Martial God Conqueror



Du Shaofu stood on top of the small mountain, quietly watching the battle progress.    


He did not have much of a relationship with the imperial family of Yu Qing Divine Kingdom, so even if those Divine General Palaces were plotting against him, he did not plan to interfere.    


But if He Zhibai was in danger, Du Fu wouldn't mind helping him.    


As for the other matters, they had nothing to do with him.    


"Hmm? Someone else is here? "    


Just as Du Shaofu was thinking, his eyebrows couldn't help but twitch as his gaze looked in another direction.    


With his perception, he could sense that there were quite a few silhouettes flying over from afar, rapidly dashing towards the direction of the battle.    


The auras emitted by the figures were not weak, as they were at least at the Void Initiation Stage.    


Amongst them, there was one person whose strength made even Du Shaofu feel a little fearful.    


"Two more Spirit Stealing experts have arrived, and the one in the lead has reached the peak of the Spirit Stealing realm!"    


Du Shaofu silently sensed about, and at the same time, figures quickly appeared in his line of sight, around twenty people.    


When Du Shaofu was suppressing his aura, the other party did not discover his presence.    


He observed that these twenty-odd people were led by a gloomy-faced youth. As soon as he arrived, he immediately rushed towards the battlefield, ready to join the battle.    


The gloomy looking young man leading the group had also reached the peak of Spirit Stealing, and was probably not much weaker than Du Shaofu.    


The most surprising thing was that there was a man in black standing behind the youth. He was short and had a sharp chin. He unconsciously exuded a sense of pride.    


Of course Du Shaofu knew this person. It was Dai Xuanzi, who was beaten up by him ruthlessly outside the Blood Blaze Spirit Lotus cave, the third young master of Great Void Divine General Mansion.    


As for his second brother, Dai Xuanming, he wanted to stand up for his brother and was crippled by Du Shaofu because of his cultivation, becoming a cripple.    


At this time, Dai Xuanzi's group had appeared. It was unknown if they were standing with the imperial family of Yu Qing Divine Kingdom, or with the three great Divine General Palaces.    


If it was the former, then even without Du Shaofu's help, He Zhibai's life would not be in danger.    


With the strength of that youth in the lead, after he joined the battle, it was enough to change the entire situation.    


And if these people were to come to help the three Divine General Palaces, the outcome would be even worse. Only if Du Shaofu took action would they have the chance to avoid He Zhibai's crisis.    


"The situation doesn't seem too good!"    


Du Shaofu rubbed his chin, and muttered to himself.    


Under his watch, after Dai Xuanzi and the other twenty odd people arrived, they formed a circle and trapped everyone inside.    


As for the young man in the lead, he stepped out of the crowd and coldly stood by the side, watching the battle.    


"Young Master Dai, you're finally here!"    


Inside the battlefield, the man called Zhong Xu who was fighting with Sixth Prince opened his mouth and asked.    


"Zhong Xu, Wang Qixuan, it's been so long, you guys still haven't finished the battle here, looks like I'm the only one who can take action!"    


Among the twenty people that arrived after him, the gloomy youth in the lead slowly swept his eyes over the crowd as he coldly spoke.    


When the distant Du Shaofu heard their conversation, he was stunned for a moment. He thought in his heart: "So this person is the Eldest Young Master of the Great Void Divine General Mansion, the brother of Dai Xuanming and Dai Xuanzi!"    


The young generation of Great Void Divine General Mansion actually had such a person with such a profound cultivation level, which also caused Du Shaofu to feel a little pressured.    


With the strength of the Young Master Dai, he could tell from the aura that the Young Master Dai was not weaker than him.    


Most importantly, from their words, it could be seen that they had already teamed up with the other three Divine General Palaces. Next, they were going to attack the princes and princesses of the Divine Kingdom.    


"Dai Xuanzhen, is your Great Void Divine General Mansion going to rebel as well?"    


Zhong Xu's conversation with Young Master Dai was similarly heard by everyone else.    


He Zhibai, who was fighting with Qi Wei, could not hold back and shouted angrily.    


