Martial God Conqueror



After a loud "boom", Devil God's body was blasted backwards!    


Its massive body continuously retreated, as if it was an incomparably towering mountain moving, emitting terrifying tremors!    


As for Jiang Chen, his Golden-furred Hou's body, it merely took two steps back before stopping!    


Wisps of bloody black demonic energy lingered between his palms and claws, continuously eroding his power!    


However, when the misty golden light burst out, all the demonic energy was instantly crushed and dissipated into nothingness!    


"What a powerful body!"    


Devil God focused his eyes. The back of his hand was a mess of flesh and blood. His five fingers were faintly trembling.    




Jiang Chen let out a sharp roar, and like a heavenly sound, it pierced through a person's primordial spirit, causing them to tremble!    


The golden fur all over his body fluttered wildly in the strong wind. His pupils were suffused with a strange ominous light. On his incomparably ugly face, his lips were parted and his halberd was incomparably malevolent!    


The Golden-furred Hou's feet broke through the air, and with a twist of its body, it once again charged towards Devil God!    


"I want to see exactly who you are!"    


His strength had not completely recovered. Although he had been at a disadvantage when fighting with Jiang Chen, he was not afraid!    


When he said that, he once again waved his fists, rushing towards Jiang Chen, and fiercely clashing with him!    


The two Lord of Terror s instantly pulled apart the most terrifying battle. That simple palm and fist, every time it descended, would cause space to overturn, mountains to crack and rivers to crack, and the heaven and earth to tremble endlessly!    


A violent wind swept across the area, sweeping through everything in its path. Everything was destroyed and blocked!    


None of the creatures in this world dared to approach the battlefield for fear of being affected by the aftermath of the explosion.    


Even the eight great Devil Emperor s were no exception, as they had long since escaped into the distance!    


Under that terrifying might, they weren't willing to meet it head on!    


"Just what is the background of Jiang Chen? How can he possess such terrifying strength?"    


In the distance, Du Xiaoyao, Du Tingxuan, and the others all looked at each other. They could see the shock in each other's eyes!    


They were well aware of the Devil God's strength. All of their Heaven Saint Stage and Half-Step Heaven Saint Expert's combined strength made a total of twenty experts that could not even take a single move from his hands!    


And at this time, Jiang Chen was suppressing the Devil God, so he was at an absolute disadvantage!    


This caused endless suspicions to arise in Du Xiaoyao's heart.    


From the very beginning, when he first met Jiang Chen, he had rarely appeared in front of the people. It was as if he himself was also searching for his origins!    


No one would have thought that at the final moment of this great calamity, when his Devil Cult was about to annihilate all of the top rankers, he would suddenly appear in the battlefield and save everyone!    


"Does he already know where he came from?"    


Du Xiaoyao could not help but guess, perhaps this was the only explanation!    


If that was the case, his origins would not be simple!    




In the distance, Jiang Chen released waves of terrifying howls, shattering the void!    


The vigorous Golden Haired Hou's body trembled and a scarlet smoke surged out. It burned in the air and gave off a frightening and fiendish aura!    


After forcing Devil God to retreat once again, Jiang Chen once again chased after him. That iron-like claw ruthlessly grabbed and directly pierced into Devil God's chest!    


A terrifying force shot out, and the arm covered in golden hair suddenly pulled back!    




A huge chunk of Devil God's flesh was instantly torn off, and devil blood surged like a stream!    




Devil God roared again and again, and suffered serious injuries!    


On his huge face, an intense rage instantly appeared. His demonic eyes looked at Jiang Chen's golden furred Hou body, and a dense killing intent surged out!    


"I don't care who you are, but you will have to pay the price of your life for all that you have done today!"    


Devil God howled in anger, he did not care about the wound on his chest, his extremely thick thighs moved, stepping on the ground, he released a loud rumbling sound!    


In the midst of his uncontrollable rage, his hands moved swiftly, and once again condensed into a blood colored Devil Blade, holding it tightly!    


On this blood colored Devil Blade, there was an incomparably vicious aura!    


