Martial God Conqueror



"Shaofu, did you really come back?"    


Inside the palace, someone had barged in, it was Clan Elder Gu Qingyang.    


When he saw the purple-robed youth in front of him, Elder Gu Qingyang's face and eyes were filled with excitement as tears streamed down his cheeks. In an instant, the immortal-like aura around him disappeared.    


"It's good that you're back. I knew you were fine. It's just that master is useless and unable to protect you." Elder Gu Qingyang blamed himself, the two front teeth in his mouth protruding out like rabbit teeth, making him unable to hold back his laughter.    


But when he looked at the old man in front of him, who seemed to be older than ten years, Du Shaofu felt his heart go sour. It was definitely Master who was worrying about him, the gloomy expression on his face just now was dispelled a lot as he bowed and said: "Disciple is guilty, I shouldn't have worried Master."    


"Foolish brat, it's good that you're fine, it's better than anything. In the future, just stay within the Ancient Sky Sect and work hard at your cultivation. With your talent, you will become an expert in this world one day and I will accompany you to seek revenge for those bastards."    


Seeing his precious disciple return, he felt very happy in his heart. All these years, he had been worried, and finally, he was completely relieved.    


"Rest assured Master, your disciple will not make you lose face."    


Du Shaofu laughed, he looked at the old man, and his heart was filled with warmth.    




A moment later, a gigantic Demon Condor appeared within the Ancient Sky Sect. Its entire body was bright, and its feather was flickering with radiance.    


That was the Zither Devil's mount. It carried Du Shaofu, the Fourth Elder Jialou Ye, the Fifth Elder Jialou Yuantu, and the Savage Condor as they flapped their wings and flew away, carrying along a terrifying storm with them.    


"That's the Uncle Du. He should have returned to the Barren Kingdom World Gang."    


Within the Ancient Sky Sect, the crowd was in an uproar, all of their eyes looked up, revealing a look of shock.    


They were discussing on the inside, that once the Devil King Du Shaofu returned, once this news spread, it would probably cause huge waves even in the Central Region.    


It was not hard to find out that with the character of the Devil King Du Shaofu, even Big Wheel Religion would definitely wait for revenge.    


"The aura of the few people beside that kid is so strong. There are at least two beast regions!"    


In front of the abyss at the peak of the Main Hall,'s profound glass-like eyes trembled. He could less than feel the two Beast Domain Stage s that existed beside Du Shaofu.    


"sect master Martial Nephew, since Shaofu is back, his Bright Divine Court and Devil Cult will not be quiet. Let's apply for his position in the sect and we'll have to send out some experts to protect him." Elder Gu Qingyang was worried, afraid that the Bright Divine Court would cause trouble for his own disciple.    


"Martial Uncle does not need to worry, the ancestors of the sect have already sent a message."    


Sima Taxing looked at Gu Qingyang, his glass-like eyes slightly trembling, and said: "The elders in the sect have said that no one in the Nine Regions will be able to touch that brat, and his Central Region will change too!"    


From Central Region to Stone City, the distance was not close, but the speed of the mounts to Zither Devil was also extremely fast.    


Passing through the Long River of Central Region, Du Shaofu looked down from mid-air, that was where the Barren Kingdom World Gang resided.    


The last great battle did not affect the Barren Kingdom World Gang at all, and the subjects were still living in peace and working happily. Only now did they feel at ease.    


It was early in the morning, and in the middle of the vast Stone City, a dazzling palace glowed with a golden light. It was extremely huge, with a vast expanse that spread in all four directions.    


"Hua la!"    


The gigantic Demon Condor whizzed over like a large cloud pressing down on the sky. Its spreading wings had an astonishing aura, and the feather was flickering with light, distorting the air.    


"A powerful Demon Beast has descended!"    


Within the Stone City, a crowd suddenly surged forward, but it was not too strange.    


All these years, Demon Beast s would often appear in spirals in the air above Stone City, and the residents of Stone City had long since gotten used to it.    


"No, that's the Great Roc Emperor, the Great Roc Emperor has returned!"    


But immediately, some people recognized Du Shaofu who was on the gigantic Demon Condor. Who else could that purple robed youth be other than Great Roc Emperor!    


"Oh my god, Great Roc Emperor is back!"    


"Greetings Great Roc Emperor!"    


Instantly, within the Stone City, a tide of people knelt down excitedly, and the sound waves resounded through the skies.    


swish swish *    


Numerous figures flew out from the imperial palace. Numerous gazes looked at the purple-robed young man who was on the back of the floating Demon Condor and trembled with joy.    


"Greetings, Guild Leader!"    


"Greetings, Hall Master!"    


Wave after wave of voices reverberated like thunder, resounding through the entire Stone City.    




"Big brother!"    


Numerous figures suddenly appeared in front of Du Shaofu like lightning, they were indeed Du Xiaoqing, Du Xiaoyao, Du Xiaohu, Du Xiaohu and the others.    


"Big brother, did you really come back? I missed you so much."    


Du Xiaoqing intimately pulled Du Shaofu, her beautiful face had a smile like a flower, she was extremely happy.    




Du Xiaoyao's golden clothes fluttered slightly as his golden eyes stared fixedly at Du Shaofu. It was as if he had discovered something, and he was extremely astonished.    


"A treasure trove! This is definitely a treasure trove!"    


Zither Devil, Fourth Elder Jialou Ye, and Fifth Elder Jialou Yuantu were currently tightly staring at the interior of the Barren Kingdom.    


"It's good that you've returned safely."    


Ouyang Shuang said, looking at the purple robed young man who had returned, the Big Beautiful Eyes was moving.    


Ye Zijin did not say a word, he only looked at the purple robed young man, his eyes beginning to smoke.    


