The Favorable Divine Doctor



"Moreover, using both the Five Spirit Flowers and the Heavenly Heart Grass at the same time actually has incomparable benefits for both the Swordsman and himself. Many people do not know that the Swordsman also needs a strong physique and a strong foundation.    


But by joining a Swordsman, one would be able to obtain a powerful body of a body refiner, and then the Swordsman would truly become a powerful Swordsman!    


In our era, the real Swordsman was able to dominate an area like a body cultivator, causing cultivators to be amazed. This was the might of the Swordsman in our era, the current Swordsman has already declined, and can no longer become a Swordsman!    


This was the sorrow of this era! Looking at the current Swordsman, it was as though I was looking at the current me! Back then, I was a famous person in Dao Realm with a sword! But now, it's been reduced to such a pathetic state! "    


At this moment, Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts was talking while sighing about his own fate. His entire person seemed to have become nagging once again.    


"Stop, I don't know what you're talking about, but I just want these two things! But I don't know if they'll have it! "    


At this moment, Liu Du was speechless towards Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts. Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts was nagging again.    


However, the current Liu Du was gradually getting used to it, and immediately stopped the nagging Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts!    


"Young man, don't worry. Although I'm old, my vision isn't too blurry, and my nose is still very sharp. I'm very familiar with these two herbs, but they both have some stock, and they just don't know the proper way to use them. It would be a waste for them to use them!"    


Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts's voice once again sounded in Liu Du's mind. It was clear that the current Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts had definitely recovered a lot compared to before, so his current words were actually so forceful, directly sounding out in Liu Du's mind!    


At this moment, a thought appeared in Liu Du's mind, but it had completely disappeared. Although he had previously used the power of his mental will to communicate with the Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts, Liu Du could not guarantee that when he thought of the Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts, the Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts in his body would not be able to sense it!    


This thought only flashed past Liu Du's mind, but he quickly cut it off!    


"Your nose is still very sensitive. It can't be a dog nose, right?"    


After that, however, he did not receive any clear replies. It was known that at this time, Liu Du secretly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, and then, he looked directly at the current Dongba Yankang and Wuxin!    


"I want two each of the Five Spirit Flowers and the Heavenly Heart Grass. After that, you will remove the Angel. Also, you are not allowed to have any thoughts about the Angel in the future. Today's matter is over!"    


At this moment, Liu Du had once again replied to the words of someone with confidence. Very clearly, his fist was hard, so what he had said was the truth, so Liu Du was actually very calm, and did not have any discomfort!    


"If you want these two herbs, it will only ruin their medicinal properties. You really can't get the rest of the herbs that you want here. Are you sure you don't want the other herbs that are suitable for you?"    


It was very obvious that Dongba Yankang was the one speaking, and anyone who heard him speak in such a tone would feel that it was for Liu Du's own good. However, Liu Du knew, he was just trying to change his mind!    


"I want them. I just happen to have a prescription. You can have all the ingredients here, so you two don't have to worry about it!"    


Liu Du was clearly able to see what Dongba Yankang was thinking. After all, this was not the first time the two of them were exchanging blows, so at this moment, Liu Du had decisively found a reasonable interface for himself!    


However, Liu Kui's reply had successfully puzzled Dongba Yankang? Was there really something that could be used with the Five Spirit Flowers and Heavenly Heart Grass? "Even the ancient legacies of the Dao World did not have such a medicine list. The Ancient Wasteland had already lost its martial arts civilization for a long time, how could they still have such a medicine list?    


Furthermore, these two medicinal herbs did not grow in the territory of the Ancient Wasteland, but were produced in very rare places in the Dao Realm. However, Liu Du actually had this kind of medicinal herb as an ancient recipe, and the current Dongba Yankang and Wuxin did not want to give these two medicinal herbs to Liu Du.    


But after thinking for half a day, Dongba Yankang still decisively and happily took out four medicinal herbs, and it was exactly the same as when Liu Du suddenly appeared in his memories!    


Seeing Dongba Yankang take out these two medicinal herbs so decisively, Liu Du looked at Dongba Yankang with a bit of doubt in his eyes. At the same time, his vigilance towards Dongba Yankang became even more severe.    


Looking at the current Dongba Yankang, although Liu Du was filled with suspicions regarding Dongba Yankang's performance, Liu Du did not reveal any dissatisfaction on his face. Instead, he decisively extended his hand to receive it! It was even more heroic than Dongba Yankang, to the point where he did not even look at it, and directly disappeared from his hands with a flip of his hand!    


