The Favorable Divine Doctor

C509 Astonishing

C509 Astonishing

"Master, I need to sleep for a while to undergo Nirvana stage ?" Kong Xuan was silent as he heard the sound of his weak Spiritual Sense.    


Actually, this was also a type of healing method. When he was in Bu Zhou Mountain, the reason Kong Xuan recognized him as its master was also because it was extremely weak and needed a host.    


This place was rather strange as it was actually divided into three hundred and sixty cities of the 72nd continent, much more vast than the Nine Prefectures. However, he did not know if there were cultivators like the Nine Prefectures here.    


The memories he obtained from Limitless were incomplete, as though a seal was deliberately destroying Limitless' memory, thus, he did not know much about this place.    


When Liu Du's gaze fell upon Southcloud City, his pupils could not help but constrict.    


He saw that the entire Southcloud City had been destroyed in the fighting. The city had collapsed and the grand formation had been destroyed. The surviving cultivators in the city looked at him in horror.    


A white robed cultivator flew out from the city and landed in front of Liu Du, and said respectfully: "Senior envoy, if you have any orders, I will be very angry."    


This person was severely injured, but the aura his body was emitting was actually at the spiritualization Realm.    


Liu Du remained expressionless, and indicated for him to lead the way.    


The cultivator revealed a joyous expression and quickly led the way.    


"How many cultivators are there in this city?" Liu Du pretended to ask casually.    


"Other than those who died and escaped just now, there are seventeen of them in the spiritualization Realm, and one hundred and fifty-seven in the spiritualization Realm." The cultivator said.    


Liu Du couldn't help but be shocked. This Nanyun City actually had so many spiritualization Realm cultivators, with a background like this, it was comparable to a great sect in the Nine Prefectures.    


"Have all the cultivators above spiritualization quickly come and see me!" Liu Du said indifferently.    


"Yes sir!" How could that cultivator dare to disobey? He immediately followed his orders.    


Not long later, a dozen or so spiritualization cultivators flew over and landed in front of Liu Du with a respectful look. In the eyes of these cultivators, they knew that even if all of them attacked at the same time, they would still not be a match for the person in front of them, so they had no choice but to lower their heads.    


"Lord Envoy." These cultivators were extremely respectful and didn't even dare to breathe too loudly.    


Liu Du looked around, and realized that these cultivators were all in the spiritualization Realm, and two of them were about to break through into the primordial spirit Realm.    


"What's your name?" Liu Du stared intently at one of the two and asked.    


"immortal Taoist." The cultivator's expression didn't change as he said this.    


"Your cultivation is not bad." Liu Du smiled lightly and turned to the cultivator who was leading them, "Where is this Southern Cloud City's treasury, bring me there."    


The cultivator was stunned for a moment before continuing, "Lord Envoy, the treasury in Southcloud City has always been controlled by the Mayor, I too do not know."    


The cultivator indeed did not know that Zhan Wuyun was an experienced and astute person, as if he had already predicted such a day would come, hence he had hidden the treasury in the city early on. This way, even if the city gates were to fall and people die, the invaders would still not be taken advantage of.    


Liu Du was speechless. He had entered Nanyun City to get the treasures of the city but he had never thought that there wouldn't even be a hair on his head.    


Liu Du looked at the cultivators around him coldly and said: "Hand over all your spiritual tools, or else, die!"    


Those cultivators' faces instantly turned pale, a few of them noticed that the situation was amiss and wanted to leave, but they were stopped in their tracks by Liu Du's gaze.    


In this way, the remaining cultivators became even more silent, not daring to say a single word as they reluctantly handed over all their spiritual tools.    


But immortal Taoist did not make a move, he coldly looked at Liu Du.    


Liu Du looked at immortal Taoist with interest and asked, "Why don't you take out your spirit treasure? Do you want to die?"    


immortal Taoist sneered: "If you want to kill me, then come kill me. But if you want to kill me, you must pay the price!"    


