Universe Storage Box

C1980 Then Try It

C1980 Then Try It

"These metals don't seem to be ordinary metals." A boss touched the body of the car and sighed.    


When boss was young, he had worked in mines and was familiar with many kinds of ores. It could be said that as long as he touched it with his hand, he would know what kind of metal he was holding.    


However, now, when he touched the car... He was unable to determine what kind of metal the body of this car was made of. This surprised and puzzled him. After all, there weren't many types of ores that could make him unable to determine the type. Moreover, these metals gave him a feeling of familiarity, yet he was unable to accurately judge them. This made him even more puzzled.    


"You can't even tell? Is that kid really that amazing?" boss, who was standing next to them, said. They knew very well about that man just now. They knew that he had the ability to determine the composition of the ore, but now, even he couldn't tell what it was. This meant that the material Huang Feng used was indeed very mysterious.    


"I can tell some of the components, but I don't know some of them." boss said, "The components that I don't know about should be the key to making this car bulletproof. I just don't know what the materials are. "    


Boss's judgment was not wrong. The reason why Huang Feng's suspension cars were so bulletproof. These materials... These materials were not found on Earth. They were all exchanged by Huang Feng. At the research institute. He took out the metal materials that he had exchanged for. When mixed with other metals from Earth, it would become the material used to manufacture these cars.    


Therefore, it wasn't strange at all that boss couldn't determine what kind of metal was used to make these cars.    


As for those metals, they weren't on Earth. But... In other space-time, they were a very common type of metal. It didn't have such a strong bulletproof ability, but after mixing it with the metal on Earth... Therefore, the metal itself was not expensive. In addition, Huang Feng didn't add many metal materials into the mixture. Therefore, the combined price of the metal materials wasn't expensive.    


"Alright, the gun has already been tested. Let's try the other ones." boss said.    




Everyone retreated once again. The firearms they had used earlier... This was a weapon that was even more powerful than the firearms that were commonly used in the army. Thus... Even those weapons couldn't penetrate the vehicles of those cars. As for the other standard firearms... It was also impossible.    


After everyone retreated to their original position, another group of soldiers ran over. This time, what they were holding in their hands was no longer a gun. Instead, it was some heavy weapons like rocket launchers. The lethality was clearly much greater than before.    


"Ready, aim, fire!" The officer from before ordered once again.    


Following his order, another sound rang out. This time, the sound was even louder than before. It was clearly much more powerful than before.    


After the smoke dissipated, everyone looked at the cars. In the end, they discovered that under the attack of so many heavy weapons, each car was knocked over, and even the distance between them and the cars was very small.    


One had to know that they had personally seen those heavy weapons hit those cars. Under the attacks of those weapons, ordinary cars... There was a high possibility that those cars would explode, even if they didn't explode. However, it was certain that the car would be destroyed and knocked over.    


However, when it came to Huang Feng's car, the situation was clearly different. None of the cars were overturned. Even from afar, there were no obvious signs of damage.    


"This car is so stable?" Someone, boss, asked in surprise.    


"Yeah, if it was an ordinary car, those weapons would have hit it. I'm afraid there wouldn't be any bones left." Another boss said.    


Today, in order to test the performance of Huang Feng's car, they had chosen a weapon. They were all more powerful than ordinary weapons. Therefore... The lethality should be greater, even if it was the bulletproof car they usually made. Under such a firepower attack, it was hard to guarantee that they would not be harmed at all. Even if they weren't penetrated, they would still be knocked over and destroyed. That was very likely.    


"Let's go over and take a look. We'll only be able to see clearly if we get closer."    


"Let's go."    


Once again, the crowd came to the side of those cars. This time, they were even more surprised. Because they were still on top of the cars. They didn't see any wounds, even if it was a very small one. They couldn't see it at all, which surprised many people.    


The previous guns had hit these cars, but they hadn't been able to break them. They hadn't left any bullet marks either, so it was understandable. After all, the bulletproof cars they usually rode weren't able to completely leave no traces behind. However, it was not that different. The foreign forces were all chasing Huang Feng's car. That Huang Feng's car, compared to the car they usually rode. It was acceptable that it was more powerful.    


