Universe Storage Box

C1977 Explain the Reason

C1977 Explain the Reason

"What, what's going on?" Tang Jie was still full of doubts, because he had never heard of this before. Although Huang Feng had explained it to him, there were still many things that he didn't understand.    


After that, Huang Feng roughly told him about what happened on the battlefield. Of course, he didn't tell Tang Jie that he was supporting Hanssen behind his back. He even sent Huang Ping to help him. Basically, it was what Huang Feng had explained to Elder Lee.    


"I see." After Tang Jie heard what Huang Feng said, he finally understood what was going on. He immediately became excited. "No wonder those people called at this time."    


Before Tang Jie came out with Huang Feng, he was also a member of the capital Tang Family. Although he wasn't a direct descendant, he was a member of a wealthy family and knew some things.    


Although he didn't know much about the battlefield, he knew a lot about it. However, Tang Jie also knew about the forces that could exist on the battlefield. Furthermore, these people had powerful backgrounds. Now, such a powerful 'weapon' had suddenly appeared on that battlefield. It was impossible that the people behind them didn't know about it. Then, those people assigned some of the large companies in their own country. It was reasonable for them to cooperate with their own companies.    


No wonder those companies changed from being tough and unwilling to work with them. Not only did they want to work with them, but they also had good conditions. That was why they all wanted to work with them.    


"Do you understand now?" Huang Feng smiled and said, "So, what we should be worried about now is those people, not us."    


"Then do we still need to cooperate with them?" Tang Jie asked.    


"Of course." Huang Feng said, "However, we have to strictly protect the technical information about the core parts. We can't let anyone know about it."    


"Of course." Tang Jie nodded and said.    


Whether it was Huang Feng or Tang Jie, both of them understood in their hearts. The reason why those people wanted to cooperate with them was because of their core techniques. Although they might share their technology during the negotiations, or maybe not... However, whether or not they mention it, that was their goal. If they did not mention it... They would also look for opportunities to steal these core technologies in future cooperation.    


"Speaking of which, those people are destined to be disappointed. Even I am not fully aware of our company's core technologies. Their plan to get those technologies is doomed to fail. " Tang Jie said with a smile.    


Indeed, in the internal department of the Space and Time Corporation, the only one who could master all the core technologies was Huang Feng. Even Tang Jie only knew a small part of it. Furthermore, it wasn't the most important part. It was the most important part.    


Regarding this, Tang Jie didn't have any complaints. He knew that... Those technologies were the foundation of the company's development. Once they were leaked, the negative impact would be huge. