Martial God Conqueror



This Thunder Tortoise was the Soul Seed of the yellow lightning Spirit Lightning, and the dazzling Talisman Secret Mark was the Spirit Root that existed in Du Shaofu's mind.    


Du Shaofu still remembered that last time the Silver Swallowing Soul Thunder entered his mind, they were immediately suppressed and eventually destroyed.    


However, it was different this time. This Spirit Lightning was far more powerful than last time's Silver Swallowing Soul Thunder. While the Spirit Root could temporarily suppress it, in the end, it could only maintain a stalemate and not destroy this Spirit Lightning's Soul Seed.    


When he exhausted all of his strength, his body became extremely weak. The terrifying destructive lightning energy was still attacking his body, causing Du Shaofu to feel unbearable pain, it was extremely painful.    


In the stalemate between Du Shaofu's Niwan Palace and the Thunder Tortoise, the sound of lightning and thunder gradually disappeared from the vast sealed space.    


The shockingly destructive aura dissipated, and everything returned to normal.    


Even in the vast underground pit, the Purple Thunder Profound Cauldron calmed down after devouring the yellow colored lightning.    


Then, the Purple Thunder Profound Cauldron floated to Du Shaofu's side, without any Qi spread out.    


"Eh? Could it be that that terrifying being isn't willing to break through to the Talisman Array again?"    


Outside the deep pit, the terrifying commotion had also caused the Talisman Array outside to tremble, attracting several obscure auras that peeped over.    


"I heard they said that the Devil King Du Shaofu escaped into the Talisman Array himself and that the terrifying creature probably destroyed it. Unfortunately, I don't know whether that Shield Yang Dragon Surrender Arts is real or fake."    


Another voice rang out, but it did not spread out. It could only be heard by the several hidden auras that filled the air.    


"That terrifying being is growing more and more violent. I wonder how long this Talisman Array can keep it trapped for. It is getting stronger and stronger, so fusing with it is becoming more and more impossible!" Someone sighed.    


That terrifying thing has been trapped for two thousand years, and my heart is filled with hatred. Once it escapes, it will definitely start a massacre, and my Albizia Sect will probably suffer a calamity. "    


Someone's voice was low and worried.    


In the space under the deep pit, everything returned to normal and became abnormally quiet.    


It was just that at that moment, Du Shaofu who was floating within the deep pit and sea of clouds, was not at all calm.    


As the aura on his body became weaker and weaker, even though the Spirit Root s in Du Shaofu's mind flew out by itself, its aura also became weaker and weaker. This Spirit Root was basically not under Du Shaofu's control at all.    


Pain! His origin soul was in extreme pain. His body was also in bone-deep pain!    


The Spirit Root's aura became weaker and weaker. In the stalemate between the Thunder Tortoise, it gradually began to dissipate and the light became dimmer.    


Yellow lightning bolts began to break through the Spirit Root's bindings, gradually hitting Du Shaofu's primordial spirit.    


Although there was still the Silver Swallowing Soul Thunder blocking Du Shaofu's primordial spirit, but that kind of primordial spirit pain was unbearable for Du Shaofu.    


Du Shaofu gradually passed out and lost consciousness.    


On the Shang State, the news of Du Shaofu making a ruckus about the Albizia Sect also gradually spread.    


Du Shaofu had caused a huge ruckus in front of tens of thousands of Albizia Sect disciples, so even if he wanted to hide it, he could not.    


There might be spies from other powers within the several tens of thousands of Albizia Sect disciples.    


The head of the Twelve Gods, the number one person of the Nine Prefectures' young generation, appeared in Albizia Sect.    


As soon as the news spread out, it instantly shocked the entire area.    


In a certain place, there was a mountain that stood erect between the heaven and earth. It was as if it could shine with the radiance of the four seasons, and it was as if it could hover down through the ages to enlighten all living beings.    


All the way to the peak, the mountains were verdant and the brown cliffs were like sharp swords pointing towards the sky.    


And the most eye-catching thing was a towering peak that pierced the clouds. It stood amongst the mountain peaks like a peerless divine sword that had fallen into the mortal world. Clouds and mist surrounded it.    


Below the mountainside, tall Dan Feng stood erect, their branches and leaves luxuriant, as if they were covered in red clouds.    


It was early in the morning, and the mountains were as dark as iron. As the sun rose, this towering mountain peak, which was like a peerless divine sword that had been thrust inwards, turned an inky blue color.    


Soon after, mist rose up, and the Dan Feng that covered the entire mountain was dyed red by the red light. It gradually turned into a bronze color, appearing exceptionally magnificent.    


