Super Cultivating Farmer

C965 Small Stone

C965 Small Stone

Yang Yu and her friend Li Wen Jing were not fools.    


"Xiao Yu …" Li Wen Jing could not help but look at Yang Yu, then looked at her pockets.    


At the moment, Yang Yu was also stunned, she suspected that she was dreaming. In the past, someone said that Bai Douer was a little similar to her, but she did not care, and she had never thought of this.    


"Wen Jing, you go to class first. I-I'll take a trip home."    


At this moment, Yang Yu's heart was extremely complicated.    




The sky was overcast. A man was pushing a cart with some sweet potatoes. Memories of a young girl appeared in his mind.    


"Little Shuang, are you hungry?"    




"I'm hungry, dad will buy some cakes for you later …"    


The sound seemed to go farther and farther away. When he opened his eyes, he saw himself sitting on the carriage with the Treasure Pig struggling in his arms.    


"You, what happened to you?" Yang Yu sat at the side and could not help but ask.    


"I'm fine." He shook his head. Memory was always intermittent, but it was vague. Ever since he was very young, this memory had often appeared in his dreams.    


When she was picked up by Mo Tianxing, it could be said that she was already about to die.    


All along, Mo Tianxing did not hide anything.    


Because he was still thrown away by the box, if it wasn't for the sound, Mo Tianxing's hearing was astonishing, he would not have been able to notice it.    


"You fell asleep." Bai Xiaobei turned around and glanced at his pocket.    


Chirp chirp! The Small Gyrfalcon took over the first passenger seat, tilted its head and looked around, flapping its wings, showing concern.    


"I didn't sleep." He retorted, and used his strength to pinch the Treasure Pig.    


The Treasure Pig let out a pitiful cry as it looked around with its small eyes. Why did it pinch it?    


The speed was fast, Bai Xiaobei did not ask anymore, but to hurry back, he knew that his mood was extremely complicated, it was also very complicated even around someone.    


Wangyu County is Shandong District, Queshan Village is also a relatively backward village.    


After two hours of high-speed travel, they finally arrived at Wang Yu County. They were jolted along the way until they arrived at the village of Kui Shan.    


Along the way, Yang Yu didn't tell her about the situation in her family. After all, when she encountered this kind of thing, she was also very complicated, she still took a photo. When she was arguing with her parents, she knew that there was a little sister.    


What surprised Yang Yu was that she didn't even need to point him in the right direction; she already knew which way to go.    


Bai Xiaobei would naturally not tell him that after using his spiritual sense to scan the area, he would more or less be able to find the traces of Qi.    


The villagers of Kui Shan Village were still busy. The tens of millions of sports cars sped along the road, ignoring the rocks on the road, causing many to glance at them. If they were to draw a line here, how much money would it cost to repair it?    


Bai Xiaobei stopped at the village entrance, looked around, and said: "Don't even think about escaping, you have to face it."    


"Yes." Su Yun nodded his head. The Treasure Pig in his arms was woken up by the pinching, and was lying on the ground resentfully. Let's pinch, since the Treasure Pig did not care, hmph!    


Yang Yu's family was very ordinary, especially the two primary school children.    


The winding paths on the mountain path were no longer easy to travel on, twisting and turning was not troublesome enough, Bai Xiaobei got off the carriage with.    


The Small Gyrfalcon soared into the sky. It was obvious that it had been in the carriage for a long time.    


"Xiao Yu, you're back?" An old man walked past, holding onto a donkey, and greeted Yang Yu smilingly.    


"Fifth Grandpa." Yang Yu politely greeted.    


The donkey was waiting for Big Eye to come over, but it was clearly not interested. It continued to enter its absent-minded state.    


This kind of thing had low intelligence, if it was a little higher intelligence, Bai Xiaobei would feed it, but in the village, he would rather feed the cow than feed the donkey, it was one thing, it was too troublesome to clean everyday.    


"We're classmates?" The old man looked at Bai Xiaobei and said: "Young man, you are so energetic!"    


"Uncle smokes." Bai Xiaobei took out a pack of cigarettes and handed it over. When he saw that the old man's pipe was very thin, he guessed that there were no cigarettes left and took out a pack of cigarettes.    


"I have it, I have it. If I don't smoke this, it will hurt my heart." The old man shook his head and refused. Every sip of this stuff was money and he was quite addicted to cigarettes. He usually smoked a cheap cigarette leaf and after crushing it, he would smoke a few mouthfuls.    


"It's not worth much. Look, I have quite a lot of them here. Gramps, take a smoke." Bai Xiaobei handed some over, he really did have some of them in the Storage Bracelet, and had delivered a batch earlier. He did not have any alcohol, but he had a lot of cigarettes, and in reality, they were all given to Bai Yu.    


Bai Xiaobei was immediately deducted.    


Seeing that there were many boxes in Bai Xiaobei's hand, the old man wiped his hands and said: "Just one, let me try it!"    


Bai Xiaobei immediately stuffed a box over, after thinking for a moment, he stuffed another box into his pocket. Seeing that the old man was about to reject, he quickly said: This cigarette is not worth much, it was made by my friend's house, try it.    


