Martial God Conqueror



Within the 33 Heavens, many living creatures had discovered the situation with Divine Martial World.    


For everyone, this was a world that suddenly appeared. It was a place that was even more terrifying than the 33 Heavens, and this made countless people want to test it out. They wanted to enter and see what exactly was inside.    


Not long after, a large number of experts set out, and headed straight for the Divine Martial World.    


If it weren't for the fact that more and more devils had come out of the eighteen layers of hell and needed countless men to deal with them, it was likely that even more experts would have spied on them this time!    


But even so, the amount of people rushing to Divine Martial World was still very large.    


Within the Divine Martial World, Du Shaofu brought Little Star and Du Xiaoyao out of the void, and also discovered an even more terrifying change in this world.    


However, since they were prepared for it, they were not particularly shocked. They only let out a series of exclamations.    


Du Shaofu was even more so. He knew the origin of the Divine Martial World and the current state of this world, was not even at the initial stage of the ancient era!    


"I need to do this a few more times in the future!"    


Du Shaofu said with a sigh in his heart. He incomparably hoped that the Divine Martial World would continue to flourish and bring endless benefits to the life forms of this realm.    


Compared to the 33 Heavens, this world was not strong enough to withstand even a single blow. Even more experts had to be born to make up for these problems.    


"If a few Sedentary Amnesia Expert appear in this world, perhaps they will be a bit safer!"    


Du Shaofu thought like this in his heart. If there was an existence like that to guard and protect the growth of the other life forms in this world, then it would definitely be a rare event.    


It was just that he was pondering over it. In this world, where would he find a Sedentary Amnesia Expert?    


In the past, among the many powers in the Three Continents of the Nine Prefectures, there had never been such an expert before, other than the Principal of the Heaven Martial Academy.    




Du Shaofu muttered to himself as he thought.    


had long known about this world, but in the end, he had created a power within the Divine Martial World, so it was natural that he could be considered as a living being here.    


Furthermore, his cultivation had long ago reached the Sedentary Amnesia, and he had slept in the Wild Ancient Space that Du Shaofu carried around for many years.    


If he could wake up, he might really be able to become the strongest person in this world and stand guard!    




Just as Du Shaofu was considering this question, his mind unconsciously probed into the Wild Ancient Space, wanting to check out the condition of the Heaven Martial Academy's Principal.    


With his current strength, he wouldn't be as clueless as he was before.    


However, when Du Shaofu's consciousness sank into the Wild Ancient Space, his heart suddenly jumped!    


This was because the current Wild Ancient Space was completely empty. Besides a few cultivation resources that had been placed there, there was nothing else!    


The figure that was enveloped in light all this time had disappeared without a trace!    


It was unknown when the Heaven Martial Academy Principal had disappeared!    




Du Shaofu couldn't help but be shocked in his heart. As the current owner of the Wild Ancient Space, that space was just like the one he was in right now.    


However, he did not notice the disappearance of a living person. It was extremely strange.    


"Could it be that the dean has already broken through and left on his own?"    


It was very possible that Du Shaofu had such a thought.    


With the Wild Ancient Space in Du Shaofu's hands, no one could enter and take it away silently.    


And at the same time, that space was created by the Principal in his early years of life, and the order of the laws was in his control. If he personally left after waking up and didn't attract Du Shaofu's attention, this could be explained.    


If Du Shaofu's deduction was not false, then it could only mean one thing. That was, the Headmaster had already successfully stepped into the third level of Sedentary Amnesia, and become the strongest existence in the 33 Heavens!    


"I wonder where that old man has gone to?"    


Du Shaofu lifted his head and looked at the empty space in the surroundings.    


He really wanted to meet the Headmaster, but he didn't know where to go to find him.    


"Boss, what happened to you?"    


Seeing Du Shaofu's somewhat dazed expression, Du Xiaoyao could not help but ask.    


"It's fine, let's continue on our way!"    


Du Shaofu shook his head, he did not explain anything. He would explain everything to them in detail after returning to the Barren Kingdom.    


He did not utilize the power of the world's law and order; otherwise, he would have been able to return to the Barren Kingdom in the blink of an eye.    


"Hmm? Yet another expert has come to this world! "    


Just as the three were on their way, Du Shaofu raised his eyebrows as he felt a strange fluctuation from his Divine Martial World.    


There were quite a few experts with powerful cultivations that descended, all of them falling into his perception.    


"Could it be the Shield Void Splendid Heaven again?"    


Little Star looked at Du Shaofu with his beautiful eyes and asked.    


The existence of Divine Martial World was extremely secretive, and it was difficult to find the existence of this world from the crevices of the outside world.    


Before this, when they had returned, the Shield Void Splendid Heaven's three Sedentary Amnesia Expert s had been following them the entire way, and only now did they discover this place.    


Therefore, if the other experts of the Shield Void Splendid Heaven had received news from those three, and rushed over to Divine Martial World, then it was indeed very possible.    


However, Little Star wasn't worried at all. Within Divine Martial World, no one would be a match for her father.    


To the side, the corner of Du Xiaoyao's mouth couldn't help but curl into a cold smile. No matter how many Beast Clan Expert they came to, they would only serve them delicious food.    