But now, they realized that even those heavy weapons could not do anything to Huang Feng's cars. Not to mention blowing them up, even if the minimum requirement was to leave a mark on the cars... It was like the whole car had just left the factory. It was as smooth as new. Everyone stood beside it and could even use the body of the car as a mirror to look at it. It was brand new and bright.    


"How did he do it?" boss said in surprise, "This is unbelievable, isn't it?"    


"That's right. Although I thought that kid's car must be extraordinary, I didn't expect it to be so extraordinary. I can't imagine it," ___ said.    


"The stability of this car is also very high. Even with such a strong impact, it was still not able to knock them down. This is even more rare."    


Everyone sighed with emotion. In their hearts, they were pretty much convinced by Huang Feng's cars. Previously, when they found out that those foreign powers were unscrupulous in order to obtain the core secrets of the cars in Huang Feng's hands... They could more or less guess that Huang Feng's cars were definitely not simple. Therefore, before this test, they were actually mentally prepared.    


However, being mentally prepared did not mean that they could completely accept everything that was happening in front of them. Everything that was happening in front of them had obviously exceeded their expectations. This was no longer something that they could imagine.    


"Alright, all of you stop lamenting." Elder Lee said, "When Huang Feng called me earlier, he said that these cars of his... Not only can they defend against these weapons, but they can also be hit by artillery and tanks. He's not afraid. "    


When Elder Lee said that, he was more or less proud. After all, he had the best relationship with Huang Feng. When Huang Feng told him all this, he didn't believe it in his heart. However, Huang Feng had always been a man who didn't know how to talk big. Therefore, he didn't refute him over the phone.    


However, when he introduced these cars to his old friends, he did not mention Huang Feng's words, because even he did not believe those words.    


But now, he took the initiative to say it. Because he felt that Huang Feng's previous words might be true. Under the attack of those heavy weapons, they were unable to leave any marks on the bodies of these cars. It was not impossible to withstand the attacks of the cannons and tanks. Therefore, he wanted to give it a try.    


"Did that kid really say that?"    


"Isn't that too arrogant? He's not putting all his weapons in his eyes."    


"Indeed, it's hard to believe."    


The rest of boss did not believe it. Although these heavy weapons could not destroy the cars, it did not mean that the artillery and aircraft could not do anything to them.    


However, even if Huang Feng's vehicles could not withstand the bombardment of the tanks and cannons, everyone present was very satisfied with such a car. If they were equipped in the army, it would increase the strength of their troops. It would definitely be very helpful.    


"You don't believe me? Then let's give it a try!" Elder Lee said with some dissatisfaction. Initially, he didn't have much confidence in himself. However, when he saw that his partners didn't believe him, instead, it aroused the dissatisfaction in his heart.    


"Let's try then. Come, get someone to drive the tank over here!" The others said.    


"Yes!" The officer from before saluted.    


After that, not only was the tank driven over, but it was also followed by the cannons. It was obvious that they wanted to verify it.    


"Let's begin." Seeing that the tanks and cannons were already in position, Elder Li said to the officer. However, at that moment, he was still a little nervous because he was not completely confident.    




"Ready, aim, fire!" Another similar command. The only difference was that this time, the weapon was changed again.    


Under the command of the officer, several tanks opened fire at the same time. Furthermore, they had fired more than one cannonball. This time, the tank soldiers were clearly not mediocre. All the cannonballs accurately hit the vehicles that Huang Feng had sent over.    




With an order, the tank stopped roaring. boss had retreated a little far this time. He had used a telescope to see. However, when he saw the situation of the cars, he gasped.    


He saw that the cars in his field of vision were all parked there intact. Not a single one of them had been blown up. Not even a single one had been knocked over!    


Looking through his glasses, he could not see any big wounds on the bodies of the cars.    


"This, this... This is too unbelievable." boss put down the glasses and muttered to himself. One should know that... He knew the power of these cannons. None of them were weak. Not to mention this car, even a tall building could be destroyed.    


However, even with such powerful force, it was still impossible to blow up Huang Feng's car. This showed how powerful Huang Feng's car's defense was.    


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