Super Cultivating Farmer

C287 Let's Catch a Wolf

C287 Let's Catch a Wolf

He didn't feel cold at all and stayed up all night. If he didn't go to look at the stars, then he went to look for the polar bear, and Bai Xiaobei still had to change the script with them. After letting the Small Gyrfalcon follow him, he decided to leave it at that.    


When the Small Gyrfalcon and the fish under the ice were free, they would suffer. On the second day, they would wake up and see the Arctic Flounder, the Arctic Scale Fish, and the Arctic Cod …    


"Hurry up and finish it yourself. If you can't finish it, I'll beat you up later!"    


Bai Xiaobei looked at the fish on the ground, which had frozen to death. He felt a headache.    


Beating him up clearly does not pose a threat, and he said in an aggrieved tone, "Didn't you say there's a polar bear? After searching for an entire night, we still could not find any polar bears below us, not even seals or sea lions! "    


Bai Xiaobei tugged his ear, "Blame me? Shall I tell you that the polar bear lives at the bottom of the sea? Can you find the polar bear at the bottom of the sea? "Be more honest, otherwise I will send you back!"    


Huan Huan quickly nodded and said pitifully, "Then where is the polar bear? Didn't they say that there are polar bears in the Arctic? "    


Beverly smiled as she walked over, she then handed over a sandwich and a bottle of milk: "There isn't anything around here. We've all searched for it, wanting to see the polar bear.    


"There really is a polar bear!" She immediately replied happily: "Okay, Sister Beverly!"    


By afternoon, it was Bai Xiaobei's turn. The storyline was that the Gyrfalcon had found a lone Arctic Wolf, and together with its owner, they killed the Arctic Wolf and had a long supply of food.    


"Are there any wolves?" Bai Xiaobei said excitedly: "That's good, but there are wolves here right? We need to find a Arctic Wolf first! "    


He had seen Arctic Wolf on TV before, and they were extremely sharp, far from something a fool like Erha could compare with. The way the eyes, teeth, and expressions were all different, and the size of the Arctic Wolf was not small either. In the past, when Da Qing followed him, he had researched a lot of information about wolves, to see what they liked to eat.    


"No need for Arctic Wolf s, we have a wolf that is being raised. It looks very similar to Arctic Wolf s, at that time, the keeper will cooperate with you. Look, a wolf is coming!"    


Brunck smiled as he walked over, he then pointed at a big man who was walking over from afar, behind him followed a huge but seemingly timid wolf.    


Bai Xiaobei immediately walked over and squatted in front of the wolf, and instantly saw the wolf's eyes revealing a look of cowardice, it bared its fangs and looked at him.    


"No, this wolf doesn't have any imposing aura. It's no different from a dog. It's not like you guys don't know how savage a wolf is."    


No matter how Bai Xiaobei looked at it, it didn't look very good. Forget about his own Da Qing and his silver, even the wolves that he met in the grassland, were all more ferocious than this wolf. Was this the appearance of a Arctic Wolf living in the Arctic?    


Bai Xiaobei immediately protested, such a wolf, how could they let them tear it up and kill it? What kind of joke was this?    


"NONONONO!" Brunck immediately shook his head: "There's no problem with this wolf, when the time comes, just add some special effects, don't worry!"    


"Why don't you capture a real Arctic Wolf? If that's the case, then it would definitely look even better than it does and would be quite shocking. This soft and soft thing is just like a sheep! "    


Although the Arctic Wolf looked a little fierce, its eyes, tail, and many other movements showed that it was fearless. If it were to tear and fight, would the wolf just run away with its tail between its legs?    


As Bai Xiaobei said this, he grabbed the wolf, scaring it to the point that it immediately shrank back and struggled with all its might. Let alone Bai Xiaobei, even Brunck was speechless.    


"Let's capture a Arctic Wolf!"    


Bai Xiaobei clapped his hands and stood up, looking around, since it was the North Pole, then there might be Arctic Wolf nearby. Capturing one would mean killing them, and there would be no need to find a corpse to replace them, there would be no shock at all, why would such a movie be so popular?    


Brunck was dumbstruck. He swallowed his saliva and laughed: "The Arctic Wolf are all in groups, there are very few left alone, and it's not easy to find them. After finding them, one will not be able to tame them.    


By that time, if the other wolves were not killed and the humans were eaten by them, it would become a matter that would shake the entire world. That would be truly amazing! To be filming something like this, it would simply be courting death.    


"That's easy!" Bai Xiaobei said to the Small Gyrfalcon in the sky: "Go, find out if there are any wolves here and force a sturdy wolf over. Don't hurt it!"    


The Small Gyrfalcon flew down from the sky, excitedly flapping its wings: "Meat!"    


"Right, right, but you can't kill him first. After we finish filming, I'll chop his flesh for you to eat, okay?"    


Bai Xiaobei touched this little guy. It only took a few bites of fish to eat it, so it was obvious that he was happy after hearing that he wanted to eat meat.    


"Great!" The young Small Gyrfalcon's voice came out, with a flap of its wings, it quickly flew up into the sky, and started searching all around for Arctic Wolf s.    


