Martial God Conqueror



"Zi zi"    


Purple mist rose up from the ancient and boundless space, and a mysterious purple lightning bolt suddenly emerged from the body of a transcendent beauty.    


However, there seemed to be some kind of restriction that was able to separate the sky from the earth within this space. After which, the purple lightning bolt once again disappeared from her delicate body.    


"How did this happen? How did a type of Martial Veins suddenly appear in my body? It seems to be related to lightning!"    


The lady trembled, her face filled with suspicion, but then her eyes started to ripple, and she muttered: "Big brother, have you come out of the Golden Winged Roc race? Once I become strong, I will definitely help you escape?"    


Both inside and outside the Certify Martial Arena, the surroundings were completely silent. All the living creatures were trembling, and their eyes were dull and lifeless.    


"That won't happen. That's impossible. How could Brother ShadowMo lose?"    


And then, the gazes of all the younger generation members of the legal family began to tremble in disbelief.    


All of the Youth of Fa Family men and women clenched their fists, their nails digging into their flesh as dark red blood flowed out. They did not dare believe the scene in front of their eyes.    


"No, that's not true. Brother Shao Mo definitely won't lose!"    


Some of the beautiful, young women of the Magic Clan began to shed tears, their eyes glazed over.    


"He is so powerful!"    


Mo Junyu, Jiang Yunfeng, Xu Lingzi and the others were still deep in shock, but they could only smile bitterly. The Demon King was so terrifying, and thinking back to two days ago, they had still wanted to suppress him.    


"The fellow that elder sister has set her eyes on is indeed not bad. I have passed this trial."    


Qi Jiajun curled his lips, the shock on his face could not be hidden, following that, he revealed a smile.    


Qi Jiajun also understood now, no wonder that guy didn't hurt him at all yesterday. So it was because he was Qi Jiajun's future brother-in-law, that guy didn't dare to hurt him.    


In the distance, all the elderly and powerhouses of the Dharma Clan had grave expressions on their faces.    


"What kind of Martial Veins is that? It's too strong! I've never seen such a Thunderbolt Martial Bloodlines before!"    


"The Golden Winged Roc has fused with the Martial Veins, it's so powerful!"    


Some of the Expert of Fa Family s were shocked, they looked at each other, even they were trembling from that kind of power.    


"Your strength surpassed my expectations. However, I did not lose."    


Han Yingmo raised his head and looked at Du Shaofu, his messy purple hair dancing, his long sleeves wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, he did not change his demeanor, but instead had a natural extraordinary demeanor.    


No matter how bedraggled he was, the attitude and temperament he exuded was still extraordinary.    




As Han Yingmo's words fell, the air above the Certify Martial Arena began to tremble, and resplendent rune started to pervade from within her body.    


That light was so resplendent that no one dared to look at it directly. The terrifying aura was like a volcano erupting, and the Certify Martial Arena that couldn't be destroyed, also began to reveal signs of cracks.    


In that moment, the Qi on Han Yingmo's body started to soar, his power increasing, his power exploding.    


At the same time, a mysterious power crazily gathered and descended on the Certify Martial Arena, enveloping Han Yingmo's body.    


At this time, Han Yingmo's eyes were bright and he did not look embarrassed in any way, as he was brimming with an invincible confidence.    


Divine light began to pulsate like flames between his eyebrows, and round after round of divine light appeared above his head.    


As more and more divine lights appeared in front of his forehead, the aura on Han Yingmo's body became stronger and stronger.    


boom rumble rumble *    


When the last six rounds of divine light encircled the top of his head like a divine ring, a vast Qi filled the air around Han Yingmo as Zhi Zun suppressed the other living beings in the world!    


At the same time, the entire clan began to shake. Tides of water surged up, and rumbling sounds filled the air. The land cracked, and shocking booms filled the air. Lightning flashed, and strange phenomena began to occur!    


At that moment, countless creatures in the surroundings couldn't help but kneel down. The might of this descending force was simply unstoppable.    


"Zhi Zun, Han Yingmo is Supreme Nirvana Person!"    


