Martial God Conqueror



"It's better if you take care of your life first. Whether you can escape from us is another story!"    


Hearing the Blood Ancestor's words, Lu Jingyun could not help but laugh coldly as he replied.    


The other experts from the 33 Heavens all had cold expressions on their faces as they scoffed!    


They naturally understood the Blood Progenitor's thoughts. As an expert who had already become infamous in the ancient times, he walked out of his own great Dao with Dao Bearing and broke free from the bindings of the laws of the heavens and earth. How extraordinary!    


Normally speaking, a Dao Bearing Expert was an existence that stood above all living beings, an existence that overlooked everything!    


But in the recent few years, ever since they had escaped Yuan Feng's suppression, the first thing the Blood Progenitor did was meet Lu Shaoyou. He was injured by him and even had one of his wings broken.    


In the eleventh level of hell today, he had even fallen into the hands of a group of weak creatures.    


The Blood Progenitor couldn't accept such a result. His heart was filled with hatred!    


He hated Du Shaofu, Lu Jingyun, Long Que and the others more than he hated Lu Shaoyou!    


This was a humiliation that was enough to make him the laughingstock of all living beings. How could the Blood Progenitor not feel the itch in his teeth!    


"You sharp-tongued brat, not only you, even your father won't be able to escape from the demon race's attack. Just you wait!"    


Lu Jingyun's words made the Blood Progenitor even more furious.    


He turned his head and roared loudly. His eyes shone with a sharp, knife-like light!    


He hated the heavens, but he couldn't do anything to those weak creatures behind him!    


At the moment, if he did not escape quickly, he would be in great danger!    


"A Dao Bearing Expert has actually become a stray dog! If I were a member of the devil race, I would feel ashamed to be with you! "    


Long Xu also pulled the corner of his mouth, and said sarcastically while chasing after him.    


"This old thing probably used up all his luck back in the ancient times. Coming out from Firmament Immortal Heaven's Tomb of the Void Mountain, it was specially given to us weak beings to be beaten up!"    


Long Que did not soften his mouth at all as he mocked directly.    


"You old bird, it's better if you have the guts to continue battling!" See how we suppress you, pluck all your bird feathers, and stew your flesh in a pot of chicken soup! "    


An elder from the 33rd Heaven also had a smile on his face as he chased after the crowd with sarcastic remarks.    


"Old fart, don't run. Aren't we ants in your eyes?"    


"Come and fight. Seeing that both your arms are broken, we will naturally give way to you!"    


"Come on old bird, do you really know how to run like a dog?"    


The remaining hundred or so Sedentary Amnesia Expert s of the 33 Heavens began to curse one after another at the Blood Progenitor!    


The old man, who was running for his life, had a gloomy face. He did not say anything else and kept on running.    


He knew that the purpose of these people were to use words to provoke him. They wanted to anger him so that he could stop and continue the fight!    


The Blood Progenitor had lived for countless years, so he naturally could not easily believe the lies of those people. That was an insult to his intelligence!    


However, the Blood Progenitor knew that their words were like sharp blades that stabbed into his heart and made him feel hatred!    


Ever since the creation of this world and the birth of a Xiantian lifeform like him, the Blood Progenitor had never suffered such humiliation.    


However, anger was anger. Logic told him that he absolutely could not stay, or else he would be in danger!    


"Old Devil, don't run!"    


The thirty-three days and a hundred people were pursuing him with all their might. They wanted to block the Blood Progenitor's path and stop him!    


Even though he was severely injured, he was still able to run very fast. In addition to the special characteristics of the blood coloured phoenix, his speed was even more terrifying, showing signs of gradually losing everyone!    


Everyone chased closely after the Blood Progenitor's body, closely following him. Then, they simply couldn't reach him!    


"This old geezer doesn't seem to simply want to escape. Otherwise, he could have entered the tenth level above the eleventh level of hell!"    


Beside Lu Jingyun and the rest, a strong Ranker frowned and said.    


"He's leading us around in circles. It seems like he wants to circle to the entrance of the twelfth level and enter a deeper level!"    


Someone at the side caught on and understood the Blood Progenitor's intentions.    


