Martial God Conqueror



Therefore, at this time, Du Shaofu was at a loss as to whether or not he should bring this "Long Yang" with him.    


Take it. You can't use it. Take it or leave it. You're also envious. It's really hard for you to make a choice.    


"How about this!"    


Seeing Du Shaofu's appearance, Yu Taiyan nodded his head, suddenly he waved his hand, and kept the dragon shaped longsword, causing the golden light in the hall to disappear.    


He continued, "This is the Imperial Emperor's Seal, there are many benefits to be had on you. When I return, I will seal a portion of my strength and let you carry it with you. You can refine it when you have the chance!"    




Du Shaofu thought for a while, then agreed with a smile.    


He kept rubbing his hands, excited.    


Seeing Du Shaofu like that, everyone in the hall laughed.    


Since the Throne of Divine Emperor was already given to him, wouldn't he have a little bit of the demeanor of a Divine Kingdom Lord?    


"In seven days, we will be heading for the Divine Devil War Stage. Earlier, the top ten thousand participants in the Mixed Element Space Trial all participated! In addition, those who had cultivated for less than three thousand years and reached the Cut Truth Stage also entered at the same time! With this, the total number of people would be around 20,000! These people will all be led by you! "    


Yu Taiyan changed the topic and said to Du Shaofu.    


After the experience with Mixed Element Space, there were already more than a hundred who had reached the level of Cut Truth Stage, and a few hundred thousand who were in the realm of gods.    


It could be said that most of the top ten thousand spots could be said to be above the intermediate stage!    


In addition, Cut Truth Expert who had been cultivating in the Divine Kingdom for less than three thousand years had a total of around twenty thousand people who entered the Divine Devil War Stage.    




Du Shaofu nodded. The matter of Divine Devil War Stage had already been prepared many years ago.    


Furthermore, he had also learned quite a few specific details regarding Divine Devil War Stage from Yu Yuqian.    


It was said that this was a battlefield where countless living creatures of the 33 Heavens fought against the demons after the creation of Pangu's World.    


And ancient time had also walked out of there, bringing about a huge calamity to Chang Rong Tian!    


In the end, over a hundred years ago, in the end, when the final battle was set off, Devil God was exhausted to the extreme by Du Shaofu and then died in Jiang Chen's hands.    


Regarding all of this, Du Shaofu had a good understanding.    


In addition, he was extremely interested in the ancient demon wars. Faintly, he felt that the number one person in the world who could massacre the heavens and slaughter the earth, the person who possessed the peerless might of the devil race — the Devil Ancestor, seemed to have some sort of close connection with him.    


But this feeling was very vague and unfathomable. Just thinking about it made Du Shaofu feel a little uneasy.    


"Regarding Divine Devil War Stage, there have never been more experts who have entered, and are only under the control of those supreme Sedentary Amnesia Expert s! No one in the outside world knows what's inside, but you need to be able to adapt to everything when the time comes! "    


Yu Taiyan looked at Du Shaofu and said softly.    


This was the first time Devil God had opened it after escaping from the Divine Devil War Stage.    


The peerless Sedentary Amnesia Expert s had only truly been established in recent years, and could be used as the training materials for their peerless disciples. Strictly speaking, this was the first time such a thing had truly been opened to the outside world.    


All the living creatures in the outside world knew was that this was an ancient battlefield, something that could be traced back to the beginning of the world!    


There was no need to think about it. It would certainly contain endless benefits. For these young disciples, this was a massive lucky chance.    


However, it was accompanied by danger.    


Once inside, the disciples of various forces would compete with each other to kill and kill for the time being. There might even be demons that had been hiding for many years that would appear, bringing danger with them!    


However, under the annihilation of so many Sedentary Amnesia realms, those strong demons had long been exterminated, so the risk was not big!    


The only thing to take note of was the demons of similar cultivation level as the other cultivator!    


"I have a question!"    


Du Shaofu thought for a moment, then asked: "Since Divine Devil War Stage is an ancient battlefield, and there must be a heavenly great opportunity within, then why not let Immortal Expert enter, if this is the case, doesn't that mean that we can obtain even more benefits?"    


He looked at Yu Taiyan, wanting to hear his answer.    


