Super Cultivating Farmer

C982 The Future Desert Guard

C982 The Future Desert Guard

"Big brother, where's the scorpion?" Once he went around, he immediately circled around Bai Xiaobei to look for the big scorpion.    


"In the tomb, first let it stay there, then the archaeologists will go in. Those scorpions will not harm them, otherwise, without it's control, it will be impossible to carry out the archaeology."    


Bai Xiaobei passed the live broadcast to Miao Feifei and pinched his face.    


"Where is brother's gold?" As expected, the money-grubber immediately remembered the gold coins.    


"I'll go back and pack it up for you." Bai Xiaobei said softly. He had put all the gold coins into his storage pouch. It's a lot of trouble here.    


"Jinx, give the Bamboo Rat to me. Stop feeding them. Bai Xiaobei saw that Jinx was holding a piece of beef jerky, and was carrying a bag of books with three heads munching on beef jerky. Jinx really knew how to play.    


"He's coming!" Jinx ran over and said with bright eyes: "Big brother, I also want to bring the two back for maintenance!"    


"..." "Sure, go pick two when you get back." Last time, Jinx had brought a few ducks with him. Now that she was attracted to Bamboo Rat again, Bai Xiaobei would naturally not reject him. She could only nod her head.    


After the live broadcast changed hands, the live broadcast suddenly became heated up.    


"Fei Fei, Fei Fei!"    


"Wow, Jinx is beautiful again, what the hell are you hugging? Groundhog:? "    


"Jinx is so cute!"    


"It's all my wife's fault. Everyone, please draw your sabers if you don't like it!"    


"Look, even sisters from Zhonghe Group have come. This aspect of Bai Xiaobei is really enviable!"    


"Yeah, f * ck, I'm jealous!"    


"I'm so jealous."    


"Kill Bai Xiaobei!"    


"Beat Bai Xiaobei to death, I want Zhonghe Group, I will have whatever I want in the future!"    


"Bai Douer, look here, you're looking for your brother to play with mud, we're here for the live broadcast!"    


"Where's Xiaobai?" Why didn't Lil 'White come? Wow, Lil 'White is here! "    


"Xiaobai is so beautiful again. I'm jealous!"    


"Hurry up and start the broadcast, the live broadcast is a little interesting. Bai Xiaobei is completely uninterested in the live broadcast, and only knows how to show off and make a bad comment!"    


"So beautiful, I'm so jealous!"    




There was no need to say it, Bai Douer's popularity was not worse than Bai Xiaobei's. There was no other way around it, the new media was too strong, they spent their time researching things like bags, cosmetics, food, cars and the like, just like the typical super rich and powerful.    


In the few years since Bai Xiaobei disappeared, he could naturally be considered a famous person as he grew older.    


The Small Gyrfalcon descended and Bai Xiaobei immediately extended his hand out. The little fellow finally gave up on the idea of landing on Bai Xiaobei's head, flapped its wings and landed on Bai Xiaobei's arm, and avoided Bai Xiaobei's head as it pecked at it.    


After eating a Beast Pill, the little guy then flapped its wings in satisfaction and soared.    


"Brother, what do we want to broadcast live?" Jinx thought for a moment, this was a desert, it was barren, what was there to broadcast?    


"Bamboo Rat, you can stream the poisonous snakes, poisonous bugs, lizards and even the wolves over there. Look, those Wild Wolf are hungry, they are about to hunt them now, you can stream the Bamboo Rat to kill them!"    


Wolves in the desert were extremely bloodthirsty, and tourists would usually bring hunting rifles with them. Otherwise, if they encountered wolves, they might be bitten to death even if they were hiding in cars, because those wolves were very desperate for food. When they were hungry, they would bite a rock, and their teeth would shatter on their own.    


Which desert tourist's car did he encounter? In order to stop the tires, he had to bite it to pieces. It was truly a ferocious scene to behold.    


"The Xiao Hui are so cute, they would be eaten by wolves." Jinx looked at the wolves that were moving back and forth in the distance. There were already more than a dozen Desert Wolf there, and they were slowly gathering.    


"It's indeed cute." Bai Xiaobei brought out a Bamboo Rat and the Bamboo Rat immediately wagged its tail. It wagged its tail but did not struggle as it blinked its little black eyes.    


They were both mutated Bamboo Rat. If a wolf really ate them, even if it swallowed them into its stomach for a few hours, the Bamboo Rat would not be injured at all. Each of these Bamboo Rat was comparable to Half-step Sect Master, but they were all extremely strong when Bai Xiaobei used the Spirit Sense.    


After placing the three Bamboo Rat on the ground, the three Bamboo Rat that were all more than five or six kilograms surrounded Bai Xiaobei and cried out, moving closer to Bai Xiaobei's legs as if they were trying to curry favor with him.    


Bai Xiaobei took out a piece of Demon Beast Meat, and the three Bamboo Rat immediately began to eat it.    


"You three, gather all the gerbils, venomous snakes, and lizards in this area and bite them to death. If they dare to attack, then bite them too."    


Patting the heads of the three little fellows, he felt like they were three little milk dogs.    


