War God Returns

C783 It's a Great Achievement

C783 It's a Great Achievement

Before this, the two superpowers had been working together for L and S, Even if they had some thoughts, it wasn't a lot.    


Now, because Shen Diaoloong led his troops into Country X's territory, more than 30 people died in Country X. Many cities were destroyed, and nearly half of Country X's territory was thrown into chaos.    


Under such circumstances, it was obvious that Country Y had other thoughts about Country X.    


For a long time, the two superpowers had been fighting and competing with each other. Although they still maintained a kind of peace on the surface, in secret, everyone wanted to destroy each other and become the real dominator of this world, the only superpower in the world.    


Now that Country X had such a bad situation, for Country Y, Obviously, it was a very good opportunity to deal with Country X. It was extremely rare to see such an opportunity. Naturally, Country Y wanted to seize this opportunity and not let it go.    


Therefore, Country Y shifted its focus to Country X, which was originally going to deal with Country L and Country S.    


Country X also realized this point. Adding on the fact that they had to deal with their own problems and defend against another super strong country, Country X's punishment and suppression of Country L and Country S were greatly reduced.    


Because of this change, the pressure on Country L and Country S was greatly reduced.    


Of course, this was a very good thing for both countries. It was also something that they were very happy to see.    


The blockade imposed by the two super strong countries became weaker. The two countries naturally felt much better. Many things also began to slowly recover. They could be considered to have taken a breath of relief.    


And this was created by Shen Ze leading six hundred thousand soldiers into the enemy's territory.    


The people of the two superpowers were very grateful to Shen Ze and these six hundred thousand soldiers.    


"I believe Shen Diaoloong is right. He really saved us from the fire and water!"    


"Shen Diaoloong is a savior. He turned the tide again and saved the two countries."    


"We are very lucky to have Shen Diaoloong in our country. Without him, it would be very difficult for us to get through this crisis."    


"Shen Diaoloong is Shen Diaoloong. He will never lose. He will only win. Even though many people have been sacrificed this time, the final result is still our victory."    


"Whether it is Shen Diaoloong or the six hundred thousand soldiers who participated in the battle, they should all be rewarded, especially those who sacrificed four hundred thousand soldiers. They should be rewarded with more glory."    


"That's right. We can't disappoint everyone. National Court wants to do these things!"    


"We didn't misjudge Shen Diaoloong. He can make people feel at ease when he does things."    


"I don't know what the National Court is up to this time. They didn't support Shen Diaoloong in doing this before, but now they have been slapped in the face."    


"Fortunately, Shen Diaoloong insisted on doing so. Otherwise, the situation would still be very bad."    


"I think that everyone should believe whatever Shen Diaoloong does in the future. He won't make a mistake."    


"I think the National Court has done very badly this time. We need an explanation."    


"There's nothing to explain. If not for the support of Lei Ming, the second in command, and the corresponding actions, we don't know if Shen Diaoloong and the others would have won this war."    


"Those who deserve to be punished must be punished. Those who deserve to be rewarded must be rewarded."    


After this battle, the people of L Country trusted and admired Shen Ze even more. Everyone praised him and the six hundred thousand soldiers who participated in the war.    


Of course, the right and wrong had already come to an end. Everyone was very clear about the praise and criticism.    


Shen Ze led the army in this war, not only did he help L Country, but he also helped to solve the problem. Everyone in Country S was very grateful to Shen Ze and the others.    


"Shen Diaoloong is really good. He beat Country X up!"    


"Country X is doing their own thing now. They won't be distracted by the two countries. This is great."    


"At this time, the situation has become clear all of a sudden."    


"I feel that the two super strong countries won't come and mess with our two countries anymore. I think they are going to start a fight with each other."    


"This time, our S Nation has picked up a big bargain. Without paying any price, we have jumped out of our predicament."    


"No matter what, we really have to thank Shen Diaoloong this time, even though we didn't like Shen Diaoloong very much in the past."    


"In the past, we had grudges between us, especially with Shen Diaoloong. What he did this time has changed my opinion of him."    


"Even if Shen Diaoloong did a good job this time, I still don't have a good opinion of him. He is not a good person. " We were beaten until we couldn't fight back. "    


"Shen Diaoloong is indeed not a good person. On a certain level, he is still our enemy. However, there are some things that we need to be clear about. What he did this time was good for us. We need to be clear about it."    


"I have to say, Shen Diaoloong is really powerful to be able to do this. He is truly a monstrous genius. He is not an ordinary person. His title of the number one war god in the world won't be wasted."    


"Shen Diaoloong is indeed a terrifying person. It's really not a good thing to be enemies with such a person. We should rejoice that we have become allies with them and not continue to be enemies."    


"I think as long as Shen Diaoloong is here, we will never be enemies with them again. Shen Diaoloong is simply a monster. We can't afford to offend him."    


Most of the people in S Nation were very grateful to Shen Ze. Only a small portion of them were still hostile to Shen Ze and L Nation because of past reasons.    


Of course, in general, the two countries were allies now. Their general thoughts were still the same.    


This time, Shen Ze led his troops to invade X Nation. He was the center of attention all over the world.    


The result of Shen Ze's final attack undoubtedly shocked the world.    


Although Shen Ze's previous battle achievements made many people think that he was very powerful as the number one war god in the world, most people still did not think that he would win this battle.    


It was because the other side was a super strong country, while Shen Ze only brought six hundred thousand soldiers to charge in, moreover entering the territory of others.    


Most people felt that Shen Ze could not solve the problem and could not achieve his goal. Moreover, he would be completely wiped out by a super strong country.    


However, the final result was clearly out of many expectations.    


"Shen Diaoloong is too awesome. He led six hundred thousand people into the territory of the super strong countries. Not only did he kill more than three hundred thousand soldiers, but he also destroyed more than ten cities and occupied the capital of the super strong countries. This is really unbelievable!"    


"I am fully convinced of Shen Diaoloong now. Under such circumstances, Shen Diaoloong can actually win a war. It is like creating a miracle."    


"I feel that Shen Diaoloong is really not a mortal. He is a god who has descended to the mortal world. He has done many legendary things. He is truly extraordinary!"    


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