Campus Beauty's Peerless Master

C718 Past

C718 Past

The Blood Cultivator in the forty-nine realms were divided into two categories. The first was the purity of the blood that constantly refined itself, and it hoped to one day evolve into the golden blood of the gods.    


The second type was to refine life and blood essence. It was extremely evil and was an evil external source that everyone could exterminate.    


However, there was one thing, although this kind of Blood Cultivator was unable to form a Lifeline, their combat power was extremely tyrannical, and some great devils were not even weaker than Life Realm experts.    


Similarly, over time, most of these Blood Cultivator would go berserk, become bloodthirsty, and become cruel. In the end, their only option would be destruction.    


Blood Demons belonged to the second category, but he was different from others. He once possessed a considerable force in the 49 realms where countless experts gathered. He carefully did the bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty work of killing people.    


Of course, the so-called large powers only targeted the people at the bottom. Compared to super sects like the Heavenly Law School, they were simply like ants.    


Originally, this sort of life could be considered satisfactory by Blood Demon. However, one day, because of an incident, his fate had completely changed.    


Blood Demon would never be able to forget what happened three hundred and fifty years ago. As he led his subordinates and ambushed a few Earth Homo Clan cultivators who had entered the forty-nine realms from another dimension, preparing to refine their blood essence, an extremely powerful existence suddenly appeared.    


At that time, he clearly remembered that Super Expert had descended from the sky and said not a single word, but the look in his eyes had terrified the souls of his subordinates. The Blood Demon had tried to flee in panic, but that fellow had suddenly roared, and the Blood Demon had instantly been shattered into pieces.    


Fortunately, his life was not going to end. His cultivation had already reached a certain level, and even though he barely managed to reincarnate with the broken essence blood, his injuries were still extremely severe.    


Later on, when his injuries were slightly healed, he finally discovered that the extremely horrifying identity was not for revenge. Rather, it was to keep himself alert, and to run as far as possible if he ever encountered one in the future.    


However, when he truly found out who that person was, he immediately felt as if his soul had left his body and was scared out of his body.    


Blood Demon never thought that a super existence that could shatter his own body with a single glance could turn out to be the legendary Undying Evil Emperor!    


Undying Evil Emperor is a very special existence in the 49th world because he is a human. He isn't a Sky Homo Clan nor an Earth Homo Clan; he's a pure human and the only human that has appeared in the 49th world in the past hundred of millions of years.    


However, it was this human who was named as Evil Emperor. The many things he did could definitely be said to be earth-shattering.    


When Li Homo Clan enslaved a group of Earth Homo Clan that entered the forty-nine realms from another space, he appeared.    


When Light Council used the rebellious excuse to suppress the Homo Clan of eight hundred people, he even smashed the tower to pieces, released all of the Homo Clan, and even killed all of the people from the heavens who were protecting the tower.    


Just as the noble and arrogant Third Elder of the Angel Clan descended upon the Light Council due to being the descendant of a god, both sides signed a shocking 'Guardian Treaty'. The content of the agreement was that all the other races who entered the forty-nine realms would have the fate of being enslaved, and among them, the Earth Homo Clan was also known as Slave number seven.    


At this moment, he appeared and barged into the Light Council alone. He immediately killed all of the Third Elder of the Angel Clan present, as well as all the Sky Homo Clan s that had signed the contract.    


From then on, Li Homo Clan, Angel Clan, and Light Council activated the wanted kill order for him, but no one expected that the human race's alliance with the Evil Emperor Ye Wuxie, would personally lead a bloody massacre that shook the entire 49 realms.    


In the Endless Sea, he had killed the Great Elder of the Angel Clan, suddenly killed the beautiful human emperor, killed the vice chairman of the Light Council, and killed thousands of the powerful people below them.    


From then on, the Endless Sea was no longer called the Endless Sea. It was called the Endless Sea of Blood because after that massacre, the Endless Sea was dyed red with blood for a hundred years.    


This was the change of the Endless Sea that shocked the world.    


And the reason for all this was precisely because of a human, a strange human, and a purebred human that couldn't even be considered to be in the Mortal-Transcending Realm.    


No one knew his name, no one had even seen his real appearance, but from then on, he was nicknamed Evil Emperor!    


That massacre shocked the world. Evil Emperor fought alone against all the heroes, his sword pointed in every direction, and everyone could see that everything he did was for the sake of Homo Clan.    


However, how could the Earth Angel Clan, Li Homo Clan, and Light Council ever let go of such a high position and order chain of events so easily?    