"Hmph, just what do I do with my Great Void Divine General Mansion? I don't need to report to your Violet Flame Divine General's Mansion! Furthermore, you will die sooner or later, and I will finish you off here today! "    


Dai Xuanzhen snorted, his entire body releasing a hazy light aura, it was like a ripple of water that undulated up and down, creating strange splendor.    


In this magnificent brilliance, a gentle power was released, but hidden within was an incomparable killing intent.    


His clothes flapped, and he suddenly flew into the air, striking He Zhibai in the blink of an eye.    




Dai Xuanzhen let out a loud roar, which shook the air until it caved in.    


The water-attribute power around him instantly changed its nature, turning from the gentlest attribute into an overbearing power.    


Waves after waves of cold aura rose, and the white mist spiralled in the air, dense and rolling, giving off a bone-piercing coldness. Subsequently, it condensed into an enormous ice sword beam that seemed to reach the heavens, raised high above Dai Xuanzhen's head, and slashed down ruthlessly with the sword in his hand.    


This sword strike was extremely heavy, capable of cleaving apart mountains and cutting apart mountains. It carried an overbearing and sharp might, and in an instant, it cut through the space barrier as it arrived in front of He Zhibai.    


boom boom boom *    


The earth cracked and the void trembled. It was as if the entire world had been grabbed by an invisible hand and shook violently.    


In the battlefield with hundreds of people, many figures couldn't help but tremble as if they were unable to stand steadily and were greatly affected.    


Many of the weaker people used up all their strength to condense their attacks, and they too disintegrated in an instant, turning into pieces of rune and scattered.    


"He Zhibai, be careful!"    


Seeing this fearsome scene, the Little Princess immediately shouted to remind He Zhibai.    


Anyone could tell from that terrifying attack that it must have gathered most of Dai Xuanzhen's strength and wanted to kill him with one blow.    


There was almost an entire realm's worth of difference between the two of them. With He Zhibai's base level in the Void Transformation Stage, it was absolutely impossible for him to block this sword strike that was bound to kill!    


In fact, there was no need for the Little Princess to remind him. He Zhibai had already found out Dai Xuanzhen's intentions when he struck out with that sword.    


He didn't dare to delay any longer. He immediately swung his huge flaming sword, forcing his opponent, Qi Wei Cheng, back a few meters.    


Following that, He Zhibai's light sword swept up into the sky. In the process, the blazing rune danced and condensed into a vast and mighty sword beam, slashing towards Dai Xuanzhen's head.    




He Zhibai let out a crazed roar, like an angry lion, his black hair stood on end as he charged into the sky.    


He knew that Dai Xuanzhen's strength was far from something he could handle, and even his gaze had begun to grow fierce, wanting to use all his strength to withstand this blow.    


Otherwise, only death awaited him.    


"Hmph hmph, with my big brother around, He Zhibai, you're dead for sure!"    


Not far away, Dai Xuanzi could not help but sneer at the scene that was happening.    


He naturally knew that the brat who had beaten himself up badly a few days ago outside the strange cave entrance was most likely together with He Zhibai during these few days.    


He never had any good feelings towards Violet Flame Divine General's Mansion in the first place, and since the matter today had already reached such a stage, he was naturally happy to see He Zhibai die at the hands of his elder brother.    


"Unfortunately, that little bastard didn't appear here with you. Otherwise, I would have made him beg for death, making him regret coming to this world!"    


Dai Xuanzi thought sinisterly, the ruthlessness on his face was intense.    


When he thought of that violet-robed young man, an unspeakable hatred arose in his heart.    


He had originally thought that the other party was just a child from a small power with a small Mountain Sect, but who would have thought that his cultivation would actually be so strong, and that he himself was not his match at all.    


This was not only so, the most important thing was that he had informed his second brother to take revenge for him. He had initially wanted to use his second brother, Dai Xuanming, who was at the Spirit Reaching Realm to take revenge, but taking that brat down would be a piece of cake.    