Devil God raised both his hands and suddenly slashed downwards, as though he was splitting the heaven and earth!    


Terrifying tears in space instantly appeared, and spread all the way to Jiang Chen's body!    


"Humph!" If it was before, when you were at your peak, I might really be helpless against you! But now, you have already died at the hands of Du Shaofu once, how can you still fight against me! "    


Jiang Chen coldly snorted, but did not waste any more words, his body soared into the sky, brazenly charging forward, and plunging his head into the spatial crack!    


Unexpectedly, he did not think of dodging, but instead charged straight at the Devil Blade!    


The pair of sharp claws intersected and mercilessly grabbed onto the Devil Blade!    


With a "peng" sound, the Devil Blade was broken into pieces once again. Only half of it was still in Devil God's hands!    


As for Jiang Chen, his momentum did not decrease in the slightest as he continued to rush in front of the Devil God!    




Devil God bellowed, the half of the blade in his hand released a blood light, and fiercely slashed at Jiang Chen's body!    




Jiang Chen screamed sharply, before Devil God's blade could land, his two claws had already grabbed onto's wrist!    


The Golden-furred Hou's body stepped forward as it steadily opened its arms in the air. Then, with a twist of its body, it caused Devil God's incomparably towering body to be swung up, over his shoulder, and smashed onto the ground ruthlessly.    


With a "boom", dust and dirt flew up into the air!    


On the ground, another huge crater had appeared. It was even deeper than the one that Devil God had smashed into when he was falling from the sky!    


Jiang Chen did not stop moving, his figure suddenly shot out like lightning, and instantly appeared on Devil God's incomparably broad chest!    


With another two claws, he tore off Devil God's wounds!    


"Chi la!"    


A huge hole was ripped open in that thick and strong body, revealing the internal organs that were throbbing inside Devil God's body!    


Endless dark red demonic energy gushed out, and it was accompanied by a strong corrosive force!    


However, when such corrosive power landed on Jiang Chen's body, it was actually blocked outside by his fur, making it impossible for it to truly invade his body!    


This kind of scene naturally landed in everyone's eyes. Countless experts were stunned!    


"The Devil God was actually beaten!"    


"This is too terrifying! Just where did this person come from? How could he be so terrifying?!"    


"I hope that he can kill the Devil God. Such a strong warrior, there should be hope for him to do it!"    


"That may not be true. Devil God possesses an immortal body, so even he wasn't able to kill him!"    


"Devil God has already been killed by Great Roc Emperor once. I'm afraid their current strength is not as strong as the last two to three times, there should be hope!"    


As the experts discussed, they were all extremely shocked!    


The Devil God was such a terrifying existence, but there was actually someone who could ruthlessly trample him!    


However, they were also clear that the Devil God's strength was no longer as strong as before!    


Just as these people were feeling shocked, the eight great Devil Emperor s couldn't help but throb!    


"How can there be someone this terrifying? Other than Du Shaofu, there is also someone else who can become the opponent of the Lord Devil God!"    


"This person has a deep relationship with Du Shaofu, but we did not know that he would appear at this time. If he had arrived earlier, with him joining hands with Du Shaofu, Lord Devil God would truly be in trouble!"    


"The current situation is not too optimistic. The Lord Devil God expended too much energy, he is not his match at all. If this goes on, no one knows what will happen!"    


"What should we do? Should we help the Lord Devil God?"    


"With our strength, if we rashly go up, besides sending ourselves to our deaths, I'm afraid it won't be of much use!"    


"NO!" We can't just watch! Lord Devil God must be fine! "    


After an exchange of words, the eight Devil Emperor s immediately came to a decision!    


To the Devil Cult, the Devil God was just too important. If something bad really happened to him while he was in Jiang Chen's hands, then, everything would be gone!    


It was not easy for him to retrieve his life from Du Shaofu's mutual destruction. At this time, nothing unexpected could ever happen again!    




The Great Devil Emperor bellowed with a low voice, and without hesitating at all, he took the lead, and pounced towards Jiang Chen!    


Seeing this, the remaining seven Devil Emperor s did not delay any further and followed along!    


