Super Cultivating Farmer

C1169 10 Taels of Gold

C1169 10 Taels of Gold

He was overjoyed as he glanced at Du Erniang and quickly put away the silver. He was laughing so hard that he couldn't keep his eyes open. Normally, these poor scholars wouldn't reward him.    


"Thank you for your appreciation, young master. Please come in, I will arrange the best for you!"    


At this moment, he was racking his brains to think of how to make this young master happy. Perhaps he could give him another reward. This kind of fat sheep was something that was rarely seen in a hundred years.    


"Silk Bamboo Pavilion?"    


Bai Xiaobei followed Master Turtle here. Early in the morning, a dozen or so scholars had already gathered, forming groups of three to five. They would recite a poem from time to time, causing a round of applause.    


The girls busily poured wine back and forth, occasionally flirting with him. They didn't get angry. They even lay in the arms of the scholar who was flirting with him, bewitching and flirtatious.    


Silk Bamboo referred to musical instruments of the string type, while Bamboo was a wind instrument of the pipe type. Clearly, this place was probably the place where the singing and whores played music.    


Mr Turtle brought him to a table that was curved up to both sides and was only as high as his calves. After wiping it with the table a few times, he quickly said, "Take a seat, young master. This little one will serve you good wine and dishes immediately."    


Bai Xiaobei was very satisfied with his attitude, and threw another piece of silver over: "I don't need the best wine or food, I'll just serve the best and most fresh fruits."    


He did not want to eat the dishes here. After all, he was already used to eating Immortal Valley Spirit Rice, so eating these things would only make him uncomfortable.    


Master Gui was overjoyed. When she saw such an exquisite young master, she hurriedly nodded and said, "Young master, please wait!"    


Before leaving, he called for another girl to come over. Bai Xiaobei glanced at the young maid, and immediately waved his hands: "No need, I'll take a seat!"    


Although this girl could be considered beautiful, he had clearly seen it just now. He let the one who called Brother Zhongli directly pull him into his embrace and affectionately kissed him a few times.    


"Young master, don't be shy!"    


When the girl saw Bai Xiaobei refusing, she thought he was being bashful and immediately wanted to wrap around her.    


Seeing that, Bai Xiaobei immediately took out a silver and threw it over, ignoring the maid's pleasantly surprised expression: "Sit by the side, obediently sit, you are not to speak or move!"    


Wealth was willfulness!    


The young lady who had been full of enthusiasm a moment ago immediately sat down and hid the silver on her body. Five taels of silver was enough for her to save for a long time.    


Looking at the young lady who was previously unrestrained and passionate, suddenly turning into a docile little dog, Bai Xiaobei heaved a sigh of relief.    


Sigh, Xiao Cui, what are you doing? Come and drink with the young master! "    


Zhong Li Yu was drinking happily when he suddenly saw Xiao Cui actually sitting next to a young scholar. He lowered his head and did not move at all.    


"What's wrong?" Who knew that Xiao Cui would not move at all, which made him curious. He stood up using the table as a support, and walked towards Bai Xiaobei.    


Bai Xiaobei raised his head to look at Zhongli Yu, and didn't say a word.    


Zhong Li Yuyi waved his sleeves, folded his fan, and bowed as he said: "I am Zhong Li Yu, would you like to ask my name, sir? It looks very strange. "    


As a regular customer, there were only a few people he didn't know. Even if there were a few peddlers, as long as they were regular customers, he would recognize most of them.    


Bai Xiaobei saw his respect, and also stood up while cupping his hands: "My name is Bai Xiaobei, and I greet Young Noble Zhongli."    


"Brother Bo greets you!" Zhong Liyu bowed again.    


Seeing this, Bai Xiaobei had a headache, and could only imitate him, "Brother Zhongli is in our favor now."    


Now that he had become a brother, Bai Xiaobei couldn't help but to admire these scholars' ability to befriend others.    


As expected, Zhongli Yu extended a hand and invited: "Brother Bo, since you're alone, how about drinking with us?"    


"…" Bai Xiaobei was directly defeated by this guy's enthusiasm, but in the end, he still went over.    


"Brother Bo, I am Xu Zihen, Brother Bo can just call me Brother Scar!"    


"Brother Bo, I am Dong He!"    


"Greetings Brother Bo, Brother Bo is in a favorable position now, I am Su Cheng, Eh, why does Brother Bo look so familiar?"    




Suo Cheng naturally looked familiar, then Bai Xiaobei stood not far from them and looked at them. He saw it too, but he did not care, and now that he saw it, he naturally felt that it was a little familiar.    


The group of people were chatting merrily, but Bai Xiaobei was unable to continue speaking. These flirtatious customers were rarely seen, and would occasionally recite a poem.    


After realising that Bai Xiaobei was naive, most of the people automatically distanced themselves from him. Obviously, they disdained to be associated with him.    


On the other hand, Zhong Liyu and Xu Zihen were pretty good. The two of them would raise their glasses and drink with him from time to time, talking about Feng Yue and the strange things that happened between them.    


"Silence ~ ~ ~"    


A crisp and low bird cry rang out, and the group of scholars who were happily drinking immediately quietened down.    


"It's Lady Mingyue!"    


"Sigh, Miss Mingyue's zither skill has increased again. Just now, it even made my heart tremble!"    


"Isn't Lady Mingyue going to sail the boat today? I wonder if I'll bring anyone along? "    


"Of course, talented people are indispensable!"    


Following the crowd's discussion, a green clothed girl holding a zither walked out. Bai Xiaobei's eyes immediately lit up, wasn't he looking for her?    


