Martial God Conqueror



With a short flash, a refined woman appeared in front of Grand Princess Cheng Shengnan. She slightly raised her head, her bright eyes fluctuating as she said, "Heavenly Lake Empire, Mu Xin."    


"Mu Xin, I have heard of you, a direct disciple of the Celestial Snake Sect."    


Cheng Shengnan looked at Mu Xin, his clear eyes moved, and the pretty face moved slightly. The Stone Dragon Wind Lightning Sword in his hand was suffused with multicolored light.    


Mu Xin looked at Cheng Shengnan, her lips curved up slightly, her white teeth bared, and said, "I have also heard of you, a disciple of the Radiant Temple."    


As her voice faded, Mu Xin turned her pure white palm, and a long green snake sword appeared in her hand. It looked agile, like a Spirit Snake soaring in the sky. The multicolored light suddenly blossomed and spread out ?    




As the Green Snake Sword was drawn out, the dazzling rune immediately shot up into the sky. Like a storm, waves of Energy of Heaven and Earth converged over and completely surrounded the area.    


"This is my sect's' Azure Sun Boundless Sword '. Middle Grade Dao Artifact, make your move."    


As soon as Mu Xin finished speaking, the azure sun on the Heaven's Expanse Sword in her hand started to spread out like a bright green sun, pressure spreading out, suppressing the sky!    


"The taste should be pretty good. I really want to eat it."    


Seeing Mu Xin's Azure Sun Boundless Sword, Du Xiaoyao's eyes lit up a little, and almost drooled.    


"Another set of Middle Grade Dao Artifact. It's really good to have a good background and background."    


Du Shaofu sighed as he looked at the space in front of him, Middle Grade Dao Artifact s were hard to obtain even for Martial King Stage experts, even if they were experts close to the legendary level, it was not necessarily possible for them to all have Middle Grade Dao Artifact s.    


And now, this Mu Xin and Grand Princess Cheng Shengnan both had Dao Artifact of the Middle Grade level on their bodies, which made Du Shaofu sigh emotionally.    


However, when he thought about how he currently had a 'Domineering Shadow' on him and the even more powerful 'Violet-Golden Heaven Place' that he was unable to use, Du Shaofu felt much more balanced in his heart.    


In mid-air, two peerless beauties stood in mid-air. They were extremely charming, and both of them caused the man to suddenly lose his soul.    


Under the focus of many gazes, the two beautiful figures in the air shut their eyes after their four eyes met.    


After the two girls closed their eyes, the pretty face s immediately became solemn and holy. Their respective bodies were enveloped in light, and their moving appearances were unforgettable. "Buzz buzz!"    


And in that instant, the swords in their hands floated in front of each of them, emitting 'clang clang' sounds. Multicolored light surged, and the Talisman Secret Mark s spread out, constantly releasing dazzling light.    


"Swoosh swoosh!"    


Suddenly, the two swords in the air moved, both of them releasing dazzling Rune Light s, releasing a strong Qi.    


The glow of the Azure Sun Boundless Sword was like the sun, colliding against the Stone Dragon Wind Thunder Sword. Wave after wave of terrifying sword lights exploded outwards, like the surging waves of the ocean.    


Inside the Stone Dragon Wind Thunder Sword, a 'buzzing' sound of wind and thunder could be heard. It transformed into nine identical treasured swords, all of which were flashed by rune, forming a set of Sword Array.    


The two terrifying Dao Artifact of the Middle Grade level suddenly collided in the air with a loud bang, both of them churning in midair, their light dazzling, their power erupting.    


The might of the Azure Sun Boundless Sword was terrifying, the sword beams wreaking havoc like the howling waves of the ocean, causing billows that reached the heavens. The waves were becoming more and more terrifying, Talisman Secret Mark surged, suppressing the sky!    


The Stone Dragon Wind Thunder Sword had many changes. The Sword Array was astonishing, the wind and thunder resounded, the Talisman Secret Mark was resplendent and high up in the sky, shocking one's soul.    


The battle between the two treasured swords seemed to tear apart the world. It was as if they wanted to flip space itself, as if a sea of swords occupied the sky and their pressure was overwhelming the heavens and the earth!    


Watching the Dao Artifact fight in the sky, everyone was stunned. They gasped, the battle between the two ladies had reached such a stage.    


"With their souls on the sword, these two people have already merged their souls with the Dao Artifact. This realm is something that ordinary people are unable to accomplish, but I never thought that Grand Princess would also reach this stage."    


was quite surprised. The cultivation strength of Grand Princess Cheng Shengnan at the moment was something she was far from being able to compare to.    


"This kind of fight is even more dangerous than a physical fight. If one isn't careful, it will damage one's mind and soul, destroying their heavy weapons would result in certain death."    


Guo Shaofeng said softly. At this moment, his deep gaze was tightly locked in mid-air.    


Gui Wa stood behind Du Shaofu and was the closest to him. He lightly pushed on Du Shaofu's shoulders and asked: "Who do you think will win?"    


Du Shaofu looked at the scene, and saw that the levels of the two women's cultivation seemed to be almost the same.    


The Stone Dragon Wind Thunder Sword and Azure Sun Heaven's Boundless Sword were both Middle Grade Dao Artifact, and were both extraordinary. It was truly not easy to determine the victor of this battle.    


"It can't be a tie, can it? I can't see it either."    


After sizing him up for a while, Du Shaofu smiled bitterly and replied Gui Wa.    


At this moment, the rows of experts at the front row, Suppress North King s, Nation Defence King s and quite a few others were looking at the sky with concern. There were quite a few who had nervous expressions in their eyes.    


"I didn't expect that Stone Dragon Empire to be so talented. No wonder some people in this country are afraid."    


