Incomparable Battle Lord

C1018 Do You Understand?

C1018 Do You Understand?

Lin Gui said, "Alright, no problem!"    


Since Young Master Lang Ya had agreed, Lin Gui couldn't force him into a corner.    


At least, the fact that the Langya Star was able to intervene at such a critical moment was enough to ensure the safety of the Wargod Palace.    


Young Master Lang Ya looked at Lin Gui helplessly and said, "Mr Lin Gui, do you know how much trouble you've put me through?"    


Young Master Lang Ya shook his head helplessly when he said that.    


Lin Gui also laughed and said, "Young Master Lang Ya, to be honest, I also don't want to cheat you, it's just that... There's really no other way, haha! "    


Young Master Lang Ya laughed heartily and said, "Alright, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's go, I'll bring you around. Even though you have come to our Beast Hall, you still haven't looked around."    


Lin Gui shook his head and said: "No, I need to leave the Langya Star right now!"    


After Young Master Lang Ya heard Lin Gui's words, he was stunned for a moment before asking, "Why are you in such a hurry?"    


Lin Gui said, "I've spent too much time and effort looking for my mother, and at the same time, I've also given too much. Now that I have my mother's whereabouts, I can't wait to see her, so …"    


Young Master Lang Ya said, "I can understand your feelings right now!"    


After a pause, Young Master Lang Ya said, "Okay, since you want to leave, I will not keep you any longer. I will immediately arrange someone to send you away!"    


Lin Gui said, "Thank you very much!"    


One day later, Lin Gui returned to the facing stars!    


Just as Lin Gui returned to the star, a middle-aged man found Lin Gui and respectfully said to him, "Young Master Gui!"    


Lin Gui was surprised, he looked towards the middle-aged man and asked, "You are?"    


The middle-aged man said: "Young Master Gui, this subordinate is from Wargod Palace, and is called Wang Hu. Originally, Palace Master was prepared to wait for you here, but then, something huge happened over at Wargod Palace, so the palace master told this subordinate to wait for you here, and said, as long as you appear, this subordinate will bring you back to Wargod Palace."    


Lin Gui's brows creased slightly, and asked: "Why should I believe that you are someone from Wargod Palace?"    




Wang Hu also got up helplessly and said, "I really can't prove myself, but I believe that you, Young Master Gui, should have a hunch."    


Lin Gui nodded his head and said: "Fine, then I'll believe that you're someone from Wargod Palace!"    


Speaking up to here, Lin Gui paused for a bit, then asked: "Oh yeah, just now, you said that something big happened at Wargod Palace. What exactly happened?"    


At this moment, Lin Gui started to panic in the depths of his heart. Deep in his heart, he could not help but feel a stinging pain.    


A bad premonition suddenly appeared in Lin Gui's heart. His intuition told him that something big was about to happen.    


Wang Hu said: "Reporting to Young Master Gui, over at the Wargod Palace area, there is a traitor. This time, the Palace Master has gone to clean up the traitor."    




Lin Gui was shocked.    


At this moment, Lin Gui couldn't help but start to worry.    


A traitor had appeared?    


What was going on?    


At this time, Wargod Palace was already very difficult when facing off against a big guy like the Devil Sect.    


Wasn't this adding fuel to the fire?    


Even if their Wargod Palace were to be as strong as a steel board, they would still not necessarily be a match for the devil sect. Now a traitor has appeared, wouldn't that be even more dangerous?    


Lin Gui was extremely worried!    


After a pause, Lin Gui said: "Immediately arrange it, I want to go back Wargod Palace!"    


Wang Hu said: "Okay Young Master Gui, this subordinate will escort you back to Wargod Palace."    


After that, Wang Hu said: "Young Master Gui, let's go up. From here to Wargod Palace headquarters is very far, even with the speed of our rocket life, it would take at least six or seven days."    


Lin Gui slightly frowned and said, "Six to seven days? It's too long, I can't wait that long! "    


As he spoke, Lin Gui gently waved his hand and a rocket life appeared in front of Lin Gui. This rocket life was given to him by Elder Tian Wu during Star of Destruction.    


This was the rocket life of Immortal Domain!    


Be it in terms of speed or defense, they were all much stronger than the rocket life forms from Holy Domain.    


However, this rocket life, due to being older by a few months, doesn't have much energy left, and it won't be long. If it wasn't because of special circumstances, Lin Gui really didn't want to use it.    


But now, Lin Gui was eager to see his mother. Furthermore, Lin Gui also felt uneasy in his heart, which was why Lin Gui used the rocket life that was left behind by Immortal Domain without hesitation.    


