Unparalleled War God

C117 Adrian

C117 Adrian

The Su family in Longjing?    


He was very familiar with them.    


Su Xuan's family was the Su family of Longjing.    


Her grandfather, Su Qin, was an important figure in Longxia.    




Su Xuan clapped her hands. In just a short while, all the security guards were knocked down by her.    


Su Xuan's fierceness scared everyone into hiding in a corner. They did not dare to take a step forward.    


"What happened to the Su family?"    


Su Xuan happened to hear Quanlin's words and walked over to ask.    


The scene of Su Xuan beating up the security guards was witnessed by Quanlin. When he saw the other party walk over, he was a little afraid.    


Because he did not expect that this young lady was actually as powerful as Chu Tianyang!    


Quan Lin mustered up his courage and said, "Song River's Su Clan, that is a branch of the Long Jing Su Family!"    


Hearing these words, Young Master Su held his head high and puffed out his chest, a hint of pride and pride in his pained expression.    


It is precisely because of this relationship that his family is able to gain a firm foothold in River Song and no one dares to provoke him!    


Su Xuan laughs out loud: "How come I have never heard of the Su family having a branch in River Song."    


Young Master Su felt that he was being ridiculed and said angrily, "With your lowly status, how can you know about my Su family's matters!"    


"Shut your dog mouth!"    


Su Xuan kicked over and hit Young Master Su in the face.    




Young Master Su spat out a few mouthfuls of blood. His teeth were mixed with blood!    




Young Master Su was trembling all over, and his heart was filled with anger and fear.    


He finally understood that the other party really did not put him in his eyes!    


The entire father and son's backs were filled with cold air. This young lady was too ruthless!    


She actually kicked off Young Master Su's front teeth!    


It's over! This time, the Su Clan Group had to blame them!    


"I'm a member of the Long Capital's Su Clan. How could I not know about the clan's matters!?" Su Xuan said with a frown.    


"You are from the Su family of Longjing?" Young Master Su's expression changed.    


"That's right." Su Xuan nodded.    


Quanlin said in disdain, "I don't believe you. Since you are a member of the Su family, why did you come to a small place like Qiantang instead of staying in Longjing?"    


"It's none of your business." Su Xuan rolled her eyes.    




Quan Lin was speechless. This little girl was really eloquent. It was so hard for her to say a single word.    


"If you don't believe me, go and ask your father if he knows me!" Su Xuan said.    


Young Master Su's eyes flashed. He could not figure it out.    


The other party seemed very confident. Could it be that I really provoked someone I shouldn't have provoked?    


Enduring the pain in his body, Young Master Su took out his phone.    


He decided to confirm the other party's identity.    


"Dad, do you know Su Xuan from the Su family in Longjing?" He asked quietly.    


"Su Xuan from Longjing? I've never heard of her. Why are you asking this?"    


Hearing this, Young Master Su was furious. He was actually fooled by the other party again!    


"Dad, I've been beaten up! Quickly bring people to take revenge for me!" Young Master Su cried out.    


"What?! I'll be right there!"    


After hanging up the phone, Young Master Su looked at the two of them angrily.    


"What did your father say?" Su Xuan crossed her arms and asked.    


Young Master Su was so angry that he laughed. "I actually fell into your trap again! Very well, you all just wait to receive your punishment!"    


Su Xuan frowns, could it be that Song River Su family does not have any relationship with Longjing Su family? Otherwise how could they not know her.    


Seeing Su Xuan's puzzled look, Chu Tianyang rubbed her hair and said with a faint smile. "Perhaps with their status, they do not deserve to know your identity."    


"That's right." Su Xuan suddenly understood.    


Chu Tianyang did not lower his voice when he said these words. Young Master Su had heard all of them.    


Young Master Su wished he could torture him to death with his own hands.    


He had never suffered such humiliation before!    


"Do you still want to fight?" Chu Tianyang asked.    


Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.    


When the security guards heard this, they sensibly laid down on the ground again.    


Chu Tianyang and Su Xuan's combat strength was too strong. They were no match for them at all. They were completely abused. Who would dare to make a move and court death?    


"Since no one dares to move, I won't waste any more time."    


Young Master Su looked at him ferociously. He was waiting. As long as his father came, it would be the time of his death!    


Chu Tianyang took out his phone. Just as he was about to dial the number, he suddenly called.    


Looking at the long distance number displayed, Chu Tianyang smiled faintly. "He actually called himself."    


The current situation was very strange. All the employees of the big group hid in a corner and did not dare to make a sound. The security guards laid on the ground.    


Young Master Su sat on the ground. Behind him was Quan Da and his son, who were half-squatting.    


In the entire big group, only Su Xuan and Chu Tianyang stood straight. Their calm appearance seemed to have nothing to do with everything around them.    


Chu Tianyang even picked up the phone and turned on the speaker.    


"Oh, Mr. Chu, are you satisfied with the whole company?"    


The awkward Mandarin voice was heard. Everyone was listening quietly.    


Chu Tianyang said calmly, "Bill Gais, your contract was not signed by my sister. It was signed by someone with the same name as you."    


"What?! There is such a thing!" Billgath angrily slammed the table and stood up.    