"If it's not Beast Clan, then there are many experts who have come, many of whom have never come into contact with such people!"    


Just then, Du Shaofu frowned and said those words.    


He could faintly feel that this world seemed to be exposed to the eyes of the creatures outside. This was why so many experts came to spy on him.    


"Who cares who those people are. As long as they have bad intentions, then all of them will remain in this world!"    


The little star slowly opened her mouth as a strong killing intent burst out from her words!    


"Go, return to the Barren Kingdom first!"    


Du Shaofu nodded his head. Without the slightest delay, he immediately brought Du Xiaoyao and Little Star away, quickly returning to the Barren Kingdom.    


After seeing Du Shaofu and the other two return, Du Tingxuan, Du Shaojing, Du Yunlong, Zhen Qingchun and the others were overjoyed, rushing over to the palace in succession to gather.    


Du Shaofu merely explained a few things to the rest of the people, then he rushed into the skies above Stone City, and sat down while waiting for the experts from the outside world to descend into this world.    


In the distant 33 Heavens, it could be said that no place could be said to be at peace.    


This was because in the recent years, the devil race had become more and more rampant. Several hundred years ago, when a small group of devil race members had appeared, barged into the Divine Devil War Stage, and then entered Chang Rong Tian, several hundred years ago, this trend had become more and more intense.    


Fortunately, in the early years of their lives, all the major powers of the 33 Heavens had made appropriate preparations, and had dispatched a large number of experts to guard the Hell Gate s of the Divine Devil War Stage.    


As more and more devils rushed out from the 18 Hells, the major forces of the 33 Hells became increasingly nervous. No one dared to underestimate the devils; no one dared to underestimate them!    


No one wished for such a great slaughter to reappear in this world!    


In the eighteen levels of hell, in that desolate and limitless star field, the only world that still existed was the place called Earth. The three thousand great worlds' masters, Lu Shaoyou and Xiao Long, were still there.    


They travelled everywhere like two mortals, roaming the mortal world.    


"Boss, Devil Ancestor is moving more and more violently. If we don't attack now, there will be a loophole in space!" If he is allowed to get out of our control, it will not be a good thing! "    


Xiao Long and Lu Shaoyou walked side by side, frowning slightly as they spoke.    


The Devil Ancestor was currently breaking through the eighteen layers of hell's seal, and was fusing with his soul that had been suppressed separately step by step. Once he finished fusing with it and recovered to his peak strength, it would be very difficult to deal with him.    


And that was what Xiao Long was worried about.    


"Let's not rush it, he still needs time, we need to continue with our plan one step at a time! That Junior Martial Brother of mine, if his cultivation were to improve, I'm afraid he'll start causing trouble again! As for the specifics, let's not worry about it and just watch him suffer! I believe that fellow will definitely have his own ideas! "    


Lu Shaoyou gently waved his hand and said to Xiao Long.    


He was still the same as before, calm and indifferent, as if he had always been confident!    


"Alright, boss, since you already said that, then I'll listen to you!"    


Xiao Long spread out his hands as he spoke.    


"The eighteen levels of hell, there's only a few layers of seals left!" The remnants of energy in this star field would also be consumed! The methods left behind by the Great God Pan Gu, in the end, they were still unable to stop the living Devil Ancestor! "    


Lu Shaoyou sighed and then said: "I hope that junior brother of mine can cultivate a little faster. This way, it will be easier to face off against the demon race head on.    


"That brat's cultivation speed is already abnormal, it has completely exceeded our expectations! We can't ask for too much! "    


Xiao Long glanced at his big brother, the moment he mentioned Du Shaofu, he felt that there was a lot of similarity between him and his big brother.    


Even until now, Du Shaofu had only cultivated for more than a thousand years.    


If it was someone with extraordinary talent in the 33 Heavens, they would probably only be at the level of their The Realm Of Cut Truth.    


But that guy had long ago reached the Virtual Dao Stage, and it was unknown just how many outstanding genius s he had overshadowed!    


"The secrets of the Divine Martial World, should have already been obtained by him! That Realm has been completely exposed to the outside world. It can be said that it is now completely connected to the 33 Heavens! "    


Lu Shaoyou suddenly said, and laughed.    


He had long since known about the Divine Martial World and had been paying close attention to it. He even had a better understanding of the recent changes that had occurred.    


"If we were to go there again, I'm afraid that we would not be suppressed by the frightening suppression that we had back then, no?"    


Xiao Long's eyes flickered as he said that.    


Back then, when they were chasing after the Devil God, they had went to the Divine Martial World, and because of that terrifying suppressive force, all of their cultivation had been severely restricted, and they could not unleash their original strength.    


It was also because of this reason that the Devil God would choose that realm to avoid disaster.    


In the end, it was because the Du Family ancestor of the Heavenly Dao had made his move, that was why he had suppressed the Devil God!    


When he thought of that terrifying suppressive force, even an expert like Xiaolong couldn't help but feel a bit panicked. That definitely wasn't a wonderful experience.    