"Zhizhi!" The three Bamboo Rat nodded their heads and quickly went to find their prey.    


Bai Xiaobei waved his hand towards the live broadcast and said: "Fei Fei, you guys go and do the broadcast first. Just follow the Bamboo Rat.    


When the fans of the live broadcast room saw the Bamboo Rat, they started to discuss with each other.    


"Is this the Green Rock Bamboo Rat that claims that the mission will never fail? There was an explosion here, and the fire was very big. I wonder if there were any survivors at this time when these kind of Bamboo Rat charged in and found a house that was trapped. "    


"I have also seen a fool being kidnapped and the blade in his hand was snapped in one bite. It is said that he was stunned on the spot."    


"I'm selling them for Bamboo Rat s, three for one, thirteen for three. The more I buy, the cheaper it will be!"    


"It feels so cute, and it even acts cute. I heard that there have been a lot of Bamboo Rat pets in the market these few years, but it's not easy to raise."    


"The Green Rock Bamboo Rat is very good, and it is said that it can last for dozens of years. The military dog's injuries are very painful, and these Green Rock Bamboo Rat are even better, and it is said that all of them ate something that the fire couldn't burn."    


My sister has one, every time she comes back, she will provide it the same as the ancestors, giving me everything that tastes good. I can't touch anything good, I eat better than my sister.    


"My cousin slept with the Bamboo Rat. That Bamboo Rat was really strong, he could understand anything. My cousin said that the Bamboo Rat had saved his life."    


"I'm so envious! I want to study hard and take the police academy exam!"    


"So cute. Is this a discussion?"    


"Hahahaha, you're too smart. You even know how to negotiate?"    




The Bamboo Rat began to move. After smelling the prey on the ground, the three Bamboo Rat began to cry out, and the smaller one immediately started to dig, disappearing into the sand in the blink of an eye.    


"Big Sister Fei Fei, the Xiao Hui Ash seems to have found its prey." Jinx curiously ran over, the other two Bamboo Rat seemed to be waiting for him.    


"Let's go take a look." Miao Feifei followed him with the live broadcast.    


Yang Shitou asked for a Bamboo Rat as he was walking around. Obviously, Yang Shitou, who only had a cow as a pet, was jealous.    


Sister's pets were many: eagles, wolves, pigs, mice, pangolin, Giant Snake, even bees and ants were Sister's pets. Yang Shitou was extremely envious of these pets.    


"Snakes!" Jinx was so scared that she immediately ran out. A poisonous snake with a body covered in dirt, whose head was extremely ferocious, was dragged out. Its stomach was bulging and it was obvious that the rat in the cave had all been swallowed by the snake.    


"It looks like a poisonous snake." Miao Feifei did not dare to get too close, the snake's entire body was twisting and struggling, but it was obviously not going to live. As soon as she got up, her head was ripped apart by the claws of a Bamboo Rat, and the stench of blood immediately spread.    


aoo — *    


The wolves that were hungry to begin with immediately howled. Most of the wolves were in a hungry state, and the prey in the desert were not big. They could not possibly eat their fill. After smelling the smell of blood, the wolves became restless.    


Bai Xiaobei found two of the Internal Martial Boxing Expert s and indicated for them to go protect him. Although the chances of an emergency occurring was minuscule, and with a thought in his mind, he could kill these wolves with a single sword strike. Once he reached the Golden Core Stage Grand Perfection, Bai Xiaobei's Sword Pill Flying Sword would be able to kill the enemies from five kilometers away.    


One of the Old Lang s could not hold it in any longer, his entire body was covered in hair and his ear was also missing. He grimaced sinisterly as he neared and drooled out his saliva, staring at Jinx. It was clear that for their pack of wolves, killing them would usually take place from a young age.    


He approached them step by step, not at all afraid of the group of people here.    


The other wolves also started to move because of the Old Lang. The larger one howled, and all the other wolves started to move as well.    


He immediately turned to the Bamboo Rat and said: "Go, little mouse!"    


"Zhizhi!" The three Bamboo Rat turned and ran towards the Old Lang. Their speed was so fast that in a blink of an eye, they were already dozens of metres away.    


"Roar!" When the Old Lang saw that there were three delicious rat prey coming, he pounced on them without hesitation. These kinds of prey did not pose any threat at all, furthermore, the size of these three prey were not small.    


But in a moment, the Old Lang revealed a look of fear. This harmless rat prey actually released an aura that made it feel like it was suffocating. An intense pain swept over, Old Lang felt as if his neck was ripped apart.    


Its body fell onto the ground heavily, and the three Bamboo Rat immediately circled around Old Lang. With such a large prey, they could eat it for a few days already.    


Normally when they were at Cyan Rock Village, the Bamboo Rat would only be able to hunt some small worms and the rest would be fed. This was the first time they had hunted such large prey.    


"Amazing!" The President Su was surprised, they had naturally noticed it too.    


"Of course it's magical. In the future, the only guardians of the desert will be them!"    


Bai Xiaobei nodded his head, every part of the desert needed guards. These poisonous creatures, things that destroyed crops, hurt people, and even people with ill intentions, would all be taken care of by these guards.    


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