Martial God Conqueror



"Awoo! Awoo!"    


The space trembled, and a terrifying energy immediately came from all directions. It brought along a huge pressure and quietly spread, as if it caused the heaven and earth to tremble, and shook one's soul!    


In that moment, the space in the formation distorted, and Space Ripple began to spread out like a wave as if they were boiling water.    


That terrifying energy also contained a mysterious power that caused the space of the grand formation to shatter inch by inch, tearing apart those pitch-black spatial rifts.    


The entire array was suddenly in chaos. Waves of linked killing formations were boiling, Six-wheeled Blood Killing Array was trembling, and the Talisman Secret Mark's flashes were dim without end. There were truly signs of it being broken through.    


An ordinary Talisman Array at the peak of the Terminator Realm would probably be overturned at this moment.    


But obviously, these were dozens of killing arrays with Six-wheeled Blood Killing Array in the middle to suppress them. It was not easy to break through.    


"That is an absolute treasure!"    


Du Shaofu's eyes flashed with the Violet-Golden Lightning, in that moment, the purple gold lightning that filled the sky whizzed out, transforming into a gigantic Violet-Golden Thunder Roc that was not beneath the gigantic golden dragon image.    


"If you're here, don't even think about escaping!"    


Du Shaofu opened his mouth and spoke. His voice pierced through the clouds and shattered the rocks, the eyes of the Violet-Golden Thunder Roc Phantom shot out purple-gold electric arcs, like two bright suns shining down on the vast sky, looking down at the living beings of the world, controlling the Supreme Power and releasing a boundless overbearing pressure, pressuring the heavens and earth!    




The Violet-Golden Roc cried out and moved about, its entire body covered with dense purple gold electric arcs. Below its abdomen, a pair of Peng claws, also in an instant, purple gold electric arcs wreaked havoc in the air, and with electric radiance, a claw imprint tore through space, directly grabbing onto the Golden Dragon phantom's body.    




The giant golden dragon phantom roared and erupted with resplendent rune s. It revealed a wave of Supreme Power s that could actually defend against one claw of the great peng.    


At the same time, the dragon's tail churned, its gigantic head no longer breaking the array, it roared ferociously, its dragon breath gushing out like multicolored light rays and biting towards the Violet-Golden Thunder Roc's neck.    


"Domineering Sword Dao!"    


At the same time, from within the Violet-Golden Thunder Roc Phantom, Du Shaofu flew out. The purple-gold Talisman Secret Mark s flickered, and an unprecedented aura of a sovereign emerged from the tall purple gold electric arc, engulfing the entire sky.    




A dragon, a tiger, a bird, and a god's wail filled the air. A golden light wrapped around the Nine Ring, and like a purple lightning bolt, it transformed into a bolt of lightning that struck against the fierce dragon's head.    


This sword strike was too terrifying. The Domineering Sword Dao contained a great Supreme Power that carried the might of heaven and earth.    


"Chi la!"    


Above the dragon's head, the Shinning Spear resounded, bringing about sparks and blooming like fireworks.    


At the same time, the Violet-Golden Thunder Roc's terrifying claws descended, bringing with it berserk Destructive Energy s, and at the same time, the gigantic dragon phantom s started to crack apart as well, as everything turned into a dazzling golden light that shattered the rune's ripples.    


Puff puff puff!    


The ferocious dragon image was shattered, and dragon four, and dragon seven, Long Ba, and the two others immediately spat out dragon blood.    




However, at the same time, the resplendent dragon horn erupted with light once again. In an instant, it turned into a huge golden dragon that stood in the air above the grand formation.    


This change also made Du Shaofu's gaze tremble.    


To think that the dragon horn had that kind of power. To be able to break through the suppression within the Divine Domain Space, its power climbed up to such a terrifying level that it was impossible to destroy.    


"Du Shaofu, so what if you have Great Supreme Nirvana? You can't do anything to me, I have the protection of the Truth Dragon's horn, you are helpless, haha!"    


From within the gigantic Golden Dragon Phantom, Long Si's loud laughter came.    


Seeing that the situation was bad, Long Si felt that the Devil King Du Shaofu was stronger than he had imagined. When Su Yunyi and Han Yingmo made their move, he chose to immediately break the formation and escape.    


Long Si did not want to let the Dragon Clan army suffer a loss of half. This was the guarantee that the Dragon Clan would use the Divine Domain Space to snatch this opportunity.    


Although the Dragon Clan, the Law Family and the Zongheng Family were working together, in the depths of their hearts, the Dragon Clan had never placed the human race in high regard, even if it was the nine great families.    


Before the Dragon and Phoenix Tribulations, Dragon Clan was one of the three great Zhi Zun. Back then, humans were still mere ants and had even worshiped and worshipped at the feet of the Dragon Clan, worshipping them as gods, willing to be its servants.    


In the hearts of Dragon Clan, no matter how strong humans were, they were still once servants. In the future, it was the same;    


"Awoo! Awoo!"    


The dragon's roar was unending. The giant golden dragon phantom s covered the sky, ferocious and fearsome. The terrifying aura of the Truth Dragon was released, and its eyes looked down, as if it was provoking Du Shaofu.    


However, at this moment, Long Si, Long Qi, and Long Ba's hearts were trembling. That terrifying aura of a Great Master, that tyrannical aura of torture, was causing their hearts to palpitate and their hearts to become fearful, as though they couldn't resist it.    


If not for treasures like the Truth Dragon's horn, they definitely would not have been able to defend themselves.    