The Blood Progenitor's plan was just as he had said. The Blood Progenitor moved swiftly through the eleventh level of hell. However, even if he didn't enter the tenth level, he still wouldn't be able to find a place to hide.    


Imperceptibly, the old ghost was walking deeper and deeper towards the entrance of the twelfth level. It seemed like he wanted to enter the twelfth level, or even deeper!    


"That's right, the Blood Progenitor isn't a fool!" If he were to head towards the tenth level of hell, we would definitely chase after him. Reaching that step would be the biggest disadvantage for him! Therefore, if he wanted to live, the best place to do so was the twelfth level of hell! There, he will be able to obtain the protection of a powerful demon, as well as a certain amount of resources, in order to recover his own cultivation! "    


Lu Jingyun nodded and said.    


When everyone heard this, they immediately agreed.    


Millions of them had made their way to the eleventh level of hell. If the Blood Progenitor were to go up, then it would be no different from walking into a trap once they broke into the 33 Heavens!    


With his remaining strength, it was not enough for him to protect himself from the besieging experts of the 33 Heavens!    


If they were to enter the twelfth level and beyond, their millions of people would definitely be obstructed by the demons. This was a rare opportunity for the Blood Progenitor to escape!    


Once they reached that place, they would meet with even stronger demons. The Blood Progenitor could use the hands of the devil race to find a place to continue healing his wounds!    


Even more so, under the actions of countless Devil Clan expert, having the chance to see so many strong practitioners of the 33 Heavens suffer miserable deaths may not be certain!    


"We can't let him escape into the twelfth level of hell. Otherwise, with this old fogey here, our actions will be quickly known by the demons! At that time, it will be extremely difficult to advance further! "    


Some experts had dark expressions as they spoke.    


On their way here, it was simply like pulling apart dry weeds, like a hot knife through butter. The demons simply did not form an effective defense!    


This was all thanks to the barrier between the eighteen levels of hell, which made it difficult for word to spread.    


If the Blood Progenitor successfully escaped and entered the twelfth level of hell, the demons deep inside would be prepared. What they would have to face next would be an unimaginably tough battle!    


Devil Ancestor, the two Great Demon Attendants, and several Demon Generals were all from Lord of Terror. Among them, Devil Ancestor had undoubtedly already recovered his Dao Bearing Stage, so if he wanted to ravage them, it would be as easy as flipping his hand!    


At that time, with millions of people on his side, many would perish and be buried in the 18 Hells!    


Therefore, even the experts of the 33 Heavens were unwilling to see such a scene!    


Just as everyone was deep in their thoughts, Lu Jingyun suddenly spoke out, as if he was pouring cold water on them!    


His words were heavy and his expression was serious as he said, "I'm afraid that at this time, our whereabouts have already been discovered by the demon race! Whether other people knew or not, was unpredictable, but for Devil Ancestor, he must have already known everything! "    


There wasn't much lamentation in his voice, as if such things were within his predictions.    


Hearing these words, the hundred over Sedentary Amnesia Expert s all felt a chill in their hearts.    


However, no one was surprised. It made sense to think about it a little.    


Who was the Devil Ancestor?    


These were gods and devils that had emerged from the Primal Chaos, gods and devils that had established eighteen levels of hell, battling Pangu, Euphorbia Heaven Saint and the other Rankers. They were existences whose Pan Gu World and sky were filled with blood!    


There was no doubt that he was strong. It would not be difficult for him to understand the movements of millions of people.    


"Being spied on by the Devil Ancestor is the same thing. I'm afraid the demons will start to deal with us! If that's really the case, then it'll be incredibly difficult for us to advance even further into the eighteen levels of hell, let alone hunt down the Blood Progenitor! "    


A Sedentary Amnesia Expert of the Human Clan said, his heart filled with worry.    


"I hope the demons' movements will be a bit slower. At the very least, we can smoothly push them to the fourteenth or fifteenth level of hell. Even if it becomes difficult to deal with the demons, for us, this trip will be quite fruitful!"    


Some experts frowned and said with mixed emotions.    


The reason they entered the 18 Hells wasn't to exterminate the demons, but to investigate the situation here. In addition, they also wanted to resolve the large number of demons in order to lessen the pressure in future battles!    


