Martial God Conqueror



However, Du Shaofu was not anxious, as long as he could obtain the benefits he wanted from the old man, he would put in some effort as it was only a matter of time, he would be able to find the Precious Medicine.    


"Alright, it's useless to say these things for now. Everything depends on luck!" Since this old man has promised you, I'm absolutely not afraid that you'll go back on your word. Now, if you have anything you want to know, ask away! "    


Flame Skull said as she looked at Du Shaofu's expression.    


Until now, he was now certain that even though this little fellow did not seem to be in a good mood on the surface, he was not a person who went back on his words.    


If he was in such a condition, it would be inappropriate for him to move around in the outside world. He would really need his help.    


"Junior Du Shaofu, from a small world, I still don't know senior's name!"    


Du Shaofu introduced himself and asked.    


"From a minor world?"    


This time, Skeleton Elder was very surprised, this fellow actually came from a small world? This talent was truly heaven-defying!    


But the old man did not hesitate and directly said to Du Shaofu: "You do not need to know this old man's name for now, just call me Elder Kong!"    


Du Shaofu nodded his head, but before he even had the chance to speak, he heard the Skeleton Elder continue to ask: "Let me ask you, are those few little fellows over there from the Yu Qing Divine Kingdom Imperial Family?"    


He extended a dried up claw and pointed at Yu Chengliang and Yu Chengyu who were in the crowd.    


It was clear that Elder Kong had heard the words that had come out of their mouths when they were talking together here.    


"Senior knows them?"    


Du Shaofu raised an eyebrow, but he did not feel too surprised.    


After all, Elder Kong stayed within the Mixed Element Space for several tens of thousands of years, and Mixed Element Space belonged to the latter.    


Therefore, it was not strange for Elder Kong to know about Yu Qing Divine Kingdom, and even know some of the people in Yu Qing Shen's group.    


"I don't know these little guys. When this old man fought with the Blood Blaze Spirit Lotus and was trapped here, their father probably wasn't even born yet!"    


Elder Kong shook his head and said.    


Immediately after, he looked at the brother and sister with his empty eyes, smacked his lips, "Little guy's aptitude is pretty good. That old kid is not good himself, but this descendant is much better than him!"    


Elder Kong said as he smacked his lips. He seemed to remember some old friends.    


"Elder Kong, who is this old fellow you spoke of?"    


Du Shaofu raised his eyebrows and asked with interest.    


"That old fart is naturally the ancestor of those two little fellows!"    


Elder Kong glanced at Du Shaofu and said indifferently.    


"The ancestors of the Sixth Prince and Little Princess!"    


Du Shaofu's eyes widened in disbelief.    


He had already heard He Zhibai speak of the power of Yu Qing Divine Kingdom before, it was an absolute colossus.    


A Divine Kingdom would be countless times more powerful than Du Shaofu in terms of Barren Kingdom.    


Yu Chengliang and Yu Chengyu's ancestors were naturally the ancestors of the Yu Qing Divine Kingdom and Divine Emperor s as well.    


Du Shaofu felt his breathing quicken as he stared at the Flame Skull.    


It seemed that this fellow in front of him was also an extremely powerful and abnormal character. He actually called an old ancestor of a Divine Kingdom an old boy. This was truly a great background.    


"What kind of look do you have?"    


Elder Kong seemed to have rolled his eyes at Du Shaofu, as he felt disdain for his expression. "That old fellow is definitely not as powerful as you think. It's all built up from treasures of heaven and earth, and it's just a bunch of floral things. In terms of the comprehension of Power of Laws, it's nothing more than a pile of dregs! "    


He thought for a long time before finding a suitable word to describe it.    


"No matter how dull he is, his strength shouldn't be too inferior right?"    


Du Shaofu was still sighing emotionally. He could imagine that with such a great Yu Qing Divine Kingdom as a shield, even a person with ordinary aptitude would definitely be able to reach an extraordinary realm.    


