Super Cultivating Farmer



Of course, if one's strength was lacking, they would be directly chased away here.    


"Bone Ablutionary Dan?" What was a Bone Ablutionary Dan Bead? Bone Ablutionary Dan Bead? "To think that it was even forged by a master apothecary!"    


"It's fake, right? It was extremely rare for a master apothecary to concoct such pills. However, it shouldn't be fake if he were to eat them directly, right? Let's take a look! "    


"Master, master, come here!"    


"Where's my senior brother?" Senior Brother, there's a seller here that sells Bone Ablutionary Dan Beads! "    


… ….    


In this place where Pills were scarce, the reputation of a Jindan Stage Alchemist Master had coaxed quite a few people to come over.    


"Brother, what's your name?" Bai Xiaobei looked towards the peak of the transformation realm and inquired with a smile.    


"Moon Seizing!"    


"... "Fine, go ahead and eat …"    


Are you sure that's your name? Bai Xiaobei felt speechless. You are talking like a chatterbox, and I am going to praise you. You are not a qualified actor like that.    


Under the gazes of others, she directly swallowed the Bone Ablutionary Dan Bead.    


This is called Bone Ablutionary Dan, and it has the same effect as the Bone Ablutionary Dan, but it only has one third of an effect, but one third of the effect is enough for many of you, am I able to consume the Bone Ablutionary Dan? I can't eat it, even if it's the Invigoration of Archaeus in Zang-organs, but for Bone Ablutionary Dan Beads that have the same effect, you guys can have only three Elixirs, if it's a normal Elixir, you would also need one more Elixir Jade, and that way, you can exchange for one! "    


The surroundings were filled with clamor as people discussed amongst themselves.    


Bai Xiaobei was very satisfied with the gathering over here. Huaxia People loved to watch the commotion, and cultivators were the same as well, so some characteristics of being greedy appeared. If these goods were in the city, it would be difficult to leave behind clothes that had been tricked.    


"Dark Jing Cultivator, it doesn't matter if your talent is bad. A Bone Ablutionary Dan Bead stepping into the Transformation Stage is not a dream. As for reaching the Transformation Stage and staying until you're old and dying, are you willing?" A portion of Bone Ablutionary Dan Bead might give you the chance to improve your aptitude a little, but for the simple training, entering the Invigoration of Archaeus in Zang-organs is a little easier. This Brother Yingyue, Transformation, you can take a look, the effects of the Bone Ablutionary Dan Bead is already beginning to show, look at him! "    


Bai Xiaobei looked at more and more people as he shouted. He was really thick-skinned.    


"It really can wash the marrow and cut the feathers, right!" A late stage Invigoration of Archaeus in Zang-organs expert revealed a surprised look, "Although the Bone Ablutionary Dan Bead's effect is good, normally when consumed in the Transmogrification realm, it would waste a portion of the medicinal effect. This Bone Ablutionary Dan Bead seems to be able to perfectly absorb it!"    


Jack was overjoyed. Bro, are you here to assist in the attack?    


"That's right, this brother has good eyesight. The effect of the Bone Ablutionary Dan Bead is indeed like that. Let alone the Transformation Stage, even lower ones like the hidden strength and even those that just entered the cultivation stage are not a problem. Even ordinary people can have it, but what about the Bone Ablutionary Dan Bead?" It's a waste of seventy to eighty percent of his hidden strength, and half of his power of transformation is wasted.    


"It's not expensive..." The old man at the side couldn't help but say, his face immediately crumbling. That's not right, how can he help when he wants to suppress the price?    


"Don't be in such a hurry, don't buy it for now, can you buy it after he has absorbed all of it? If there's no effect, I don't want money. This is a newly concocted formula made by an apothecary. The price might be even higher in the future. If you want it, line up first. "It doesn't matter whether you're an ordinary person or not, queue up. Don't mess up the order, even if you're an Jindan Stage cultivator, line up. This Brother Zuyue will probably completely absorb it in a while. Take a look for yourself!    


Bai Xiaobei swelled up and signaled Han Qing. A few Invigoration of Archaeus in Zang-organs experts who wanted to rush over were immediately scared off by Han Qing's Qi, many people could not help but be shocked, Jindan!    