As long as they could pass by unhindered and meet the Devil Ancestor once, then their journey would be a success!    


In this process, countless demons would inevitably die in the hands of the strong ones of the 33 Heavens!    


However, if they were to encounter a large-scale resistance from the demon race too early, this goal would be very difficult to achieve!    


"Don't think too much into it for now, let's hurry up and chase him. That old geezer is about to escape to the 12th level of hell!"    


Long Que's eyes turned serious as he looked at the Blood Progenitor's condition.    


Without any further delay, everyone continued their chase!    


More than twenty experts of the third level of Sedentary Amnesia followed closely behind the Blood Progenitor, trying to prevent him from losing them.    


As for the others, they rushed over to where Qu Dao Jue, Ling Feng, Long San, Little Star, Du Xiaoyao and the millions of other Immortal Expert of the 33 Heavens were. They then led the group towards the entrance of the twelfth level of hell!    


A bizarre event occurred in this space. An old man who had lost both of his arms was fleeing in the front while more than twenty experts were closely following behind, relentlessly pursuing him!    


And further back, there were millions of people marching forward like a mighty army!    


Everyone's goal was to rush towards the direction of the broken seal!    


Not too long after, the Blood Progenitor's head finally plunged into the terrifying Hell Flame!    


"This old fogey!" It's really a worm of a hundred feet that did not freeze even after death! "    


Lu Jingyun and the others all felt helpless. They gave it their all to give chase and quickly charged into the blazing flames that were headed to the twelfth level of hell!    


Soon after, the millions of experts from the 33 Heavens arrived. Under the protection of many Sedentary Amnesia Realm experts, they threw themselves inside, all of them being enveloped by the terrifying flames!    




Boundless flames burned with incomparable intensity, capable of burning through a person's body and soul!    


This time, no one dared to think about tempering themselves in this place. They just pushed forward with all their might!    


"Hmm? The Yu Qing Divine Emperor has awoken! "    


Accompanied by an expert, Du Shaofu finally slowly woke up and opened his eyes.    


"Shaofu, how are you?"    


"Boss, are you alright?"    


"Dad, you're awake!"    


In an instant, Qu Dao Jue, Ling Feng, Long San, Little Xing, Du Xiaoyao and the rest all surrounded them.    


At this time, Du Shaofu's body had already been completely healed, his flesh was completely unharmed, as though he had not been harmed in the slightest, it was simply perfect!    


However, his aura was still extremely weak. He had consumed a lot of energy during that battle, and it was difficult to adjust his condition in such a short period of time. Fortunately, Lu Jingyun had fed him a precious medicine, allowing him to awaken in such a short period of time.    


"What happened to the Blood Progenitor? Did you catch him?"    


After Du Shaofu regained his consciousness, he shook his head fiercely and got rid of the arm of the Ranker supporting him, immediately asking him this question.    


He was most concerned about the Blood Progenitor's situation. After expending a great deal of effort, he naturally hoped that the Blood Progenitor would be killed by him, but Du Shaofu was very clear that such a chance was very slim.    


"The Blood Progenitor has fled! Big Brother Jing Yun and the rest are chasing after them!"    


Little Star immediately informed Du Shaofu of the current situation, and at the same time, took out another Precious Medicine, passing it over to his father.    


"He escaped?"    


Du Shaofu raised his eyebrows, then pushed back the Precious Medicine that Little Xing handed to him.    


He was not disappointed. On the contrary, he was overjoyed.    


Escaping the Blood Progenitor only meant one thing, and that was that his current situation was extremely bad. Otherwise, when he was facing Lu Jingyun and the rest, he wouldn't have ran off in panic!    


"The Blood Progenitor is too strong. It probably won't be easy to kill him!" We are on our way to the twelfth level of hell, and if we don't go after him, then we can only leave it for the time being! "    


An expert of the second level of the Sedentary Amnesia said to Du Shaofu.    


This was an old man, who knew how many times older he was than Du Shaofu!    


But at this moment, within his aged gaze, there was a deep sense of reverence towards the purple-robed youth in front of him.    


