Martial God Conqueror



Du Shaojing quietly stood there while the wind occasionally blew past. Her green skirt fluttered and her black hair slightly moved.    


Time slowly passed and the sun rose and set.    


During these seven days, Du Shaojing stood still and did not move a single step. Only his eyes occasionally became moist.    


On the eighth night, the moon shone brightly in the sky.    


However, it is also the first time that I have been so close to you. It seems to be so close, yet also like the distance between heaven and earth. However, I can sense that you will definitely be fine.    


Du Shaojing's exquisite facial features revealed her otherworldly beauty, her ethereal eyes flickered like stars, tears flowed down her face as she looked ahead and muttered: "Big brother, can you feel that I'm very close to you right now? I'm right by your side, I've found you."    


"Drip drip!"    


As he muttered these words, sparkling tears flowed down his otherworldly face and dripped onto the desolate ground.    


"Chi la!"    


Inside the Thunder Space, Du Shaofu was seated cross-legged. Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and within his eyes, a purple lightning light flashed as he looked around in a daze.    


"Who is calling me? My heart is trembling."    


Du Shaofu muttered, he looked around, in his quiet comprehension, he suddenly felt like someone was calling, and his heart was burning up.    


Suddenly, Du Shaofu looked around, and his gaze landed on the Red Ass Horse Monkey behind him. Looking at the spirited and dazed gaze, it was as though he had suddenly realized something, and his gaze was fixed on the Red Ass Horse Monkey.    


Primordius is the flower, and the flower is no longer a flower. Primordius is Nirvana, and the end of the path is Nirvana, so why can't it become a brand-new beginning, Primordius is the energy of the universe, and why can't it be said that there is one word, "The word," Primordius "," The word, "Primorditionalism", "," Primorditive ",".    


Du Shaofu muttered softly in his mouth, as if he had suddenly realized something, and as if he had understood something, his eyes flashed brighter and brighter, and suddenly, his blood boiled for no reason. His resolute and determined face revealed a look of joy, and he constantly muttered softly: "If I, the Pulse Soul, am one, my god is one, and the other is the combination of Dao, everything that is big and big, everything is big!"    


"Haha, I understand, I understand."    


Whispering, Du Shaofu suddenly laughed out loud, the sound wave resonating through the air and rippling the golden lightning all around.    


"Chi la!"    


At the same time, Du Shaofu formed a seal with his hand, and a silver gold electric arc appeared between his brows, followed by an illusionary figure walking out, it was the Primordial Spirit Body, a complicated Zhi Zun Qi undulated, and slowly walked towards the golden Red Ass Horse Monkey.    




At this moment, the entire space trembled, as though strange Energy of Heaven and Earth had silently gathered here.    


In the quiet plaza, moonlight enveloped the entire area. That graceful figure was like a fairy descending to the mortal world. Her black hair that flowed behind her head was like a torrent of trash, and her temperament was like that of an immortal fairy.    


"Miss Shaojing."    


Elder Ming quietly appeared behind Du Shaojing, looking at the girl in front of him, not knowing what to say.    


"Granny Ming, I'm fine. I can feel that even my brother is fine. He's definitely still alive."    


Du Shaojing turned around, placed one hand on his left chest, and smiled at Elder Ming. The tears in his eyes, quietly disappeared into his smile.    


When he saw the smile on that face, Elder Ming relaxed. Looking in front of him, he said: "Your brother that brat is indeed unable to be judged by common sense and is also quite abnormal. He might really be fine.    


"Elder brother is here, so I'm not worried. Grandmother Ming, I won't make things difficult for you any longer. I'll go back with you."    


Du Shaojing smiled and said to Elder Ming.    


"Have you finally thought it through? There's less than two years left, and the great meeting of the nine great clans is about to begin." Have you finally thought it through, because there's less than two years left, and the great gathering of the nine great clans is about to begin. Elder Ming said.    


"That big event wasn't important to me, it was just that my big and powerful family needs someone to watch over them for the next hundred years."    


Du Shaojing held onto the pit of her stomach and laughed indifferently. Her feet then touching the ground, her beautiful figure leapt into the night sky, her green clothes fluttering, her hair cascading down like a waterfall, the moonlight shining down, her temperament extraordinary and proud of the world!    


At this moment, within the Thunder Space that no one could pry into,'s Golden Crow Burning Sky Thunder faintly fluctuated. Once again, he sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.    


It was just that right now around Du Shaofu's body, the Pulse Soul and the Primordial Spirit Body were spinning and releasing two kinds of Sovereign's Might. It was as if they were evolving and growing.    


At this time, the six rays of light that seemed like divine flames above Du Shaofu's head became more and more resplendent, and gradually, the seventh round of light faintly appeared.    


As the time continued, a few days later, the entire Golden Winged Roc Clan was filled with astonishment.    


"How could this be? What happened?!"    


"What a strange aura, I have never seen anything like it before!"    


"It's a powerful pressure, a very powerful pressure!"    


Within the entire Golden Winged Roc Clan, many people looked up at the sky and were shocked.    


swish swish *    


There were quite a few figures standing in the main plaza of the Golden Winged Roc race. There were even quite a few experts who were gathering here from time to time.    


When some of the clansmen who had excellent eyesight noticed the aura that was spreading over from the sky, the astonishment in their eyes immediately turned into shock.    


At this time, dark clouds gathered in the air above the entire Golden Winged Roc race. The wind rose and clouds surged, covering one's line of sight.    


This aura spread throughout the entire Golden Winged Roc s, and from the gathering black clouds, faint arcs of electricity shot out.    


Within the storm, an endless wave of unfamiliar auras spread out. The oppressing aura was awe-inspiring, causing even the disciples of the Golden Winged Roc race to tremble in fear! "    




Not long after the wind began to kick up and the clouds began to surge, a deafening clap of thunder resounded out of nowhere, causing the sky to tremble and the ground to tremble.    


On a towering mountain peak, many auras trembled as a glaring golden light radiated through the air. Within the golden light, many figures could be seen emanating an imposing aura.    


There were a few elders in the front, and all of them had a beard and eyebrows that were full of pride. They looked like they were old and tall, and the few young men and women that were not ordinary were all in the group.    


And at this moment, this group of experts were Golden Winged Roc Clan's Fifth Elder Jialou Yuantu, Fourth Elder Jialou Ye, Chief Protector Jialou Huanyu and a few others. The few elders in the lead were also Great Clan Elder, Second Elder and other experts.    


"This is a phenomenon of the heaven and earth!"    


Before the group, the Head Elder's eyes were trembling as he stared at the sky. He was a rather tall man with light golden hair at his temples, wearing a silver-gold robe that fluttered slightly.    


"Once the phenomenon occurs, there will definitely be an extraordinary event!"    


The second elder's eyes stared intently at the empty air. A faint golden light fluctuated in his eyes. He appeared to be very old, but the invisible aura around him was not affected much.    


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