Martial God Conqueror



"Is there a need to sell fake medicine!"    


Du Shaofu's smiling face suddenly changed, his expression suddenly became gloomy, his purple robes shook, and he waved behind him slightly.    


"Bring them up."    


Outside of World Pavilion, Wang Mingchao shouted loudly. Then, a few youths walked out from within the World Pavilion, carrying two youths who were drenched in blood.    


One look was all it took for the two youths to know that they had suffered a heavy injury. Their clothes were tattered and their aura was sluggish.    


Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that these two had suffered greatly.    


When they saw the miserable appearance of the two youths, the expressions of Bai Yichen, Fei Chengming, Chang Qinghai, and the others changed drastically.    


"The two of them have already confessed because they were instigated by you two, that's why they purposely said that the Madness Pill s and their Profound Vitality Pill were medicated. In reality, they have never taken any of the Madness Pill s or their Profound Vitality Pill s, they are just speaking nonsense. I have also checked their bodies, but there are no traces of any Profound Vitality Pill s or their Madness Pill being taken."    


Du Shaofu's face was gloomy as he looked at Bai Yichen, Fei Chengming, Chang Qing Hai, and the rest.    


Bai Yichen, Fei Chengming, and Chang Qinghai looked at each other as their expressions changed drastically. If the sect knew about this, it would be a small matter.    


"Hmph, you've changed the two of them into moves, so how could your words be trustworthy? Clearly, you were the one who changed them into moves, so they had no choice but to do so."    


Cao Zhao looked at Du Shaofu, and the corner of his eyes twitched, and his expression darkened: "Don't think that just because you have become the chief that you are a lowly person. The matters regarding the Madness Pill and the Profound Vitality Pill are related to Talisman Alliance, and should be decided by Talisman Alliance, even though you are now the alliance master of the Talisman Alliance, the two deputy chiefs have not been decided, and you do not have the qualifications to be in charge either."    


"From the looks of it, if the civil competition is not enough, you all want to fight!"    


Du Shaofu shot a bland glance at Cao Zhao, his gaze slightly sneering, and suddenly formed an arc with his ridiculing smile, and said: "Actually, this is purely a matter of World Gang and them, it has nothing to do with you, Cao Zhao. Since you insisted on interfering, do you think that I would not dare to hit you, if not for Ancient Sky Sect, I would have already dealt with you."    


Hearing Du Shaofu's words, Cao Zhao was stunned, his face turned green and red, no one had ever dared to treat him like that, taunting him like this, not putting him in their eyes.    


In a short moment, Cao Zhao's face became extremely gloomy, the joints of his fists in his sleeves creaked, and a thick chill continuously surged out from his body.    


Sensing Cao Zhao's aura, Bai Yichen's gaze shifted slightly as he looked at Chang Qinghai beside him. Fei Chengming signaled with his eyes, and the three of them moved in unison as their auras fluctuated outwards.    


"Seems like we really plan to fight. Alright, let's do it as I say!"    


Du Shaofu said softly. Within his deep gaze, his eyes instantly filled with a faint golden color.    


"President, I will go all out, to be able to delay one of them, to let four Symbol Masters make their moves, two of them are Array Talisman Master s, and are unable to do anything, but they should be able to trap one of them, the remaining two leaders and many Martial King Stage s, leaving a large number of people."    


Ge Zong stepped forward and a faint aura rippled out of his body.    


"I'm afraid he won't do as we wish."    


Du Shaofu raised his eyebrows, swept his gaze across Cao Zhao and the others, and said: "But that's enough, you can take on one of them, and leave the rest to me. Leave the rest to me, you guys take note."    




Ge Zong nodded, once he said that, he suddenly released the aura of the Spirit Talisman Master s around him.    


Although the Artifact Talisman Master was said to have the lowest fighting strength among all the Spirit Talisman Master s, that did not mean that the Artifact Talisman Master did not have any. For Ge Zong to be ranked within the Gold List, it showed that he was definitely not someone to be trifled with.    




As Ge Zong's aura surged, the four Star Spirit Tailsman Master s behind him immediately stepped forward, their auras surging together as they prepared to join hands and fight.    


"We'll leave Ge Zong to Junior Chang, the remaining people will be dealt with by the others. Junior Fei, Junior Bai, the three of us will join hands and take Du Shaofu down first!"    


Cao Zhao looked at Ge Zong and the rest who were behind Du Shaofu, and spoke to Bai Yichen and the rest. Once he finished, the six Star Spirit Tailsman Master's Qi also erupted, but it was obviously denser and fiercer than the Qi on Ge Zong's body.    




Bai Yichen, Fei Chengming, and Chang Qinghai nodded, their auras surging at the same time.    


boom rumble rumble *    


Behind Bai Yichen and the others, many Cultivator of Martial King Stage s also stepped forward with explosive auras.    




In the air, many extremely valiant Demon Beast roared. The entire atmosphere suddenly froze, as a great battle was imminent.    


"They're about to attack, quickly retreat!"    


"When Uncle Du fights with Senior Brother Cao Zhao and Senior Brother Bai Yichen, they would be able to flatten the entire area. Hurry and retreat."    




Under the tense atmosphere, the surrounding disciples' expressions changed and they quickly backed up.    


