Martial God Conqueror



"What Zongheng Family, Law Family, Dragon Clan, give way, my Barren Kingdom is destined to flourish in this world!"    


The Medicine Sovereign Doctor was so excited that his entire body was trembling, he looked at the group of Supreme Nirvana Person s in the sky.    


When that group of terrifying Zhi Zun were together, there was no choice but to give way to the Magic Clan, Dragon Clan, and Zongheng Family.    


"Where did that guy get such a terrifying daughter, she's so abnormal!"    


Laughing Rakshasa looked at Little Star who was in Du Shaofu's embrace in mid air. Although she looked innocent and harmless, but the fierceness and tyranny just now still made her fear, she was just a little demon king.    


"Are you alright?"    


Qi Yexi stepped forward, looked at Du Shaofu, and his eyes rippled with starlight.    


"Everything is fine."    


Du Shaofu put down Little Star, looked at the girl in front of him, and was secretly surprised. This girl was becoming more and more captivating, and as expected, she was another Supreme Nirvana Person.    


"I met Little Star, and there were also quite a few people from my Yin Yang family at the back. We heard the news that you and the Dragon Clan, the Law Family, and the Zongheng Family had started a war, and we wanted to test our luck. Qi Yexi smiled.    


Looking at Qi Yexi, Du Shaofu felt grateful in his heart. From the Stone City back then to now, for no reason at all, he had always paid for himself.    


"Is this my younger brother's wife?"    


Jialou Cailing's beautiful figure rushed over to Du Shaofu's side, and looked at him with satisfaction. Her golden eyes were shining with a beautiful light, and although she was also a beautiful lady, she had lost some of her luster in front of Qi Yexi.    


"This …"    


Du Shaofu rolled his eyes at Jialou Cailing. This big sister really could say anything she wanted.    


Hearing Jialou Cailing's words, Qi Yexi's pretty face climbed onto her blush, and her face gained an attractive luster. She bowed towards Jialou Cailing, and said: "I presume this is the Big Sister Cailing from the Golden Winged Roc Clan.    


"Hehe, no need to be so polite. If this brat dares to bully you in the future, I will definitely help you take care of him."    


Jialou Cailing laughed, then looked at Du Shaofu and said: Come, let me see if there is anything wrong.    


"Sister Cailing, I'm fine." Du Shaofu laughed helplessly.    


Qi Yexi's face was bright red, and she did not talk to Jialou Cailing anymore, but Starlight's eyes were sneakily looking at him.    


"I knew that the Dragon Clan and those guys wouldn't be able to do anything to you."    


Jialou Cailing examined Du Shaofu and pinched his face a few times, without any restraint, causing Gui Che, Jiang Ling, Zhu Xue and the others to be stunned. It was probably only Jialou Cailing who dared to be so fearless in front of the Demon King.    


"Young Patriarch."    


Jialou Jueyu stepped forward, wearing a goose yellow robe with gold edges, his figure was extremely graceful, with an extraordinary charm, making him look more and more otherworldly. It was obvious that his cultivation had improved by a lot during this period of time.    


"What about the clan's disciples?"    


Du Shaofu asked, but did not see Jialou Juekong and the rest.    


"Everyone is dispersing to search for opportunities, and in the end, gather at the center of Divine Domain Space. There shouldn't be any big problems."    


Jialou Jueyu had confidence that the disciples of the Golden Winged Roc Clan were out there. No one dared to offend them, but they had to be on guard against the Dragon Clan s, the Mages, and the Zongheng Family's people.    


Du Shaofu nodded, after entering the Divine Domain Space, they were all about finding their respective opportunities, so it was only natural that everyone would have a greater chance if they spread out.    


The danger and the opportunity were both inside, and they were originally meant to temper themselves inside the Divine Domain Space. Being together would naturally be much safer, but they would also lose their original intent to enter the Divine Domain Space.    


"Medical Elder, old man."    


Little Star had already ran down there a long time ago. He wasn't too courteous to Medicine Sovereign Physician Mu and Gu Qingyang, but this made him feel even more intimate.    


But for the Medicine Sovereign's Doctor Wuming, Gu Qingyang and the others, looking at Little Star, their hearts were pounding, this little girl was an absolute monster.    


"We greet the Purple Dragon Emperor!"    


And Gui Che, Fantasy Tiger King, Xiao Yingying, Mad Bear King and the others immediately bowed. This terrifying girl was definitely an existence that they could not afford to offend.    


swish swish *    


From afar, quite a few figures could be seen flying through the air, radiating auras of immense power.    


"It's a disciple of my Yin Yang family."    


Qi Yexi opened her mouth and said, the person behind her was a member of the Yin Yang Family, she and Little Xing were just there first.    


Du Shaofu's gaze swept across them and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Without Qi Jiajun among them, the last time they met, it was the Yin Yang Family's Everlasting Starlight Spell that had won, and it was now in Gui Che's hands. If they met again, with Qi Yexi there, he was afraid that he would feel somewhat embarrassed.    


"Qi Jiajun is also a member of the Yin Yang family, right?"    


Last time, his circumstances in the Law Family were special, so he did not ask Qi Yexi these questions, but he felt that there was a relationship between Qi Jiajun and himself.    


"Jia Jun is my younger brother."    


