Martial God Conqueror



The bamboo forest was covered by a red glow that shone brightly.    


In a simple courtyard, in a room, Suppress North King's dark, lean body was lying on the bed, he had already fallen into a kind of coma.    


"Chi Chi!"    


The aura on Suppress North King was ice-cold, and an extremely icy aura emanated from his entire body. Normal people would not be able to touch it at all, and even if regular Martial Duke Stage Cultivator touched it, they would immediately freeze into ice.    


At this time, there were more than ten elders and middle-aged men standing respectfully in front of the bed. All of them were Xie Mansion experts, and they were attentively watching Suppress North King on the bed.    


"The poison wound attacks the heart, what a strong poison of ice!" By the side of the bed, Du Shaofu's hand seals had disappeared, his face was gloomy, his brows were knitted tightly.    


Although Du Shaofu knew that Suppress North King Xie Tianhong was an Ice poison wound, if he was slightly lighter, he would be able to suppress him for a period of time.    


However, the poison of the cold ice on the Suppress North King's body was currently too severe, and had already reached the stage of attacking one's heart. Du Shaofu had some attainments in refining pill, but he had really not learned much about refining poison wound.    


"The poison wound in grandfather's body is serious, and the poison of the ice in that beast is terrifying. Even if grandfather cultivates an ice attribute cultivation technique and comprehends the mysteries of the ice attribute, he won't be able to defend against it. I'm afraid that this time ?"    


Xie Fei's pretty face became serious and worried, the light in its eyes losing its usual luster. The black eyebrow had been locked in place the entire time, if people were to look at it now, it would be difficult for them not to feel pity for it.    


was the clearest about the terror of the poison wound on his grandfather's body. All these years, he had invited countless people, and they were also unable to remove the poison wound in his grandfather's body. He couldn't even suppress them.    


She understood some of the reasons behind it. If the man in the palace tried to suppress them, then the consequences would be dire once an enemy suddenly appeared in the empire. It seemed that for the sake of the entire empire, her grandfather never went to the palace to speak.    


Suddenly, Du Shaofu looked at the Xie Clan rankers and the middle-aged man in the room and said: "Could the elders please wait outside? I would like to help Grandpa Xie inspect it a bit more.    


"Alright, we will guard outside. Please do your best. If you are able to save him, my Xie Mansion will be forever grateful." A middle-aged man with an extraordinary demeanor said to Du Shaofu, his eyes filled with worry.    


"Don't worry, I will do my best. I hope nothing will happen to Grandpa Xie." Du Shaofu said.    


"Thank you."    


The middle-aged man said as he led the crowd out of the room and closed the door.    


Xie Fei raised his head slightly, looked at Du Shaofu and asked: "Do I want to go out?"    


"No need, but please keep it a secret for me."    


Du Shaofu shook his head and then took out a small pagoda from his bosom. He said softly, "Brother Qingchun, you can come out now."    




The little pagoda was filled with Talisman Secret Mark, and under Xie Fei's stunned gaze, Zhen Qingchun's wretched Primordial Spirit Body appeared in the room and immediately began inspecting Suppress North King's body.    


When Zhen Qingchun appeared, it was also because Du Shaofu wanted to invite her big brother Zhen Qingchun to take a look at the situation in the Suppress North King.    


Seeing that the illusionary figure was currently examining his grandfather, Xie Fei was a little curious, but he did not ask any further.    


However, the shock on Xie Fei's pretty face was self-evident. That was obviously a Primordial Spirit Body, a being that had an Immortal Soul stage expert, any one of them was an existence close to the existence of legends, even if it was only an Immortal Soul stage cultivator, it was definitely extremely terrifying.    


At this moment, Xie Fei couldn't help but think back. No wonder, when facing the two Nation Defence King s today, Du Shaofu also dared to open his mouth and flatten his Du Mansion. It turned out that other than Du Xiaoqing, he had such terrifying reliance by his side.    


Of course, Xie Fei did not know that the current Zhen Qingchun had not recovered much, but Xie Fei's guess was not wrong.    


Although Zhen Qingchun had not recovered most of his Primordial Spirit Body at the moment, with his identity and methods, as well as Du Xiaoqing's presence, according to what Zhen Qingchun had said, the two of them combined would definitely be able to resist Old Nation Defence King and Du Qingcheng.    


"Swish swish!"    


One after another, handprint after another landed on Suppress North King's body, Zhen Qingchun's illusory face revealed a pale look, but after a while, he retracted his hand and turned to look at Du Shaofu and Xie Fei: "A piece of good news and a piece of bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"    


"Tell me the bad news first." Du Shaofu asked Zhen Qingchun. Listening to his big brother Zhen Qingchun's tone, it seemed that things had not reached an irreparable point.    


"His poison wound has already been here for a long time, and has already infiltrated his internal organs and bone marrow. Right now, his poison wound attacks his heart, and if not for the fact that he cultivates a technique related to ice, he would have perished long ago." Zhen Qingchun said to Du Shaofu.    


"Senior, what about the good news?"    