But at this moment, Evil Emperor disappeared without a trace. Many people guessed that he had been killed by the three parties. Who knew that after five hundred years, Evil Emperor would appear again and perform some earth-shattering deeds.    


As a result, the three parties once again began their endless pursuit. However, this time, this fellow personally presided over a counterattack by people from the forty-nine realms. Together with many of the Earth Homo Clan, he annihilated one of the Radiant Divine Tower.    




There were countless similar incidents, and from then on, people added the word 'immortal' in front of Evil Emperor, while the word 'Undying Evil Emperor' resounded throughout the forty-nine worlds.    


He was a unique human being in the forty-nine realms. His own cultivation had not even reached the Mortal-Transcending Realm yet and what was even more unbelievable was that this pure human had been using Evil Qi to fight this entire time.    


Also, someone had carefully researched Undying Evil Emperor's Evil Qi before, and it could be said that Undying Evil Emperor's Evil Qi s were very strange, because he had already surpassed the understanding of many people when he was controlling the Evil Qi with his human body, let alone killing a lot of Super Expert with his Evil Qi.    


Therefore, when he contacted the Evil Qi, he thought of going berserk, and later on, people added a few words for him, "Big Crazy Undying Evil Emperor!"    


There was another rumor. It was said that Undying Evil Emperor was able to control the Evil Qi because he possessed the Rainbow Light. Once, when he was trapped in a massacre, someone saw the legendary Eight Heavenly Dragons circling and worshipping.    


Eight Heavenly Dragons s could gather the power of dragons from all directions, and attract the worship of gods in all directions. It could shake the world, swallow all devils in all directions, and could shake the heavens and the earth, extinguish all life. The Eight Phase World, gathered all the elemental energy from all directions, light, darkness, thunder, wind, water, fire, Geng, green, and condensate.    


Sacred Light Dragon, Shadow Abyss Dragon, Terminator Thunder Dragon, Endless Wind Dragon, Violet Gold Spiritual Dragon, Green Dragon of the Dongze Sea, Sky Resisting Profound Dragon, Ice Snow Silver Dragon, Eight Trigrams, Eight Trigrams, eight elements, splitting the ancient space, obtaining the light of Nirvana …    


This was the legend of Undying Evil Emperor from the 49 realms. Although no one had confirmed it, no one dared to ignore the existence of this legend.    


So, when the blood demons found out that the super existence was Undying Evil Emperor, they were too shocked and didn't dare to show their faces for a hundred years because there was a rumor that had definitely been confirmed in the 49th world.    


If Evil Emperor wanted to kill someone, the heaven and earth would not dare to stop him!    


If Evil Emperor wanted you dead, the heaven and earth would not dare to save you!    


The heaven and earth did not dare to rebel against Evil Emperor's Life-death Monument!    


In short, the person Undying Evil Emperor wanted to kill could not run away, could not even die if he wanted to. His terrifying Life-death Monument, let him let you live, let him let you live, let him let you die, you die, fall into Evil Emperor's hands, die, was only an extravagant hope.    


One could imagine, when he found out Evil Emperor's identity, the blood demons lived in fear and trepidation every day. Even though the 49th world was endless, he still felt unsafe, afraid that one day he would be found and turned into that legendary human-shaped tombstone.    


Once in a while, he would come to this world. Blood Demon finally let out a long sigh of relief. What was even more unexpected was that the Rules of Order and Conservation were broken. He was so surprised that his body trembled.    


Later on, he met a group of idiots, so he taught them low-level Blood Cultivator techniques. He let them do things for him, let them enjoy the life of an emperor, and the feeling of being worshipped above tens of thousands of people. In that instant, he seemed to have forgotten about the nightmares of the forty-nine realms.    


Furthermore, what made him excited was that the Light Council of this world actually wanted to mutate all of mankind. The Blood Demon knew that spring was coming, and he knew that the Light Council of this world was strange, because he was very clear that Light Council would definitely not be able to do such a thing.    


Of course, the Blood Demon did not care what Mutant Race thought, he just wanted to take advantage of this chaos to refine enough Blood Essence to increase his strength. Although the people here were mostly ordinary people, it could only be made up with numbers.    


In his eyes, they were just a bunch of retarded idiots, idiots who were enslaved by him. However, because of the agreement with Oscar, he still came to the Old Dragon Mountain in the end.    


However, when Blood Demon Lord appeared in the Waterfall Platform and saw the many terrifyingly human-shaped tombstones, he was immediately stunned. He felt that they were familiar, but he couldn't recall it in a short while.    


