War God Returns

C784 Pushing New People to the Top!

C784 Pushing New People to the Top!

"Shen Diaoloong is really the brightest star in this era. No one has achieved as much as him."    


"It would be great if there were people like Shen Diaoloong in our country."    


"Shen Diaoloong really saved two countries this time. This is crazy."    


"I admire Shen Diaoloong more and more now."    


"To be able to beat a super strong country to such an extent. Shen Diaoloong was simply a monster. He couldn't think according to common sense.    


"I'm thinking about it now. There's nothing Shen Diaoloong can't do."    


"There is a country named Shen Diaoloong. He will really rise. I feel that this is an unstoppable trend."    


"Shen Diaoloong has helped the Kingdom of L through this crisis. He will definitely soar to the sky in the future. Let's wait and see!"    


"Some things have already taken shape. There is no way to stop them. Even two superpowers can't stop them."    


"Frankly speaking, it is because of Shen Diaoloong that these things happened. One person has affected the situation of the world. I have to say that Shen Diaoloong is really awesome."    


"I really envy Country L. It would be great if there was also Shen Diaoloong in our country."    


"Stop daydreaming. A monster like Shen Diaoloong can only appear once every few hundred years."    


"Yeah. If there were too many like Shen Diaoloong, the world would be in chaos."    


"We have to think about the future situation carefully. We can't be wrong."    


"We can't be in the wrong team, but it's really hard to choose now."    


"If Country X is in trouble, the two superpowers will probably fight each other."    


"If the two superpowers fight each other, it will definitely be very exciting."    


"No matter what, the current situation has changed a lot. Everything has become uncertain."    


"It feels like the world is becoming more and more chaotic. It will be harder and harder to live in the future"    


The people of the world were discussing about Shen Ze, sighing about the current situation.    


Shen Ze didn't pay much attention to the voices in the outside world.    


After he brought the remaining 200,000 soldiers back to the northern warzone, he ordered everyone to take a good rest.    


The loss of attacking the enemy country this time was very great, but it was still within the acceptable range. Of course, because they had achieved their goal, it was clearly worth it, even if they had to pay a great price.    


Although Huang Shiping was under house arrest, he still knew about the outside news.    


After learning that Shen Ze led his troops into the enemy's territory and killed his way in and out, successfully achieving his goal and solving the problem for L Nation. He was no longer in a difficult situation. Huang Shiping's mood became very complicated.    


Shen Ze did not follow his wishes. He did not follow the National Court's wishes. Moreover, he had completely gone against them and even placed him under house arrest. All of this caused Huang Shiping to hate Shen Ze very much. He really wanted to execute Shen Ze.    


Now, after learning that Shen Ze had successfully achieved his goal in attacking the enemy, Huang Shiping's thoughts became complicated. After all, Shen Ze had really solved the problem and saved the country.    


With Huang Shiping's identity, he naturally wanted to see the country return to normal and develop well.    


Shen Ze did such a thing, so he could not turn a blind eye to it.    


Huang Shiping was still somewhat jealous of Shen Ze for doing such a thing.    


In Huang Shiping's mind, it should be him who came to save the country from the fire and water. He should be praised by the people and not let Shen Ze do such things and enjoy it.    


Because of this, Huang Shiping was very jealous of Shen Ze. He was jealous that Shen Ze did all of this, but he himself did not do it.    


Of course, the fact that Shen Ze had done all of this proved that he and the National Court were wrong. They should have supported Shen Ze in the beginning, not denied it and tried their best to stop him.    


Now, the National Court led by Huang Shiping seemed to have become a joke, making people criticize and laugh at him.    


And the biggest joke was Huang Shiping.    


From now on, how was he going to rule the Imperial Court? How was he going to sit in his current position?    


Surprisingly, Huang Shiping was very unhappy with Shen Ze, because he felt that all of this was caused by Shen Ze. It was Shen Ze who made him lose face and embarrassed him, not looking for problems with himself.    


"Even without you, Shen Diaoloong, doing all of these things, I can solve all of the problems and lead the country out of its predicament."    


Huang Shiping was like a devil who was startled. He wanted to deny Shen Ze's contribution and stubbornly believe that what he did was right. According to his thoughts, he could achieve the current effect.    


Of course, all of this was Huang Shiping's wishful thinking. It was his own thoughts.    


Now, because of what Shen Ze had done, everyone was praising Shen Ze. Huang Shiping was very jealous of this. At the same time, he was even more certain that Shen Ze was a big threat to him.    


Shen Ze had the intention of making a great contribution.    


This made Huang Shiping feel threatened.    


"Shen Diaoloong, even if you can make up for it, I will not let you go when you put me under house arrest!"    


Obviously, Huang Shiping still wanted to punish Shen Ze.    


After Shen Ze returned to the northern warzone, he no longer had the mood to put Huang Shiping under house arrest.    


It was night. Shen Ze came to the commander's mansion where Huang Shiping was.    


When Huang Shiping saw Shen Ze, he revealed an angry and unhappy expression. He put on an expression in front of Shen Ze.    


Shen Ze knew that Huang Shiping was very unhappy with him. He didn't care about Huang Shiping's hostility and displeasure.    


"Old Huang should be fine these few days, right?" Shen Ze looked at Huang Shiping indifferently and said softly.    


Huang Shiping snorted and said angrily, "Shen Diaoloong, don't think that I will forgive you just because you have solved the problem for my country. I will not care about you putting me under house arrest."    


"Even if you have made great contributions, in the end, you made a mistake first. I will punish you severely!"    


Huang Shiping was not joking. He wanted to punish Shen Ze very much.    


After hearing Huang Shiping's words, the corner of Shen Ze's mouth curled into a disdainful smile.    


He looked at Huang Shiping with a mocking look and said indifferently, "Huang Shiping, I won't give you such a chance. Don't even think about punishing me."    


Huang Shiping frowned when he heard that. He looked at Shen Ze suspiciously and asked coldly, "Shen Diaoloong, what do you mean?"    


Shen Ze didn't hide anything and directly expressed his opinion. He said very directly, "You are not suitable to sit in this position. You should abdicate and give up your position."    


Hearing Shen Ze's answer, Huang Shiping was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. His hair immediately stood on end.    


"Shen Diaoloong, is it suitable for me to sit in this seat? You don't have the right to judge me."    


"What do you mean by that? Are you trying to rebel?"    


After saying that, Huang Shiping glared at Shen Ze with anger.    


Shen Ze's expression did not change. He said calmly, "I am just telling the truth. Of course, I will do something about it. I will recommend the right person to sit in that position."    


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