But who would have thought that the kid who was killed by the heavens was actually much stronger than his second brother, making his second brother a cripple in his hands.    


This enmity, no matter what Great Void Divine General Mansion, he had to get them back!    


"No matter where that little bastard is now, since you're so close to him, you should just die first!"    


Dai Xuanzi thought hatefully in his heart as he watched the battle coldly.    


At this time, Dai Xuanzhen and He Zhibai's attacks had already clashed, and released an earth-shaking explosion.    


"Chi la!"    


The rune s that were flying in the sky annihilated everything, completely covering up He Zhibai and Dai Xuanzhen's figures.    


At the same time, terrifying energy waves spread out in all directions, engulfing the entire sky and the ground.    


At the place where the two were submerged, the power of ice and the power of fire interweaved in the air, surging up and down. After the two opposing forces collided, a terrifying aura exploded out, causing people to tremble.    


Many figures in the surroundings quickly retreated, not daring to stay in the center of the battle.    


Energy shockwaves overflowed the heavens and swept through the Eight Barren in all directions. Terrifying cracks appeared in the sky from the terrifying might, terrifying and terrifying.    


"He Zhibai!"    


"Young master!"    


Eldest Prince Yu Chengliang, Little Princess Yu Chengyu, and everyone from Violet Flame Divine General's Mansion who followed He Zhibai to this place cried out in alarm.    


In their eyes, the endless frost power rapidly devoured the flame power.    


In just a few breaths of time, the void was completely filled with the power of ice. The originally ferocious fire attribute energy had been completely crushed, and the powerful momentum was completely suppressed.    


Everyone could see that He Zhibai was far from being a match for Dai Xuanzhen, and after this attack, the odds were against him.    


"Jie Jie He Zhibai is dead this time!"    


"It's all his fault for being so ignorant. We didn't even look for him when we barged in here all by ourselves!"    


"With my seven great generals' residences united together, it has already determined that he will die sooner or later. It will be the same even if he dies early or late!"    


In the distance, Qi Wei Cheng, Qi Wei Dong, Zhong Xu from the Divine General of Xuanhuang, and Wang Qixuan from the Divine General of Neihuang spoke up one after another with a cold tone.    


Since they dared to encircle and kill the princes and princesses of the Divine Kingdom, they were naturally prepared. This time, when the Seven Divine Generals joined forces, they were plotting an earth-shattering event.    


How could anyone with Violet Flame Divine General's Mansion participate in this?    


Since this He Zhibai did not know his place and had gone past the defensive line set up by his side, then he could only blame himself for seeking death.    


"Get ready to start a massacre. Killing a prince and a princess is just an appetizer. Even more exciting is still to come!"    


"With Young Master Dai here, including Yu Chengliang, Yu Chengyu, no one will be able to escape!"    


"Let's end this quickly. We have more powerful characters waiting for us to deal with!"    


The group of experts were all sharpening their fists, preparing to fight with their full strength.    


They all stared wide-eyed at the center of the battlefield where Dai Xuanzhen and He Zhibai were. As long as He Zhibai's miserable figure revealed itself, they would immediately take action and settle everything here.    


With the existence of Dai Xuanzhen, an extremely valiant expert, they would definitely use the autumn wind to sweep away all their targets, and not even a fly would leave this place.    


Under the gaze of the crowd, the surging energy storm finally subsided, and the world returned to its original bright state.    


However, everyone was shocked to discover that Dai Xuanzhen was the only one left in the air, and not a single trace of him could be seen.    


"The strength of this Young Master Dai is so strong, and he actually caused He Zhibai's body to be destroyed? This is too scary! "    


Someone immediately said in an uncertain tone, his eyes filled with extreme shock.    


The rest of the people were also in a bad mood, all of them looked at Dai Xuanzhen as if he were a monster, even the disciples of the three Divine General Palaces were the same.    


At the same time, what they felt was not only horror, but also a faint sense of dread.    


"Hmph, how can a small He Zhibai compare to my big brother! He died without a complete corpse, so what's so special about him? "    


Only Dai Xuanzi who was standing at the very front of the crowd snorted coldly. That arrogant head was raised, and his nose was pointed towards the sky, as if everyone's heart of respect was for him.    