But precisely because they had such a treasure like the Truth Dragon's horn, they could rely on it. So what if the Devil King Du Shaofu's Great Supreme Nirvana was great, with the Truth Dragon's horn, no one within the Divine Domain Space could do anything to them.    


This was the background of the Dragon Clan, and was not something other people could compare to!    


Du Shaofu's body appeared tiny under the attack of the gigantic dragon phantom. Lifting his head slightly, the Violet-Golden Thunder Roc at his back flapped its wings and lightning flashed out of its eyes. Its power was increasing exponentially.    


At the same time, Du Shaofu's purple robes fluttered, and his entire body was covered in golden light. Light also spread out from his body, invisibly connecting with the air and resonating with it.    


"So what if you have the Truth Dragon's horn? I am a Truth Roc, I am also a Sovereign Human Emperor!"    


Du Shaofu opened his mouth and shouted with a deafening voice. A magnificent and desolate Qi emanated from his body, and a rolling golden light spread out, like a rising sun, exuding a mysterious and ancient aura, that formed an extremely powerful and majestic pressure, as an endless amount of energy filled the sky.    


Following that, the space around them distorted. The Medicine Sovereign in the distance, who was under the protection of the great formation, and Su Muxin and the others were also staring in shock.    




Almost at the same time, a silver gold lightning bolt shot out from between Du Shaofu's brows, filling the sky.    


Violet-Golden Thunder Roc, Golden Dragon, and Red Ass Horse Monkey. Three gigantic beast shadows soared in the sky, and three supreme auras descended at the same time.    


Finally, the giant golden dragon phantom on the Truth Dragon's horn that was emanating outwards, suddenly revealed a look of fear, and fiercely trembled.    


In the air, Du Shaofu's entire body was glowing, the surroundings were filled with the sound of thunder, as though a peerless overlord had appeared, the might of a supreme being filled the air, looking down at everyone in every direction, as though a supreme being had personally come!    




Du Shaofu flew horizontally across the sky, instigating the forces of heaven and earth. Behind him, the void Violet-Golden Thunder Roc roared, the Red Ass Horse Monkey roared, and shook the clouds, all of them moving together, containing a mysterious power. Boundless luck and nature merged together, forming a powerful and majestic force, suppressing the gigantic dragon phantom.    


boom rumble rumble *    


Within the formation, the earth quaked and the mountains shook. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. The world shook and the earth cracked. It was as if a great calamity was coming!    


Under such a terrifying aura, the faces of Su Muxin, Ao Zun, Du Yu, Gui Wa, Wu Que and the rest had already turned pale white, and their bodies were trembling uncontrollably.    




The golden dragon phantom roared, and fear continuously appeared in its eyes. However, it still charged towards Du Shaofu in the midst of its sinister roar.    




Du Shaofu shouted. Twin purple gold electric arcs flashed like a purple gold sun as he looked down at the three massive bodies of Violet-Golden Thunder Roc, Golden Dragon Phantom, and Red Ass Horse Monkey behind him.    




A terrifying aura spread out in all directions, and the space they passed through suddenly shattered, breaking through the void like a miracle.    


bang bang bang bang *    


Finally, the dozens of interlocking killing formations around him were no longer able to withstand this level of might and shattered into pieces.    


The dozens of killing arrays were not destroyed by others but by Du Shaofu himself.    


The entire vast mountain range was exploding and destroying everything.    


The ground was cracked open, and space collapsed, as if the world was being destroyed.    


"This is too terrifying!"    


"They're going to be destroyed together!"    


Many creatures in the distance quickly retreated. Their eyes were filled with shock.    


"Crack crack."    


The ferocious golden dragon phantom s around the Truth Dragon's horn, under the ravages of Red Ass Horse Monkey, Golden Dragon Phantom, and Violet-Golden Thunder Roc, were seemingly unstoppably destroyed, turning into an endless amount of golden light that covered the sky and covered the earth.    


The Truth Dragon's horn wanted to erupt again, but the dragon's roar did not stop.    


But under the suppression of the Red Ass Horse Monkey, the Golden Dragon Phantom, and the three Supreme Power s, the resplendent Truth Dragon's horn was restricted within, and it was difficult for it to tear through the void and leave.    




Du Shaofu flew horizontally across the sky, reached out with one hand, and directly grabbed onto the Intertangling Dragon's horn that looked like a Intertangling Dragon, and grabbed onto the twisted palm imprint.    


Purple gold light gushed out from his palm, purple gold electric arcs surged out, destroying everything tyrannically. He then immediately took back the Truth Dragon's horn and disappeared into thin air.    


Then the Red Ass Horse Monkey, Golden Dragon Phantom, and even the Violet-Golden Thunder Roc Phantom gradually disappeared as the chaotic space gradually recovered.    




Dragon Four, Dragon Seven, and Long Ba spat out blood. Their eyes revealed shock as the Lifeguard Talisman between their brows also cracked and shattered at the same time.    


"My Truth Dragon's horn!"    


That was the true treasure of the Dragon Clan. Compared to the Heavenly Dragon Barrier and the Entrenched Dragon War God Armor, it was even more precious, like the difference between heaven and earth.    


But at this moment, Long Si realized that he was no longer able to contact the Truth Dragon's horn, and disappeared without a trace from the Devil King Du Shaofu's hands.    


Long Si never thought that with the Truth Dragon's horn, the Devil King Du Shaofu would still be able to do anything to them, and take it away.    


This was absolutely impossible. It was too shocking, unbelievable, and terrifying!    


"Quick, run!"    


With the loss of the Lifeguard Talisman, the Truth Dragon's horn had disappeared as well. At the same time, the formation was also broken as they quickly tried to escape.    


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