Martial God Conqueror



Hearing that, Du Shaofu could only rush the ducks to the roof, he walked up there, feeling a little nervous, this was the first time for a young lady to go up the bridge.    


"This, I'm a bit nervous."    


Walking to the head of the hall, Du Shaofu nodded to the old man from Hundred Blossom Sect, then looked at the group of heroes, and said.    




Upon hearing that Du Shaofu was nervous, all the heroes in the palace could not help but laugh. This Demon King was actually nervous, it was definitely a rare sight.    


"I'm still young, and this witness scares me a little."    


Du Shaofu opened his mouth and looked at the two newlyweds, and said: "However, I have already walked up, so I will have to brace myself and let the two newlyweds marry each other."    




Du Shaofu's words brought about a lot of laughter, and the atmosphere of the entire hall relaxed quite a bit.    


As for Du Shaofu's identity as the witness, no one present felt that it would be inappropriate. It was likely that no one would be able to find a better witness.    


"This guy."    


Ouyang Shuang, Dongli Qingqing, Ye Zijin, Su Muxin and the others stood together, all smiling. Even when several attractive women like these stood together, they were dazzling.    


"The auspicious hour has arrived. Let's begin. Two newbies bow to heaven and earth!"    


Du Shaofu said, imitating. Although he had never married before, he had seen people getting married at Du Family s a few times when he was young.    


Hearing that, two groups of newbies knelt in front of the hall outside, surrounded by Hundred Blossom Sect female disciples and imprints from their fingers.    


"Second bow to the hall."    


Inside the hall, there were four chairs placed by disciples. Some of the Hundred Blossom Sect disciples thought that the Domain Lord and Hua Qianyue were sitting upright.    


"The injuries on my body back then were carefully treated by Medical Elder. Please take a seat, Medical Elder."    


He was already no longer close to his family. Back then, the Inside The Dark Forest was something that Doctor Wuming had spent all his time and effort to treat the injuries on his body.    


"Please sit, Old Du. I no longer have any relatives. From now on, Old Du, Medical Elder is my family."    


All these years at the Du Family, he could feel that the Du Family had never treated him as an outsider.    


"I don't have any relatives. Big brother's family is my family." Mu Rubai said.    


"Haha, alright, I'll be taking my seat."    


Doctor Wu Ming did not hesitate. With a flick of his grey robe, he took a big step forward and sat down. His deep eyes were secretly holding back his excitement.    


"I won't be polite either."    


Du Zhenwu smiled and sat by the side of Doctor Wuming, his face full of smiles.    


"Second bow to the hall."    


Seeing that, Du Shaofu spoke again with a smile in his eyes.    


"Husband and wife bow to each other."    


When Du Shaofu followed the Hundred Blossom Sect female disciple's guidance, the ceremony was completed.    


"Cover our heads, cover our heads! We want to see the bride!"    


Outside the hall, with the completion of the ceremony, shouts followed suit, deafening.    


"I want to see it too."    


As Du Shaofu said those words in one fell swoop, his heart was also filled with curiosity.    


Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, Mu Rubai became a little nervous. His heartbeat sped up as he lifted his head to slowly lift up the red curtain.    


Immediately, a beautiful and elegant face appeared. Her complexion was extremely beautiful, her eyes flowed, and her eyebrows were long and slender. At this moment, she was being looked upon by everyone. Her appearance was very charming and she was definitely an outstanding beauty.    


"Wow, she's really pretty, she can't be a disciple of Hundred Blossom Sect!"    


Such a charming girl immediately attracted the cheers and envy of the entire stadium.    


At this moment, Ye Lingling raised her hand. Her pitch-black pupils trembled a little. Her arm seemed to tremble a little as she lifted the red curtain.    


When the red curtain slid down, a moving face appeared. Her skin was snow-white, her eyes were full of charm. She wore a phoenix coronet and ceremonial robes, and she was indescribably beautiful.    


This kind of beauty caused the palace to be temporarily silent. Many gazes were burning with passion as if their souls were being sucked out of them.    


"Hua Zimo the Hundred Charm!"    


Someone spoke, his gaze trembling.    


A woman like Hua Zimo, who was extremely charming to the extreme, had once achieved great fame in a short amount of time in the Heaven Barren Continent.    


In terms of Wan State, she was a proud daughter of the heavens. Her heavenly appearance was astonishing, and she was as beautiful as an exiled immortal.    


This kind of girl was enough to make all the men in the Wan State boil, and even ordinary men did not have the confidence to approach her.    


At this moment, she was wearing a phoenix coronet and ceremonial robe as she stood in front of Ye Lingling.    


When this face appeared, Ye Lingling's eyes were glazed over.    


"She is exceptionally beautiful today."    


Looking at the beautiful woman, Dongli Qingqing, Ouyang Shuang, Du Xiaoqing and the others praised her sincerely.    


"So beautiful."    


Little Star finally got what he wanted and saw the bride.    


"The wedding is done, let the entire nation celebrate with you!"    


Du Shaofu laughed, with a wave of his hand, a golden treasure sword shot out from the depths of the palace, flying straight into the sky.    




In a split-second, the golden treasure sword released a golden glow that overflowed into the sky, and like a bright sun, it jumped out and transformed into a gigantic golden dragon phantom with Stone City.    




