Incomparable Battle Lord

C429 Arrival

C429 Arrival

Under this kind of situation, Lin Gui didn't say anything and just silently looked at Lu Soongtian.    


After a long while, Lin Gui said, "If there's anything I can help with, I will do my best."    


Lu Soongtian looked at Lin Gui for a long time before he shook his head and said, "Maybe no one can help me."    


After saying that, Lu Soongtian turned around and slowly walked out.    


Lin Gui looked at Lu Soongtian's back and lamented in his heart. Lin Gui could tell from Lu Soongtian's back that Lu Soongtian was lonely, helpless and sad at the same time.    


"What exactly did you experience?"    


Lin Gui couldn't help but think in his heart.    


At this moment, Lin Gui was curious about what Lu Soongtian had experienced.    


… ….    


When Liu Xiaolan realized that Lin Gui had fully recovered so quickly, she couldn't help but be shocked.    


"I didn't expect you to recover so quickly!" Liu Xiaolan said in surprise.    


"Ha ha!"    


Lin Gui smiled and said, "My physique is pretty good, so I recovered pretty quickly."    


"Your physique is not just good? This is simply abnormal! " Liu Xiaolan said.    


Lin Gui smiled and did not continue speaking.    


Then, Lin Gui returned to the crowd. When the crowd looked at Lin Gui, most of them revealed expressions of fear. Even though many of them were dissatisfied with Lin Gui, they did not dare to challenge him.    


After all, Lin Gui could control a battleship.    


And once Lin Gui controlled the battle spirit ship, even an expert with Martial King Level could be defeated, let alone himself?    


As for Lin Gui, with no one disturbing him, he could only silently sit there and cultivate.    


Although it was said that Lin Gui hadn't been at the one star Grand Martial Master for a long time, Lin Gui discovered that his current cultivation had already reached the peak of one star Grand Martial Master. He was only one step away from reaching the two star Grand Martial Master.    


Therefore, Lin Gui made the best use of his time to cultivate.    


If he could break through and reach the level of two star Grand Martial Master earlier, Lin Gui would have had an additional safeguard.    


Time slowly passed.    


After another four hours, Liu Xiaolan's voice resounded throughout the entire battleship.    


"We're almost at the Pingyang Mountains!"    


Everyone inside the battle spirit ship opened their eyes.    


Excitement appeared on every one of their faces.    


At this time, most of the people only had one thought in their minds, "Are we finally going to arrive the Pingyang Mountains?"    


Everyone knew that since they had arrived at the Pingyang Mountains, the true exam and the life in the military camp would begin.    


Looking outside through the battle spirit ship, they saw a long mountain range that snaked far into the distance, who knows how long it was. And on both sides of the mountain range, an army was already piled up, an army of Finch Kingdom on one side and an army of Dolay Kingdom on the other.    


In addition, at a location in the middle of the Pingyang Mountains, there was a vast ocean.    


This vast ocean was also extremely huge. From time to time, there would be waves rolling about. At the same time, there would even be loud roars coming out from the ocean.    


That was the Sea of Death!    


When Dolay Kingdom and Finch Kingdom were swallowing up the borders, preparing for a great battle, the Sea Floating Beasts had also gathered together. Maybe when the armies of both countries truly start fighting, Sea Floating Beasts would also rush out and snatch the cultivation resources from the human Martial Cultivator.    


Don't underestimate those seabed demon beasts. They are powerful seabed demon beasts, and their intelligence isn't inferior to a human's.    


They also knew the way to profit from this.    


From afar, the Pingyang Mountains looked very peaceful.    


However, everyone knew that this peace was only temporary. Once the two armies fought, this peace would be completely broken. At that time, all the creatures in the Pingyang Mountains might experience an unprecedented disaster.    


Finally, the battle spirit ship stopped above the great army of Dolay Kingdom.    




Just as the battle spirit ship stopped, dozens of figures appeared and surrounded the battle spirit ship.    


Every single one of these figures had reached Martial Spirit Level and the aura of slaughter that erupted from their bodies was extremely powerful. They were the experienced and battle-hardened General Ironblood from the Dolay Kingdom.    


These Iron Blood Generals had all gone through hundreds of battles.    


It could be said that countless enemies had died at their hands.    


The one leading the group was a man who appeared to be around thirty years old.    


A terrifying aura burst out from this man's eyes. In his hands, there was a heavy heavy sword, and the man held the heavy sword horizontally. He looked at the battle spirit ship that Lin Gui and the others were on and shouted, "I am Yuwen Tiehlin, who are you?"    


When Yuwen Tiehlin spoke, he was not polite at all.    


At the same time, an invisible killing intent surged out from Yuwen Tiehlin's body.    


This was also because Yuwen Tiehlin could tell that this spirit ship was a battle spirit ship of Dolay Kingdom. Otherwise, he would have ordered an attack long ago.    


