The Favorable Divine Doctor

C161 That sword is shocking Life needs to be persevered

C161 That sword is shocking Life needs to be persevered

"Let me try!"    


Liu Du said calmly, and even at this moment, his gaze did not sweep across Bei Chen's body. Looking at the mysterious existences of nature in his surroundings, Liu Du, however, was really unable to think of how they entered this tornado.    


However, there was no other way. The only person in the world who could be trusted was himself!    


One had to rely on oneself!    


It was still that mysterious dance, as if it contained a magical power. No one could understand it, but it was also like a beautiful woman walking through the void, leisurely strolling in the clear sky, slim and graceful.    


Liu Du's current dancing posture was abnormal. Although it had mystical powers, the spectators all discovered that although Liu Du's sword dance was shocking, it seemed to have an independent choice in their hearts.    


A choice to look, or not look at!    


All of a sudden, they were all confused. Why didn't they watch such a mysterious dance? However, when they thought about it, they felt intoxicated. They didn't know what had happened, but they all felt scared. They all decided to not watch.    


However, there are always two sides to everything. Of course, there would be people who choose the other side. Ximen Family, however, resolutely chose to look at it.    


I don't believe it! I, Xi Men Yu, am determined to achieve immortality. How can I be tempted by the scene before me?    


The west gate was still looking and there was no change in their eyes. At this moment, the three people around him could not help but notice the west gate's choice as well. However, the three of them did not know if their choice was right or wrong.    


Whether they were right or wrong, wasn't this a test of their will? Was it a brave face, or was it a selective escape?    


This was also the choice of a life. While everyone was looking at the tornado, they were also thinking about it.    


Instantly, everyone thought of a miracle! Why couldn't a miracle happen? They thought that the reason for such a miracle to happen was because of Liu Du, his magic sword dance!    


This would be a miracle full of surprises!    


However, for the sake of creating a miracle, the person was still peacefully walking and dancing within the tornado without any distractions in his mind. The only thought that flashed through his mind was to use the sword dance in his mind!    


This was an earth-shattering strike. It might be ordinary, or it might shock the world!    


At this time, Liu Du was waving the sword in his hand again and again. Every time he swung his sword, he would feel the same kind of beauty and masculinity. However, that sword in Liu Du's heart still did not appear!    


The sword beam did not appear as well. Even though the sword beam was very similar to the diagram in his mind, the power difference between the two ears was too great, far to the point that it could shake an ant and a tree. Therefore, there wasn't a single shred of sword beam produced in Liu Du's hands.    


The sword could be danced, but also could be used for martial arts! Was it a dance or a martial art?    


No one can tell, but who cares?    


It was just that no matter if it was the dancing or Martial arts, both had a great power. Perhaps they would become extremely powerful very soon!    


This was what every spectator was thinking!    


In the blink of an eye, Liu Du had already unleashed at least eight hundred strikes. Even though Liu Du could feel that his sword was getting faster and faster, more and more smoothly, the sword in his mind still remained in his mind, unmoving!    


Liu Du still did not change. It was as if he could not swing that one strike in his heart. Liu Du would not stop, his mind was still calm as the sword danced lightly. Every time he turned around or raised the sword, in the instant he raised his hand, he would gently wave the sword again and again.    


Just that this was only a swing of the sword, the sword danced lightly, and that sword still appeared in Liu Du's mind.    


The tornado was growing bigger and bigger, but Liu Du still didn't care. It was as if nothing could change his decision.    


It was just that Bei Chen had become more and more agitated, in this kind of situation, many people would not be able to remain calm, and it was as though they were counting the time of their own death, no one would be willing to try!    


But this was China, this was the side of the ocean, and these few people were practically the top Fighter of China. If they couldn't escape, who could save them?    


And at this moment, even if we are doomed to die, we still have to try and save ourselves. If we give up on the hope of survival, then what else can we do?    


At this moment, even though Bei Chen knew that the power he could muster was insignificant, he could still control his flying sword and strike the edge of the tornado in front of him.    


At this moment, Bei Chen suddenly recalled, maybe when he first realized it, he should have tried to charge in once. Although the power of nature is extremely unpredictable, but maybe at that time, even if he risked it all to charge in, he would still have a chance of survival!    


In the beginning, he didn't make any decisive decisions, and many times, it was the same. There was clearly a choice to bow down before us, but we only saw half of it fail, while the other half only saw it as a success.    


So we dare not choose, we do not choose, thus avoiding this opportunity that can be won.    


He then opened his eyes wide, waiting for the chances of success to outweigh the chances of failure. At the beginning, he had already given up on fighting, so would he face the possibility of success? However, there would still be people who believed that success was less than 30% of failure.    


So the final 10 percent of the failure was far greater than the 90 percent of the success rate?    


However, no one knew the answer. The people who made this choice would not consider this question!    


Because the person facing this multiple choice question had already lost the opportunity to think about the meaning of life after not making the strong and brave choice in his heart.    


There might be some lucky people who still had a chance, but this kind of luck wouldn't teach him to fight against fate. Instead, all he learned was to surrender to fate, to have difficulty yielding to it, and to live in humiliation in his own world!    


Most people did not have a chance, but everyone had a chance in front of them. Perhaps the initial choice was 90% success and 10% failure, but it was still many people who were afraid of the 10% failure and chose to wait.    


It was because they were waiting that they saw the cruel reality of hope!    


Hope will only make you lazy, hope will only make you wait, hope will only make you mediocre.    


It was good to have hope in their hearts, but they should follow the path of hope instead of looking at it from the sidelines.    


Time is moving, hope is moving, and when you are walking, hope is walking, so we will go further and further away from hope, and in the end hope will become despair!    


