Incomparable Battle Lord

C997 Was It Worth It?

C997 Was It Worth It?

When the Infernal King saw Lin Gui, he could not help but be stunned.    


Then, the Infernal King laughed out loud and said loudly, "You? You want to kill me? "    


Lin Gui didn't say anything and just walked forward step by step.    


The Infernal King said in a loud voice, "Brat, I advise you to not waste your efforts. In my eyes, a cultivation like yours is nothing more than trash."    


Lin Gui said, "Even though I'm just trash, even though I'm just an ant, killing you is enough!"    


At this time, the Savage Goddess was also shocked.    


The Savage Goddess had never thought that a reckless young man like Lin Gui would rush out at this moment.    


Isn't this courting death?    


The savage woman shouted, "Lin Gui, come back!"    


Lin Gui did not look back and continued to walk towards the Infernal King step by step.    


The Infernal King laughed out loud and said, "Alright, boy. Since you are courting death, I'll grant your wish!"    


As he spoke, the Infernal King summoned the energy in his body and charged towards Lin Gui.    


Although the Infernal King was heavily injured!    


However, he believed that with his power, killing Lin Gui was a matter of minutes.    


At this moment, a cruel smile appeared on Lin Gui's face: "If you had chosen to leave earlier, you might have had a chance to live. But now, you actually chose to attack me? Then? You're really dead, hah! "    


Lin Gui continuously waved his hands as he spoke.    


At the same time, Lin Gui shouted: "Appear!"    


As Lin Gui's voice sounded, a giant pagoda suddenly appeared in the air.    


Tower of Will!    


In that instant, Lin Gui had directly used the Donglin Continent's Tower of Will.    


In fact, this was a surprise to Lin Gui because under normal circumstances, Lin Gui would not be able to use the Tower of Will. Just now, Lin Gui suddenly felt that he and the Tower of Will were so close that he was able to communicate successfully with the Tower of Will, which allowed Lin Gui to control the Tower of Will for a short period of time.    


From the battle just now, Lin Gui had already seen that the power of will was exactly the demon king's nemesis.    


Since he could summon the Tower of Will, why should he fear the Infernal King?    


From the beginning, the Infernal King looked down on Lin Gui.    


However, the moment he saw the Tower of Will, his expression changed greatly as he asked in fear, "Tower of Will? How was this possible? How could you possibly summon the Tower of Will? "    


Lin Gui sneered and said, "Don't worry about the possibility of that happening. Whatever happens next, just die!"    


The Infernal King did not speak. He was thinking of escaping.    


But unfortunately, he was completely unable to flee.    


The Tower of Will crashed down, smashing onto the Infernal King's body without any suspense.    


"Ah... God damn it, why are you doing this to me? Why are you doing this to me! "    


"I can't accept this! I can't accept this!"    


"I swear, I will come back. One day, I will definitely come back!"    


The Infernal King's voice suddenly stopped.    


The surrounding area returned to silence.    


Just like that, the Infernal King was killed by Lin Gui.    


After the Infernal King was killed by Lin Gui, the tens of thousands of soldiers suddenly disappeared. They disappeared along with the Infernal King's death.    


Everyone was blankly looking at Lin Gui at that time because no one believed that the one who killed the Infernal King was Lin Gui?    


At this moment, Elder Tian Wu also came to his senses as he saw the scene of Lin Gui killing the Infernal King.    


Elder Tian Wu said weakly, "I really did not expect this brat to be able to kill the Infernal King. He has brought me another pleasant surprise. Perhaps one day, I really don't know, just how far will he be able to grow? "    


Following that, Elder Tian Wu also did not say anything. All of his attention was focused on the Savage Goddess. A smile appeared on his face, but very quickly, because Elder Tian Wu was too weak, he fainted once again. However, this time, Elder Tian Wu's face was filled with a satisfied smile.    


He could see with his own eyes that the Savage Goddess had woken up. Even if he had to die immediately, he would be willing to do so.    


Next to Lang Ya, Lang Ya's young masters said to Lang Ya, "Young master, this guy actually killed the Infernal King? What do we do? Do you want to kill him before he matures? "    


Lang Ya shouted lightly: "Nonsense, when did our people in Langya Star ever commit such murder?"    


Lang Ya's subordinate asked, "Then we..."    


Lang Ya interrupted his men and said, "Unless it's absolutely out of the question, do not offend Lin Gui. You must build a good relationship with him!"    


Lang Ya's men did not say anything.    


They all knew that Lin Gui had reached a very high position in Lang Ya's heart.    


Just when everyone's hearts were filled with shock, Lin Gui's body suddenly swayed twice.    




