Martial God Conqueror



"Heehee, old man, you've won!"    


Du Xiaolin clapped excitedly as he danced.    


"I've already said it before, dad's strength is definitely stronger than all of them combined!"    


Du Xiaohuang, on the other hand, nodded his head straight, like a chick pecking rice.    


"Uncle Shaowang is really strong!" One day, I will be as strong as him! "    


Du Xiaoba's eyes shone brightly as he looked at the purple-robed figure standing high in the sky.    


To everyone present, these three little fellows had the most confidence in Du Shaofu.    


They had followed their father and uncle for so many years, and had witnessed far too many miracles.    


As a result, when they saw the final result, although the three of them were elated, they did not display any shock, as if everything was within their expectations.    


On the other hand, Ouyang Shuang could only stroke his forehead and express his helplessness.    


Back then, when he came to the thirty-third day, Du Shaofu had only planned to bring Little Star and Du Xiaoyao away from the Divine Martial World. Under her strong request, he was brought here along with her, and he even brought along a few little fellows.    


At that time, the strength between him and Yun Che was already not small. But now, the distance between them had become even more terrifying.    


This, made Ouyang Shuang a bit helpless, he did not know how to quickly bridge this gap, and did not want to be left behind by too much.    


"This kid is indeed extraordinary!"    


On the other side, Qu Dao Jue also laughed, and nodded his head as he looked at Du Shaofu.    


"His future accomplishments will definitely surpass ours, and he will step into the Sedentary Amnesia realm!"    


Long San nodded as well, his eyes shining as he spoke seriously.    


Beside the few of them, Yu Yuqian had a smile on his face that was like a flower, smiling extremely happily.    


"My disciple is definitely not an ordinary person!"    


He stroked his beard, feeling extremely pleased in his heart.    


As Du Shaofu's master, he naturally felt honored that Du Shaofu had won.    


Besides, wasn't this result what all of them wanted?    


Outside of the arena, other than Qu Dao Jue, Ling Feng, Long San, Yu Yuqian and the rest, the people from the various major powers of the God Kingdom were all filled with emotion!    


"Who would have thought that this Du Shaofu would actually win!"    


"This guy is too terrifying. He's almost invincible within the same realm!"    


"I suspect that even if the complete realm Cultivator were to fight him, he would be beaten to the ground very quickly!"    


"Even among the disciples of the super forces in the 33 Heavens, his strength is considered to be at the top!"    


"The name Du Shaofu, might spread throughout the entire Unparalleled Body Fusion Heavenly in the future!"    


"Rumors have spread throughout the entire 33 Heavens … maybe one day, there will be a legend about him!"    


The crowd was in a fervent discussion, their gazes all focused on the violet-robed young man standing in the air.    


When Du Shaofu first claimed first place, no one dared to believe that he could actually win against more than a hundred people and join hands to attack him.    


This was not something that a normal person could do. However, the result at this moment caused everyone to be surprised!    


"Sigh, our Law TruE Artifact is gone!"    


Suddenly, someone howled with unending grievances, causing the crowd to burst into loud laughter.    


Only a very small number of people were able to participate in the final round of the competition. After the Divine General of Zi Hong announced the rules of the competition and their own disciples entered the final round, they all thought that the Law TruE Artifact was practically within their grasp!    


But now, the cooked duck had flown away. Their hearts were filled with melancholy, as if they had dug out a piece of meat from their hearts.    


"I declare, in the end, Du Shaofu wins!"    


At this time, Divine General Zi Hong said in a clear voice as he once again flew up into the air.    


As the voice fell, the scene also quickly quietened down.    


The more than one hundred young disciples below all raised their heads to look at the sky, and the gazes they shot at the violet-robed young man were filled with emotion and reverence!    


"I wonder what the final benefit will be!"    


"I'm afraid the benefits will be extremely terrifying. I'm really looking forward to it!"    


"Based on my estimation, it should at least be at the High Grade Law Artifact level, or something of similar value!"    


"He has been hiding his strength all this time. He shouldn't be bad!"    