"Zhi Zun Nirvana, Han Yingmo is indeed a demon, he is too strong!"    


In the eight great families, Qi Jiajun, Mo Junyu, Heng Qi and the others were trembling.    


Everyone looked at Han Yingmo who was on the Certify Martial Arena, that Six-Wheeled Holy Ring was the symbol of the Sovereign Nirvana, it contained the might of the heavens and earth!    


This result shocked Mo Junyu and the others, but they were not surprised, as if they had long since heard of this news.    


"The Supreme Nirvana stage should have already reached its demise."    


Amongst the crowd, the woman whom Huang Ling'er called Hong Ni had rippling eyes.    


"Han Yingmo will not lose!"    


All the elderly and experts of the Law Family had grave expressions on their faces. However, their eyes had always been filled with the conviction that a divine light was being emitted at this moment.    


"I am Supreme Nirvana Person, an existence that you need to look up to. Prostrate before me and tremble for me!"    


Han Yingmo opened his mouth, the light around him became bright and resplendent, it erupted with endless light that shot into the sky, illuminating the entire sky, causing the heaven and earth to tremble, and resonate with him.    


In that instant, it was as if all the creatures in the Dharma Clan heard the sound of nine heavens.    


From within the void around Han Yingmo, a group of ancient rune flickered and blended with the heaven and earth. Carrying a strong gale with immense power, their voices resounded.    


All creatures felt their eyes open wide, their hearts were shocked, and they sucked in a breath of cold air!    


At that moment, the violet-haired young man was a true Martial Saint. Endless power and power spread out from beneath his feet, filling the air with bizarre fluctuations.    


Everyone was shocked, at that moment, the entire world was restricted, and countless people were affected, as though they were imprisoned, unable to move, stuck deep in the quagmire, and even the Profound Qi was unable to activate them.    


"This is the might of a supreme Nirvana stage cultivator!"    


Countless creatures looked at Han Yingmo in shock. Everyone understood, this was something that Han Yingmo had instigated, the might of Zhi Zun Nirvana, it was a true Zhi Zun, something that all living beings could not withstand.    


"It's all over!"    


Han Yingmo once again took action. Six rounds of dazzling divine rings began to spin, finally converging together and transforming into a resplendent palm imprint that was tens of meters large.    


The palm print was bright and resplendent, but it did not have any undulations as it floated in front of Han Yingmo's palm.    


This handprint was formed by the Supreme Nirvana Power, with the protection of the heaven and earth, it moved the Energy of Heaven and Earth, converging the power of the Dharma spells, converging what Han Yingmo had comprehended in his entire life, and finally congregating into this calm palm.    


"This is my Dao. I am a Paragon, a Paragon's palm! Kneel before me!"    


Han Yingmo spoke, he had recovered his cold and detached attitude, he activated the bright and resplendent palm print on his palm and slapped his head straight towards Du Shaofu, pushing him away.    


"Crack crack."    


The palm imprint was calm, but wherever it passed, the space around it would shatter. Black spatial cracks spread out in all directions, revealing countless black spatial cracks that engulfed the entire sky.    


At this moment, it was as if in the entire Certify Martial Arena, in the entire Guardian Family, there was only that palm-print that was as bright as the sun in the sky.    


"With a palm strike from a Martial Saint, even an ordinary great domain would suffer!"    


At this moment, there were exclamations of admiration from the various families and powers.    


That terrifying palm strike caused all the experts to be scared out of their wits, and their primordial spirits to tremble.    


That terrifying palm was enough to kill a Cultivator of the great region.    


That was a Supreme Power, unmatched!    


"Can he still withstand it!?"    


The eyes of Qi Jiajun, Mo Junyu, Zhou Yu, Jiang Yunfeng, Huang Ling'er, and Hong Ni trembled. Under that frightening might, it made everyone feel insignificant, and they could not help but worry for Du Shaofu once again.    


Du Shaofu calmly faced Han Yingmo the entire time, the purple golden lightning in his eyes grew even more resplendent, and his hair fluttered in the wind.    


A terrifying palm print pushed the heaven and earth horizontally and instantly appeared in front of Du Shaofu. The space around Du Shaofu's body had already started to crack.    