This was to supply cigarettes, it was worthless, Bai Xiaobei really did not know.    


Yang Yu naturally knew that it was impossible for Bai Xiaobei to take action for free, and was a little curious as to where she had taken out these things. Seeing that the old man was about to refuse, he couldn't help but say: "Fifth Grandfather, take this …"    


To Bai Xiaobei, retreating such a small amount of time was probably a waste of time!    


"Wait here, you and Yang Yu wait for me." Meeting the old man also made Bai Xiaobei remember something as he quickly returned to the car.    


When he ran back again, he had many presents in his hands, all of them were products of Zhonghe Group. Prime Gold Wine s, supreme Termite Wine s, Golden Oral Liquid s, gold and honey – many of them were Zhonghe Group products.    


"Bai, Mr. Bai, there's no need to bring anything." Yang Yu's face turned red, all of them were products of Zhonghe Group, these things, even if she had money, it would not be easy to buy.    


She did not know that the prices of these products were all rare in Zhonghe Group, but towards this kind of sophisticated item, the production of Zhonghe Group s were becoming fewer and fewer.    


She didn't say anything as she was too lazy to look at these things.    


She had a lot of treasures, but when Bai Xiaobei returned, the Storage Bracelet let her flip through it once, and she also took away a lot of strange things. Furthermore, she had the habit of collecting all these in the past, so she had a lot of treasures.    


"I've just arrived, and I just happen to be in the car." After all, they were his biological parents and family. Although he did not know what had happened at that time, according to Yang Yu's summary, he guessed that his parents had not abandoned him and had lost him.    


At that time, it was too small and his memories of it were very blurry.    


Even if he threw away his pockets, he could still untie the knots in his heart. He wouldn't become a demon in his pocket when he crossed tribulation in the future.    


On the path of cultivation, the less, the better.    


Coincidentally, it was already afternoon and Yang Yu's parents were both at home. Bai Xiaobei scanned them with his divine sense and found a little boy around ten years old was baring his cattle at the entrance.    


At the same time, Bai Xiaobei had also seen a few pictures. The pictures were very old and old, and he did not know where to look.    


Even if Bai Xiaobei donated 10 billion yuan every year to raise their living standards, it would only be able to provide them with a little help. The thing that could help them the most was the mountain regions, where even school was difficult.    


The old cow was being led by a little boy and was currently nibbling on the grass by the side of the road. There was also a Small Cattle following behind with its tail wagging. Its big, watery eyes were very cute.    


"Yang Shitou." Yang Yu couldn't help but call out when she saw her brother still bullshitting.    


"Damn, Yang Yu, why did you come back today? Where's the Dragon Pearl cartoon for me? You, where's your school bag? "    


Yang Shitou's face was filled with pleasant surprise, but when he saw that his sister actually didn't bring a bag, and was even empty-handed, the smile on his face slowly froze. He had been waiting for half a month, and yet you didn't buy one for him?    


Bai Xiaobei couldn't help but sigh. This was a real brother and sister, completely unlike the imagined situation where their older and younger siblings were pestering each other with passion.    


However, after seeing Bai Xiaobei and his play style, Yang Shitou scratched his head and said: "Yang Yu, you came here to play, right?"    


Then, he moved closer to Yang Yu and said, "Yang Yu, let me give you some face. Tell me when you'll give me the Seven Dragon Pearl. I really want to know whether or not Friisa has been beaten to death after transforming.    


Yang Yu hurriedly said, "I will definitely buy it for you. I didn't get the chance to do something this time.    


"At home …" Yang Shitou was speechless, he had said that he would buy it for his!    


Bai Xiaobei thought for a moment. It was true that this cartoon had not existed, and he liked to read it, but he had definitely never read these before.    


"I have it here, your name is Yang Shitou? This is for you. "    


He looked at his younger brother with a complicated expression. It was certain that his younger brother was very similar to him.    


She took out a large book box and handed it over. "This is the complete volume of the Seven Dragon Pearls. It's limited edition and has been signed by the author."    


Yang Shitou's eyes immediately lit up, especially when he saw the person from the Seven Dragon Pearl on the book case, and he said excitedly: "Is there a book inside? Wow, this heavy? How many books are in there? Why is it so heavy? My name is Yang Yan, my little name is Shi. Elder sister, is this for me? "    


Yang Shitou felt a sinking feeling in his hand and almost failed to wrap it up. This box was at least twenty kilograms, and it couldn't help but make Yang Shitou's face flush red.    


The "big sister" made Bai Douer's heart tremble a few times. He revealed a smile and said, "The books inside are all oil paper paintings, waterproof and fireproof, so it's a little heavy. If you like watching anime, I'll send you some in the future."    


Bai Xiaobei looked at Bai Douer in shock. Collecting such a thing? He had the urge to look at his storage bag.    


Seeing Bai Douer's expression, Yang Yu bit his lips and didn't say anything.    


"Really? Elder sister?" Yang Yu, Yang Yu, help me hug it, I can't hug it anymore! " Yang Shitou could not move because he was a child of ten years old. Normally, even if he did some farm work, he would not have much strength.    


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