War God Returns

C770 If He Was Not Careful He Would Lose Everything!

C770 If He Was Not Careful He Would Lose Everything!

In this attack on the enemy, everyone was ready to die.    


People who weren't afraid of death were the most terrifying.    


Thus, when everyone charged, it was extremely terrifying.    


Under the lead of Shen Ze's group of Martial Tao Experts, everyone broke through the sword gate and rushed into the enemy kingdom's territory.    


After the enemy kingdom discovered that Shen Ze's side had quite a number of medicinal Martial Tao Experts, they shockingly also sent out medicinal Martial Tao Experts to deal with it.    


At the same time, the enemy kingdom sent even more martial power to stop Shen Ze and the others.    


This time, Shen Ze planned to slaughter his way to the enemy kingdom in fear, slaughter his way to the enemy kingdom in pain, and then give up on the blockade and save Dragon Country in the midst of fire and water.    


Therefore, Shen Ze would not give up even if he did not care how many soldiers the enemy sent to stop him. Moreover, he would continue to march forward bravely.    


Regardless of the situation, he would always charge towards the capital of the enemy country!    


In any case, he would continue to advance towards this goal. Regardless of whether he could reach the goal in the end or not, he would not be able to kill until he reached his destination!    


In one go, he would be exhausted again and again.    


Shen Ze and the others were in a rush right now. That was why the enemies could not withstand it at all.    


The enemy army became weaker the more they killed, while Shen Ze and the others became more and more courageous the more they killed.    


Under such circumstances, the enemy kingdom's army was utterly defeated by Shen Ze and the others, and they were forced to retreat in defeat.    


In less than half a day, Shen Ze and the others slaughtered their way from the uninhabited area of the Sword Gate to ten kilometers within the enemy's territory, destroying ten cities along the way.    


Of course, when the war started, no matter which side it was, there would be a lot of casualties, let alone such a large-scale war.    


However, even so, Shen Ze and the others had no intention of stopping.    


Everyone had the mentality of looking at death with no fear. Even though they knew that the enemy would send more troops to surround the enemy, they still pressed forward and attacked the capital of the enemy.    


Because Shen Ze and the others were at their peak, the enemy army could not resist them at all. They had been pushed back by Shen Ze and the others.    


In one day, Shen Ze and the others had pushed back 300 kilometers. They were only 100 kilometers away from the capital of the enemy.    


Of course, Shen Ze and the others were not gods, but people with flesh and blood. Since they were humans, they would naturally be tired.    


In the middle of the night, Shen Ze and the others finally stopped. The army stationed themselves in a valley to rest.    


Although the enemies had made a lot of preparations for this battle, they did not expect Shen Ze and the others to be so determined and tough.    


The attitudes of the two sides were surprisingly different.    


Shen Ze and the others held the belief that they would win even if they had to die. On the other hand, the enemy side held a defensive mentality. They would not die if they could.    


The difference in mentality made the combat strength of both sides quite different.    


Even though the weapons of the enemy side were more advanced than Shen Ze's side, the combat strength they displayed was even weaker than Shen Ze's side.    


Under such circumstances, the enemy kingdom had sacrificed even more people.    


In a day, the enemy kingdom had lost almost a hundred thousand people, while Shen Ze's side had only lost fifty thousand people.    


Of course, no matter which side it was, they had paid a huge price.    


After all, no matter which country it was, as long as they participated in the war, they would pay a great price, in terms of manpower, material resources, and various resources.    


However, although today's attack had caused greater losses to the enemy side, everyone knew that as the matter continued, Shen Ze and the others would suffer even greater losses.    


After all, they were the ones who had invaded the enemy's territory. Fighting in the enemy's territory was extremely disadvantageous to their side. Whether it was reinforcements or replenishment of resources, none of them could compare to the enemy.    


This time, Shen Ze had made ample preparations. He had prepared ten days of food and resources. However, this wasn't a lot.    


Once he fell into the swamp of war, these preparations were obviously not enough.    


Of course, Shen Ze planned to end all of this within ten days. However, the weather was unpredictable. Things would not happen exactly as he had expected. There were still many variables in this.    


It all depended on how he was confident that he could minimize the variables.    


It was night.    


In the commander camp where Shen Ze was, all kinds of generals gathered together.    


Qin Chao reported: "According to statistics, we have lost fifty thousand people today, and almost a hundred thousand people in the enemy country."    


Shen Ze nodded seriously when he heard that. He then said, "Have you taken care of the people who sacrificed themselves?"    


Qin Chao replied, "I have taken care of them."    


Shen Ze nodded and asked, "How about the resources?"    


Qin Chao said, "No problem."    


Shen Ze nodded and did not ask any more questions.    


Shen Ze thought for a while and then said, "Now, let's talk about the situation of the war."    


"This time, I plan to attack the capital of the enemy."    


Hearing Shen Ze's words, the expressions of everyone present became very solemn.    


Clearly, it wasn't easy to attack the capital of the enemy kingdom. It was extremely difficult. Moreover, the price they had to pay was unimaginable.    


Moreover, the most important thing was that this might not necessarily succeed!    


After all, they had already entered the territory of an enemy country.    


The enemy kingdom's reinforcements were even greater. As time passed, there would only be more and more soldiers to intercept and surround them. Everyone's situation would become increasingly terrible.    


Under such an increasingly bad situation, how could they attack the enemy kingdom's capital?    


Although everyone approved and trusted Shen Ze, they still felt that the idea proposed by Shen Ze was somewhat unrealistic.    


The commander of the northern warzone, Li Guangrong, hesitated for a moment before he said, "General, it will be very difficult for us to attack the capital of the enemy. Isn't this a little feasible?"    


Shen Ze naturally could think of something that everyone could think of. He thought it was normal for Li Guangrong to raise such doubts, so he did not make a big fuss out of it.    


Facing Li Guangrong's question, Shen Ze pondered for a moment and said, "It is indeed very difficult for all of us to attack the capital of the enemy, but if we only send one group of people, it will be feasible."    


Everyone's faces revealed a thoughtful expression when they heard Shen Ze's words.    


Everyone quietly looked at Shen Ze, waiting for Shen Ze to continue.    


Shen Ze did not keep them in suspense. He immediately said, "I plan to bring the people from the Martial Association and the Silver Dragon Eagle to head to the capital of the enemy country."    


"The rest of you stay on the only road that leads to the capital of the enemy kingdom, and stop any troops that come to reinforce the capital."    


Hearing Shen Ze's plan, everyone's expression became even more solemn.    


Shen Ze's idea was surprisingly feasible, but it was too dangerous.    


Shen Ze and the rest attacked the capital of the enemy kingdom, while the rest stayed behind to guard the main road. This caused the pressure that both sides were under to become extremely great.    


If they were not careful, they would lose everything!    


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