"Mr. Chu, don't worry. One of my men is inspecting the market in Shallow Pond. I will send him to take care of it now. I apologize for the trouble he brought you."    


After hanging up the phone, Chu Tianyang was silent. He quietly looked at the father and son pair.    


The father and son duo had lost their confidence. From the beginning to the end, the other party was very calm. This made him gradually suspect himself. Did he really give the contract to the wrong person?    


If that was really the case, then he would be in big trouble!    


Quan Lin's eyes were fierce as he said, "Why are you pretending!? Do you really think that we will be afraid just because of a phone call? Save it! "Do you think I don't know that this is all arranged by you in advance!"    


Chu Tianyang smiled helplessly. "It's already so late, and you still can't recognize the truth. Let's just wait."    


Since Bill Gais had said that he would send someone to deal with it, he would wait to see a good show where the entire Lin was slapped in the face.    


Not long after, a Rolls-Royce and two Maybach parked at the entrance of the Big Group!    


A young man in a suit with a head full of blonde hair got out of the car. He carried his briefcase and rushed into the Big Group.    


A few strong bodyguards got out of the other two cars and stood on both sides of him.    


Everyone was shocked. Judging from the temperament of the other party and the thick aura of the bodyguards, this person's identity was definitely not simple!    


Why would this kind of person come to the entire company? He even seemed to be in a hurry.    


Could it be that... Could it be... really because of that person?    


When they saw who it was, their faces turned pale.    


He knew this blond man.    


He was Bill Gais' spokesperson in Longxia!    


The general manager of the company under Bill Gates in Longxia!    


Although it was only a general manager position, the other party's status was much higher than ordinary presidents!    


He walked into the entire company, looking left and right, as if he was looking for something.    


Finally, his gaze fell on Chu Tianyang.    


Under everyone's gaze, he walked quickly to Chu Tianyang, bent down, and bowed 90 degrees to Chu Tianyang.    


"Mr. Chu!"    


At this moment, everyone was shocked, and there was no sound.    


It was as if they had been struck by a bolt from the blue, and they were shocked to see this scene.    


They bowed respectfully towards Chu Tianyang. This action indicated a lot of things.    


Quan Da's body went limp and he collapsed onto the ground.    


He was wrong, he was wrong! He was wrong!    


This mistake would even directly destroy his entire life!    


"Dad, who is this person?" Quan Lin asked.    


He had never seen Bill Gais' spokesperson.    


Quan Lin kept his mouth shut. His eyes were dull and his mind was dispirited.    


The blond man respectfully said in perfect Mandarin, "My name is Adrian. You can call me by my Mandarin name, yard."    


Chu Tianyang nodded slightly. "yard, what are you going to do with it?"    


yard said respectfully, "I'll give you a satisfactory answer now."    


After saying that, Adrian stood up and walked towards Quan Cheng.    


"Where's the contract?" he asked.    


It was as if Quan Da had lost his soul. There was no movement at all.    


Quanlin subconsciously looked at Young Master Su. When Adrian discovered it, he quickly found the contract in Young Master Su's arms.    


Adrian gave a look, and the bodyguard quickly snatched the contract away.    


"What are you doing!"    


Young Master Su shouted. He was already in a bad mood, and now that the contract had been snatched from him, he was about to go mad.    


But in the next moment, he was surrounded by bodyguards.    


Even if Young Master Su was angry, he could do nothing but gnash his teeth in hatred.    


Adrian glanced at the signature of the contract. He raised his hand and tore the contract into pieces.    


"Who are you!? How dare you tear the contract apart!" Quan Lin angrily rebuked.    


Adrian glanced at him and revealed a gentle smile. Then, he waved his hand and sent it flying.    




This slap caught Quanlin off guard and sent him flying.    


Adrian looked gentle and weak, but his strength was not small.    


Quan Lin laid on the ground and spat out a few broken teeth. He was completely dumbfounded.    


Adrian was dismissive. He wiped his palms with a handkerchief, then took out a few documents from his briefcase and looked at them all.    


"Quan Cheng, I have all your criminal information. The tax evasion, threats, kidnapping threats are enough to let you father and son enjoy unlimited prison life."    


After Quan Zhen University finished listening, they looked at Adrian in a daze and then revealed a silly smile.    


He was stimulated, and his mind was completely abnormal.    


Adrian seemed to have finished reading the letter of judgement, raising his hand and making a gesture.    




The bodyguard behind him did not say anything. He rushed forward and beat the father and son until they were on the verge of death.    


Young Master Su was the closest. When he saw this scene, his scalp went numb.    


The person who came was too ruthless!    


After dealing with the matter, Adrian walked quickly to Chu Tianyang and bowed again. "Mr. Chu, are you satisfied with this method of handling things?"    


Chu Tianyang nodded and smiled. "Yade, you did well."    


Adrian was excited. "It is my lifelong honor to be able to work for Mr. Chu."    


He had heard Bill Gais talk about Chu Tianyang a lot. He was a legendary figure. He was rare even in the whole world.    


Every time Bill Gais mentioned Chu Tianyang, he would be full of admiration.    


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