"This is …"    


When Wang Hu saw Lin Gui's rocket life, he was also surprised and said: "Young Master Gui, this is … … This is the life of a rocket left behind by the Immortal Domain? "    


Lin Gui nodded his head, and said: "That's right, using this Rocket life form to go to Wargod Palace headquarters, only requires two days!"    




Hearing Lin Gui's words, Wang Hu could not help but take in a breath of cold air, and said: "Too amazing, the rocket life forms left behind by the Immortal Domain are indeed extraordinary, truly amazing, truly amazing!"    


Actually, the rocket life forms that were left behind by the Immortal Domain could be faster!    


It was just that because Lin Gui's strength was limited, he was unable to completely control the Rocket life form. However, even if Lin Gui couldn't control it well, his speed was still much faster than the Holy Domain's Rocket life form.    


"Let's go!"    


Lin Gui said, and took the lead to fly into the life of the rocket.    




Wang Hu also responded and then followed Lin Gui onto the life of the rocket.    


With Wang Hu guiding the way, Lin Gui controlled the life of the rocket and in the blink of an eye, it had completely disappeared.    


The speed of the life of the Rocket was faster than people's line of sight. Therefore, when the life of the Rocket moved, no one could see it from behind.    


Wang Hu sat on top of the life of the rocket. When he felt the powerful speed of the rocket life, he was extremely shocked and said, "Hiss, this speed is too fast. I've never felt such a speed before. If I also had a life of a rocket, how great would it be? With this rocket life form, we can basically move unhindered in the entire Holy Domain! "    


… ….    


At the same time, on Lin Gui's side, while he was controlling the life of the rocket, something shocking had happened at Wargod Star's headquarters!    


He saw the palace master of the Wargod Palace being trapped inside a net.    


And around the Heaven Sieve Sect, there were countless Wargod Palace disciples. They had all made preparations for battle, and from the looks of it, they were worried that the palace masters of the Wargod Palace would escape from the Heaven Sphere.    


At the same time, not far away in the void, a Confucian scholar quietly stood there.    


This Confucian Scholar looked to be in his forties and gave off a refined and refined feeling. However, at this time, his face held a sneer. His scholarly look, combined with this sneer, gave people a very inharmonious feeling.    


"Mistress, it's best if you don't struggle!"    


"As long as you submit, in the future, the position of Vice Palace Master will still be yours. Don't worry, I can bring along my Wargod Palace and walk towards the brilliant ones together, haha!"    


The palace master from the Wargod Palace laughed coldly: "Gongyang Yu, you despicable and shameless bastard, you want me to submit to you? However, that was just wishful thinking. Humph... I just can't accept it. I fell into your trap just like this. Just you wait. When I get out of this predicament, I will make you wish you were dead! "    


"Ha ha!"    


Scholar Gongyang Yu laughed out loud and said, "Palace Head, Palace Head, why are you still so spicy? As a woman, why must you resist a Wargod Palace? You made me a palace master, then you became my woman. From now on, you will be in charge of the logistics for Wargod Palace.    


As Gongyang Yu spoke, he looked towards the Palace Master of the Wargod Palace with some anticipation.    


It was obvious that Gongyang Yu was very emotional with the palace master of Wargod Palace.    


"Don't even think about it, you despicable and shameless person. I only hate me for not seeing your true appearance back then, to the point where I have been plotted against by you!"    


When Palace Master Wargod Palace spoke, her body was brimming with a murderous aura.    


It was a pity that she was trapped in the Heaven's Net. Otherwise, she really wanted to charge out and kill Gongyang Yu.    


A tall and sturdy man beside Gongyang Yu whispered to Gongyang Yu: "Mistress, this girl is too hard to tame. In my opinion, you should just kill her due to the fact that you've lost your heart. This person is still a ticking time bomb, who knows when he might explode!"    


Gongyang Yu frowned slightly.    


After a pause, Gongyang Yu shook his head and said, "Don't worry. Women can be tamed sooner or later, can't they?"    


The burly man still wanted to say something, but at this time, a disciple of Wargod Palace quickly came to Gongyang Yu's side and whispered to Gongyang Yu: "Mistress, Lin Gui has already returned to the Mighty Heavenly Star!"    




A murderous aura suddenly appeared on Gongyang Yu's body as he asked, "Where is he now?"    


The Wargod Palace disciple said: "If nothing unexpected happens, they must be rushing towards the Wargod Palace, because Lin Gui has already met up with Wang Hu!"    


"Good, very good!"    


Gongyang Yu's killing intent became even stronger, and coldly said: "Immediately arrange for people to kill Lin Gui on the road. In short, I don't want to see the living Lin Gui returning to the Wargod Palace, do you understand?"    


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