The immortal Taoist had the qualifications and was a arrogant person, he would never give in easily.    


"Alright, I'll satisfy you!" Liu Du also wanted to get used to this body.    


He took a step forward, and waves of energy rippled outwards at a speed invisible to the naked eye. It was as if even the air was frozen.    


immortal Taoist's expression was solemn as he took a step forward.    


They looked at each other. He then flew up into the air at the same time.    


"Black Qilin Armor!" Liu Du gave a loud shout and the Black Scaly Armor instantly transformed, enveloping his entire body.    


immortal Taoist's expression changed. He recognized that the armor Liu Du was wearing was definitely not ordinary and there was actually the vague aura of a Divine Beasts. If it was said that before the battle, he had an eighty percent chance of surviving from Liu Du's grasp, but now, he didn't even have one hundred percent chance of surviving.    


However, even if this was the case, he still wanted to fight. He was scared before even fighting, and it wasn't something a cultivator should think about.    


"Flying Dragon Sword, rise!" With a wave of his hand, a dragon tattooed flying sword flew over, with Sword Qi soaring through the sky, flying towards Liu Du.    


Liu Du's expression did not change, his hands moved forward to block, unexpectedly blocking the dragon sword with his bare hands.    


With his bare hands, he used all his might to block the divine weapon. How strong must his body be, the Big Soul Sect was truly well-deserved of its reputation. It had to be known that the Wyvern Sword was not an ordinary weapon, it was his innate spirit artifact, and had already evolved into a spirit artifact. It was unknown how many spiritualization cultivators had died under his Wyvern Sword, even primordial spirit Realm monsters would be wary of his Wyvern Sword.    


But, without waiting for him to think further, Liu Du moved.    


Liu Du was like a fish in water, sliding his body, in a blink of an eye, he was already in front of immortal Taoist.    


He lightly patted immortal Taoist's chest, and before immortal Taoist could even react, he was sent flying.    


immortal Taoist's expression was overwhelmed with shock, as he shouted in anger: "Nine Dragons Shining in the Sky, Ultimate Killing Strike!"    


In that moment, the sword aura spread out, weaving a net of light that enveloped Liu Du.    


"immortal Taoist actually managed to cultivate the Nine Dragons Brilliant Heavens of the Nine Dragons Technique. There's going to be a good show to watch this time." The cultivators watching the battle on the ground cried out in alarm.    


"You can't put it that way. I think the emissary can easily decipher it." The one who spoke was an old white-bearded man with a cultivation that reached the heavens. He was the other half a step into the primordial spirit Realm, this person was called Nan Hua.    


"Sage Nanhua, aren't you trying to make others proud and destroy your own prestige? I think the immortal Taoist has a 40% chance of winning." The cultivator from before rebuked.    


He was one of the top ten cultivators in Southcloud City, a member of the Dragon Sky Sovereign. He was rarely seen as a match for anyone in the spiritualization Realm.    


"Long Tian, you don't even know this, even the City Lord is no match for the envoy. You think that the immortal Taoist is stronger than the City Lord, stop dreaming, I dare say that the immortal Taoist will lose in ten moves." He had enmity with the immortal Taoist, and wished that the immortal Taoist would die under Liu Du's hands.    


However, what he said was also the truth. Even Zhan Wuyun was not a match for the envoy of the Big Soul Sect, so how could the immortal Taoist win?    


What he did not know was that this messenger was not his enemy, but Liu Du had taken over Limitless' flesh and blood.    


Long Tianming glared at Nanhua and asked, "Nanhua, what is the meaning of this?"    


Daoist Master Nanhua said, "It's meaningless. I'm just speaking the truth. You can wait and see."    


"Alright, I will wait and see. Let's see if immortal Taoist can win against this messenger."    


"You can take a look."    


In terms of relationship, they hoped that immortal Taoist could win, but in reality, they were afraid that immortal Taoist could win. If immortal Taoist could win, then where would they hide their face?    