Just as they were about to take action, another ferocious fluctuation was emitted from the void!    


Immediately after, an incomparably gloomy laughter sounded, and fell into the ears of the eight Devil Emperor s!    


"The Eight Great Devil Emperor s? It's not your turn to be arrogant here! "    


Once this voice appeared, one could see endless bloody light erupting from the space!    


Then, two slender figures stepped out, and quickly stopped in front of the eight Devil Emperor s!    


"It's all of you!"    


Seeing the appearance of these two people, the eight great Devil Emperor s were instantly astonished!    


The two of them, they knew each other, and had interacted with each other quite a bit, other than Dongli Chihuang and Shen Yan, who else could it be?    


Actually, it was not only the eight great Devil Emperor that were shocked. Even many living beings in the distance were first stunned, then instantly exploded!    


"How could it be them? How is this possible?"    


"How did Dongli Chihuang from the Big Wheel Religion and Shen Yan from the Profound Talisman Sect get together like that?"    


"It seems like there is a deep relationship between them and Jiang Chen!"    


"What the hell is going on? Wasn't Dongli Chihuang killed by the Great Roc Emperor back then?"    


"How is this possible? What is their identity?"    


Countless experts were mumbling and discussing!    


Many people knew that many years ago, Dongli Chihuang had already been killed by Du Shaofu on top of his Big Wheel Religion!    


However, he had never expected that he would actually come back to life at such a time and even appear in the Devil Cult Tribulation's battlefield!    


And Shen Yan, had also lost his trace early on. No one within the Profound Talisman Sect knew his whereabouts either!    


Just with a few of you small shrimps, you guys are not even worthy enough to attack Master Jiang Chen! The Blood Slaughter Eight Barren! "    


Dongli Chihuang coldly looked at the eight Devil Emperor as he spoke.    


At the same time, he raised both his hands. With his palms facing upwards, a bloody slaughter energy billowed outwards!    


On the ground, the endless mountain of corpses and Blood River began to tremble. Endless amounts of death energy rose up and quickly gathered towards the cloaked hooded figure.    


Then, a bright black mass of light formed in front of him!    


Among them, countless wraiths' heads had materialized. The ghost spirits let out hoarse screams as if they wanted to bite and devour everything!    


These demon heads roared ferociously as they charged at the eight Devil Emperor s!    


"This trick!"    


The eyes of the eight great Devil Emperor trembled at the same time. They were once again extremely shocked by Dongli Chihuang's methods!    


Because, it was not hard for them to see that this method was nefarious and strange, violent and fiendish blood, extremely similar to Devil Cult, but it seemed to be even more profound than Devil Cult!    


"You actually want to make a move on Master Jiang Chen, looks like you all do not know how to write the word death!"    


To the side, after Chi Li and Chihuang made their move, Shen Yan also made his move!    


Countless brutal auras circled around him at top speed. One after another, rune arranged themselves into groups and submerged his entire body!    


Countless Talisman Secret Mark s rotated according to their strange trajectory, forming a ferocious and ghostly body, reaching up to thirty thousand meters in height!    


"I really want to see what kind of ability you two, who are neither human nor ghost, actually has to dare to be arrogant in front of us!"    


After the initial shock, the Great Devil Emperor quickly calmed down and snorted at Dongli Chihuang and Shen Yan.    


At the same time, the other eight Devil Emperor s also moved. One by one, they leapt forward and joined hands to attack the two of them!    




Shen Yan who had turned into a fierce ghost had a sinister look, a loud roar came out from its bloody mouth with a roar that shook the sky.    


As he opened his mouth, a strong stench surged out, bringing with it a terrifying aura that could corrode everything.    


In this world, all the remaining life force of the withered grass and trees in the distance amidst the flames of war had been extracted and turned into fine powder that sprinkled into the air!    


Not only that, even some weaker living beings and those with Devil Cult could feel the life force in their bodies draining away, transforming into a torrent that flowed into Shen Yan's body!    


Shen Yan roared, he took a step forward, and the heaven and earth began to tremble!    