"What we can be certain of is that its value should be even more terrifying than a hundred Primary Grade combined!"    


Everyone's gaze turned to look at the position of the Yu Qing Divine Emperor at the same time. They wanted to see him reveal his final benefits!    


"Senior apprentice-brother!"    


Du Shaofu also rushed down from the sky like a fart. With a swoosh, he arrived in front of Yu Taiyan.    


When they saw this scene, Qu Dao Jue, Long San, Ling Feng, and the others all smiled wryly.    


Du Shaofu this guy, for the sake of treasures, he did not even care about his image!    


"Don't be in such a hurry!"    


Yu Taiyan lightly glanced at Du Shaofu, and then stood up.    


He slowly took two steps forward, looked at Zhou Kong, raised his voice, and said to all the forces present, "Everyone, please come here today. The purpose is to let all the outstanding disciples in the God Nation fight for fairness. No matter who it is, as long as you win the final challenge, you will get the greatest benefit!"    


During the time that Yu Taiyan was speaking, the entire enormous Divine Palace Plaza was completely silent, and no one uttered a single sound.    


They knew that was the rule that was agreed upon before. The person who obtained the first place had to challenge the other hundred places by himself, and in a situation of victory, only then could they obtain the final reward.    


All of this was very fair, and in order to make the remaining people take action with all their might, they even took out a hundred sets of Law TruE Artifact, which was a huge temptation, in order to make the disciples fight with all their might!    


Thus, at this moment, everyone present pricked up their ears, wanting to hear what the Divine Emperor had to say. What exactly were the greatest benefits.    


The Yu Qing Divine Emperor said, he paused for a moment, then swept his gaze across Zhou Kong and continued: "Du Shaofu claimed the first place, no one objected to this point, and in the end he defeated everyone, so the greatest benefit, will naturally be him!"    


At this point, countless people began to feel nervous, and their hearts began to pound uncontrollably.    


It wasn't just the people of the major forces, but even the three Divine Generals and some of the other high ranking figures of the Divine Kingdom felt the same way.    


Everyone held their breath, quietly listening to Yu Taiyan's words, as they wanted to hear the final result.    


As Yu Taiyan saw this scene, his eyes released a divine light. "I declare, from today onwards, Du Shaofu will be the new generation Divine Emperor of the Yu Qing Divine Kingdom!"    


The moment those words came out, it was like a thunderclap that shook the entire world. Following that, the entire place became so quiet that even a pin drop could be heard!    


Everyone was dumbfounded, their eyeballs almost popping out of their sockets.    


Only after a long while did someone rub his ear in disbelief and then cast an inquiring look at the people next to him, wanting to prove that he had heard wrongly.    


After a moment of confirmation, they realized that everything they had just heard was true. It wasn't an illusion!    


In an instant, the entire plaza erupted into an unprecedented uproar!    


"Du Shaofu? The next Divine Emperor? Am I really not mistaken? "    


"How could that be? Could this be the final reward? "    


"The Divine Emperor is in his prime, why did he retire at this time and pass the throne to Du Shaofu?"    


"What the hell is going on!"    


Everyone present was extremely shocked. No one would have thought that Yu Qing Divine Emperor would make such a decision.    


At this point, no one cared whether this was the biggest reward or not.    


All they wanted to know was exactly what was going on, why did their Divine Emperor, who was at the prime of his life, suddenly had to be spread to someone else, and why was he not a descendant of the royal family?!    


Amongst the crowd, Yu Chengyan, Yu Cheng Yao, Yu Chengxi, and the other princes and princesses felt speechless.    


Divine General Zi Hong, Divine General Yun, and Divine General Yun, Duan Baichuan, and Divine General Di Wu, Huo Yuankun, were all no exception, as their entire bodies froze on the spot, unable to say a single word.    


"Father is about to become a Divine Emperor, am I dreaming?"    


Behind Qu Dao Jue and the rest, the Little Kylin ruthlessly rubbed its eyes, its face glowing with a look of disbelief.    


"What the hell is going on? I feel dizzy!"    