"What you said makes sense, but these matters are decided by the Sedentary Amnesia Expert, anyone only needs to follow what you said!"    


Yu Taiyan nodded and replied.    


Within the entirety of the Unparalleled Eternal Heaven, the number of profound realms could definitely be counted with two hands. As the highest realm that could be known in the 33 Heavens right now, no one dared to go against what they had said.    


It was fine for everyone from the 35 Holy Lands and 72 Divine Kingdoms to listen to the arrangements; there was no need to raise any objections.    


"So that's how it is!"    


Du Shaofu nodded, showing that he understood.    


"Cheng Yan, Cheng Yao, Cheng Xi, Yi Zong, Zhi Xin, all of you are one of the strongest practitioners in the Divine Kingdom, and you are also members of the Imperial Family and the three great Divine General Palaces. So in the Divine Devil War Stage, you must help each other a lot, help Du Shaofu together, and allow many of the Yu Qing Divine Kingdom's younger generation to receive even more benefits from this experience!"    


Yu Taiyan turned to Yu Chengyan, Yu Cheng Yao and the rest and said.    


Besides the young people present, there were also some late stage true disciples from other forces of the Divine Kingdom. With so many powerhouses added together, this was an extremely formidable force.    


However, if one were to compare their strength with that of the other powers, the younger generation would have no advantage at all.    


Especially the remaining thirty-five Sacred Grounds, every single one of them were extremely terrifying. The Holy Son Holy Maiden who walked out from within, wasn't a simple person!    




Yu Chengyan, Yu Cheng Yao and the others responded in a low voice.    


Just from Yu Qing Divine Kingdom alone, there were already twenty thousand people entering. If the other thirty-five Sacred Grounds and seventy-one Divine Kingdoms combined, the total number would definitely be two to three million, or even more!    


Only by being united would they be able to obtain even more benefits.    


"After the enthronement ceremony, I prepared to leave the Yu Qing Divine Kingdom. Everything that happened in the future, will be controlled by you!"    


Yu Taiyan looked at Du Shaofu, and said with blazing eyes.    


Du Shaofu did not say anything, and only nodded heavily.    


Soon after, everyone in the hall began to discuss some matters related to the Divine Kingdom and finally dispersed.    


On the third day, the Yu Qing Divine Kingdom held a grand ceremony, allowing the new Divine Emperor, Du Shaofu, to succeed the throne.    


This time's grand ceremony was a bit rushed, but because of the many influences within the Divine Kingdom, it was also very grand!    


Towards Du Shaofu, the new Divine Emperor, it was impossible for the various great powers to say anything. In the competition a few days ago, his brilliance had suppressed everyone of the same generation.    


If one were to say who was the most qualified person to take that seat within the The Realm Of Cut Truth, then presumably everyone's answer would be the same. If it was said that the purple-robed youth wasn't qualified, then there wouldn't be a single other person in the entire Divine Kingdom.    


On the day of the grand ceremony, the entire Yu Yang Divine City was alarmed. All the cultivator were extremely shocked.    


During the ceremony, Yu Taiyan handed over the Yu Qing Divine Kingdom's Imperial Seal, the Dragon Yang Sword, to Du Shaofu. This was the Divine Kingdom's legacy, and represented the highest authority!    


Of course, a large portion of the power of the Dragon Yang Sword had already been sealed. Otherwise, with Du Shaofu's current strength, it would be difficult to control.    


The Dragon Yang Sword gathered the psychokinesis of all living beings in the Yu Qing Divine Kingdom. It was incomparably vast and extremely terrifying, and it wasn't an easy matter to make it recognize someone as its master.    


The most important thing was for this majority of the living to accept Du Shaofu as a person, as a true Divine Emperor!    


"This is at least a high-grade, or perhaps even a top-grade Law TruE Artifact!"    


After the ceremony, Du Shaofu returned to his own room, took the Dragon Yang Sword in his hand, and said while looking at it.    


He could not help but smack his lips. On that day, when Yu Taiyan just took out this sword, the power it emitted was countless times stronger than the Barren Kingdom's Domineering Shadow s.    


From Du Shaofu's perspective, the grade of this Dragon Yang Sword should be no lower than the Purple Thunder Profound Cauldron!    


