Super Wealthy Slap in the face System

C138 What Happened to the Fighting Tiger Platform

C138 What Happened to the Fighting Tiger Platform

Everyone was waiting for the first live broadcast of this new God King. They couldn't suppress the excitement in their hearts, and the bullet curtain area was unusually hot.    


"Rich King, could it be that you also specialize in opening a live broadcast room to spread wealth?"    


"Lottery or other forms?"    


"Do you need us to give you 666?"    


In an instant, a series of questions appeared in the bullet curtain area.    


Ding Hao naturally turned off the camera function in the live broadcast room. He only needed to make a sound.    


"Since everyone wants me to make a fortune so badly, I might as well do some warm-up exercises. Let's split up a few hundred million to play, then chat with everyone." Ding Hao said calmly, as if a few hundred million was just game coins to him.    


"What the f * ck? It's really a spendthrift. This is too crazy!"    


"A few hundred million? This rich king is really awesome."    


After a while, a total of 400 million yuan was spread out like this, and every time, it was 4 million yuan. Many people sent bullet comments to thank [I Am So Rich].    


"This person's way of making money is the same as Mr. Rich. Could he be Mr. Rich?" Someone curiously sent a bullet comment in the bullet curtain area, causing everyone to be suspicious.    


"What you said seems to make sense. Mr. Rich also spans four million yuan every time. Could this rich emperor really be Mr. Rich?"    


"Damn, if that's really the case, then I just belittled Mr. Rich and flattered the rich emperor."    


Ding Hao narrowed his eyes and the corner of his mouth drew an arc. He smiled faintly and said, "Brothers and sisters, to tell you the truth, I am the rich king. This is just my alternate account."    


As soon as he said that, the bullet curtain exploded. Some people were surprised, some were confused, and some were shocked.    


"It really is Mr. Rich. Damn, I was instantly dumbfounded."    


"Why did Mr. Rich change his account number? Could it be a big surprise?"    


In the live broadcast room, Ding Hao spoke frankly and confidently, describing the storm caused by his account. Without saying a word, the Tiger Fighting Platform banned his live broadcast access with an unwarranted crime, and that was why he re-established his account.    


At this moment, what happened in the live broadcast room was already known by the supervisors patrolling the room. They hurriedly reported it to their superiors. After reporting it layer by layer, Wan Qianhu was hugging Lin Min, who had just returned from the toilet. He kissed her on the cheek, and her face was flushed red.    


When Wan Qianhu heard the news in the live broadcast room, his eyes revealed a look of horror. Instantly, his entire body trembled. Even Lin Min, who was standing beside him, had a stunned expression on her face as she stared at Wan Qianhu in puzzlement.    


"What the hell!? I am that rich! It's actually that Mr. Rich from before. Seal off his account immediately. No, seal off his IP address as well. Don't allow him to register his Tiger Fighting Platform account." Wan Qianhu's expression was flustered as he hurriedly gave the order.    


"Yes, boss." The general manager turned around and left the office. He sighed and said, "Distracting the super rich users. This method is destined to destroy the Tiger Fighting Platform. It will bring disaster to the people."    


When Lin Min heard Wan Qianhu's command, her eyes bloomed with a charming gaze. She stretched out her hand and pulled Wan Qianhu's tie. She began to twist her waist and throw seductive eyes.    


"Min Min, let's continue." Wan Qianhu's face was red and his throat was choking with saliva. He could not wait to reach out his hands to hold Lin Min in his arms and started to attack.    


Ding Hao's expression was indifferent as he talked about the overbearing behavior of the Tiger Fighting Platform management. There was also a wave of discussion in the bullet curtain area. Everyone was fighting for justice. The audience on the other two major broadcasting platforms were also stunned.    


The number one super tycoon in the live broadcast world was actually banned by the Tiger Fighting Platform for no reason. This was a huge piece of news.    


At this moment, many people were posting and editing the articles, preparing to send them out.    