Lin Gui groaned. He felt the blood inside his body was boiling, as if he was about to vomit blood.    


It turned out that just now, Lin Gui had forcefully activated the Tower of Will from the Donglin Continent, and it also had side effects for Lin Gui. At this moment, Lin Gui only felt that his body was weak and didn't have the slightest bit of energy.    


Right at this moment, the Savage Goddess had almost recovered.    


The Savage Goddess rushed to Lin Gui's side and used her energy to support Lin Gui's body. She asked, "Young Hero Lin Gui, how was it?"    


Lin Gui shook his head and said, "I just want to sleep!"    


The Savage Hong Ye said: "At this time, you must not sleep. How about this, I will inject some immortal spirit energy into your body, it's just that... I wonder how much immortal spiritual energy your body can withstand! "    


Lin Gui didn't say anything.    


Without hesitation, the Savage Goddess started to channel immortal energy into Lin Gui's body.    


She didn't dare to pour too much energy into Lin Gui's body because she was worried that if too much energy was used on Lin Gui, his body might not be able to take it anymore and explode.    


However, the Savage Goddess soon discovered that no matter how much immortal spirit energy she injected into Lin Gui's body, Lin Gui was still unmoved. His body had no intention of exploding.    




The Savage Goddess was stunned for a moment. Then, she thought to herself: "Looks like this guy has a special body. Fine, I want to see how much immortal energy my body can take."    


Following that, the Savage Goddess used more immortal energy to enter Lin Gui's body.    


Finally, after a long time, the Savage Goddess could clearly feel that Lin Gui's body was already saturated.    


"My god, he actually used up 1% of my immortal energy?" This is unbelievable! " The Savage Hong Ye thought to herself: "However, since his body is already saturated, it's time for me to stop!"    


As the Savage Goddess thought this, she was about to stop.    




However, in the next moment, the Savage Hong Ye could not help but be stunned. She was shocked once again, "What is going on? "Even though his body is already saturated, his body is still like a bottomless pit, quickly absorbing my immortal spiritual energy?"    


"Fine, I want to see how much immortal spiritual energy you can absorb from me."    


The Savage Goddess continued to pour immortal energy into Lin Gui's body.    


After about the time it took to make a cup of tea, the immortal spiritual energy that entered Lin Gui's body condensed into a small ball the size of a mung bean and silently floated within Lin Gui's Mind Palace.    


"This... It's actually like this? "    


"So his body can actually store my immortal spiritual energy within itself. Once he encounters danger, he can use the energy balls formed by immortal spiritual energy. Every energy ball can save him once!"    


"However, I want to see just how many balls of celestial spiritual energy can be stored in this guy's body."    


At this moment, the Savage Goddess couldn't help but be curious about Lin Gui.    


Finally, within Lin Gui's Mind Palace, three strands of immortal spiritual energy appeared.    


In other words, Lin Gui had three additional life saving talismans.    


"Good heavens!"    


The Savage Goddess couldn't help sighing once again.    


Then, the Savage Goddess controlled Lin Gui's body and descended to the ground.    


Diwu Qingchen walked to Lin Gui's side and asked the Savage Hong Ye: "Senior, how is Lin Gui? Is he injured? "    


Diwu Qingchen's voice was full of concern.    


The woman looked at Diwu Qingchen. Seeing that Diwu Qingchen was extremely weak, she shook her head and said, "You're missing a spiritual and a physical soul. Don't worry about Young Hero Lin Gui for now. You should get some rest!"    


Diwu Qingchen stubbornly shook her head and said, "No, my spiritual and spiritual soul is fine. I'm just worried about Lin Gui …"    


The Savage Hong Ye shook her head and thought to herself: "What a silly girl!"    


"Don't worry, he's fine, he only needs to rest for a while. You should rest well, now that you have one soul and one soul missing, you must maintain a calm mind. If you get too excited, your remaining soul will gradually dissipate, and once your soul completely dissipates, you will die!"    


Diwu Qingchen laughed and said softly, "As long as he is fine, I can rest easy …"    


After saying that, Diwu Qingchen looked at Lin Gui gently, as if she was going to merge with him.    


At this moment, the Savage Goddess walked towards the unconscious Elder Tian Wu step by step.    


Actually, the distance between Elder Tian Wu and the Savage Goddess wasn't that far, but every step the Savage Goddess took weighed a thousand pounds. It was only after walking for a short distance that the Savage Goddess finally arrived at Elder Tian Wu's side.    


Then, the Savage Goddess looked at the unconscious Elder Tian Wu gently and said: "You are such a fool. You have endured tens of thousands of years for me. Is it worth it?"    


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