This was definitely the sorrowful and ugly side of human nature, but it was the ugliness of the self, the banishment of the self!    


However, every single one of them was defeated by those illusory miracles.    


They were waiting to get away from success at an endless distance, while the actors were always approaching success step by step!    


There are no shortcuts to the absolute song of life, only their own perseverance, courage and faith to move forward.    


? ?    


Liu Du still did not give up on the sword in his mind, but at this moment, Liu Du was already extremely tired, even blood was flowing out of his nose. His hands and feet were also gradually trembling, but Liu Du still did not stop!    


He still did not give up. He persevered forward, persisting with the sword strike in his mind!    


From the very first 35 swings of the sword every second, to 28 swings, to 10 swings, and to the second after each swing, to the current two seconds, Liu Du's figure had become slower and slower.    


However, Liu Du still did not give up. His face was still as calm as it was initially, and even blood had started to flow from the corners of his eyes.    


He did not want to hope, he did not want illusory miracles. He only wanted the sword in his hand, he only wanted to believe in the sword in his own hand.    


Therefore, he still did not feel the slightest tiredness as he brandished his sword. Even though his body was already far more exhausted than he had imagined, even though his ears, nose, and throat were already starting to bleed, he still continued swinging his sword!    


It's not a story, it's a conviction, a belief in his heart that I can use this to break out of this cage and give myself freedom.    


The current Liu Du had already become blurry, only that there was no change in his heart. A drop of blood flowed down his cheek and onto his clothes, or fell into the Dragon's Absorbing Water.    


When his vision became blurry and his body was extremely tired, Liu Du suddenly realised that the image in his mind was becoming clearer and clearer, until his entire mind was filled with the image of the clothes.    


In the void of chaos in his mind, suddenly, the entire chaos began to revolve violently as if it was splitting apart. Soon after, a beam of light appeared, but it was extremely pure, sparkling and translucent, but it was not dazzling. Accompanying the beam of light was an invisible black color.    


Gradually, the entire Primal Chaos was stirred up by this ray of light and a streak of black spinning. However, Liu Du could clearly see that the vortex in front of him was a streak of white and a streak of black within his line of sight. In that instant, they passed through a straight line and separated the Primal Chaos into two parts; one part light, the other part darkness, and the other part extended all the way to the edge of the Primal Chaos.    


This was the sword that Liu Du had been trying to use. Maybe this was the sword in the image, in the legends, no one had ever used it, maybe it was just a similar sword.    


However, Liu Du believed that this sword was there, and that he could swing it as well. He could definitely do it, and they could definitely walk out of this cage of nature!    


Liu Du currently only had the last of his strength remaining, and the scene in front of his eyes could no longer be seen. His dancing speed had already been slower than he had imagined, and his sword strike required fifteen seconds.    


However, he still didn't give up on this final swing. He still waved his hand, but even though the image of the sword in the sea was as clear as a mirror, he still failed!    


After that, his silhouette was slowly about to collapse. After losing control of the Cyan Jade Sword, it quietly fell from his hand. Like him, it floated in the air above the Dragon Absorbing Water.    


Meanwhile, Bei Chen who was on the verge of crazily attacking the tornado saw Liu Du who was about to fall. His figure flickered in an instant, and he was about to support this man who held great faith.    


However, in an instant, he had escaped Liu Du who was about to collapse, because even though Liu Du had no more strength and no more thoughts, the will that was deep in his bones told him that he could not fall down, and could not surrender, even if he did not have any consciousness, and even if the Cyan Jade Sword was no longer in his hands.    


His hand still wanted to swing out a sword. In the final moment when he fell into a exhausted slumber, he still wanted to swing out a sword, even if it was with his hand!    


However, after Bei Chen instantly distanced himself far away, he saw that Liu Du, who was still standing there unconscious, still had his right hand subconsciously quivered.    


It was more like a kind of spirit, a belief, but it was enough to make one's heart ache.    


An extreme ray of light appeared on the tip of Liu Du's finger, followed by a deep darkness. The two seemed to be entwined, as if they had met and annihilated each other.    


It was a light, and it was also like a darkness.    


This was because of the darkness that surrounded the ray of light, but also because of the light that illuminated the darkness.    


This light seemed to instantly appear, but it also seemed to have been growing for a long time. It seemed like an incomparably fierce and terrifying infernal energy; it was incomparably docile like a child.    


The moment it appeared, everyone felt a sense of pressure as if the sky was going to fall. However, it was soon replaced by a gentle breeze. However, there was a thick layer of white corpses floating around the tornado and the dragon-sucking water.    


Subsequently, the beam of light seemed to shoot out in an instant, but in an instant, it reached the boundary of the line between the sky and the sea ?    


And this beam of light, other than its initial sharpness, seemed to have become Liu Du's mental control, and streaked far away.    


At this moment, everyone around was stunned!    


After this beam of light passed through the world, it was as if it had forever stopped there, causing the entire world to change!    


The beam of light flew out from Liu Du's side, passing through the Dragon Absorbing Water, the tornado, the rain clouds, and the sky!    


Time seemed to stop at that moment!    


With the light and darkness in Liu Du's hand as the boundary, the path it streaked across was also half darkness and light!    


No matter what time it is? Where? Can you be illuminated by the sun?    


However, they had all changed their states of mind after the arrival of this ray of light!    


The entire earth seemed to have been split in half, it was only light, half darkness!    


However, he did not have the chance to see this scene that Liu Du had created. The creator of this scene, who was destined to be reported by many countries to find out the reason, had already fallen into a deep sleep.    


However, during his last coma, he still did what he wanted to do!    


Life is to insist, as long as you believe you can do it, you will do it in the end.    


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