Although the Heavenly Shark Platform and the Germinal Organization platform had collaborations with the Tiger Fighting Platform, there was an intrinsic competitive relationship between them. Now that they had found the flaw in the Tiger Fighting Platform, they would naturally be dealt a heavy blow in secret.    


In addition, the Tiger Fighting Platform had just been listed recently and was currently at the peak of its value. If they were to receive a serious blow now, it would have an unexpected effect.    


The manager of the Tiger Fighting Platform department had just received the news from the higher-ups, and he was extremely puzzled. The order he had received was to seal the IP address of "Mr. Rich." What kind of grudge was this?    


If he knew that the main reason for all of this was because of a young woman, he did not know if he would feel contempt for his boss.    


"Master, someone is attacking your IP address. They are attacking you with hackers. Do you want to fight back?" The Ying Bao's voice rang in his mind.    


Ding Hao was slightly stunned. Originally, he wanted to reduce everyone's trust in the Tiger Fighting Platform and lower its share price. Now, his goal had been achieved.    


He did not expect that the management of the Tiger Fighting Platform did not realize that the situation was not good and did not come to reconcile with him. Instead, they wanted to seal his IP address. This had already reached an irredeemable stage.    


"Since you all have yet to awaken, then wait for my endless revenge." Ding Hao said in a cold voice.    


"Fight back!"    


"Yes, master."    


"[The system has intercepted the hacking codes and is currently writing counterattacking codes.]"    


"Coding completed, counterattacking completed!"    


At this moment, the Tiger Fighting Platform headquarters was in a state of panic. Everyone's computer screen had turned into a white screen, and all the images had disappeared. The technical department staff were at a loss on what to do.    


"Boss, something bad happened!" The general manager knocked on the door again and entered the office. When he saw the scene inside, he could not care less and still rushed in.    


Wan Qianhu turned his head and looked at the general manager. Today, he had already entered and exited three times. Having disturbed his good deed, an unknown anger rose in his heart. He angrily shouted, "As the general manager, what matter can't you solve by yourself? What do I want you for!?"    


"Boss, if I really want to report this matter to you, I have no other choice." The general manager had an awkward expression and said anxiously.    


"Humph, Boss Wan, this general manager of your company is really useless. Don't tell me he is coveting my beauty and deliberately found an excuse to come and see us do things." Lin Min stretched out her hand to tidy her clothes and said with an unhappy expression.    


"Did you hear that? If you don't give me an explanation, roll up your sleeves and scram." Wan Qianhu said angrily with an angry expression.    


"All the machines in the company have been paralyzed, the servers have collapsed, and all work has been stopped." The general manager said in a panic.    


Wan Qianhu looked shocked and shouted angrily, "What are those technical staff doing? Did they not repair it?"    


"The technical director is also helpless. He said that our server has been hacked and there is no way to solve it. Even if the world's number one hacker is here, there is no way to fix the server." The general manager looked anxious and said.    


"How long will it take to restore the server?" Wan Qianhu asked.    


"If you want to operate normally, you need to buy a new server. Replace the machines. As the data is all in the old machines, you can't take it out. You still need to organize the data. It will take at least a year to reopen. " The general manager's eyes were much dimmer as he said in a deep voice.    




Wan Qianhu's entire body went limp on the chair, and he no longer had the impulse to do so. The company had just been listed, and it was already in a state of paralysis. Tomorrow's share price would definitely plummet, and by that time, it would be over...    


Ding Hao's live broadcast room also fell into a white screen state. The bullet screen area was continuously spamming, and they were all puzzled.    


The other live broadcast rooms also fell into a white screen. Everyone was puzzled, and they all sent messages to the customer service. However, they did not get any response.    


At this moment, the Tiger Fighting Platform headquarters had fallen into an unprecedented panic.    


All of this originated from that man!    


After Ding Hao bid farewell to the audience, he left the live broadcast room. Just then, the bell rang at the door, and his face lit up. He smiled lightly and said, "Looks like Gu Lang and the others have completed their mission."    


- The content came from [Migu Reading].    


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