"If I want to completely remove the suppressive force from that realm, I should still be lacking a little! If we go over now, we can probably display the power of a normal practitioner in the Sedentary Amnesia realm! In other words, those who go to that realm with Sedentary Amnesia will not be suppressed much! "    


Lu Shaoyou said.    


"Divine Martial World is indeed worthy of being the first form of a world. The Euphorbia Heaven Saint who created that world, is also worthy of being a powerful god or demon that came from the Primal Chaos. Under the condition that he changed the world's rules and order, he was actually able to produce such a terrifying strength.    


Xiao Long suddenly sighed and said while shaking his head.    


Regardless of whether it was the 3000 great worlds or the 33 Heavens, his cultivation base was already formidable enough. Besides his boss, it was hard to find anyone that was stronger than him.    


Even so, when one thought of the Primal Chaos Fiendgods of ancient times, they couldn't help but cause the little dragon to sigh with emotion. That was the strongest existence in the world!    


"Don't be in such a hurry!"    


Lu Shaoyou slightly smiled, looked at Xiao Long and said: "There will be a day that we can reach that height! Primal chaos Fiendgods were very powerful, but they had to survive in the primal chaos for countless years before they could reach that level! Even though we are Acquired Life, we do not have any rules, which means that Acquired Life will definitely be weaker than primal chaos beings! "    


Xiao Long was initially seriously listening to Lu Shaoyou's words, but when he heard the last part, his eyes jumped.    


"Boss, you mean …"    


He looked at his boss in disbelief, completely dumbfounded.    


When Lu Shaoyou said the last line, "Without any rules, the Acquired Life will definitely be weaker than the life forms in primal chaos", Xiao Long understood.    


There are three types of living beings in this world, namely Chaos Dragons, Innates, and Acquired Life. Gods and devils that come from the Primal Chaos are naturally Chaos Creatures, and when the heavens and the earth were first established, the ones that were born directly from the heavens and the earth, such as the Primordial Dragons, Yuan Feng, and the Beginning Qilins of the Ancient Era of the 33 Heavens and the Earth, were born from the heavens and the earth.    


To the best of everyone's knowledge, Acquired Life was the weakest, because they lacked the most unique of conditions, so it was naturally impossible for them to reach the level of Innate Realm.    


As for Chaos lifeforms, for them to be able to create worlds, evolve great Daos, create worlds, and give birth to Xiantian lifeforms, they naturally stood above all others. They were the most powerful existences!    


But Lu Shaoyou's words meant that Acquired Life had the chance to escape this realm, to stand shoulder to shoulder with Innate Rankers, and even reach the level of Chaos Rankers?    


"This …"    


Xiao Long felt incredulous. This kind of thinking could be said to be contrary to the subordinate relationship of the Great Way of the Heavens and Earth.    


However, these words came from his boss, so he had to believe it.    


Xiao Long had always believed that as long as sufficient time was given to him, his eldest would definitely be able to surpass everyone else and become the first Acquired Life comparable to a Chaos lifeform!    


However, in Xiaolong's heart, this was only limited to his boss. The rest of them, including him, probably wouldn't have any hope for life.    


"Let's prepare to leave. The Devil Ancestor is churning in the 18 Hells, causing the power here to change. There will be a huge commotion in this Star Domain!"    


Lu Shaoyou didn't say anything more on the previous question, and changed the topic again.    


"The creatures of this world are the truly blessed ones!"    


Xiao Long's gaze swept across them. He was able to clearly sense every part of this Earth, but he continued, "With the protection of the Great God Pan Gu, even though they are all mortals, they do not have the bloody conflicts of other worlds. However, if only there were less humans here! "    


As he spoke, he curled his lips. It seemed that he was not very satisfied with some things that happened in this world.    




Lu Shaoyou laughed upon hearing this, and said: "This world will undergo a metamorphosis, and it won't be long!"    


"Get ready to leave, it's time to meet with Devil Ancestor and the other demons in person!"    


Xiao Long raised his head towards the sky and said.    


Lu Shaoyou nodded his head, and said: "But before that, I might have to go fight with someone else!"    


As he spoke, his eyes began to shine with a bright light as countless illusions evolved and took shape inside him. He could see the sun, moon, and the moon rise and rise simultaneously as time and space rotated.    


"Let's go!"    


Xiao Long roared out, and then together with Lu Shaoyou, his body slowly turned pale, and suddenly disappeared from his original position, as if he had never appeared before.    


The departure of the two did not cause any changes to the world on Earth.    


It was as if a small Earth was the center of the entire Star Domain. Endless power surged out like a torrential river, connecting all the stars together and giving them a mysterious trajectory.    


Under the uncountable amount of energy channeled by the stars, they all converged towards the eighteen layers of hell, forming a powerful seal. It turned the entire hell into a prison, firmly imprisoning countless demons!    


However, all these years, ever since Jiang Chen had entered the Eighteen Hells, the circulating powers of all the stars had been constantly changing, causing the sealing power to become weaker and weaker, and thus causing changes to the entirety of the Solitary Star Region.    


In fact, Lu Shaoyou and Xiao Long had always been fully aware of this change, and had seen everything.    


They knew, this was the untying of the Earth's binding force!    


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