Martial: I Started The Technological Revolution In Ancient Times

C353 Who Was Being Chased

C353 Who Was Being Chased

The rest of you have frostbite smeared with medicine.    


Those who weren't, also added food.    


In the winter, food with high calories was always the most important.    


Xiao Yun brought half a carriage with him.    


Fried food, after being heated by the fire, was eaten together with hot water made from ice and snow. It had a different flavor.    


At least for the members of the convoy, it was definitely a form of enjoyment.    


After crossing the mountain.    


Finally, they reached the plains.    


The endless plain.    


The road beneath them was much easier.    


However, it really wasn't much better than the mountainous terrain.    


There were trees on the mountain, which also meant that there were all kinds of resources.    


An inexhaustible bonfire.    


It also blocked most of the cold.    


However, in this open space, any gust of wind would cause a strong gust of wind.    


Those who were slightly lighter would be blown away.    


No matter how thick one's clothes were, they would not be able to withstand the attack of the cold wind.    


When it passed through, it became bone-piercing.    


The only fortunate thing was that the wind here was very stable.    


Xiao Yun had modified the carriage when he went down the mountain.    


He reinforced one side of the carriage and nailed the window to the wooden board.    


He became a sharp soldier that blocked the wind.    


The other hundred or so people hid under the wind vent.    


Even if they were blown by the wind, it was still much better than being blown directly by the wind.    


But once that happened, Xiao Yun's life wouldn't be easy anymore.    


The snow that was swept up by the wind was pervasive.    


With three or four layers of wooden boards reinforced, they could still float into the carriage and land on Xiao Yun's face from time to time.    


It was no longer cool.    


It was a stabbing pain!    


"This damn weather."    


Xiao Yun couldn't help but curse.    


But he understood.    


After all, this was a place with no human habitation.    


This land was the world with the most precious resources, yet there was still such a large plain without arable land. Wasn't it because this place really wasn't suitable for humans to live in?    


However, he didn't feel despair.    


Because wherever there were no humans, there would be a lot of animals!    


After this period of training, Badao had become an expert hunter. He would gain something every time he went out with a few people from Molan Country.    


Fresh and delicious meat was the fat that animals had accumulated for an entire autumn. When placed on the furnace, it would emit sizzling sounds.    


The fat dripped on the fire. After the sizzling sound, there was a burst of thick smoke.    


It was suffocating.    


But it was also very fragrant.    


Xiao Yun took a fierce bite and cursed.    


He took another bite.    


He drank a mouthful of wine.    


He let out the scent of wine and closed his eyes in an intoxicated manner.    


When the others saw this scene, they couldn't help but gulp.    


Including Old Man Ma, they all felt that their throats were dry and smoking.    




It was extremely precious during the journey, because no one would bring too much wine along the long journey.    


The quantity was limited.    


It was only enough for Xiao Yun to enjoy.    


Who could be an exception? Gua was the only one.    


She was young and weak.    


Xiao Yun would occasionally give her a sip of wine to warm her body.    


But he did not think that Gua, this fellow... was actually someone who would not get drunk after a thousand cups of wine.    


A wine with a high alcohol content, even when it was in his mouth, he was unwilling to swallow it.    


He had to wait for his saliva to dilute the spiciness before swallowing it. After that, he revealed a beautiful smile and a very satisfied appearance.    


This caused Xiao Yun to be unable to help but feel a chill in his heart.    


To be honest, Xiao Yun's alcohol tolerance was not bad.    


However, he couldn't do such a thing.    


To most people, alcohol was something that was difficult to drink.    


People drank not because of the taste of the wine, or rather, the purpose of choosing good wine was not to pursue good taste, but rather because it wasn't that difficult to drink.    


What people pursued was drunkenness!    


However, there were still some people who liked the taste of wine.    


It could be considered to be an extraordinary talent.    


Clearly, Gua was one of them, or even one of the best.    


Because Gua's biggest wish right now was to be able to gulp down a large jar of wine in one go, drink until she burped and drank to her heart's content.    


It was rare to set up camp and rest.    


Xiao Yun was in the midst of eating and drinking.    


A group of people suddenly appeared on the distant horizon.    


It looked like they were drawing a black line on the pure white horizon.    


The entire convoy immediately became nervous.    