"I remember that old man said her name isn't Mingyue?" Bai Xiaobei was still curious, and quickly understood that behind the green-clothed girl was a group of beautiful pink girls with bright eyes and white teeth.    


"Sigh, little Qing Zhu is becoming more and more adorable. Tsk tsk, if we were to accept Miss Mingyue and add little Miss Qing Zhu, then that would be the life of a deity!"    


Xu Zihen looked at the green-clothed Qing Zhu, and couldn't help but exclaim in praise.    


Brightmoon smiled as she sat down. Qing Zhu put down the zither and stood behind her.    


"Young masters, it's so early today, but today I'm going to sail with Qing Zhu to Red Leaf Lake. I want to play a song and wish young masters a happy day!"    


The sound of the zither resonated outwards, like a tall mountain and flowing water. Even though Bai Xiaobei was an amateur, he still felt that the sound was very pleasant to hear.    


After a long while, the sound of the zither stopped, and Mingyue finally smiled as she raised her head.    


"Good!" Good! Miss Mingyue's zither skills are getting better and better! "    


"That's right, that's right. Today, I can hear Miss Mingyue's zither music, and the lingering sound will probably reach my ears even when I sleep tonight. Haha …"    


"This song should only be available in the heavens!"    


One was more exaggerated than the other. If the bawd had not walked in, they might have continued praising her.    


"Young masters, Mingyue is going to sail across the Red Leaf Lake today, but she is weak and needs someone to accompany her. I wonder who would be interested in going with her?"    


The old procuress laughed happily, even traveling was a good opportunity for her to earn some money, especially seeing Bai Xiaobei. She had already secretly guessed that she would earn a lot of money in a while, and wondered which rich family's child it was.    


There weren't many opportunities like this. If it weren't for Brightmoon's declaration that they could only look for a companion amongst the scholars, the bawd would have long ago spread the word.    


"This humble one is untalented and is willing to accompany Lady Mingyue on a trip! "Twenty silvers!"    


"Brother Zhong Li, didn't your family ban you because of your failure?" Twenty taels left? Hahaha … Only twenty silver is not enough, I will bid thirty! "    


Zhong Liyu refused to accept this. "This young master does have a fortune. Forty taels!"    


The Zhongli family was wealthy. Just a small part of it was enough for Zhongli Yu to be extravagant. If it wasn't for Zhongli Yu falling on the list this time, things wouldn't have been so bad.    


"Fifty silver!"    


"Brother Hancai, didn't you come to find little sister Rou Feng?" Why fight with us? Sixty silver! "    


"Yes and no. She is a beautiful lady, and a noble one. Seventy silver taels!"    


This price was really not high. If it was a merchant or a rich family, they wouldn't even blink their eyes, let alone several dozen taels of silver.    


"I bid 10 taels!"    


The old procuress had always been looking forward to Bai Xiaobei's bid, but he only looked back and forth to watch the show. She thought he had no interest at all, but who knew that he would actually bid?    


Just as he was about to remind Bai Xiaobei, when he saw a dazzling gold ingot appear in Bai Xiaobei's hands, his eyes immediately lit up. "Sir, you bid ten taels of gold!"    


His voice was trembling. This was truly a big head! The first thing he did was take out gold, which was equivalent to a thousand taels of snow silver!    


"Hey, Brother Bo, what is your background? Why are you so generous? "    


"Are you for real?" If we go out for a boat ride, would we need a thousand taels of snow and silver? "    


Seeing Bai Xiaobei throw the gold ingot on the table, not to mention the old procuress, even the young masters were all dumbfounded. How could they fight over this?    


"Ah, it's him?"    


Hearing someone bid ten gold, Qing Zhu immediately looked over. Who would have thought that it was actually the impoverished scholar she met in the morning. She was so shocked that her eyes were wide open.    


Mingyue was also surprised, she turned and looked at Qing Zhu: "Qing Zhu, you know this gongzi?"    


"I know him, of course I know him!" Bai Xiaobei looked at Qing Zhu with a smile that was not a smile and said: "This Miss Qing Zhu is pretty and has love, of course we know her."    


With that, he winked at Qing Zhu, causing Qing Zhu to scold him.    


"Brother Zhongli, Brother Zihen, I'll take my leave first. If there's a chance in the future, we can meet again!"    


Bai Xiaobei suddenly wanted to experience a beautiful woman playing with the guqin and swimming around the lake. In the past, at Qianmo Sect, she had always been careful and alive, maybe she would have been beaten to death.    


It was no wonder that some service disciples had fled in the past and some Refinement disciples had gone to the mortal world to be deacons. There was no need to fight or kill.    


The group of young scholars quickly regained their composure and treated the wine like a song.    


In the vast starry sky.    


"This kid is quite comfortable!" Thousand Ash Monk looked at the Heaven Viewing Mirror and lamented.    


"There aren't many good days left." The Black Dragon sneered. "How can a person with great fortune live so leisurely?"    


Streams of light swiftly pierced through the space.    


Little Zun He County, Red Leaf Lake.    


Red Leaf Lake was the most beautiful place in Little Zun He County. Because in the surroundings, even the surrounding lake water, there were many red leaf trees with flourishing leaves and fiery red flames.    


There were trees and water, blue sky and white clouds. Naturally, there were also a lot of talented people in this small county.    


On a beautiful little boat, Bai Xiaobei leisurely sat on the bow of the boat.    




Qing Zhu's eyes were wide open as she hid behind the roof of the ship, staring at Bai Xiaobei who was outside.    


Bai Xiaobei turned his head and laughed, "I am not a liar."    


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