"Such insignificant skill, break it for me!" Liu Du laughed faintly, his face turned sinister as he punched out to break the array. The light that filled the sky shone onto the immortal Taoist, and then, the sound of something tearing through the air rang out. immortal Taoist spat out fresh blood as he fell from the sky.    


Liu Du laughed coldly, he kept the flying dragon sword into his bag and landed on immortal Taoist's body, killing intent remained on his face.    


immortal Taoist's face was ashen. He knew that he would lose, he never expected to lose so easily. The Big Soul Sect was terrifying as expected.    


"If you want to kill me, don't kill me. You don't need to humiliate me like this!" immortal Taoist's neck tilted as he said unwillingly.    


"What a man! Fine, I'll spare your life!" Liu Du laughed.    


immortal Taoist was stunned at first, but then he madly roared out: "I do not need your pity, kill me. Even if you had managed to break my dao heart, you would not have made any progress if I had survived."    


Liu Du turned his back towards the immortal Taoist: "You don't have the qualifications to make others feel pity for you. If you want to take revenge, then step into the primordial spirit Realm.    


immortal Taoist was stunned and sunk into deep thought.    


In an instant, with an emptiness in his mind that he had never experienced before, he actually stepped into the primordial spirit Realm from the spiritualization Realm in an instant.    


He had stayed at the peak of the spiritualization for thousands of years, and upon becoming a primordial spirit monster, even he did not dare to believe it.    


When immortal Taoist became an old monster of the primordial spirit, everyone was stunned. Only Liu Du smiled faintly, the immortal Taoist could have already become an old monster of the primordial spirit, but only because they had an obsession in their hearts, they were unable to become an old monster of the primordial spirit.    


"Congratulations ?" All of the cultivators came up to congratulate the immortal Taoist. Only Taoist Master Nanhua wore a stern expression and did not say a word.    


He could not understand, why would the immortal Taoist have such good luck, to actually gain enlightenment in a battle, and turn into a primordial spirit cultivator in an instant. As for him, even though he had trained bitterly for thousands of years, he had still not succeeded.    


He was jealous, he was furious, before, his cultivation could still suppress immortal Taoist a little, but now, he was actually surpassed by immortal Taoist, he was not willing to accept this. Why did it have to be the immortal Taoist and not him, Nanhua.    


The moment he had become a primordial spirit cultivator, he had thought things through. The world was so vast, and the primordial spirit Realm was not the limit, so he wanted to advance to an even higher level.    


"Nanhua, you don't need to be so discouraged. One day, you will be like me." The immortal Taoist said sincerely.    


"Hopefully, I still have things to do, so I'll be taking my leave." Daoist Master Nanhua gave a fake smile and left with a flick of his sleeve.    


immortal Taoist sighed deeply as he watched Nanhua's departing figure. This Nanhua fellow was so narrow-minded, how could he step into the primordial spirit Realm?    


"immortal Taoist, take a look at that Nanhua fellow's character and behavior. I'll treat him like this and teach him a lesson." When Zhan Wuyun was still the City Lord, he loved to flatter Zhan Wuyun. Now that Zhan Wuyun had died in battle and the immortal Taoist had become an old monster of the primordial spirit, if nothing went wrong, the immortal Taoist would become the next City Lord. If he did not flatter immortal Taoist, then who else would he flatter?    


The other cultivators looked at Liu Yue with contempt, disdaining to be his partner. Previously, Liu Yue had called Taoist Nanhua 'brother', but now, he had turned around to bite him. This kind of behavior was extremely good.    


immortal Taoist sneered, "Liu Yue, don't try to sow discord. I know what I'm doing, don't say too much!"    


Liu Yue put his hot face on the cold butt and embarrassedly retreated to the side, causing the other cultivators to snicker.    


On the other side, Liu Du did not find what he was looking for.    


immortal Taoist bowed towards Liu Du and said: "I hope that I can meet you again."    


If it wasn't for Liu Du's suppression, he might not have had the chance to step into the primordial spirit in his entire life.    




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