"Heaven Barren Continent, I have already made Devil King Du Shaofu the leader of the Twelve Divine Heroes, so this matter is related to me. I want to make a trip to Albizia Sect!"    


On the peak of the mountain, a man walked out. He was about 25 or 26 years old, and his body was covered with an elegant, fog-like rune. He was extraordinarily handsome, and his robes were embroidered with sword markings.    


"That Devil King Du Shaofu was currently being sought out by the Devil Cult, and the Dragon Clan and that hidden great master would probably not let him off. The Shang State is right now an eventful time, and the devils are breeding here, if I'm not careful, it could bring about a great calamity to my Sameng Sword Sect."    


A middle-aged man, who appeared to be over a hundred years old but appeared to be quite young, wore a long sword tattooed robe. His eyes were filled with a sharp and sharp sword light as he spoke to the extraordinary youth.    


"Heaven Barren Continent, he is not afraid of that hidden great master, not afraid of Dragon Clan, not afraid of Devil Cult. If I'm afraid now, I don't even have the qualifications to chase after him anymore, let alone surpass him!"    


The extraordinary youth turned his head to look at the middle-aged man and said: "Father, Sameng Sword Sect will be in my hands in the future. If I'm timid, how will I lead the Sameng Sword Sect in the future?"    


The middle-aged man looked at the extraordinary youth and said after a moment of his sharp eyes: "Go on, you will become whatever kind of person you want to be with. That kid from Devil King Du Shaofu seems to be not bad, when he is in a difficult situation, he will always remember who helped him.    


His voice paused for a moment. The middle-aged man looked at the extraordinary youth and continued, "But I would like to know, do you think that he is a friend or an opponent?"    


The extraordinary youth looked at the rising sun. He stood with his hands behind his back and said: "A friend and a friend. Half an opponent. Although we don't have much contact with each other but it is worth chasing!"    


"You've grown up."    


The middle-aged man laughed and looked at the extraordinary youth. He lightly patted his shoulder and said: "Remember, going to Albizia Sect is your representation of Sameng Sword Sect. After this matter is over, choosing an alliance master of Purifying Evil Alliance will be a contest between you youngsters, and it is also your responsibility."    


"Don't worry, Purifying Evil Alliance Alliance Master, I, Mu Jianchen will take it!"    


The youth smiled, with a strong sense of confidence in his eyes!    




When Du Shaofu woke up, he opened his eyes and realized that he was inside a ball of resplendent yellow lightning.    


The surroundings were like a sea of yellow lightning, filled with a destructive energy.    


Under the bright, slow arcing light, Du Shaofu realized that his body was still wrapped in Thunderbolt Martial Bloodlines.    


The Thunderbolt Martial Bloodlines was currently resisting the destruction of the surrounding yellow lightning, and by its side were a few Universe Bag.    


"Violet-Golden Heaven Place."    


Not far away, Du Shaofu saw the Violet-Golden Heaven Place that the Spirit Lightning was originally devouring, but they were now being bound within the sea of lightning.    


And at this moment, the Violet-Golden Heaven Place was surrounded by soaring dragons and leaping tigers, and the flying phantom was resisting the destruction of the resplendent yellow colored lightning arcs.    


"This should be the Spirit Lightning's lair."    


It did not take Du Shaofu long to understand what had happened. Seems like he had already been brought into the den by the Spirit Lightning.    


His mind was in intense pain, Du Shaofu then probed his mind, and to his astonishment, he discovered that inside his brain, the three thousand lightning Soul Seed that his master left behind had transformed into a ball of flame and lightning no one knew when it had appeared, burning the Thunder Tortoise and binding it, protecting it from its attacks.    


It was just that from the observation of his mind, it was not hard for Du Shaofu to know that the Thunder Tortoise's aura was endless, yet the three thousand lightning strikes were being consumed by the Soul Seed. did not know how long the three thousand lightning strikes had persisted for, but he was afraid that it would not be able to last long.    


Inside the Niwan Palace, the Spirit Root s were finally shrouded in the primordial spirit. The Silver Swallowing Soul Thunder and primordial spirit had already merged into one, and it was hard to defend against them at this moment.    


Although he had regained consciousness, Du Shaofu was still trapped in a desperate situation.    


"We can't just sit there and wait for death. We can't just die like this!"    


Even though his heart was heavy, and he knew just how desperate he was in, Du Shaofu gradually suppressed the panic in his heart and his thoughts.    


At this moment, the most important thing was to think of a way to escape. As long as there was a sliver of hope, he wouldn't give up.    


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