It was only when he got closer and carefully felt the aura of the runes that Blood Demon finally remembered. He almost collapsed because of this as well.    


Wasn't this mud horse the legendary Life-death Monument!?    


What is a Life-death Monument!    


It meant that life and death could not be achieved, and that was the ultimate punishment Undying Evil Emperor used to deal with evil spirits.    


No one was clearer than him about what the appearance of Life-death Monument meant. He never thought that Undying Evil Emperor would appear in this world.    


When he thought of this, Blood Demon could not sit still. In fact, when he recognized the Life-death Monument, he could not even stand, and directly fell to the ground. He did not even have the courage to run away.    


This was Undying Evil Emperor's great deterrence. No one who he wanted to kill had ever escaped.    


It was only after a long time did he wake up. Just as he was about to run away in panic, he was surprised to hear the news of Undying Evil Emperor being killed.    


At that time, he wasn't sure, so he didn't enter the Eight Treasures Palace directly. Instead, he walked among the crowd and understood the process in detail. Although he hadn't seen Zhang Yang, he was certain that this person was Undying Evil Emperor from the 49th realm.    


When he heard later that he was swallowed by Upper Master Zhan Tai's Six Paths of Reincarnation, he finally felt relieved. But even so, he wasn't sure because there were too many people in the 49 world who wanted to kill Evil Emperor, but after so many years, he was still alive and well.    


Thus, even when Gu Miaoshan mentioned the name of the Tian Dao Sect, he was not shocked. Instead, he was more concerned about Evil Emperor's life and death and once again sought out the attitudes of Ning Xuan and the others.    


It was only when the Shaman and the Mourning were confirmed that the blood demon finally relaxed, gathering all the depression and shock it had suffered over the years into laughter.    


However, the voice was interrupted. A person appeared at the entrance of the hall, causing everyone to look in the direction of the voice.    


Besides the Blood Demon, everyone else looked as if they had been petrified when they saw just who had arrived. They all fell into a stupor as they looked with incredulous expressions on their faces.    


It was him!    


Zhang Yang!    


This... How is this possible!?    


Wasn't he dead? Wasn't he killed by Upper Master Zhan Tai's Reincarnation Channel? How could he still be alive? This … Unscientific!    


Luo Hongliang and the rest were all shouting crazily in their hearts, but no one told them the answer. Even Master Beimie and the Shaman looked as if they had seen a ghost.    


On the other hand, Gu Miaoshan's side was equally puzzled. Many of them had heard of the name Zhang Yang but had never seen the person himself. However, Elder Tia, who was at the front, was confused.    


Snow Princess, Ouyang Qingcheng, Zhou Meng, and the Lady Boss all revealed a look of surprise and joy. Although they all knew that Zhang Yang was unfathomable, facing Upper Master Zhan Tai's Reincarnation Channel, they had always been worried.    


After saying that, he slowly walked over. His face was indifferent, his eyes calm and without any ripples. He frowned as if he had met with trouble, but he seemed more like a passerby with nothing to do.    


Of course, no one would treat him as a passerby here, especially Luo Hongliang and the others. When they saw that pair of eyes that did not have the slightest bit of emotion, they could not help but feel fear.    


Ning Xuan was unable to forget this person. It was him who killed the second and third Elemental Spirit that she painstakingly refined with a single move, but she had no way of resisting at all. Her delicate body could not help but tremble slightly.    


Luo Hongliang and the others could not forget this person. He was the one who killed their son and turned them into a strange human-shaped tombstone. Even now, they were still suffering endless torture.    


It was impossible for Snow Princess and Ouyang Qingcheng to forget this person. It was precisely him that caused them to miss him so much that they would not be able to eat or sleep at night.    


Zhou Meng, the Lady Boss couldn't forget this person. It was him, making them feel mysterious and unfathomable. She wanted them to make the final decision.    


Gu Miaoshan couldn't forget this person, it was him. He was once the idol of her group of sisters, and more importantly, he was once the hero and hero that she wanted to befriend. Although she knew that even she, True Body, didn't have the qualification, but ever since she recognized him in this world, she couldn't help but have this thought.    


Lord Blood Demon … He did not know this person, but this guy made him feel uncomfortable. He actually dared to interrupt him, and even dared to question him with such a tone. It was simply unforgivable.    


Of course, he did not immediately flare up, but he had made up his mind that he would hack this guy into a thousand pieces in the future!    


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