"Arrogant kid, you're going to lose in the end!"    


Seeing the terrifying Zhi Zun's palm reaching right in front of Du Shaofu, Han Qianran, Qin Zhe and the other members of the younger generation all had fanatical expressions in their eyes.    


Paragon Nirvanic Rebirth, invincible!    


At this moment, the old people and experts of the Law Family in the distance all revealed satisfied smiles on their aged faces.    


Han Qianran's supreme Nirvana Monarch, that was the hope of the law family!    


Du Shaofu moved, against the palm of the Zhi Zun, he did not retreat, but went forward, and went straight for the air.    


Soon after, that palm imprint that was several tens of meters in size arrived at a place not even three meters away from Du Shaofu.    


Under countless gazes that were trembling with horror and horror, Du Shaofu raised his head, stood with his hands behind his back, and directly opened his mouth: "Stop!"    




As Du Shaofu's voice fell, the surrounding space seemed to tremble once again. And then, everyone watched in horror as the palm, which had destroyed space along the way, actually stopped right in front of the space less than fifteen meters wide which Du Shaofu was in. It instantly froze, and was no longer able to advance even half a step.    


At this moment, the expression on Han Yingmo's face, who was behind the palm print, froze!    


Everything in the area was deathly silent!    


The smiles on the faces of the elderly and experts from the Four Arts Sect froze as their eyes glazed over.    


Under the gazes of all the living beings that were trembling, Du Shaofu stood there with his hands behind his back. His resolute face revealed a smile and curve to Han Yingmo, and his voice resonated throughout the world.    


"Is this the so-called palm strike of a supreme expert? Have you ever seen a true supreme expert?"    


His voice was calm, but it echoed through the dead silence.    


When his voice fell, Du Shaofu's forehead was filled with divine light, like a divine flame, that transformed into six divine rings.    


When the six divine rings appeared, the entire space seemed to emit a rumbling sound. It was like the heavenly music from a heavenly profound beast, striking the hearts of the living, causing them to want their souls to scatter.    


The space within the sky suddenly became pitch-black, as if the heaven and earth had suddenly sunk into darkness.    


The ground began to shake, the mountains began to shake, and the waters of the river began to stir with stormy waves.    


All of these changes caused one's soul to tremble!    


Everyone's gaze trembled at the sight. On the Certify Martial Arena, the young man in battle clothes, who was standing in front of Zhi Zun, was shrouded in light. The Six-Wheeled Holy Ring on his forehead was even more bright and dazzling than Han Yingmo previously.    


"Sovereign Rebirth, Devil King Du Shaofu is also a Supreme Nirvana Person!"    


"Oh my god, the Infernal King is also a Supreme Nirvana Person!"    


The eyes around him trembled. The Six-Wheeled Holy Ring in front of the young man in battle clothes represented that he was also a and also a Zhi Zun!    


At this moment, the countless gazes of the Dharma Clan suddenly began to tremble violently!     


"No, he has seven rounds!"    


"Oh my god, what's going on!"    


Suddenly, there were exclamations from the surrounding people. Suddenly, there were countless exclamations that couldn't help but be shocked!    


Under the gazes of everyone present, another round quietly appeared on the forehead of the young man in battle clothes.    


Seven rings of light resembling divine flames revolved around him, releasing a boundless, tyrannical pressure.    


At this moment, that young man in armor was shining with a divine light, as if he was a miracle. He emitted a supreme aura that pressed down on the heaven and earth!    


At the moment, however, it was far from over.    


In just a short moment, under the stunned gazes of countless people who did not know what to do, the seventh round of divine rings quietly appeared on the top of Du Shaofu's head.    


The pressure between the heaven and earth continued to increase as the world started to sink under the eight rings of divine fire.    




However, the eighth and ninth rings of divine fire appeared.    


In front of Du Shaofu's forehead, every additional divine ring caused the pressure of heaven and earth to increase exponentially.    


rumble rumble *    


When the Nine Wheel Divine Ring appeared, the surrounding space was filled with the unceasing sound of the void, causing heaven and earth to rumble. It was as if countless heavenly drum had cried out in unison, shaking the living to the point of being scared witless!    