However, the Purple Thunder Profound Cauldron had been successfully refined by him since a long time ago, and after he came to the thirty-third day, its power had grown stronger and stronger along with his own cultivation.    


Therefore, Du Shaofu guessed that those nine Purple Thunder Profound Cauldron must have been used by the three thousand boundless worlds.    


Otherwise, when he was so weak, how could he have easily refined it?    


"I don't have time to refine it anymore. I'll think about it in the future!"    


Du Shaofu watched on for a while, then kept Long Yang Sword in the end, and then walked out of the room.    


He found Du Xiaoba, Ouyang Shuang, Du Xiaohuang, and Du Xiaolin and chatted with them for a long time.    


According to Du Shaofu's plan, he would only wait for him to return from the Divine Devil War Stage and then head back to the Divine Martial World. He would then bring some of the experts there to the 33 Heavens and let them gain more experience.    


If one's Divine Martial World wanted to strengthen itself, it was impossible to keep it as it was, and guard the place where it always rested.    


After he finished chatting with Du Xiaoba and the other three, Du Shaofu once again fell into deep thought, and began sighing to himself.    


"Xiaoyao, Little Star, where are you two?"    


He frowned, feeling worried.    


It had already been more than a hundred years since he came to the thirty-third day. In his early years, Yu Taiyan had already sent out many people to gather information.    


But the thirty-three days were just too huge, and amongst them, the power of the Yu Qing Divine Kingdom was only a drop in the ocean.    


So up until now, they still had not received any news from Little Star and Du Xiaoyao.    


Du Shaofu was not at ease, he was afraid that the two of them would have some sort of accident.    


"Looks like it's going to be difficult to find them for the time being. Let's talk after we return from the Divine Devil War Stage!"    


Du Shaofu shook his head, shaking off the thoughts in his heart, and said while sighing.    


Time flew by, and on the fourth day that Du Shaofu truly inherited the Throne of Divine Emperor, which was the seventh day after the match, the Divine Palace once again became lively.    


A large group of experts had gathered, and more than half of them were at Cut Truth Stage. The other half were at least at Deprive Divine Stage.    


On this day, was the day to head to the Divine Devil War Stage.    


"We will escort you over. Once you enter the Divine Devil War Stage, you can only rely on yourselves! Be careful of the other powers, especially the people from the thirty-five Holy Lands, because they are all incomparably strong! Also, within the Divine Devil War Stage, there are always the possibility of encountering remnants of Devil Clan expert s! After you enter, we can't help you anymore! Unless there is an extremely powerful devil race in existence, then it will be possible for him to use his unparalleled Sedentary Amnesia to personally expel them! "    


Beside Du Shaofu, Qu Dao Jue looked at the numerous young disciples of the Divine Kingdom and said with a deep voice.    


Long San, Ling Feng and a few other Senior Rank Immortality experts were also among them.    


At this time, the previous Divine Emperor had already left to look for his chance to break through, no one knew where he was.    


Qu Dao Jue warned everyone. Within the Divine Devil War Stage, no one could interfere, and the competition between the thirty-five Sacred Grounds and the seventy-two Divine Kingdoms would certainly be fierce, but the most dangerous ones would still be the Devil Clan expert that could possibly appear.    


"Let's go!"    


After Qu Dao Jue finished speaking, he waved his hand.    


And then, in front of him, an incomparably large spatial rift appeared. He took a step forwards and entered it.    


Long San, Ling Feng, Du Shaofu, Yu Chengyan, Yu Cheng Yao, He Zhixin, Fan Yu Shu, and the rest of the young experts from the God Kingdom followed them in.    


Aside from them, some Immortal Expert s from other forces in the Divine Kingdom also accompanied them, wanting to go outside the Divine Devil War Stage to see what was going on.    


The location of the Divine Devil War Stage entrance, in the extreme south of Chang Rong Tian, was a place called the True Yan Holy Land.    


The Yu Qing Divine Kingdom was located to the south of the Unparalleled Eternal Heaven, and it wasn't too far away from the other forces.    


However, if they were to hurry over from here, if they did not travel through space directly, even if it was a Immortal Expert, it would still take several months of time.    


They would arrive in about three to five days after passing through the spatial passageway.    


