Super Cultivating Farmer

C123 Ouyang Lan

C123 Ouyang Lan

These modified off-road vehicles were very big and extremely fast, much stronger than the Hummer that Bai Xiaobei and the others came with. They were like steel monsters, and if they met a pack of wolves, they could directly charge through them.    


"Captain, there's a situation behind us!"    


In the car at the very back, there was someone who noticed Bai Xiaobei who was following them from behind. When they took a glance at him, they were so scared that they broke out in cold sweat, especially with his inhuman speed.    


The leader of the team was sitting in the passenger seat of the jeep. At the back was a young man wearing an overcoat. After hearing the call from the walkie-talkie, he took a glance at the reflective area.    


"It's him?"    


The young man behind him turned his head to look and exclaimed in shock. He was sitting not far away from him at the time of the auction, so he naturally recognized Bai Xiaobei.    


"Young Master Ouyang, let's not interact with him. This kind of person is terrifying."    


Looking at Bai Xiaobei who walked as if he was flying, his feet almost touching the ground, the leader of the team who was sitting on the passenger seat was a little nervous, he had seen dozens of fully armed special forces troops being knocked down by a Internal Martial Boxing Expert with bare hands when he was on mission in the past.    


If it wasn't for the fact that they didn't have any ill intentions, they probably would have stayed in the ocean.    


"Brother Han, is this the Internal Martial Boxing Expert? His speed was so fast. Eh, it was accelerating! "Be careful!"    


Forget about Ouyang Lan, the rest of them were also shocked and didn't know what to do. They were originally only a few dozen meters away, but just as they were about to speed up, the Shadow behind them immediately sped up several times. In a few breaths, they arrived in front of them.    


The off-road vehicles in front hurriedly braked, and the ones behind also braked hastily. Three cars, a total of six soldiers, took out their guns and stood guard at the first moment.    


"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous. I'm lost, how about you give me a ride?"    


Originally, he wanted to follow them, but he didn't know where they were going. Besides, he didn't think that the money would follow him for so long.    


"It's you!"    


Bai Xiaobei's eyes lit up when he saw the young man in the overcoat get out of the car. He was actually one of the participants in the black market.    


Her lips were red and her teeth were white. She was an absolute elegant Young Noble, with a slender figure. It was probably because she was used to living a life of luxury.    


There was no doubt that compared to the current Bai Xiaobei, he was just a bumpkin. If not for the Spirit Gathering Overhead, which changed his temperament, Ouyang Lan would have lost him eight blocks.    


When Ouyang Lan saw Bai Xiaobei's appearance, he also heaved a sigh of relief. It was clear that the other party did not have any malicious intent, and looking at his image, he curiously asked: "Why are you in such a sorry state?"    


Bai Xiaobei's body was in such a tattered state, he looked like a beggar, especially his pants, they could not even hold his crotch. If not for the fact that Ouyang Lan had personally witnessed him spending so much money, he would have treated him like a beggar.    


The Silver Wolf leaped and arrived behind Bai Xiaobei. Sensing the threat from these people, it hid behind them and released a low roar.    


Bai Xiaobei touched the Silver Wolf, and said awkwardly: We're lost, and have met with some troubles. I'm going over to the Great Sanskrit Temple, are you guys going over there? If you pass by and take us on a trip. "    


He didn't even understand the direction they were heading towards, so he could only shamelessly ask for help.    


"Great Sanskrit Temple? Was it the temple near Jokhang Temple? Along the way, we just happened to be about to pass through the Jokhang Temple. "    


"Thank you so much!"    


Bai Xiaobei was overjoyed, his luck was good, if not he would have to return. Bringing the Silver Wolf with him, he got onto Ouyang Lan's car.    


"Bro, I remember that you left together with your friend. Why are you the only one left?"    


Ouyang Lan found a set of clothes that he prepared for Bai Xiaobei, and then found an overcoat for him.    


There was a lot of space in the back of the car. As Bai Xiaobei changed his clothes, he replied, "There was an accident and I was lost. If I didn't meet you guys, I would probably have asked the herdsman for directions and wouldn't have been able to communicate."    


Bai Xiaobei ordered Ouyang Lan and the others to walk according to the route they were taking, and also judged that he was going in the opposite direction, following this method, they would walk further and further away.    


After putting on his clothes, Bai Xiaobei extended his hand: "I really have to thank you. My name is Bai Xiaobei, I'm here to accompany my friends to buy Tibetan Mastiff, if not for you, I think we would only be able to see the stars in the Canis Latrans tonight."    


Indeed, he couldn't find the way tonight. Bai Xiaobei could only hold the Silver Wolf and look at the stars, but he couldn't even find food, and he couldn't eat raw even if he found it.    


I also came to buy a Tibetan Mastiff, but I wanted to buy a pure blood Tibetan Mastiff. I thought that it would have a pure blood, but it's not pure either, but I heard that there's a one month old pure blood Tibetan Mastiff in Mastiff City.    


Previously, Ouyang Lan had also offered a price, but he did not expect the other party to not take a fancy to it at all. No wonder he was able to withdraw so quickly, I'm afraid we can't find many pure blooded Tibetan Mastiff here, not to mention the Cub, these things are priceless and hard to find.    


"Pure-blooded Tibetan Mastiff?"    


Bai Xiaobei's eyes could not help but light up. Along the way, the Pure-blooded Tibetan Mastiff s had been discussed at length by him about many things, how rare they were, and how difficult it was to find them. He was really interested to see them.    


