Crazy Leveling System



"Squat down!" As his voice fell, the Crane Age Grandmaster felt a powerful force emanating from the halo. Unable to control himself, he crouched down like a puppy.    


"Jump up!" The Spirit Lion continued.    


Master Crane Age directly jumped up on the spot.    


"Get down!"    




He was like a puppet, unable to disobey the Spirit Lion's command. Currently, the man lying on the ground was completely stunned. He was extremely familiar with this feeling, because this was how he used to toy with spirit beasts.    


"Hahaha, what Hao Tian City's number one beast tamer, in my opinion, you are nothing more than that." Xiao Chen laughed.    


The Spirit Lion directly jumped in front of Grandmaster Crane Age, placing its claws on Grandmaster Crane Age, and said in a muffled voice, "From today onwards, you will be my human pet."    


"No, impossible, how can this be!" He was the Beast Master, and the spirit beasts were his tools, how could he become the pet of a spirit beast?    


Qin Guan and the rest were all dumbfounded. Wasn't the Crane Age Master the most famous Beast Master in Hao Tian City? What was happening now? Why was he stepped on by the spirit beasts?    


"Looks like the matter has been resolved. Let's go back." Xiao Chen laughed and returned.    


"Follow me." The Spirit Lion said, and swaggered back to the valleys, with the Crane Stage Master passively following behind him.    


In the God-slaying stronghold's courtyard, many disciples looked at Master Crane age curiously.    


"I've only heard of experts taking spirit beasts as pets, but I've never seen a spirit beast that could take a human's pet."    


"Is this what a human pet is like? Old and ugly, not cute at all!"    


"I heard that human pets listen to a spirit lion's words. I wonder if that's true or not."    


Everyone gathered around Master Crane age, curious.    


He felt like he was a monkey of a zoo, anyone could see that he was humiliated, especially when he talked about someone's pet, which made him feel even more humiliated.    


"Sisters, do you want to see a human pet show?" Xiao Aimin appeared on top of the lion's head and said excitedly.    


"I want to see it." Everyone shouted happily.    


Looking at Xiao Ai's love on top of the Spirit Lion's head, Master Crane suddenly felt something was wrong. He turned around and ran, but at this moment, the crisp voice of Xiao Ai's love could be heard.    




Master Crane Age suddenly stopped, his face full of shock. What was going on? Why could that little girl also order him around?    


"Turn around!"    


"Walk together!"    


"Spin in circles!"    


"Flip Back!"    


Every time Xiao Love said something, the Crane Age Grandmaster would do as he said. In an instant, Xiao Love was having fun playing around, and later on, the other female disciples also surrounded Xiao Ai to ask the Crane Age Grandmaster to do something, causing laughter to fill the God-slaying stronghold.    


The Crane Grandmaster felt like dying. He had been so proud and humiliated when he came here. How could he ever have imagined that he would be enslaved by a spirit beast for the rest of his life?    


Hall s, Vice Sect Leader s, and other elders of the Returning Moon Sect were currently accompanying He Qiao and the others. At this moment, they were gloomily staring at Qin Guan, who was reporting the situation.    


"You said that his age was taken away by the spiritual lion in the Lion Valley?" He Qiao coldly asked.    


"Yes, against that spirit lion, Master Crane Age has no power to resist at all." He did not know about the actual situation, but he had seen Master Crane being stepped on by a spirit lion.    


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