"Mr. Bai, there are very few Arctic Wolf here!" Elena immediately walked over to stop them: "We don't need to take such risks. Furthermore, after filming, we won't be as bad as you think. Our investment this time is huge, so you don't need to worry about the special effects."    


"Special effects?" Bai Xiaobei immediately thought of the fifty cents special effect in the movie and immediately said: "Don't worry, the Small Gyrfalcon has already gone to look for prey. This sheep like wolf, do you expect it to have any powerful performance?"    


The Beast Tamer did not understand Chinese, and led the wolf to stand there in a daze. She had a puzzled look on her face as she communicated with Brunck, obviously not knowing what had happened.    


Brunck explained, from time to time he would pacify her. He had invited her out with money, but he could not just let her go like this. At that time, if he managed to find a Husky, his eyes would instantly betray his identity.    


Suddenly, he saw the Small Gyrfalcon swooping down. He immediately said happily, "I found it, Little White found the prey!"    


Since the Small Gyrfalcon had swooped down, they must have found their prey. It was obviously a simple task to force a wolf into this place.    


"Great!" Bai Xiaobei smiled as he looked into the distance, "I hope we haven't discovered any other small animals."    


Very quickly, Bai Xiaobei saw the Small Gyrfalcon rising and falling, from time to time, he would flap his wings in an attacking posture, and immediately laughed out loud: "Got it, get ready, we will start patting anytime!"    


The Small Gyrfalcon moved up and down, occasionally letting out a cry of satisfaction, and very quickly, a Arctic Wolf that was constantly running appeared in their line of sight.    


"Go around, go up, and hold it down. Little guy, come over here!"    


Bai Xiaobei did not care about the shocked gazes of the others, he immediately led the way and caught the Arctic Wolf that was still covered in ice and snow.    


He immediately cheered and ran towards the Arctic Wolf. Seeing the gray and white color of the Arctic Wolf, he jumped towards it without any hesitation, grabbed the Arctic Wolf's head and laid on the ground together.    


The Arctic Wolf was frightened to death and struggled with all its might. It cried out loud, its ferocious face biting towards the neck of Huan Huan, causing Huan Huan to hold his head down. It turned its head around with a bitter face and said: "Big Brother, this wolf mouth stinks …"    


"Do you think this is Da Qing and silver? Hold on a minute. "    


Bai Xiaobei was holding the script to teach the Small Gyrfalcon what to do, the surrounding people in the filming crew were all numb to it, in the future they would even if they were beaten to death, they would no longer dare to offend Chinese people, they were all abnormal!    


"Remember, you can scratch it, you can scratch it, but you can't kill it. You just have to harass it, and your eyes have to be sharp. Un …" Yes, just like that! "    


When the Small Gyrfalcon heard his words, its eyes became sharper. Immediately, all the hairs on its head stood up, and its eyes lit up brightly. Bai Xiaobei was instantly speechless, this little fellow could go and get the little Golden Eagle.    


After it was satisfied, it continued to extend its head out and read the script, and from time to time, it would tilt its head in curiosity. Bai Xiaobei rolled its eyes at it, but it did not understand the words, did it understand?    


After a long while, Brunck said excitedly: "Mr. Bai, we're ready, we're ready. We can begin now, is there no problem? Do you need our help? "    


Seeing the Arctic Wolf pressing down on the ground like a toy, that little girl from China took out a cell phone from nowhere, happily taking photos of herself. No matter how crazily the Arctic Wolf struggled, it was unable to break free.    


"Ready?" Bai Xiaobei touched his Small Gyrfalcon and said: "Let's go, we will go and make preparations as well."    


Very quickly, Bai Xiaobei saw that the filming crew was already prepared, and immediately shouted towards the crowd: "Come here, quickly come here. Let it go, you come here first!"    


Even if the Arctic Wolf were to run now, it would not be able to. After hearing what was said, Hutong grimaced at the Arctic Wolf that was baring his teeth and biting towards her. He slapped away the Arctic Wolf's head with his palm and quickly ran towards Bai Xiaobei.    


The Arctic Wolf was also valiant. As soon as it ran, it stood up, probably because it was used to being invincible, and rushed out crazily.    


The Small Gyrfalcon immediately went up to welcome them, and at the same time, Bai Xiaobei quickly said: "Let's start shooting, all of you take it well, don't kill it, be more gentle!"    


The Arctic Wolf that was usually the tyrant of the Arctic, could only continuously dodge the Small Gyrfalcon at this moment. From time to time, it would grit its teeth and pounce back, the Small Gyrfalcon also loved to play, and with Bai Xiaobei's seemingly, it was actually clawing and clawing at the Arctic Wolf, causing everyone in the crew to be shocked, afraid that they would be killed with a single bite.    


Bai Xiaobei patted Brunck and said: "Don't worry, we'll take care of this after you let them take care of it!"    


When the Arctic Wolf saw a strange human rushing towards it, it immediately let out a low growl and pounced forward. It felt that it could not beat the Small Gyrfalcon nor injure it, but as for the human being, it was very confident that as long as it was not a human with weapons, it could bite and kill it.    


After all, it was a Arctic Wolf.    


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