Everyone hurriedly put down their bowls and chopsticks and drew their weapons to defend against the enemy.    


They had not left Sun Moon Country yet.    


Most of the people who had rushed over were chasing them!    


Xiao Yun merely blinked his eyes.    


He then lowered his head and continued to eat and drink.    


At the same time, he said to Badao, "Go, let them continue to eat and drink. They have put on the appearance of being prepared for battle. Those people are not qualified."    


Badao did not understand, but this did not affect his execution.    


This order was passed down in succession, and the people in the motorcade started to eat and drink again.    


Although it was inevitable to look nervous, the delicious food was in front of them, and the warmth was in their stomachs. If they did not enjoy it, it would be blasphemy.    


The black lines quickly became much wider.    


It also grew a little longer.    


In the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, they could already vaguely see the size of the other party.    


The cavalry was the main force, and the infantry was the support.    


The cavalry consisted of about 50 cavalry and 100 infantry, and most of them were carrying supplies.    


Originally, their speed was very fast.    


However, when they were 500 steps away from the convoy, they suddenly slowed down and finally stopped at a distance of 300 steps.    


The cavalry did not dismount, and the infantrymen abandoned the carriages and equipped themselves with sabermen.    


It was as if an unavoidable war was about to break out!    


However, no one came over after a long time.    


It was as if they were waiting for something.    


After the time it takes for an incense stick to burn.    


Xiao Yun, who had eaten his fill, patted his stomach.    


He waved his hand and called Badao over.    


"Go, tell them to leave half of the supplies behind and then leave. I can pretend that nothing happened and pretend that I have never seen them."    


Badao was stunned.    




These words, why did it seem like Xiao Yun and the others were the ones chasing after them, and the one being chased instead?    




Badao felt that if he went up, there was a high possibility that he wouldn't be able to come back.    


He bowed to Xiao Yun until the end, and did his final rites. After that, he really ran in front of the pursuers alone.    


The pursuers seemed to be waiting for him.    


He did not make a move, but the bow and crossbow Hand was already on guard. Twenty arrows were aimed at every part of his body.    


As long as the commander gave the order, Badao would be gone.    


But these arrows did not come out after a long time.    


Badao walked to the front in fear.    


His momentum did not lose.    


Then, he repeated what Xiao Yun had said in front of his opponent.    


After he finished speaking, he stood with his hands behind his back.    


His fingers lightly hit the hilt of the saber on his back.    


His gaze swept across the faces of everyone in front of him, calculating how he should deal with them.    


If he wanted to kill them, how many people could he take with him?    


But at this moment.    


The general suddenly said, "Leave no supplies, other conditions are fine."    




Badao was stunned.    


He raised his head and looked at them blankly.    


He really didn't expect that they would really agree to Xiao Yun's request.    


This... Why was this happening?    


A dispute ended just like that?    


This did not make sense. This was completely unreasonable.    


Badao gritted his teeth and said, "Allow me to report this matter to Young Master."    


After saying that, he turned around and walked back to Xiao Yun's side.    


He also relayed the general's words.    


In his opinion, although he did not know the reason, since the other party had agreed to part of the deal, then it was decided. Wouldn't everyone be happy?    


The convoy didn't suffer any losses, so why not?    


However, Xiao Yun shook his head and said, "The conditions can't be changed."    




It was as if Badao had heard a fantasy.    


His head was full of question marks.    


Xiao Yun continued, "As for the reason, I can tell them. I have to prevent them from looking for a large group of people, and then lead them to hunt them down. Therefore, I need to leave a pledge of allegiance, as long as I hand over half of the supplies. Give me the carriages and horses too, so that they can keep this secret. This is very fair, and also the best method. "    


Badao muddleheaded once again returned to the front of the general.    


He also passed on these words to the general.    


The general frowned.    


In the end, he could only sigh and said, "Forget it. Half of the supplies are left."    


Badao's eyes twitched violently.    


He was still worried about any changes and did not dare to relax for even a moment.    


In the end, the other party really left half of the transport wagon and horse behind, and then turned around and walked in the direction they came from.    


Badao returned in front of Xiao Yun in a daze.    


Before Xiao Yun could say anything, he asked loudly, "Why? Why is that so? Why don't I understand?"    


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