When he said that, the surrounding people did not say anything, it was just that Zhong Xu, Wang Qixuan and a few others glanced at him slightly, there were hidden disdain in their eyes, but it was not overflowing with their thoughts.    


Everyone stared fixedly at Dai Xuanzhen. In the distance, the youth's clothes stood in mid air, his robes fluttered in the wind, making sounds. Streams of beautiful light surrounded him, making him look like a divine being, standing tall and straight!    


However, no one noticed that Dai Xuanzhen's expression had turned serious. He did not feel at ease because of He Zhibai's disappearance.    


On the contrary, one could see that the gloominess within his eyes was even stronger than before.    


"What a powerful Space Law technique!"    


Dai Xuanzhen muttered. His eyes flashed, he glanced to his side, and landed far away.    


At the end of his line of sight, there were two figures standing in the air.    


One of the White Robe broke apart, hanging on his body like a Cloth Strip, showing a sorry state.    


This man was He Zhibai, who had taken one of Dai Xuanzhen's strikes from before.    


Even though the current He Zhibai looked to be in an extremely sorry state, it was not difficult to see that his aura was calm and his complexion was only slightly pale.    


Beside him stood a purple-robed youth, who stood shoulder to shoulder with He Zhibai.    


At this time, as Dai Xuanzhen's gaze was fixated in that direction, everyone saw the situation there.    


In an instant, the crowd once again broke out into a flurry of discussion.    


And this time, it was as if an explosion had occurred.    


"How is this possible, He Zhibai is actually not dead, he's still alive!"    


"It seems like he didn't receive any serious injuries. This is unbelievable!"    


"A Void Initiation Stage Cultivator like him was actually able to keep his life after being struck by a single strike from a Young Master Dai. This is simply unbelievable!"    


"Who is that young man wearing purple robes beside him? When did he appear?"    


"He Zhibai's strength is definitely not that strong. That person must have acted to save him from Young Master Dai!"    


"Where did this guy come from?" What is his identity? "    


Everyone began to talk at once. It was quite lively.    


Even Yu Chengliang, Yu Chengyu, Wang Qixuan, Zhong Xu and the other opposing parties were no longer in a hurry to fight to the death either. They were all looking curiously at the purple-robed youth in the distance.    


In the crowd, only one person's eyes flashed when he saw the purple-robed youth. He took half a step back as if he suddenly felt some fear.    


However, not long after, this fear quickly turned into a bellyful of anger and hatred.    


This man was Dai Xuanzi!    


"It's him!"    


Dai Xuanzi frowned, he almost wanted to grind his teeth to pieces.    


He recognized the young man who turned to dust, it was the person he met outside the weird cave that day. His second brother was also crippled by him.    


If it was not for the fact that he was not strong enough, Dai Xuanzi really wanted to charge forward and tear that little bastard into pieces!    


However, he wasn't worried, because his big brother was here right now, and all the hatred would be retracted today!    


"Kid, who are you? You actually dare to interfere in the matters of my Divine General's estate! "    


In the distance, Dai Xuanzhen looked at the purple robed youth and said coldly.    


Dai Xuanzi however, swiftly went to his big brother's side, and told him about the matter regarding Du Shaofu. Hearing this, Dai Xuanzhen's brows furrowed even more tightly, and his face was filled with a baleful aura.    


It was only now that he knew that it was the youngster in front of him who turned his Second Brother into a cripple.    


This caused his head to burn with anger. He clenched his fists so tightly that they made "ge ge" sounds. He wanted nothing more than to immediately chop his opponent into 108 pieces!    


However, before Dai Xuanzhen could react, Du Shaofu had already opened his mouth.    


"Great Void Divine General Mansion people, sure enough, all have the same nature, each one more arrogant than the other!"    


He lightly shook his robe and powerfully said, "Who cares what kind of Divine General's estate you are? This old man can meddle in matters here whenever I want!"    


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