The enormous golden dragon roared, and golden light blossomed from its body. A wave of pressure descended, causing people's hearts to tremble as they tried to prostrate themselves.    


"Awoo! Awoo!"    


In the blink of an eye, the entire palace was filled with the aura of dragons. Countless golden dragons roared incessantly, their roars like thunder.    


The entire Stone City was boiling, countless eyes were looking at the sky, the entire nation celebrating!    


bang bang bang bang *    


In the air, fireworks bloomed as the scene was incomparably gorgeous.    




There were countless petals that sprinkled down from the sky like a dream or illusion.    


At this moment, the celebration had reached its peak, and the inner and outer palace was in an uproar!    


After such a grand wedding, the fragrance of the wine and the drunkenness of the crowd naturally filled the air.    


At dusk, the last touch of the setting sun caressed the horizon, scattering mist across the earth. The remaining rays of the setting sun reflected off the Stone City, reflecting an incomparably magnificent scene.    


The heroes of the Nine Prefectures began to leave one after another, accompanied by Barren Kingdom disciples.    


A moment later, twilight fell upon the Stone City.    


In the end, the entire magnificent Stone City was enveloped by the bright sunset, and it slowly dimmed all the way until the stars hung in the sky.    


The room was full of joy.    


In front of the table, Ye Ling stood, Hua Zimo sat straight and quietly, her head slightly lowered, her face flushed red.    


In the quiet room, it was as if their heartbeats could be heard.    


Ye Qingling stepped forward and held her hand. He stared at the girl in front of him with a blank expression and said softly, "I finally married you. I thought it was an illusion …"    


Hua Zimo raised his head slightly, feeling that her hands were very warm, from the tip of her fingers to the bottom of her heart, he smiled, looked at the man in front of him, and said: "From now on, you will be with me forever."    


It's enough to have you in my life!    


He then picked up the girl in front of him and walked over to the bed with the pearl curtain hanging on it.    


Hua Zimo did not refuse. It was the wedding day, and she knew what would happen, so at this moment, she buried her head in his chest bashfully. She felt her heart beating faster and faster, allowing him to place her on the bed.    


Ye Ling's vision became increasingly hazy, but his movements were very light. He bent down and softly moaned as he kissed those tender cherry lips.    


Hua Zimo replied as he tightly wrapped his arms around Ye Lingling's neck …    


At this moment, Ye Lingling's hands were moving around her soft waist.    




Hua Zimo's response became more and more intense. She felt as if an electric current was flowing through her body, causing her to feel numb and unable to resist.    


In the quiet room, only the night pearls shimmered with faint yellow light.    


The man and woman seemed to be slowly being drawn into a burning flame, but the heat was still irresistible.    


He was unbuttoning his clothes, and his hands were shaking violently, making him seem somewhat clumsy …    




A moment later, a sound pierced the silence of the night.    


What was ice was the first pain, and what was fire was the charm of fishes and water. The two men and women who picked up the Spirit Qi of Universe were already one and the same.    


"Sigh, I can't hear it, there's actually a Seal Inhibition set up, do people not trust each other at all?"    


Outside the room, with Profound Flood Dragon King, Cao Yu and the rest leading a large group, their eyes were filled with helplessness. Seal Inhibition s were arranged in both rooms, so they could not hear anything.    


The bright moon was high in the sky, and the thick mist spread out in all directions. Under the gentle moonlight, the white mist seemed hazy.    


Far away from the mountain peak, the leaves were rustling in the night wind. The sound was graceful and deep, intoxicating.    


Su Muxin stood on top of a mountain. Under the moonlight, he was like an immortal goddess that should not appear in the mortal world.    


"How is the sect recently?"    


Du Shaofu appeared by Su Muxin's side, looking at Haoyue, his eyes fluctuating with the morning light.    


"The same."    


Su Muxin calmly said with her teeth slightly opened.    


"Stay in Barren Kingdom for a few more days."    


Du Shaofu looked at the lady beside her and said. Her hair was fluttering gently.    


"Yes." Su Muxin nodded.    


"Rest early."    


Du Shaofu left and her figure wrapped up the star light, disappearing in a flash.    


Su Muxin turned his head, and looked at his departing back, ripples flashing across his eyes.    


In a corner of the Wild Ancient Space, in a misty space, floated a gigantic mountain peak.    


This mountain was huge, and it was filled with a alternating white and black color. There was a faint fluctuation of the Talisman Secret Mark.    


This was not an ordinary mountain, but a Soul-Devouring Ant's ant nest. Du Shaofu had taken the ant nest into his Wild Ancient Space and brought it out with him.    


Du Shaofu's figure appeared in front of the ant's nest, and a resplendent green light flashed out. In an instant, it had arrived in front of Du Shaofu, and it issued a creaking sound, seemingly very intimate.    


"Little guy."    


Du Shaofu smiled, extending his hand. A tiny, soul devouring ant landed in the palm of his hand. It was about the size of a fingernail, bright and green, with a jade-green body and the undulations of a talisman's engravings.    


The tiny Ant Emperor landed on Du Shaofu's palm and intimately rubbed it. The tiny light in her eyes was especially bright and her body wasn't big, yet she was releasing an endless amount of pressure.    


"Kid, I'll take you out to play."    


Du Shaofu laughed, and said to the Small Ant Emperor in his palm.    


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