Qi Yexi looked at Du Shaofu, his eyes rippling with starlight, as though he was reminding Du Shaofu something, and said: "My only brother."    


"Your brother!"    


Hearing this, Du Shaofu suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.    


"After Jia Jun returned, he praised you greatly and spoke up for you in the clan." Qi Yexi looked at Du Shaofu and laughed.    


"Is that so?"    


Du Shaofu laughed awkwardly, he did not dare believe it, and had some doubts, Qi Jiajun was definitely a clever guy, after losing the Everlasting Star Spear, would he really speak up for him.    




Suddenly, the air started to tremble as Grand Qi began to descend.    




Du Shaofu's eyes moved, immediately looking at the beautiful woman who was seated cross-legged on the flat rock.    


whoosh whoosh *    


Qi Yexi, Jialou Jueyu, Jialou Cailing and the others also sensed the source of the noise and looked over at the same time.    




It was unknown when the black and white halo Talisman Secret Mark surrounding Su Muxin started to shine with divine light, and strange movements of the heaven and earth started to appear in the air.    


rumble rumble *    


Finally, there was a strange scene in the sky. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and the entire sky began to boil. The heavens were mighty, shaking the four directions.    


A divine ring appeared within Su Muxin's body, and then, the second round, a total of three divine rings appeared.    




When the three rings enveloped him, Su Muxin opened his eyes, causing the dazzling light in his eyes to turn into a beam of light that shot straight into the sky, causing the surrounding space to tremble uncontrollably!    




In the next moment, a huge White Tiger Phantom appeared, shaking the world, releasing a roar that shook the heavens!    


When the third round of the Divine Flame-like divine rings were formed, an Energy of Heaven and Earth pillar of light that seemed to transcend space and time appeared in the sky above Su Muxin, enveloping him within.    


As the White Tiger lingered around, Su Muxin's entire body was enveloped in light. His hair danced as he absorbed the energy of heaven and earth in all directions.    


"Half-Step Supreme Nirvana!"    


Jialou Cailing opened his mouth and looked at Su Muxin, as if he felt something.    


"What is Half-Step Supreme Nirvana?"    


Du Shaofu was surprised. The abnormal sign that Su Muxin had brought back clearly showed the power of Zhi Zun Nirvana, but it was not Zhi Zun Nirvana. The three rings on his head were exactly the same as the one Jialou Cailing had brought back then.    


Jialou Cailing explained to Du Shaofu, "Other than Great Supreme Nirvana and the Little Sovereign Nirvana Realm, there is also the kind of Nirvana that isn't as great as the Little Sovereign, but there is also the kind of Nirvana that transcends Martial Domain, which is half a step into Nirvana Realm. This is Divine Domain Space, and it can already help us understand the meaning of Supreme Nirvana. She wasn't able to reach Sovereign Nirvana stage, but she was able to reach the Nirvana stage as well, and I was able to reach the same level as well.    


"Half-Step Supreme Nirvana."    


's gaze moved secretly. Half-Step Supreme was not as strong as that of the little Zhi Zun, but it was definitely stronger than the level of Martial Domain Stage.    


Even though it was only half a step, with supreme Nirvana, it had already surpassed the Martial Domain.    


The energy that flowed from Su Muxin's body flowed into his body as he forged the Supreme Grimoire. His aura kept on rising until it reached the level of complete destruction. Only then did he calm down.    


"What a beautiful woman."    


When the last lady in a purple dress appeared, looking extremely charming and enticing, Qi Yexi and Jialou Cailing could not help but to praise her.    


Su Muxin had achieved a breakthrough, her eyes rippling. Although she was in the midst of comprehending a breakthrough, the astonishing events that had happened just now had made her feel something, and had almost caused her cultivation to go berserk.    


Su Muxin was very clear that the reason why he was able to become a Nirvana stage practitioner was because of the Universe Dragon Tiger Art.    


She had cultivated together with Du Shaofu, so she was one with the mind.    


Looking at the many figures that appeared in front of him, Su Muxin's eyes revealed a look of astonishment, and then under Du Shaofu's introductions, everyone became familiar with each other.    


Although Jialou Cailing and Qi Yexi were naturally noble, with extraordinary temperament, Su Muxin was not hidden at all. That kind of peerless enchantment, gave off a feeling of standing out from the masses.    


And the rebirth of his Half-Step Supreme had already proven that Su Muxin was qualified to be compared with him.    


The three women standing together were extremely alluring, causing one to be unable to help but sigh.    


When all sides were gathered, there were quite a bit of idle gossip, but most of them revolved around the Divine Domain Space.    


From the crowd's words, Du Shaofu found out that there were already many fortuitous encounters within the Divine Domain Space. Ancient Inheritance had appeared and were being fought over.    


There were also heavenly and earthly treasures, magical equipment, and many other things. Almost everyone had obtained something from this.    


Du Shaofu did not specifically seek for opportunities, and had always been comprehending himself. As such, he was not envious, as he had his own path to walk on.    


Du Shaofu felt that his path would not be inferior to anyone's. If he could reach the limit, he would definitely be able to compete with the Zhi Zun of the heaven and earth.    


"I heard that you killed thousands of Dragon Clan s and others. How did you do that?"    


Qi Yexi looked at Du Shaofu, she was curious and did not understand, she had heard a lot of news, she had been curious and wanted to confirm.    


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