"This is bad, I'm afraid it's going to be razed to the ground!"    


The people in the nearby shops were shocked. They quickly packed up their things and quickly left.    


Everyone knew that with the strength of Du Shaofu and Cao Zhao's group, the moment they clashed, the surrounding land that did not have any Talisman Array's restrictions would be razed to the ground.    


Du Shaofu looked at Cao Zhao and the others, on the resolute and determined face, there was no longer a smile. In his eyes, a gold light flickered, and his Qi surged as his purple robe fluttered.    




Suddenly, Du Shaofu's figure flashed out, taking the lead, a gold light surged out, causing the surrounding space to tremble.    


"Let's join forces!"    


Cao Zhao bellowed, at the same time, he rushed out, his figure becoming a blur, he pounced towards Du Shaofu.    


"Swoosh swoosh!"    


The air trembled, Bai Yichen, and Fei Chengming moved in unison. Profound Qi surged as they surrounded Du Shaofu.    




When Chang Qing Hai made his move, Ge Zong rushed out at the same time, targeting each other.    


"Chi la!"    


At this moment, there were more than twenty Martial King Stage Cultivators standing behind Bai Yichen and the others, and there were no less than three of them who pounced towards the six Star Spirit Tailsman Master cultivators behind Ge Zong.    


"Chi la!"    


The golden light blossomed like a sun, the Domineering Breath engulfed the entire sky, and a pair of golden Rune Wings extended out from Du Shaofu's back.    


Du Shaofu was like a golden roc descending. With a flap of his wings, he soared straight up like a roc and at an incredible speed, he dodged the attacks from Cao Zhao and the other two.    


"Rise And Shake The Heaven Wings!"    


"Trembling Waves Palm!"    


A deep voice came out from Du Shaofu's mouth as golden Talisman Secret Mark s surged out of his hand like lightning, forming a golden, brilliant wave, their auras terrifying to the point of overflowing.    




Du Shaofu seemed to have not held back at all as he swept towards the twenty over Cultivator of Martial King Stage s who were attacking the six Star Spirit Tailsman Master.    


"Bang, bang, bang!"    


Du Shaofu struck out with all his strength without reservation. In a tight instant, a total of six to seven Cultivator of Martial King Stage s were sent flying and a large number of shops and streets in the surroundings collapsed one after another.    




Du Shaofu flapped his wings, the golden Rune Wings released a dazzling golden light, and attacked with all its strength, sweeping across the sky like a peerless beast.    


"Puchi puchi!"    


Waves of golden light surged out as the golden energy waves connected with each other. A few more Cultivator of Martial King Stage were sent flying while spitting out mouthfuls of blood.    


A few of the Edge Level of Martial King Stage Cultivator s saw that the situation was not good and immediately tried to escape.    


"Where do you think you're going?!"    


Du Shaofu had locked onto those few people with the strongest Martial King Stage, so how could he let them escape? He immediately activated the golden Rune Wings, and didn't intend on letting those people with the strongest Martial King Stage go.    


"Sky Net!"    


Du Shaofu was already prepared. Facing the few retreating Martial King Stage, he threw out the Sky Net in his hands.    


boom rumble rumble *    


In an instant, the Sky Net turned into a huge net that covered the sky and the earth, enveloping the six Cultivator of Martial King Stage within it.    


"Be careful, it's the Middle Grade Dao Artifact, 'Sky Net'!"    


The few Cultivator s on the other side of the Martial King Stage activated the high grade Talisman Artifact s on their bodies. One of them still had the Primary Grade Dao Artifact on his body, but he was a step too slow, and was already being bound by the Sky Net.    


"Bang bang!"    


In just a short moment, Chang Qing Hai and Ge Zong were already engaged in a fierce battle. Under the low sounds of energy colliding with each other, the shops and courtyards around the streets were destroyed, and the streets were destroyed one after another.    


"Du Shaofu, I'm not done with you!"    


Cao Zhao shouted loudly and finally, he was behind Du Shaofu. The seals on his hands congealed as dazzling Talisman Secret Mark congealed into a gigantic white python phantom, as if it was alive.    


"Hiss hiss!"    


The gigantic white python phantom roared, emitting a terrifying aura. Its scarlet eyes and blood-red tongue caused people's minds to tremble, and it pounced straight towards Du Shaofu.    




Du Shaofu bellowed, a claw mark swept out with the overbearing will of the Golden-winged Great Peng, he activated the Great Peng's primordial claw and instantly tore the white phantom python into pieces.    


"Heaven's Dust Tyrant Fist!"    


Bai Yi Chen rushed over and formed a joint attack with Cao Zhao.    


In front of his fist, the Talisman Secret Mark was wrapped around his fist, making his fist look crystal clear and bright.    




A powerful energy ripple was emitted from within the terrifying fist, causing the entire space to tremble violently.    




Du Shaofu's voice was like a dragon's cry to the nine heavens, like the cry of a divine elephant. At this moment, the earth rumbled, space trembled, and the aura around her surged violently.    




The moment Du Shaofu's fist was swung out, a low cry sounded out from within the Brahma Monument as it tore through the air. In a flash, it violently collided with the former's fist. A thunder-like muffled sound suddenly resounded over the entire place ?    


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