Du Xiaohuang also blinked his large eyes as he looked between Yu Taiyan and Du Shaofu in a daze.    


"It looks like we will have a solid foundation in the 33 Heavens soon!"    


Du Xiaoba smacked his lips and said.    


Beside the three little fellows, Ouyang Shuang's beautiful face carried an untold amount of shock, just like the three little fellows.    


"Throne of Divine Emperor, pass it to me?"    


Du Shaofu was also dumbstruck. He stood firmly by Yu Taiyan's side and stared blankly at his back.    


The questions in his heart, were no less than any other person's. What Yu Taiyan had said, made him completely unprepared.    


At this time, Du Shaofu's heart was the same as everyone else. He was feeling extremely baffled and confused!    


"You did not hear wrongly, the position of the Yu Qing Divine Emperor will be taken over by Du Shaofu from today onwards! The succession ceremony will be held on a different day! "    


Facing the endless questions from the crowd, Yu Taiyan did not explain anything and only reiterated it once more.    


After he finished speaking, he turned to Du Shaofu, the three Divine Generals, and the seven princes and princesses, and said, "Follow me!"    


Following that, Yu Taiyan led Du Shaofu, Yu Chengyan, Yu Cheng Yao, He Mengchang, Duan Baichuan and the others and immediately disappeared from where they were, leaving this place.    


Yu Yuqian, Qu Dao Jue, Ling Feng, and Long San also left together.    


In addition to this danger, the disciples of the higher ups of the God Kingdom such as He Zhi Xin, Duan Yizong, He Zhibai and Huo You Guang were also called over.    


There were only those that came from all over the Divine Kingdom left on the spot. Until now, none of them had been able to recover from the great shock.    


The people kept on discussing the Divine Emperor's decision. This was definitely a heavyweight news, enough to stir up the entire Divine Kingdom!    


Everyone knew that the current Yu Qing Divine Kingdom was at its peak, while the Divine Emperor was in its prime!    


The rebellion planned by the seven Divine General's Palaces and Exquisite Spirit Holy Land back then was directly crushed by several thousand Immortal Expert s. The Divine Kingdom was extremely powerful, even against some of the sacred grounds that were not weak, it was not the least bit inferior!    


In this way, not to mention fighting with other forces in Chang Rong Tian, it wouldn't be a difficult task for them to advance further in cultivation!    


However, under such a situation, the Divine Emperor actually wanted to abdicate and pass it on to Du Shaofu. This surprised everyone!    


However, while everyone was discussing, the unexpected did not raise any doubts about this matter.    


The power of the Divine Kingdom was something that had been instigated by the Divine Emperor himself. He had the authority to make any decision.    


They were only thinking, that Du Shaofu was still only in Cut Truth Stage at the moment, did he have the ability to take on such a heavy responsibility!    


During the fervent discussion, the experts from the Divine Kingdom stepped out and started to arrange for the people from these powers to leave the plaza and temporarily settle down in the Divine Palace or Divine City.    


On the other side, Yu Taiyan, Yu Yuqian, Qu Dao Jue, Du Shaofu, He Mengchang, Yu Yaoyan, Yu Cheng Yao, and He Zhixin were gathered in a hall, respectively taking their seats.    


Yu Taiyan sat high up in the main seat, looked at the people below, and said with a slight smile: "I know you guys have a lot of questions in your hearts, if you have anything you want to say, just say it directly!"    


Before the others could react, Du Shaofu was the first to stand out and say, "Senior Brother Yu, are you joking? This Throne of Divine Emperor, how am I …    


Du Shaofu understood in his heart that even though his current strength was not weak, he definitely wasn't able to support the Throne of Divine Emperor of a Divine Kingdom!    


It had to be known that in the boundless universe, the Divine Emperor of the first Divine Kingdom were all in the Immortal Stage, and they were all very strong ones as well!    


For example, Yu Taiyan was an expert of Immortal Ninth Level!    


Du Shaofu asked himself, even though he could do whatever he wanted in the younger generation, if he were to face such an expert, he still wouldn't be able to resist at all, and would only be trampled upon!    