"It's actually Yuwen Tiehlin?" Not far away from Lin Gui, an examiner suddenly exclaimed.    


Someone beside him asked, "You know Yuwen Tiehlin?"    


The person who spoke just now said, "Yuwen Tiehlin is one of Elder General Luo's ten generals. Although Yuwen Tiehlin is only ranked tenth among the ten generals, but Yuwen Tiehlin is still young and there are even rumors saying that Elder General Luo is going to train Wu Tie to be his successor."    




After hearing what that person said, most of the people in the surrounding area had shocked expressions on their faces.    


Everyone knew about Elder General Luo, the commander of the Pingyang Mountains. It was said that Elder General Luo was one hundred and twenty years old this year and had led countless battles in his life. However, he had never failed.    


That was why Elder General Luo was an undefeatable legend in the entire Dolay Kingdom.    


This time, the Finch Kingdom was well-prepared. They were originally prepared to attack the Dolay Kingdom in one go, but because Elder General Luo was guarding the Pingyang Mountains, the Finch Kingdom did not dare to act rashly.    


It could be said that Elder General Luo was more powerful than a hundred thousand master!    


And Elder General Luo actually wanted to train Yuwen Tiehlin to become his successor?    


It was enough to see that Yuwen Tiehlin was a dragon among men!    


While everyone was still in shock, Liu Xiaolan flew out and said with a smile, "General Yuwen, how have you been?"    


After seeing that it was Liu Xiaolan, Yuwen Tiehlin's expression finally eased up a little and said, "Sister Liu, are you leading the team for this Royal College assessment?"    


Liu Xiaolan nodded and said, "Yes, I am the one leading the team. General Yuwen, can you let the students go?"    


Yuwen Tiehlin shook his head and said, "Sister Liu, I'm really sorry. I have to check them personally. Only after I've confirmed that they are all fine can I let them go."    


Liu Xiaolan pretended to be angry and said, "General Yuwen, don't tell me you don't trust me?"    


Yuwen Tiehlin said expressionlessly, "Sister Liu, it's not that this general doesn't trust you, it's just that this is a very serious matter. So, no matter what it is, you have to be careful. Please forgive me Sister Liu!"    


Liu Xiaolan shook her head and said, "I know your temper and principles. Forget it, you can inspect them."    


Yuwen Tiehlin nodded and said, "Sister Liu, I'm sorry!"    


After saying that, Yuwen Tiehlin leaped into the air and flew into the battleship.    


Then, Yuwen Tiehlin's sharp eyes swept across Lin Gui and the others.    


Lin Gui only felt a strong aura sweeping over his body. This feeling made Lin Gui feel very uncomfortable. It felt like … It was as though he was being watched by a demon.    


Lin Gui thought to himself, "This Yuwen Tiehlin is definitely a very powerful existence."    


Although Yuwen Tiehlin's cultivation was only at Martial Spirit Level, Lin Gui knew that if he fought with Yuwen Tiehlin, Yuwen Tiehlin would kill him in one move.    


The attacks of experienced generals like Yuwen Tiehlin weren't fancy, but they were definitely very useful. It could be said that once they made a move, they would target the target of the enemy.    




Just when Lin Gui was astonished by Yuwen Tiehlin's strength, Yuwen Tiehlin suddenly shouted. His sharp eyes fell on Lin Gui. It was as if his eyes were going to pierce through Lin Gui.    


Lin Gui shuddered.    


At that instant, Lin Gui only felt that all the hairs on his body seemed to have exploded. Even the blood flow in his body slowed down a bit.    


"Did he see what I was wearing?" Lin Gui couldn't help but think in his heart.    


"You, come out!"    


At this time, Yuwen Tiehlin pointed at Lin Gui and said with an expressionless face.    


Helpless, Lin Gui could only step forward and ask, "What orders does General Yuwen have?"    


Yuwen Tiehlin asked coldly, "Let me ask you, why do you have the aura of the Devil Sect on you?"    


Within the Finch Kingdom, there were many people who cultivated the cultivation methods of the Devil Sect. It could be said that the disciples of the Devil Sect were rampant, so Yuwen Tiehlin instantly locked onto Lin Gui when he sensed the aura of the Devil Sect on Lin Gui's body.    


At the same time, a faint killing intent surged out from Yuwen Tiehlin's body and locked onto Lin Gui.    


One thing he was sure of was that if the situation went wrong, Yuwen Tiehlin would attack and kill Lin Gui.    


Facing Yuwen Tiehlin's aggressive killing intent, Lin Gui was very calm. He said, "I once got a martial skill book of the Devil Sect by chance and cultivated a part of it. So, I naturally have the aura of the Devil Sect on me."    


As he spoke, Lin Gui couldn't help but sigh with emotion in his heart. It had to be said that Yuwen Tiehlin's perception was beyond formidable. He had only trained in Demon Slash. It could be said that he had very little aura from the Devil Sect.    


He could only say that Yuwen Tiehlin was very powerful!    


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