Xie Fei asked anxiously, although he could tell that Zhen Qingchun was not much different from Du Shaofu, but as a powerful being with a primordial spirit, he was not as simple as he looked, and would respectfully call him senior.    


Zhen Qingchun's body was illusory, but his eyes were bright and clear. Other than being a little vulgar, he looked at Xie Fei and said: The good news is that the poison is the Ice Cold Dragon's poison.    


"Is this good news?"    


Xie Fei could not help but smile bitterly and ask Zhen Qingchun. How terrifying was the Frost Poison of the Ice Cold Dragon, to think that this Immortal Soul stage expert would actually say that it was good news.    


"To others, this is naturally not good news. Rather, it is a nightmare. However, with this boy here, things will be much easier."    


Zhen Qingchun said indifferently, then looked at Du Shaofu and said: "Did you forget about the Flame Poison Dragon's Poison of the Thunderbolt Demon Lion back then?"    


"You mean?"    


's eyes immediately lit up. Back then within the Stone City, the Thunderbolt Demon Lion was poisoned by the Flame Poison Demon, and coincidentally, he was cultivating a cultivation technique of the Golden Winged Roc race as well, so the blood flowing in his body was also about the same as the Golden Winged Roc's. It was rumored that in the ancient times, the Truth Roc that roamed the universe were all fed on dragons.    


"The Ice Cold Dragon is also a flood dragon, and one of the foreign descendants of Dragon Clan. It's almost the same as the Flame Poison Demon Dragon, so naturally, you can suppress it and eliminate it."    


Zhen Qingchun said to Du Shaofu: "But now that the poison wound is attacking my heart, the result is hard to say. If you had suppressed it earlier, it would have been much easier."    


"It's all my fault."    


Du Shaofu was extremely upset, because within the borders of the Medicine Talisman Master, other than refining pill s, he had not dabbled in anything else. Hence, he did not pay much attention to the poison wound on Suppress North King, if he had known about it earlier, he might not be like this right now.    




Outside the bamboo forest courtyard, Xie Fei's figure slowly walked out after the door was opened and shut.    


"Fei, how's the situation?" A big sized man immediately went up to Xie Fei and asked nervously.    


"Shaofu is currently treating Grandfather's injuries, but the final result is still unclear. He should have a fifty percent chance of success."    


Xie Fei said to the rest. From the conversation between Du Shaofu and the others, Xie Fei knew that there was only a 50% chance of success, and Du Shaofu had already started to heal his injuries. That was why he left the room.    


With Du Shaofu's special explanation, Xie Fei would naturally not divulge the secret to Zhen Qingchun's existence at this time.    


"It's good that there's a chance. Nothing will happen to the old tutor."    


The middle-aged man and the other experts from the Xie Clan all let out a sigh of relief, but their expressions were still as serious as ever. Half of them remained in the bamboo forest to protect the clansmen.    


In the room, Du Shaofu set up the Seal Inhibition, looked at Suppress North King on the bed whose Qi was becoming weaker and colder, he took a deep breath, and then a dagger appeared in his hand.    




The dagger slashed across Du Shaofu's wrist and faint golden blood immediately condensed. There was a mysterious fluctuation of Talisman Secret Mark within the faint golden blood, as though it was about to condense into a Golden Winged Roc and fly out.    




As Du Shaofu dripped the pale golden blood into Suppress North King's mouth, Suppress North King's cold and icy body suddenly trembled. An extremely secretive ice-cold aura immediately shivered, as if it had been suppressed by some kind of astonishing power.    


"Chi la!"    


After supporting the Suppress North King with his arms, Du Shaofu sat cross-legged behind the Suppress North King. The seal in his hands changed, and a pale golden Profound Qi surged out from his body, then it rushed into the Suppress North King's body.    




A moment later, a faint gray aura seeped out of Suppress North King's body, transforming into a black rune that flickered. It was then immediately destroyed by the golden Talisman Secret Mark that carried the Domineering Breath.    


Du Shaofu exorcised the poison wound s from the bamboo forest, but the inside of the entire Stone Dragon Empire was currently trembling.    


A Nation Defence King of the first generation had fallen, their Du Mansion were destroyed, and all of their experts were killed. This kind of news was like a storm, which was passed down throughout the entire Stone Dragon Empire.    


"The legendary Du Mansion is about to end. From now on, I'm afraid that Du Mansion that stands tall will have to go downhill."    


"That's not entirely true. There are Du Mansion, Nation Defence King and the outstanding Du Qiang. As long as they are there, Du Mansion will still exist."    


"No matter how great the existence of the Du Mansion, it will never be able to compare with the King Divine Brave Palace in the future."    


"If not for the Old Nation Defence King protecting master's Du Mansion today, I'm afraid that today's Du Mansion would have been completely razed to the ground by the King Divine Brave!"    




The curtain of night shrouded the entire palace. Within the palace, under the reflection of the bright moon and the shadows of the stars, the glazed group of beasts shone brightly, making the palace appear mysterious and quiet.    


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