However, before he could finish, he was cut off by Yu Taiyan with a wave of his hand. He said: "Junior Brother Du, you cannot belittle yourself. The reason I invited many powers into the Divine Palace is so that you can prove my strength! And as I expected, you didn't let me down! Perhaps you want to say that with your current realm, you aren't qualified to be a Divine Emperor of a country, but I believe that soon, Immortal Stage will be a matter of course to you! "    


Du Shaofu opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but then saw Yu Taiyan wave his hand.    


"You had already known for a long time that we came from a place called Spiritual Martial Force in the three thousand boundless worlds! The reason I set up my Yu Qing Divine Kingdom in this Unparalleled Eternal Heaven is not to create such a powerful force, but to hone my own skills! However, the Divine Kingdom was, after all, established by me, so I can't just ignore it. I have to find someone to pass on the legacy on! "    


As Yu Taiyan spoke, his gaze suddenly shifted and landed on Yu Chengyan, Yu Cheng Yao, Yu Chengxi and the other princes and princesses.    


"As for Cheng Yan, Cheng Yao, Cheng Xi and the others, although they are not weak, and are much older than you, their cultivations are still lacking! But you, you have been through great trials and hardships, and in the disaster of Divine Martial World, you have grown up incomparably fast, far surpassing your peers! Therefore, no one is more suitable to be a Throne of Divine Emperor than you! "As for me, I'm very confident that I'll hand over all of this to you!"    


After Yu Taiyan finished speaking, everyone in the great hall fell into silence.    


Other than Yu Yuqian, Yu Taiyan, Qu Dao Jue and a few other limited amount of people, the others did not have a special understanding of Du Shaofu's past.    


As for Du Shaofu herself, she agreed with what he said.    


He was not a frivolous person, but he would definitely not belittle himself and know what he was worth.    


To a certain extent, for Devil Cult Tribulation who had experienced Divine Martial World, after cultivating for decades, to the point of real death, there were three times, which also opened up a huge Barren Kingdom!    


During this process, his personality grew to a level that many people could not hope to reach. Yu Chengyan, Yu Cheng Yao and the others, who were born with unique conditions, were unable to compare to him!    


Speaking from this point of view, Du Shaofu was indeed more suitable to be in Throne of Divine Emperor than any of them.    


However, Du Shaofu felt that it was a little strange. After all, since he had come from the Ancient Emperor, he would not easily bestow royal authority to outsiders.    


For example, back then Human Clan, it was only because the entire Human Clan was supported by several large clans that there were Human Emperor's Throne s revolving around it, and fighting for it by themselves!    


As if he had seen through Du Shaofu's thoughts, before Yu Taiyan had even spoken, his master Yu Yuqian once again stood up from her seat, walked to Du Shaofu's side, and lightly patted his shoulder, and said: "Good disciple! Everything that happened today, we had already made a decision decades ago. It was after your Mixed Element Space had competed with the seven Divine Generals'! We had originally planned to do all of this once the Mixed Element Space experience was over, but at that time, you were in the middle of closed-door training in Shield Void Splendid Heaven. And after you returned, your cultivation had actually become so terrifying, it is not far from the Immortal Stage! So, I just so happened to use the time in the days before Divine Devil War Stage opened to do all of these things. "    


"Father is right!"    


At this time, Yu Taihuo spoke again, "I leave all of this to you to be at ease. You don't have to worry about it! With this identity as the Divine Emperor in the Divine Devil War Stage, you will be able to better lead the forces of the other Divine Kingdoms! "    


"Haha brat, if you are going to take over this Throne of Divine Emperor, then you have to shoulder the entire burden of taking over the entire Yu Qing Divine Kingdom.    


Qu Dao Jue suddenly laughed out loud, and then continued: "If there is one thing that your Divine Emperor does not want to continue serving, and if there is a more suitable person to grow, like Cheng Yan, Cheng Yao, Cheng Xi and the rest, you can just give back the throne! But during this period of time, you can do whatever you want to make it happen. I believe that you can make this Divine Kingdom even more glorious! "    


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