The most important thing was that Elder Kong judged his opponent using his own strength, so naturally, it carried a bit of a bias against him.    


A cultivation base built up from countless Precious Medicine might be weak in terms of fighting strength, but that was only in comparison. To Du Shaofu, he would most likely still need to look up to a person.    


"However, this old man also doesn't understand. Even if that old fellow has Yu Qing Divine Kingdom as a shield and is able to provide countless treasures for his cultivation, he shouldn't have reached such a level! Furthermore, where did he get all these Precious Medicine s from? Every time I see him eating treasures that are hard to find in the 33 Heavens, just like fruits, I feel my heart ache! "    


Elder Kong placed his hands on his chest, as if he was grieving.    


Even Du Shaofu started to imagine what kind of scene it was like for the ancestor of Yu Qing Divine Kingdom to eat Precious Medicine like fruit.    


Regardless of who it was, if they saw it, they would probably reveal the same emotions that Elder Kong had right now.    


"Elder Kong!"    


Du Shaofu shouted and called back the Skeleton Elder from his trance.    


"Forget it, let's not talk about that old fogey anymore!"    


Elder Kong waved his hand and in the blink of an eye, he stared at Du Shaofu and asked: "Brat, you guys are hiding here because you've encountered some trouble!"    




Du Shaofu did not deny it, as there was nothing to hide.    


Immediately, he told the Elder Kong about his current situation, including the various Divine General Palaces working together to kill Yu Chengliang and Yu Chengyu as well as the formation that had trapped them.    


After that, Du Shaofu stared intently at the eyes of the Elder Kong, which had lost its naked eyes, and wanted to know if he had a way to break it.    


"From what you said, the array formation outside should be undoubtedly the Divine Barren Sky Lock Array!"    


Elder Kong thought for a moment, then said.    


"Divine Barren Sky Lock Array!"    


Du Shaofu frowned, and repeated the name.    


He had come here from the Divine Martial World, and the moment he had entered the thirty-three days, he had entered the Mixed Element Space. He had not come in contact with any more situations, and did not understand anything about the Divine Barren Sky Lock Array at all.    


"That's right!" The Divine Barren Sky Lock Array was an ancient formation, it was extremely powerful! It was rumored that in ancient times, there were peerless experts who used this formation to envelop the 33 Heavens, trapping countless demons within. They were driven to a corner and surrounded and killed within! The most special thing about this formation was that it could trap the enemy in one place, making it hard for them to escape. Furthermore, the purpose of the ancient expert was to prevent the entire 33 Heavens from being annihilated by the great war, and even destroy the entire world! "    


Elder Kong explained to Du Shaofu.    


"An ancient array is enveloping the 33 Heavens and trapping the demons!"    


Du Shaofu's heart immediately started to undulate. Just based on his imagination, he could tell that it was a grand scene.    


There were nearly a million experts at the Void Initiation Stage and above in the Yu Qing Divine Kingdom, so it was clear that it was vast.    


And in Chang Rong Tian, there was also the existence of the 36 Holy Lands and 72 Divine Kingdoms. Among them, God Nation Yu couldn't be considered too strong.    


In addition, there were countless large and small forces. From this, it could be inferred how vast the Unparalleled Eternal Heaven was.    


Yet a Divine Barren Sky Lock Array from the ancient era was actually able to cover the entire 33 Heavens, what a terrifying scene!    


Other than that, the expert who set up the Divine Barren Sky Lock Array must be extremely powerful and tyrannical!    


"The Divine Barren Sky Lock Array is so strong, I'm afraid that whatever is in the hands of the few great Divine General Palaces outside is incomplete, right? Otherwise, we won't be able to live until now! "    


Du Shaofu lamented, he only needed to guess once to know that the Divine Barren Sky Lock Array outside was definitely not a complete object.    


Otherwise, they would have died a long time ago.    