As the Nine Ring Divine Ring appeared in the sky, its resplendent radiance enveloped everything!    


In that moment, a new powerful Qi spread out from Du Shaofu's tall and straight figure, and in the entire Law Family's Heaven and Earth, in that instant, it was as if something seemed to have awoken!    




The heavens and the earth were rumbling, and the earth was cracking open. It was as if enormous cracks had suddenly appeared in the sky. Bright golden rays of light shot down, and a majestic aura and the might of the heavens threatened to descend.    


"Boom!" BOOM! "Boom!"    


Dark clouds billowed, the mountain range shook, rivers and lakes churned, like a tsunami, the clear sky resounded with thunder for a long time without dispersing, the Demon Beast roared!    


At this moment, all the creatures in the four directions could not help but crawl in terror for no reason!    


At this moment, in the air above the Certify Martial Arena, a young man clad in battle armor accompanied by the might of the heavens, was suppressing all the living beings in the world.    


"Great Supreme Nirvana, he is Great Supreme Nirvana!"    


Among the Dharma Family, there were some elderly people who could not help but tremble in shock. They recognized the Nine Ring Divine Ring, it was the Great Supreme Nirvana.    


"Great Supreme Nirvana!"    


At this moment, within the Dharma Clan, the eyes of countless experts and elders were opened. Divine light shot out in all directions, trembling because of it!    


It was also at this moment that after Zhi Zun unleashed that palm, huge waves emerged in Han Yingmo's eyes, as though stormy waves!    


"The real Zhi Zun, have you seen her now?"    


Du Shaofu said. On the surface of his body, there was a mysterious fluctuation of Talisman Secret Mark, the light was gorgeous and moving, it was bright and astonishing, his entire body was shining, dazzling and profound.    


When the voice was heard, Du Shaofu moved. He waved his hand and reached out with his right hand, making a fist and index finger respectively. His finger gently tapped on the unmoving Zhi Zun's palm.    




The terrifying palm strike was just like the smoke from the wind as it quietly scattered and disappeared without a trace.    


With that light and elegant movement of his finger, Han Yingmo's Zhi Zun was destroyed.    


But then, Du Shaofu's finger also directly touched Han Yingmo's palm.    


"Crack crack."    


The moment his fingers and palm collided, sparks shot out and then, as if he had been struck by lightning, Han Yingmo's palm instantly cracked and shattered, shattering into countless fragments of Blood Fog.    




His entire arm spasmed, and in the last moment, his entire arm exploded apart at his shoulder. His body shot out like a meteor, smashing onto the Certify Martial Arena s from the air.    


boom rumble rumble *    


It was unbreakable. The rune s in the unbreakable Certify Martial Arena were shattered, the surrounding plaza floor was also cracking, and cracks spread out like spider webs.    


Han Yingmo's body was buried within the pile of shattered rocks that was piled up on the Certify Martial Arena.    


At this moment, the hearts of all the Descents of Fa Family s had been buried within the pile of shattered rocks!    


The pride in the hearts of all the Descents of Fa Family s was also crushed and buried together!    




In the air, Du Shaofu's figure descended, and stepped onto the pile of broken stones that engulfed Han Yingmo, his body emitting light, the imposing aura around him roiling, that was the Zhi Zun, making everyone crawl on the ground!    


Du Shaofu raised his head and looked into the sky, his eyes were like two balls of lightning, radiating bright rays that shot into the sky.    


Abruptly, Du Shaofu shouted out loud. Accompanied by flashing lightning and rumbling thunder, a majestic and mighty pressure swept out in all four directions, spreading to the entire Dharma Clan.    


"Mother, Shaojing, I've come to look for you! Where are you?!"    


The sound echoed out without end, filled with boundless power. It was like a clap of thunder, shaking Heaven and Earth to the point of teetering on the verge of collapse, causing people's souls to tremble!    


The voice was hoarse, causing the listeners to feel a lump in their throat as they listened to it, unable to be stopped.    


Xiao Yu continued to work hard to write the character.    


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