Seeing Liu Du's performance, Dongba Yankang and Wu Xinzi also frowned slightly, but then Wu Xinzi didn't act anymore. With a wave of his hand, he disappeared without a trace from the world of ice that Liu Du and the others covered, and then, he decisively turned around, and in an instant, he appeared on the villa beside them, disappearing from their line of sight, while Dongba Yankang stood there without any movement!    


After about ten seconds, Wu Xinzi appeared again. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of them. However, there was no one by his side.    


Seeing that, Liu Du instantly became furious, but just as he was about to flare up, he heard a joyful and joyful cheer.    


"Liu Du, it's really you, I knew you would come to save me, you really did come!"    


At this moment, a mixed blood beauty walked out from below the villa. She had a tall and slender figure and a beautiful face, but a pair of golden eyes.    


The owner of those golden eyes was actually looking at Liu Du with affection, even the people around Liu Du were ignored by him!    


"Of course it's me. Other than me, who else could it be?"    


The originally lofty and ambitious Liu Du seemed to have instantly changed his image, his entire being once again looked like a noble young master with an alluring charm, his entire being seemed to look at the beautiful woman who had appeared in front of him with deep emotion!    


At this moment, Liu Du had already forgotten about the other people beside him. Although he had not spent a lot of time with Angel previously, Liu Du knew that there was an Angel in his heart before. He did not know why, but if he had to say whether it was due to his love, or because he was passionate,'s heart had an Angel.    


But now was not the time for the two of them to reminisce about their old friendship. As he watched the Angel slowly enter, Liu Du quickly quietened down. After smiling for a moment, Liu Du gently hugged the Angel, and then, Liu Du turned his gaze to the side to look at Dongba Yankang and Wuxin.    


"I think it's time for you to do something!"    


Liu Du did not say much, but everyone knew what Liu Du meant: the prohibition inside Angel's body still needed to be removed by the current Dongba Yankang and Wuxin!    


Angel stood beside Liu Du, but Liu Du could clearly feel that there seemed to be two faint waves of inner strength inside Angel's body. It was very calm, but it was abnormally tenacious, obviously not because the current Liu Du could break the restriction, and when Liu Du looked carefully, the entire ban had turned into a faint imprint, as if it had disappeared!    


Of course, after hearing Liu Du's words, the two of them didn't have any hesitation either. The two of them raised their fingers at the same time, and the two of them kept changing their fingers at the same time.    


These guides were just like numerous rays of light. After which, they were all absorbed by Angel's body. Numerous glowing hand seals were swiftly absorbed by Angel's body.    


At this time, Liu Du could clearly feel that after the lines of guidance entered Angel's body, it had quickly merged with the restrictions in Angel's body. Then, the two different types of Inner Energies were continuously melting together with the restrictions in Angel's body!    


When Dongba Yankang and Wu Xinzi stopped what they were doing, the last seal of light had perfectly fused with the Angel, and in the next instant, the Angel had released a ray of light, causing the ban on the Angel to disappear without a trace.    


Liu Du could clearly feel that the faint traces of inner strength within Angel's body had disappeared, and then he hugged the Angel tightly, and then pulled the Angel's hand, directly walking out.    


As for the others who were with Dongba Yankang, Liu Du didn't care if they came here voluntarily or if they were kidnapped by Dongba Yankang and the others. Since Angel had been safely saved, the others had nothing to do with Liu Du!    


After all, Liu Du didn't recognize them. It was because Dongba Yankang and the others had kidnapped Angel that Liu Du had decided to go against Dongba Yankang and Yue Yang. And to others, Dongba Yankang might not be a bad opportunity for them!    


Maybe they needed the current Dongba Yankang to help them, to let them obtain power they had never possessed before in their lives. At the same time, he also gave them an opportunity to change their fates!    


When Li Liang received Liu Du's greeting, the two vampires happily followed behind Liu Du, and after the two vampires saw Dongba Yankang and Wu Xinzi successively submit to Liu Du's powerful strength, they, uh, no, two vampires, didn't care what the result was below them. The two of them, however, stirred up their own wings, and in the blink of an eye, disappeared from the sight of Liu Du and the others.    


Liu Du did not mind the two vampires leaving. There would always be time, and Liu Du would definitely come into contact with them today. What they owed him would be settled with them in the future!    


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