One must know that in the ancient times, that formation had killed countless demons. How could these young experts contend against it?    


"You're right! Honestly speaking, the formation outside could not be considered a Divine Barren Sky Lock Array at all. At the very most, it could only be considered a replica. This old man can't understand either, why some people are so shameless, and actually used the name of the ancient array! "    


The Elder Kong scoffed at the Divine Barren Sky Lock Array of the several Godly Generals. He continued to speak, "However, that item is still in the Mixed Element Space, so it's not bad to deal with a bunch of young experts! But I think that those people who are in the Spirit Realm should only be able to use the most basic of the formation, and are unable to attack! "    


"Indeed. After we enter, we will never find the way back. We can only continue deeper and become trapped without any killing power!"    


Du Shaofu nodded and said.    


"Heh heh."    


Elder Kong suddenly laughed mischievously, saying, "Even the power of 'tiredness' is far from what it was in the ancient times. At that time, the Divine Barren Sky Lock Array directly drove countless demons into the center, where no one had the strength to resist. But right now, if some of those people from the Divine General's Estate can break through to the Cut Truth Stage, then they will be able to just barely use their 'annihilation' method. At that time, if you think you can escape that easily, then it will be extremely difficult! "    


Listening to what the Elder Kong said, Du Shaofu's heart could not help but jump.    


It seemed that even though the Divine Barren Sky Lock Array outside was just a trash imitation, it definitely could not be underestimated!    


Once Dai Xuanzhen, Haolian Shang and the others managed to break through to the Cut Truth Stage, they would have more power to control the formation, and at that time, it would be too much trouble for him to deal with them.    


"How could a few Divine General Palaces within the Yu Qing Divine Kingdom obtain such a great formation?"    


Elder Kong stroked his bald chin, and said to himself.    


Even though the Divine Barren Sky Lock Array outside could not compare to the one from the ancient era, it was definitely an unimaginably terrifying formation.    


From what he knew, the fact that a few Divine General Palaces possessed such a great formation was truly not very reasonable.    


"Elder Kong, it's best to think of a way to escape now. Since we've been trapped here, we're too passive!"    


Du Shaofu gazed at Skeleton Elder and said.    


"If this old man was in his prime, it wouldn't be difficult for him to take care of this tiny replica. But now, the strength that I can display is not even comparable to yours. I'm also powerless to do anything about it!"    


Elder Kong suddenly raised his head and said with a sigh.    


"Elder Kong, is there nothing you can do?"    


Du Shaofu frowned, he did not want to hide within the Wild Ancient Space forever.    


There were still countless opportunities within the Mixed Element Space, and he still wanted to properly search for them to raise his strength.    


In addition, he also planned to find a way to leave early and investigate the whereabouts of the male granny, Little Star and the others.    


"It's not like there's no other way!"    


Elder Kong smacked his lips and said: "But all of this will depend on your ability!"    




Du Shaofu was a little speechless. If he could solve the problem himself, how could he possibly need to ask for help?    


He had already tried it long ago, no matter if it was the Space Law's methods, or the Thunder Laws's methods, they were all useless against the Divine Barren Sky Lock Array outside.    


This was not all, even the Red Ass Horse Monkey Primordial Spirit s that were always unfavorable had no effect.    


Otherwise, he would have managed to escape.    


In fact, Du Shaofu had also thought about going to the Divine General's Estate alone for a while.    


With his strength, he might not be able to defeat them, but if he wanted to escape, it would definitely be an easy task.    


However, he was inside the array, his hands and feet tied. If he was injured or had any accidents, he would be in an even more passive position. There would even be nowhere for him to escape.    


"Brat, think about it yourself. All formations are like trap arrays, killing arrays, Psychedelic Array s, etc!"    