The Silver Wolf also let Ouyang Lan look at it for a long time, until it kept looking at it till it started to grimace, only then did it come to its senses.    


They got on the car, knew the way, and along the way, Bai Xiaobei also relaxed. Drinking his drink, they unknowingly arrived at Lhasa.    


Along the way, ascetics appeared one after another, as devout as always. Every step they took, they would have to kneel down and eat on the ground. Their pants were all rotten, and even their shoes were tattered, but now the weather was only a few degrees, so it was hard to tell how these people were able to withstand it.    


"These people are really devout. Is there a need to do this?"    


Bai Xiaobei could not help but exclaim. These people were all using their lives to express their sincerity. How did they get through the night?    


Ouyang Lan looked at Bai Xiaobei strangely and said: "Big Brother Bai, aren't you a follower of the Buddha? Why do you say that about them? "    


"Believers?" Bai Xiaobei was startled, then immediately shook his head: "I am evidently respectful to Buddha, but I am not a believer. I still believe in myself."    


The captain sitting on the first passenger seat looked at him in surprise and said: "We saw you holding a staff, wearing Hemp Cloth clothes, and even had a horn hanging from your horn, we thought you were an ascetic."    


Hemp Cloth? Bai Xiaobei was speechless. The clothes he threw away were indeed a few dozen dollars worth of goods sold on the ground, and he had gone to the night market to buy them when he was still a university student.    


"This is not an ordinary staff, it is a lethal weapon. Also, I picked up this horn and this bracelet was also picked up by me. I am not a believer."    


Bai Xiaobei looked at the two's strange expressions and explained. What a joke, they didn't even care about the position of the Great Sanskrit Temple's Zen Master, how could he possibly be a believer?    


Very quickly, Bai Xiaobei saw some of the inns' private rooms. He was overjoyed, and knew where he was.    


After that, he established his Jokhang Temple and Konuma Temple. Gradually, many religious monks and believers came to pay their respects, and as time passed, many houses surrounded his Jokhang Temple, gradually forming a residential district, which was the current Old City.    


After that, they praised Qian Bu's massive construction of the Potala Palace, and gradually, the palaces of the Lhasa River Plains grew in number, and it became more and more prosperous. Gradually, this area became a holy land for the worshippers, and became a religious center for the Tibetan Tibetan.    


"Find a place to stop and I'll call."    


Ouyang Lan commanded the three cars to stop, and without knowing what identity they had, the soldiers brazenly walked out with their submachine guns.    


Bai Xiaobei picked up his staff, reached out and caressed the Silver Wolf, then brought it along with him.    


The appearance of the Silver Wolf caused many people in the surroundings to panic for a moment. However, when they saw that the Silver Wolf did not intend to harm anyone, they instead surrounded a few people.    


When an ascetic saw Bai Xiaobei, he actually bowed to him, causing him to be confused and hurriedly return the greeting.    


The clothes that he was wearing were all prepared by Ouyang Lan himself, they were all new clothes, his shoes were also on horseback and boots, and adding on an overcoat, he didn't look like a lama no matter how one looked at him.    


However, the buddhist staff, the horn on his waist, and the buddhist beads in his hands, coupled with his own Spirit Gathering Overhead, gave him a transcendent temperament. Even if he had hair, it caused some ascetic monks to misunderstand.    


"Alright, even if he isn't a monk, he has become a monk."    


In succession, Ascetics bowed. Perhaps it was because of his presence, but these people did not have much fear towards the Silver Wolf.    


Bai Xiaobei didn't know that the Canis Latrans was a protective god in the hearts of the herdsmen, and the Silver Wolf was the king of the Canis Latrans. The Tibetan that appeared here was naturally not afraid of the Silver Wolf.    


Very quickly, Ouyang Lan walked over, his face full of joy: "Let's go, the young mastiff is inside!"    


Two of them were left behind to watch the carriage, the rest four followed him, fully armed. Bai Xiaobei was worried that it would be inconvenient to bring the silver with them, so he left the silver in the carriage.    


"There are quite a few good things here."    


Bai Xiaobei saw that the streets were filled with hawkers, some of the lama were even selling some of their secret medicine and wanted to take a look. When he turned his head and saw Ouyang Lan offering him a cigarette, he immediately waved his hands in refusal.    


Seeing that he did not smoke, Ouyang Lan did not force him. He lit up a cigarette and slowly smoked.    


Sure enough, he threw the cigarette away after smoking it normally.    


The streets here were very old, the stones were as bright as if they had been polished by hand. The streets were wide and narrow, with a large flow of people. Many tourists had gathered here.    


There were many shops here as well, and the goods were all over the place.    


Arriving at a shop, Bai Xiaobei looked at the various large and small beating drums, and asked curiously: "What are we doing here? No Tibetan Mastiff? Could it be that I want to buy these drums? "    


The store was remote and there weren't many people. There were only a few people entering and exiting the store.    


"A rattle?" Ouyang Lan could not help but burst out laughing, his face flushed red: "Big Brother Bai, this is a Prayer Wheel, not a rattle!"    


"Prayer Wheel?"    


Bai Xiaobei immediately understood that there were indeed Prayer Wheel in Tibet. He had always thought that it was a kind of cylinder made of a kind of scripture.    


It was no wonder that there was a Divine Buddha sitting inside the Old Wolf King Palace with a rattle drum. He was still puzzled at the time, why there was still a Divine Buddha playing the rattle, it was actually a Prayer Wheel with Buddha Sect.    


He couldn't help but blush as he laughed dryly, "Don't look at me like that. I said I'm not a believer …"    


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