"Brother Shaofu."    


A group of Du Family younger generation members also flew into the air and surrounded the area, looking very intimate and respectful.    


"He's the president!"    


The eighteen Heaven General Guards stood to the side. Many young men were curiously sizing them up.    


"Kid, you're finally back."    


Someone else walked over, and the person in front was none other than Sacred Array Talented Child Zhen Qingchun. Behind him was Medicine Sovereign Physician Wuliang, Du Zhenwu, Du Zhixiong and the other elders of the Du Family, all had happy and excited expressions on their faces.    


"Brother Qingchun, Medical Elder, Eldest Uncle, Second Uncle."    


Du Shaofu looked at the familiar figures in front of him, and smiled.    


"Who are these people?"    


Zhen Qingchun looked towards Fourth Elder Jialou Ye and Fifth Elder Jialou Yuantu, and also took note of the Savage Condor and Heaven Moon Toxic Spider.    


"These two are my seniors as well."    


Du Shaofu opened his mouth, but the sound transmission had already reached Zhen Qingchun's ears, and told him about Jialou Ye's and Elder Jialou Yuantu's identities.    


Hearing that, Zhen Qingchun's drooping eyes immediately became perfectly round, and a bright light shone from within.    


"Greetings Elders. I am Zhen Qingchun. I am this kid's sworn brother."    


After being stunned, Zhen Qingchun immediately went forward to pay his respects to Jialou Ye and the two elders. The Fourth and Fifth Elders of the Golden Winged Roc Clan made Zhen Qingchun even more proud, and at this moment, he also became respectful.    


"Your soul force doesn't seem to be bad."    


Both elders Jialou Yuantu and Jialou Ye nodded.    


Seeing how Zhen Qingchun treated the two elders with such reverence, Du Xiaoman, Du Xiaoqing and the others couldn't help but look at the both of them once again.    


"This looks pretty good."    


Du Shaofu looked at Du Xiaoyao's human form and curled his lips, but when he sensed the Qi on Du Xiaoyao's body, his eyes suddenly trembled, revealing absolute surprise.    


"Of course, I look better than you."    


Du Xiaoyao looked at Du Shaofu and picked up the golden Spiritual Pupil, and said: You have also reached that step, what's there to be surprised about?    


"Let's go back and talk. Don't stand on this stage anymore."    


Seeing that Du Shaofu had safely returned, the bad rumors these past few years naturally did not believe him anymore. His voice trembled a little, and he finally did not have to worry anymore.    


"Great Roc Emperor is back!"    


"Brother Shaofu is back!"    


After a short while, both inside and outside the Stone City, were bustling with noise and excitement, rushing to tell each other everything. It was as if a joyous event had occurred in the sky, and the atmosphere was extremely joyous everywhere.    


After a while, after settling down Fourth Elder Jialou Ye and Fifth Elder Jialou Yuantu, Du Shaofu brought Zither Devil to the main hall of the imperial palace.    


The dense imperial palace's dragon aura fluctuated, gathering the destiny of a country. These years, as the territory of the Barren Kingdom expanded, the citizens settled down in peace, and the imperial palace's dragon aura grew denser and denser.    


"In that huge battle, although we didn't suffer any losses, Shaojing still came over and killed the six domain level experts, including Big Wheel Religion. However, our Barren Kingdom army and our World Gang's disciples have suffered heavy losses, many of our experts have been killed, Soul Evil Realm warriors, Shou Sha have been captured, and I'm afraid that the odds are against us. Also, Sister Youruo was severely injured by Big Wheel Religion's men, and her life is at stake, so even Yao Lao couldn't do anything about it, Xingyu took Sister Youruo to go find her master, I don't know how it is going to turn out now. "    


Inside the palace, Du Xiaoman explained the situation to Du Shaofu.    


Everyone looked at Du Shaofu, they knew his temper and were waiting for his order.    


But what exceeded everyone's expectations was that Du Shaofu was not angered nor did he give out an order. He only looked at the familiar faces in the hall and said: "It's good that everyone is fine."    


Seeing Du Shaofu's reaction, everyone was secretly suspicious.    


"In this period of time, we've already paid quite a bit of debt of blood, but we don't have the strength to find the main culprits."    


During this period of time, the great army of Barren Kingdom and World Gang had swept away quite a few empires and forces. However, Du Yunlong was very clear that it was still not enough to face against a true master like Big Wheel Religion, Spirit Sky Valley and Celestial Snake Sect.    


Du Shaofu only listened, his expression did not change much, and asked: "Then what about Mei Ling?"    


"Sister Mei Ling has been in closed-door training for a while. She might be able to come out soon!"    


Du Xiaoman said to Du Shaofu, and also felt that his third brother seemed to be a little abnormal today.    


"Shaofu, how have you been out these past few years?"    


Du Zhenwu cut the atmosphere in the hall and asked worriedly.    


"I'm fine. I've made everyone worry."    


Du Shaofu had an apologetic look on his face, it was not hard to find out what everyone was worried about him.    


"It's good that you're fine. As long as you're here, your Barren Kingdom World Gang will be here." Du Zhixiong said to Du Shaofu.    


"Don't worry, everyone."    


After Du Shaofu left these words, he took the lead and left the hall, causing the people in the hall to look at each other in confusion.    


He realized that there was actually someone sizing up the impersonator and that his pen name was being used in all kinds of ways, so he could only register to be the 'real Yu Feng'. Troubleshooting his Sina account brothers and sisters, he would also frequently update the pictures and movements in the books, etc.    


In addition, many fan groups have already been filled, so there are still two more that can be added, "World of the Martial God, group number 477107565, World Gang, group number 250118865. These two groups, Xiao Yu has also appeared occasionally."    


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