Elder Kong looked at Du Shaofu, and said: "Although this old man's attainments in formations is average, I still know about it. The Divine Barren Sky Lock Array, on the other hand, was a combination of all three. However, the formation outside now only had the effect of a barrier array! The trap array simply uses the power of Space Law to influence space and become its own domain. It has its own rules and order and if one is trapped within it, one must abide by the laws of this place! "    


As he said that, he slowed down and continued, "Just like this Wild Ancient Space of yours, everything is still within your control. When it comes to how profound it is, it's unknown just how many times more profound it is compared to the formation outside!"    


"So? What do I need to do in order to break through the formation outside and escape the shackles of space? "    


Du Shaofu seemed to have comprehended something, as though he had grasped some crucial point, but he still felt that it was a bit vague, and could not help but ask.    


"So, as long as you can comprehend your own spatial domain and 'take' yourself out from within the Divine Barren Sky Lock Array, you will be able to easily escape!"    


Elder Kong looked at Du Shaofu closely and said these words.    


"Comprehend your own domain, and 'take' yourself out from within the shroud!"    


Du Shaofu unknowingly frowned, and started to think about this sentence.    


He knew that in terms of attainments in Space Law, the Elder Kong was countless times stronger than him.    


There was definitely a deeper meaning behind his words, but if he wanted to truly control them, he needed a deeper comprehension.    


"Brat, hit me again!"    


Elder Kong suddenly shouted, signalling for Du Shaofu to attack him.    




Du Shaofu knew that the most critical moment had come. The Elder Kong was here to demonstrate to him what kind of realm the "pick" was.    


Without even thinking about it, he punched out towards the Flame Skull in front of him.    


Du Shaofu's fist rippled with a purplish golden glow. It was incomparably bright, and at least brought along more than fifty percent of his strength, smashing straight towards Skeleton Elder.    


The air within the Wild Ancient Space began to ripple, and faint cracking sounds could be heard.    


Such a punch, when it directly landed in front of Elder Kong, was like a female pig sinking into mud. The boundless force continuously weakened, and quickly lost more than half of it.    


Du Shaofu was shocked. He had already felt this kind of situation once before, and it was when he was forcing the Elder Kong to chase after the Blood Blaze Spirit Lotus herself.    




Finally, when Du Shaofu's fist touched the Elder Kong, the force was already gone without a trace.    


As for the Flame Skull, it was still standing at its original spot, unmoving.    


"Kid, did you see it clearly?"    


Elder Kong looked at Du Shaofu with his empty eyes, and asked.    


"Is this another use of Space Law? "It's so magical!"    


Du Shaofu said in a daze as he looked at Elder Kong.    


After all, this was the Wild Ancient Space, and everything was within his control.    


It was even under such circumstances that the Elder Kong was still able to do such a thing, which caused Du Shaofu to turn pale with fright.    


"This is the spatial domain. If you can comprehend the true essence within, not only can you use it to break away from the external formation, you can also take a step forward in the attainments of Space Law!"    


Elder Kong said as he faced Du Shaofu.    


"Space Domain, form your own domain and 'take' yourself out of the external world!"    


Du Shaofu lowered his head, minding his own business.    


Based on the methods the Elder Kong had just demonstrated, he could clearly feel that the other party had gotten rid of the influence of the order in the Wild Ancient Space for the moment.    


It could be said that if Elder Kong was strong enough, it was hard to say whether or not this space could trap him!    


If it was in the outside world, the Divine Barren Sky Lock Array might be extraordinary, but if it was able to form a unique domain within his body, it would be easy for him to break free from the shackles and escape.    


"Spatial Domain, how can I form my own spatial domain?"    


Du Shaofu frowned, and started to ponder.    


Seeing that, the Elder Kong did not disturb him, and only allowed Du Shaofu to fall into deep thought.    


At the same time, he could not help but sigh with emotion. This boy was truly amazing, yet he had only demonstrated it once. Furthermore, the first time he had used it was also only twice.    


Such a prodigy, did he really come from a small world?    


This was truly unbelievable!    




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