A battle-ax that was as large as a mountain appeared in his hand. It rippled with the color of blood as a terrifying evil aura howled forth and cleaved down onto the Devil Emperor s!    


"Who do you think you are to challenge me!"    


Shen Yan said in a stern voice, the blood red battle axe in his hand hacked horizontally, directly sweeping the Great Devil Emperor's scale-covered claws!    


With a "pu" sound, a few severed fingers fell from the sky. Waves of devil blood splashed out!    


In the midst of it, the might of the battle axe did not decrease, and it slashed across the blood red sickle in the hands of the four Devil Emperor s. After the two blood red lights clashed, the blood red sickle immediately dissipated, transforming into surging demonic qi, but it was still absorbed by the battle axe!    


"So strong!"    


The Great Devil Emperor and the Four Great Devil Emperor s simultaneously retreated backwards, their eyes revealed shock!    


But what was shocking was not only that, the ghost heads that Dongli Chihuang had formed were now biting crazily at the bodies of the two Devil Emperor s, the Fifth Demon Emperor s and the six Devil Emperor s!    


Those sharp teeth ruthlessly bit at every part of their bodies, absorbing the demon blood from their bodies!    




The Second Devil Emperor, the Sixth Devil Emperor and the Second Devil Emperor were all screaming in pain.    


However, there were simply too many of them. They could not be killed within a short period of time!    


"These two are too strong, I'm afraid they have already reached the peak of the Heaven Saint Stage! "We can't fight him, quickly retreat!"    


The Great Devil Emperor bellowed as he grabbed a black claw that was covered in blood and retreated far away in an instant!    


Only after struggling for a long time did the two Devil Emperor s, the Fifth Demon Emperor s and the six Devil Emperor s finally get rid of the countless ghost heads and separate themselves from the rest of the Devil Emperor s.    


"What's the situation?"    


Du Xiaoyao, Du Tingxuan and the rest were all dumbstruck by this scene!    


To the people who were extremely close to Du Shaofu, they had all heard of Du Shaofu talking about Dongli Chihuang and Shen Yan, and knew that they were saved by Jiang Chen from the beginning!    


But who would have thought that when these two people reappeared, they were actually this strong!    


Even with the cooperation of the eight Devil Emperor s, he was still beaten into such a miserable state!    


It was likely that their current strength was no longer inferior to Du Shaofu's, who did not have the Emperor's Qi in his body and had not fully merged with the Thunder Laws!    


"I've long since said that you will undoubtedly die today!"    


In the distance, Jiang Chen's voice resounded. The slaughter between him and the Devil God continued!    


However, this was a one-sided slaughter!    


The Devil God's body, which was at the limit of its grandeur, had already been torn apart, chunks after chunks of flesh were torn off by Jiang Chen's sharp claws, revealing eerie bones one after another. All of his internal organs were exposed, and the area in front and behind his chest was completely bright!    




Devil God screamed miserably, rolling on the ground with all his might, wanting to get rid of Jiang Chen!    


However, that vigorous and powerful claw fell down again and again, causing his body to be close to withering.    


"I have an immortal body, you will never be able to kill me!"    


Devil God roared crazily, his body releasing wave after wave of ferocious demonic qi!    


But when this demonic energy attack landed on Jiang Chen's body, it could only cause him to receive minimal damage, and could be considered insignificant!    


"I've said this before. No one in this world can truly kill you, but I can!"    


Jiang Chen coldly replied. He stepped onto the ground with one foot and stepped on Devil God's chest with the other. He held Devil God's head with both hands and pulled fiercely!    


"Chi la!"    


Devil God's head was torn off and held in his hands!    


"I am immortal!" No one can kill me! "    


Devil God was still shouting.    


But this time, Jiang Chen did not reply him, only seeing the golden-furred Hou's body shake, after that the ugly face suddenly opened its mouth wide!    




A strong suction force suddenly exploded out from Jiang Chen's mouth. It was as if he was swallowing the heavens and killing the earth, causing all the surrounding mountain rocks and shattered wood to roll up. When they landed in his mouth, even the endless space around him exploded as they were also sucked in!    


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