There was actually an Aurous Core!    


However, very quickly, everyone's attention was attracted by him. Black substances appeared on his body, and it was extremely disgusting, as if he was sweating. An unpleasant smell spread out, but even more people couldn't help but lean over.    


"Did you see that? The Bone Ablutionary Dan Bead still has a cosmetic effect. Would you like your skin to be whiter?" Do you want a better body? Do you want youth to be invincible? Female Cultivator likes beauties, so there's no need to hesitate. Come take a look, their quantity is limited. They're going to be sold soon! "    


Bai Xiaobei suddenly thought of an important role, which was to expel the impurities. Naturally, the skin would also be better.    


As soon as she finished her sentence, some of Female Cultivator hurriedly ran to line up. Some of them were embarrassed and had already started calling friends or looking for people. They were here because the shop had some wealth or because they were here to sell things.    


Shangguan Feihong looked at Bai Xiaobei in shock. Why did he suddenly feel that ten pieces of spiritual jades were not expensive? In the beginning, he felt that the price was too high. It was a sky-high price.    


But now, he felt that it wasn't expensive at all. Furthermore, it was so cheap!    


Right, this is the feeling. It's so cheap!    


Qiu Yue opened his eyes and said joyfully, "Hahaha, thank you senior brother! Thank you senior brother!"    


He had advanced a bit in the Cultivation Level, and the effect was astonishing, but to step into the Invigoration of Archaeus in Zang-organs, it was still a little difficult, but it was clearly more confident than before.    


Bai Xiaobei nodded in satisfaction and said, "Not bad, that's good. We can start selling now. There are a limited number of them, so let's begin the queue!"    


"Get out of the way, give me a copy!" A cultivator at the peak of the Invigoration of Archaeus in Zang-organs suddenly rushed over.    


"Line up!" Bai Xiaobei took out his black blade and said: "Who the hell dares to cut the queue?! I will chop them one by one! Even if it's Senior Jindan, he can't cut the line!"    


The cultivators of the Great Circle of the Invigoration of Archaeus in Zang-organs were stupefied, and wanted to say something, but when they saw the Dragon Cat began to growl, and a terrifying aura locked onto them, they immediately turned around and ran. Fuck, where was their junior sister? Why didn't you tell me this?    


"Give me ten pieces of spiritual jades, can I eat them on the spot?" Obviously, there were those who were worried that the effects wouldn't be good. In any case, there was no need to worry about being disturbed while consuming the Bone Ablutionary Dan Bead.    


"Indeed, go and sit over there. If the results aren't good, I'll compensate you a hundred apiece!"    


Bai Xiaobei pointed to the side. You guys had the best food on the scene, at most the smell won't be too good. But when the time comes, he'll sell it even better.    


In the end, the price of 10 spiritual jades was too high. Many people couldn't afford it, but there were even more that they could afford. If they didn't believe it, they would use it on the spot.    


"One set of spiritual medicine. Your spiritual medicine is not bad, count it as four spiritual jades, six spiritual jades. It's fine, this is for you, take it on the spot or take it as you like. Next!"    


… ….    


One after another, Bone Ablutionary Dan Beads were sold. Some people behind him became anxious, while the old man beside him became even more anxious.    


"Little brother, what about mine? I didn't say that I won't accept it? " He still had a piece in his hand, but he had eaten a bit. Now, he felt that it was worth it!    


In any case, after being explained by Bai Xiaobei, he suddenly realized that he wouldn't lose anything!    


Bai Xiaobei glanced at the old man and said, "I'll only give you five boxes at most, or else I'm afraid that I won't have enough."    


"Sure!" The old man did not hesitate and took five boxes first. He would buy twenty boxes, but if he bought too many of these things, it would not feel that heavy to take back.    


If he had known earlier that he would be looking for an auction house, he wouldn't have been able to eat so much.    


If he kept selling like this, it would bring him trouble. Although he wasn't afraid of trouble, he wanted to pretend to be an ordinary Jindan Stage cultivator.    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    




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