This brat was an extremely abnormal being. It was precisely because of his hard work that he managed to gather the strength of over two hundred Sedentary Amnesia Expert to fight against the Blood Progenitor!    


If not for Du Shaofu, not to mention the Blood Progenitor, even the millions of people who came from the 33 Heavens would have been defeated in one strike!    


The Blood Progenitor's strength didn't need to be doubted at all!    


"For the time being, this is the only way!"    


Du Shaofu nodded and said.    


In an instant, he thought of many questions in his heart, including what Lu Jingyun had said, about whether or not the demons in the deepest parts of the eighteenth level of hell had been alerted.    


However, these matters were all suppressed by Du Shaofu from the bottom of his heart, and now was not the time to think about these matters.    


"I'll heal myself first. I'll recover my strength as soon as possible!"    


Du Shaofu greeted everyone, and explained a few things to them, then directly opened his Wild Ancient Space, planning to rest in seclusion to recuperate from his injuries.    


This Hell Flame space was extremely vast. If one wanted to pass through it and enter the twelfth level of hell, it would take a very long time, at least several years!    


And within Du Shaofu's Wild Ancient Space, there was nearly a hundred times the time needed to accelerate. He could use this time to fully recover his strength, and from then on, after entering the twelfth level of hell, fight with all his might again!    


"Those who have been injured, come in here and recuperate!"    


Du Shaofu took the lead and entered the Wild Ancient Space. The other people who were injured in the previous battle thought of looking at each other, and without much hesitation, followed closely.    


And with the departure of a few Sedentary Amnesia Expert s, a large amount of Immortal Stage lost their protection, and were threatened by the Hell Flame.    


As most of the Rankers went into seclusion, the previously bustling Hell Flame suddenly became somewhat lonely.    


In front of them, Lu Jingyun, Lu Youshao, Lu Ying, Lu Ying, Lu Cheng, Long Que, Long Xu, and the others were still trying their best to kill the Blood Progenitor!    


That old geezer ran away extremely quickly. Under the pursuit of the crowd, he had no results for a short period of time, so he could only maintain this state for now!    


"I hope that by passing through this Hell Flame, I can cause the old bird's strength to deplete once again. When we enter the twelfth level of hell, I'll capture him!"    


Lu Jingyun's eyes flashed as he replied.    


When they were heading to the twelfth floor of the Hell Flame s, while everyone was in closed-door cultivation and being hunted down and killed, Dongli Chihuang and Shen Yan had already led a large number of demons out of the sixteenth floor and entered the thirteenth floor's seal that connected the hell to the twelfth floor!    


These devils were all fierce, and each one of them had a terrifying cultivation base. Their numbers were also incomparably large, and it was many times more than the millions of people from the 33 Heavens!    


And amongst them, other than Dongli Chihuang and Shen Yan, the most terrifying ones were many others in the Sedentary Amnesia realm!    


However, this was nothing. The true experts of the demon race were the three people who knew how terrifying they were!    


One of them looked as if someone's skin had been peeled off. His entire body was covered in blood, making people's scalps go numb. He was extremely terrifying!    


The second person's face was filled with an aura of death. His face was as pale as paper and exuded a ghastly and ghastly aura. With just a glance, he caused people to feel a chill beneath their feet and their bodies to tighten!    


The third person was a tall and sturdy giant. He had two horns on his head like a demon and was like two halberds that could slaughter the heavens!    


A fiendish aura that was difficult to conceal rippled around this person. Killing and ruthlessness coexisted, with both bloodshed and viciousness, it was obvious that he was a Lord of Terror!    


These three were Demon Generals of the Demon race. Their cultivation was extraordinary, and their strength was world-shaking. They had slaughtered for thirty-three days in the ancient era, and their names were infamous for being vicious. They were respectively known as the Blood God Demon General, Nether Devil General, and Desolate Demon General!    


"The Three Great Devil Generals are all coming out at the same time, and they're all in the body of the Dao Bearing. Even though their injuries have not fully healed, their might is still there!"    


Dongli Chihuang's gaze swept across all of Three Great Devil Generals s one by one, the corners of his mouth curled up into a cold smile, and he muttered: "Du Shaofu, let's see how you will not die this time!"    


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