Super Cultivating Farmer

C538 Hunting

C538 Hunting

Boars like to live close to water sources, especially on high mountains where the temperature is low and where there is a natural pool. You can often pick up food here and bathe in muddy water. The Yinpo Mountain poplar, birch forest, larch forest and spruce forest are also good places for wild boar's summer activities.    


The wild boar's food was also much richer. The grasses, the worms in the soil, and sometimes the eggs of the birds, especially the grouse and the pheasant, were all the prey of the wild boar. Although the nests were usually well hidden, the wild boars had a keen sense of smell and could sniff out the location of the nests. Usually, the female hatchlings would quickly fly out, hoping to lure the wild boar away from the nest, but the wild boar knew that a nest of eggs was nearby, so it continued to search for the nest until it was discovered.    


The wild boar was not only good at hunting rabbits and mice, but also scorpions and snakes. Although scientists did not agree on whether the boar was immune to toxins, the wild boar did not seem to suffer from the pain caused by eating these dangerous foods. Hungry male wild boars prey on young leopards and jackals.    


The group of wild boars were also very fierce, as if pulling out rotten weeds. Under the thin layer of snow, everything was dug out. Fortunately, it was winter, otherwise, these fellows would probably perform as if not even a blade of grass grew.    


When threatened, the boar would use its tusks to protect itself, and the sow without them would bite. Although not fatal, such an attack could lead to severe trauma. The wild boar is the prey of the tiger. Tigers would track the herd and attack them one by one, a method that had completely destroyed the herd.    


Tigers chase wild boars, but they rarely do that to a male, though it's rare for a boar to kill a tiger in self-defense." Wolves also ate wild boars, especially in Italy, the Iberian Peninsula, and Russia. Wolves rarely attack wild boars face to face, often attacking their perineum, causing them to lose balance and bleed profusely. In some areas of the former Soviet Union, a pack of wolves alone could kill 50-80 wild boars a year.    


It was very difficult for wild boars to survive.    


"Everyone should know that wild boars can also cause a lot of harm. If we really meet a wild boar, I still hope that everyone will turn around and run away. I hope you won't try to provoke a wild boar."    


Bai Xiaobei smiled as he explained. Otherwise, if someone were to meet a wild boar and try to communicate with them, that person would be in trouble.    


Most importantly, the wild boar's body was not clean.    


"Yes." The wild boar was a omnivorous animal with a large appetite. The swarms of wild boars would often "invade" the farm and nibble on the wheat, barley, sugar cane, apples, watermelon and other crops on the farm. Some of the young lambs on the farm were also the prey of the wild boar. The wild boar also likes to arch soil, overturn mud, causing a large area of land vegetation damage. The wild boar is also very fierce, often using wildlife as a source of food, threatening the survival of endangered species and ruining the local ecological balance.    


A report by the Australian Federal Ministry of the Environment shows that the hunting of wild boars has threatened the survival of 16 endangered species. At the same time, the water pollution and land degradation caused by the activities of wild boar, such as arch mud, trampling, rolling and rubbing against trees, cannot be ignored. Also, the bacteria, viruses, and parasites that the wild boar carries can spread disease and threaten the health of humans and other animals.    


It was impossible for wild boars to be harmless. The parasites in their bodies and their habit of eating the ice poison was enough to make many feel disgusted, let alone bring harm to the boars.    


However, there were a lot of people eating wild boar meat.    


Wild boar meat was fresh and delicious, it was the best meat, loved by many people, and because of this, there was a market for wild boar meat.    


Bai Xiaobei saw that it was almost done, he sent a signal, everything was ready, he immediately patted the Boar King, signalling it to watch the wild boars.    


"You haven't seen a wolf hunting goats, have you? We have goats here, we'll be there soon. When the time comes, let me show everyone what wolf hunting is. "    


Bai Xiaobei got Sunn Shan to prepare a few goats, the Wild Goat was needed at home and the hotel also needed it, so they could send it back.    


"Don't worry everyone, we'll be there very soon. I just introduced the place to everyone just now. We have Wild Goat here, they are all genuine Wild Goat."    


Bai Xiaobei waved his hands towards Xue Gui and the others, signalling them to come together. The wild boars had already been arranged by Bai Xiaobei to be here, when the time came, the Boar King would automatically bring them back.    


Some naughty wild boars ran outside, but were bitten back by the Big Boar. They whined, as if they had not had enough fun.    


Bai Xiaobei laughed and said: "Everyone wait patiently, we'll need to walk for a while."    


They were all male goats and were looking for something to eat. The winter was not so good for them as the food was not as good as before. It was good to be in the valley, it was better to hide from the wind and the cold, and there were also some things to eat that were not comfortable outside.    


However, after being caught by Sunn Shan and the rest, they didn't even know the way out. After walking for a while, they got lost.    


"This is the place where Wild Goat roam, because it's winter and they lack food, it's very easy to find them. Because it's snowing, they would search everywhere for food, and the footprints left behind would become their traces."    


Although he might be able to find Bai Xiaobei's bluff, there were no goats here, but it was something that had been prepared beforehand.    


Da Qing rushed out full of energy, her sudden appearance shocked countless of fans, but most of them knew that Bai Xiaobei had two wolves in his hands.    


It was a Cyan Wolf that I met in the mountains the year before last. It was very docile, and I remembered that the first time it brought me a fox, and then a rabbit, every other day, it would give me some game because I had saved it before, and the wolves were not as cruel as everyone had imagined. In fact, they were very docile as well.    


Da Qing was really funny back then. After being cured by Bai Xiaobei once, she had to send some wild game every other day, making her father, Mom, unable to sleep well at night. It was because she could tell how these animals died just by looking at their wounds.    


Just as expected, a pack of wolves came back home. At first, they were worried, but when they realized that Da Qing was no different from an ordinary family dog, they became more and more relieved.    


Da Qing took the lead and walked towards the foot of a mountain. There, four goats were looking for food to eat, occasionally checking their surroundings vigilantly. Although some of their instincts had been degenerated by the valley, they were still on guard after coming out.    


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