shaofu was actually so terrifying, to actually use such a level of strength at this moment, he was actually hiding his true strength at the start.    


"Hallmaster is really awesome!"    


Seeing Du Shaofu fighting bravely like this, Jialou Jueming, Fantasy Tiger King, Xiao Yingying, Mad Bear King and the others were all pleasantly surprised, feeling a sense of pride in their hearts.    


Now that the battle had reached such a stage, even though Jialou Jueming's expression had changed, he still did not expect that the reason he had activated twenty-seven Feather of the True Roc s, was to defeat the human in one fell swoop.    


Who would have thought that the human in front of him was actually an endless stream of cards in his hand, blocking even his twenty-seven Feather of the True Roc s.    


"Exquisite divine weapons, secret method s that can raise your strength for a short period of time, these are all not your true strength, they cannot protect you for long!"    


Jialou Jueming bellowed as his pitch-black pupils looked down at the sky from above, like a black hole, trying to swallow the soul of thousands of people. With a flap of his wings, the resplendent black and gold rune grew even more violent, like a burst of divine light.    




Abruptly, the twenty-seven Feather of the True Roc s seemed to have been affected by something as bright and resplendent rune s exploded forth. In an instant, they lined up together in a mysterious manner, and finally formed an illusory Golden-winged Great Peng, a single-winged phantom.    


This Golden Winged Roc formed from twenty-seven Feather of the True Roc s, was a real Golden Wings of Great Roc.    


The black and gold colored resplendent rune filled the sky with a Zhi Zun's pressure, and flew fiercely towards the Four Beasts Phantom.    




That Golden Wings of Great Roc phantom roared as it pierced through the clouds and split rocks, clashing against the Four Beasts Phantom, and burst forth with divine light that filled the sky with golden light.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


Instantly, this confrontation caused the sounds of thunder and the interweaving rune to echo out in the sky. Cracks quietly appeared on the ground of the plaza below.    


"What a strong pressure, I can't resist it!"    


Under this kind of frightening might, a few Golden Winged Roc disciples were already crawling on the ground, unable to resist at all.    


Mad Bear King, Fantasy Tiger King and the others also had flushed faces as they tried their best to resist the frightening pressure that was spreading in all directions.    




Du Shaofu spat out another mouthful of blood. Under the impact of the great pressure, the Four Beasts Phantom started to dissipate and soon after, even the Violet-Golden Heaven Place were enveloped by the twenty-seven Golden Wings of Great Roc s, in an attempt to completely suppress the Violet-Golden Heaven Place.    


"With external help, you still don't have enough!"    


Jialou Jueming bellowed as his main body took the opportunity to swoop down from the skies. His giant black-gold claws extended out, ripping through space as he reached for Du Shaofu.    


"Your Feather of the True Roc, is only an external force. You need to rely on your own body to fight it, so I'll grant you that wish!"    


Du Shaofu raised his head, the golden light in his eyes was resplendent like golden lightning that shot into the sky. A resplendent golden light shot out into the sky from his body, sweeping out in all directions.    


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