Within the Heavenly Lake Empire lineup, the black haired old man looked towards the sky, the light in his eyes shifting slightly.    


"He does indeed have some background, I never thought that this Cheng Shengnan of Cheng Family would also have reached such a level." The Crane Hair Elder said.    


"Although it's passable, it can't change the outcome." Lv Kun said softly, he looked at the competition grounds for a moment, his gaze did not change much.    




In mid-air, the sword rays that filled the skies were terrifying to the extreme, even causing the hearts of the onlookers to tremble with fear.    


The monstrous sword beam wreaked havoc as though it was a disaster. The wind and clouds had already started to churn in mid-air. The sky was dark and the ground was dark. The eruption of energy was extremely violent and shocking to the soul.    


Countless streaks of sword-light collided against each other. The sword-light rippled out, and the 'crackling' sound of the sword-light continued to ring out in the air. The sound of the wind and thunder rang out, spreading throughout the world.    


Terrifying sword beams swept out like a tsunami, destroying everything along the way. It was extremely terrifying.    


"Too strong!"    


Amongst the crowd, many of them were trembling, feeling extremely uneasy.    


In this terrifying confrontation, the two girls who had their eyes tightly shut suddenly opened them at the same time in mid-air. The Rune Light s in their eyes flickered as a vast radiance surged around them.    


"Python Town!"    


Mu Xin moved, her feet lightly tapped the air, and her entire body was covered in multicolored light. Her white hands flew, and formed a Spirit Python wrapped in light, the Talisman Secret Mark moved, and directly struck Cheng Shengnan.    


Grand Princess Cheng Shengnan also moved, her entire body releasing rays of light that resembled a full moon halo, enveloping her beautiful and charming body, causing people's hearts to tremble, her beauty was unparalleled.    


"Phoenix Dance of the World!"    


The seals changed. At this moment, the beautiful pretty face s were holy and noble, untainted by worldly flames, strong and graceful. The Talisman Secret Mark around its body surged and transformed into an illusory Phoenix phantom, engulfing everything with a loud bang.    




In such a confrontation, it was as if the entire world was flipped upside down. A terrifying aura overflowed into the heavens, and the surrounding space trembled as streams of divine light burst forth.    


"Bang, bang, bang!"    


At this moment, the ground of the plaza unceasingly cracked and spread to a far distance. The sky above was filled with the sound of explosions, and many of the plaza's grounds were directly blasted into smithereens.    


Not to mention the onlookers, even the elders on the city gate tower were shocked by such a terrifying scene.    


Many old men felt that they were inferior to this terrifying power.    


The vast Qi then disappeared, and in the air, the two swords returned to their hands. Everything seemed to have returned to normal, but because of the fight between the two, the entire plaza seemed to have been overturned.    


The two girls stepped into the air with extraordinary grace. Their hair were slightly disheveled, rippling with strong wind, and their hair fluttered, adding to their charm.    


"It seems like the victor can only be decided by them. What do you think?"    


Mu Xin spoke as she stared at the graceful and slender figure in front of her, with a trace of shock in her eyes.    


"That's right, let them decide the victor." Cheng Shengnan nodded his head. His eyes were indifferent, his temperament was chilly and he appeared to be noble at the same time.    


"Chi Chi!"    


The four pairs of eyes looked at each other, as if they had a tacit understanding. Each of them put away their Dao Artifact s, and two beautiful figures leapt into the air at almost the same time, returning back to their original positions.    




When Mu Xin returned to the Heavenly Lake Empire lineup, her graceful figure landed, and she could no longer hold back the blood in her mouth and directly spat it out. She then took out a handkerchief to wipe the blood off the corner of her mouth, looked at Lv Kun, and said: "Senior Brother Lu, I'll leave it to you."    


"Cheng Shengnan is very strong, leave it to me, the results of the Stone Dragon Empire cannot be changed." Lv Kun slowly stood up, and the sinister energy started to fluctuate from his body.    




Within the Stone Dragon Empire, following after Cheng Shengnan's return, under the attentive gazes of many, the expression of the moving pretty face changed all of a sudden, as a mouthful of fresh blood sprayed out from her mouth as well.    


"It is indeed a tie."    


Du Shaofu said softly, looking at Cheng Shengnan's expression, he was afraid that Mu Xin was not much better off, if not she would not have intentionally tied.    


Cheng Shengnan's gaze turned towards the handsome green clothed man beside Nation Defence King. She bit her lips and said: "I'll leave it to you, you definitely cannot lose."    


The green clothed man stood up, and his figure was long and graceful. His eyes carried a little pride, as if that pride came from birth, and he replied softly. "I will not disgrace the name of Du Family, I will not disgrace the name of Stone Dragon Empire!"    


"In this draw, the final two contestants will be fighting."    


On top of the city gate tower, the big sized man only regained his senses after a while, only then did he realize that Grand Princess and Mu Xin had reached a draw. He loudly announced, the sound wave pierced through the clouds, following that, a long and low bell sound rang out.    




As the bell tolled, the entire venue boiled up.    


Even now, the eight people were still in a draw. The final round would determine the true victory or defeat of a nation.    


Everyone was very clear that during the earlier confrontation between the eight contenders, none of them were able to shake the hearts of others.    


But in this year's national war, the true pinnacle of battles would undoubtedly be these two.    


And now, the final battle between these two would begin!    


Xiao Yu's old problem is that he has written a lot of words and many of his friends have also expressed their opinions, so these fights will all be suppressed in one chapter and will require me to think about some novel fights. As such, I only spent a few hours writing this chapter and hope that the recent battles will change and my friends will be able to feel the ideas that Xiao Yu is working hard for, and they will also welcome everyone to tell Xiao Yu that Xiao Yu has made great progress in writing this chapter and thank you all once again.    


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