The spatial tunnel that had been torn open by a Immortal Ninth Level practitioner was extremely terrifying. It was an easy feat for it to hold over twenty thousand people.    


Their speed was extremely fast. On the fourth day, everyone stepped into the range of the True Yan Holy Lands.    


When everyone emerged from the spatial passageway, they saw a scene that shocked every young expert!    


An incomparably long dark abyss appeared in the empty space. It was unknown as to how many thousands of miles wide it was, as it stretched from east to west. Waves after waves of desolate ancient aura erupted from it, causing everyone to feel as though they were in an ancient wilderness!    


Under the cover of this aura, everyone felt as if there was an illusion in front of their eyes, as if they had returned to the ignorant era when they were living an extraordinary life.    


With a slight sweep of his hand, space and time spun, shattering into pieces. His chest rose and fell slightly, accompanied by the thunderous roar of the heavens and earth, turning the world upside down …    


This kind of scene was too terrifying. It was simply beyond the imagination of an ordinary person, and it intoxicated these young experts!    


And after the Fiendgod figure vanished, another wave of images rushed at them like a tide!    


Among them, an army of thousands was galloping and howling, trampling over the river of stars, annihilating the world!    


This magnificent army contained an earth-shattering aura of slaughter, causing the entire sky to turn scarlet as if it had been dyed in blood!    


This killing intent was too vast, it caused the sky to shake, and caused the earth to tremble. Many young experts felt as if they were in the air, and they felt as though they could be crushed at any moment, turning into Blood Fog s, causing the bloody aura to become even stronger!    


"Wake up, protect your mind!"    


At this moment, a loud shout rang in everyone's ears.    


Everyone was shocked as the scene before their eyes shattered.    


Immediately after, muffled sounds of "pu pu pu" sounded out one after another. Amongst the twenty thousand people, those Cultivator in Deprive Divine Stage all couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of black blood.    


And the ten thousand Cut Truth Expert s were not much better off. All of their faces instantly became deathly pale, as if they were about to die from their unsightly expressions!    


With just a single glance, he had wounded so many people!    


After regaining their senses, they all realized the severity of the situation. They did not dare to relax anymore and started circulating their cultivation bases. Only then did they slowly stabilize their minds and no longer produced any illusions.    


"Divine Devil War Stage? It's actually this terrifying! "    


Du Shaofu stood at the front of the crowd, his eyes filled with astonishment.    


This scene was too terrifying. Although he had immediately withdrawn his spiritual will the moment he sensed that something was wrong, the strength of the bloody killing intent made him deeply fearful!    


This Divine Devil War Stage was definitely even scarier than the legends said. It was worthy of being called a battlefield between the devil race and the living beings of the 33 Heavens!    


If it were not for the presence of the three Immortal Expert s, such as Qu Dao Jue, Ling Feng and Long San, even if it was just an illusion, many of the Deity Stealing Realm Cultivator would have already perished here, and a large majority of the cultivators would have perished!    


Fortunately, when everyone came back to their senses and subconsciously resisted the aura in the air, everything stabilized.    


As long as he didn't deliberately seek death, then the illusion wouldn't appear again.    


"A battlefield between demons and many creatures huh? This place is truly extraordinary! I can't wait to enter and explore this place!"    


Beside Du Shaofu, Yu Chengyan's eyes were shining brightly. He looked at the long and narrow crevice in the sky and muttered.    


The terrifying aura that rippled out was also not enough to fool Yu Chengyan. Instead, it aroused his desire to investigate to the very end.    


Aside from him, Du Shaofu, Yu Cheng Yao and the others were not affected at all, Meng Dongyang from the Alchemist God Hall, Zhang Haoran from the War Profound Sect, Teng Yuanshan from the Divine Arts Hall, Yue You Ran from the Moon Splitting Palace and a few other late stage Zhenren were also able to contend against them relatively easily. They did not need the Immortal Expert's guidance to directly break through the illusions and stabilize their minds.    


At this time, all of them had the same idea as Yu Chengyan, and wanted to probe inside as soon as possible.    


Within such a terrifying Divine Devil War Stage, after countless years of evolution, many good things would definitely grow out of it. That was an enormous opportunity, and no one wanted to miss it.    


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