War God Returns

C658 If They Could Not Come to an Agreement They Would Fight!

C658 If They Could Not Come to an Agreement They Would Fight!

Judging from the overall strength of the country, Dragon Country was stronger than Rat Country.    


Because Shen Ze had restored his position as Marshal of Ministry of War, regained control of the army of the Dragon Country, and personally oversaw the western warzone, the Rat Kingdom would not be able to stir up any big waves.    


However, war was something that could not be fully controlled.    


For example, if the Rat Kingdom attacked the Dragon Country, the Dragon Country would still have a lot of manpower and resources to defend.    


Once a war broke out, death was inevitable. It was just a matter of how many people died.    


Under extreme circumstances, no country wanted to be involved in a war, let alone a full-scale war or a heated war.    


For the leaders of Dragon Country, although they could deal with the Rat Kingdom, it did not mean that the Rat Kingdom would not give them a headache.    


After all, when the war started, many things became difficult to deal with. There were too many uncertain factors.    


Now, on the basis of the Rat Kingdom, the Bear Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom had joined in and had the trend of the three countries joining forces. How could this not give the leaders of Dragon Country a headache?    


After learning that Shu Country was going to join forces with Xiong Country and Ying Country to deal with Dragon Country, Huang Shiping immediately convened a parliament to discuss the matter.    


"Rat Kingdom is already difficult to deal with. If we join forces with Bear Kingdom and Hawk Kingdom to deal with Dragon Country, it will be very difficult for us to deal with them."    


"The Bear Kingdom and the Hawk Kingdom were just playing tricks on us. If they really agree to join forces with the Rat Kingdom to deal with the Dragon Country, the situation will be very different."    


"If the Kingdom of Bear and the Kingdom of Eagle agree to join forces with the Kingdom of Rat to deal with the Dragon Country openly, the situation in the Dragon Country will become very bad."    


The members of the National Court had a pessimistic idea about the Kingdom of Mouse joining forces with the Kingdom of Bear and the Kingdom of Eagle to deal with the Dragon Country.    


They had no choice. Although the Rat Kingdom was not too difficult for the Dragon Country to deal with, the Bear Kingdom and Hawk Kingdom were both super strong countries.    


Even though the Dragon Country had developed well over the years, it was still a little lacking compared to the Bear Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom.    


Even if it was a one-on-one battle, the Dragon Country did not have absolute confidence that they could compete with the Bear and Hawk Countries.    


If Rat Country really allied with Bear Country and Eagle Country, It was almost impossible for the Dragon Country to defend itself.    


"We must think of a way to prevent the Rat Kingdom, Bear Kingdom, and Eagle Kingdom from joining forces."    


"Yes, we must split up the Rat Kingdom, Bear Kingdom, and Eagle Kingdom. We must not let them join forces. Otherwise, our Dragon Country will really fall into a very dangerous situation."    


"According to the information we received, the Rat Kingdom seems to have already established a connection with Bear Kingdom and Eagle Kingdom. It won't be easy to stop them from joining forces now."    


"Regardless of whether we can stop them or not, we have to find a way to stop them."    


"The problem now is whether or not we can think of a way to stop the Rat Kingdom from joining forces with the Bear Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom?"    


"Inter-country interests are the most important. We can only consider it from this aspect."    


"Otherwise, we can give the Bear Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom some benefits and tell them not to help the Rat Kingdom."    


"Why do I feel that you are all a little flustered? Although there is news that the Rat Countries have allied with the Bear and Eagle Countries, this matter has not been confirmed yet. There is no need for us to panic."    


"Of course, we still need to take this matter seriously and make preparations. We also need to think of a way to prevent the Rat Kingdom, the Bear Kingdom, and the Eagle Kingdom from joining forces completely."    


"At this time, we can use our international relations. We can also rope in other countries to help us."    


"Xiong Country and Ying Country have always wanted to suppress Dragon Country and prevent it from developing further, which will threaten their position. For Xiong Country and Ying Country, joining hands with Rat Country to deal with Dragon Country is in their interest. I don't think we can stop this matter."    


"We might as well prepare ourselves and prepare ourselves for the worst. If Rat Country really allied with Xiong Country and Ying Country, we will show our determination and destroy Rat Country first."    


"The Rat Kingdom allied with the Bear Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom. They want to completely destroy our Dragon Country. We don't need to show mercy to them. We will fight them to the death. If necessary, we will destroy them!"    


"I also support this view. There is no good way to stop the Rat Kingdom, the Bear Kingdom, and the Eagle Kingdom from joining forces because the interests they want are roughly the same."    


"I think the best way to stop them is to attack Rat Kingdom before they completely unite Bear Kingdom and Eagle Kingdom. We will show our determination to destroy Rat Kingdom if anything happens to Rat Kingdom. We will force Rat Kingdom to not act rashly and force Rat Kingdom to have a good talk with Dragon Country."    


"We need someone to answer the bell. Right now, the main conflict is still the Rat Kingdom. This is indeed a good idea. As long as we can deal with the Rat Kingdom, everything else will be much easier."    


"Although the Bear Kingdom and the Hawk Kingdom are superpowers, they have always been very scattered in order to maintain their interests in other places. It is impossible for them to draw out so many soldiers to deal with the Dragon Country. " The Rat Countries can be said to be the best solution. "    


"Right, we just need to deal with the Rat Kingdom now!"    


"Yes, I agree with that."    


"I also agree with this idea. Let's not bother about the Bear Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom now. Let's deal with the Rat Kingdom first, then everything will be fine!"    


"We can once again use violence against the Rat Kingdom and let him know the pain, the power, and fear. He won't dare to contact the Bear Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom!"    


"Using violence against the Rat Kingdom is indeed a way to force the Rat Kingdom not to ally with the Bear Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom. However, once a large-scale war breaks out, I'm afraid the Dragon Country will have a hard time as well."    


"We can't think of any better way now. We can only do this."    


"There are some things that we have to rely on ourselves to fight for. Otherwise, we will fall into a fate of waiting for death."    


"There's still a chance to win or lose. If you give up, you might really lose the entire game."    


In the parliament, all the representatives expressed their opinions and discussed.    


In the end, the majority of the people felt that they should focus on Rat Country. In order to prevent Rat Country from joining forces with Bear Country and Eagle Country, they could even take the initiative to start a war.    


"Unless it's absolutely necessary, it's best not to start a full-scale war. Let's go find the Rat Kingdom first and have a proper discussion!"    


"Let's show the Rat Kingdom our determination. If the Rat Kingdom insists on joining forces with the Bear Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom to deal with our Dragon Country, we will attack him and beat him until he is half dead!"    


"I think we need Elder Huang to personally express the will of the Dragon Country."    


"It is indeed necessary. Old Huang and the highest leader of Rat Kingdom should contact each other!"    


After everyone was deep in thought for a while, they suggested that they should talk about it first. If they could not come to an agreement, then they would fight!    


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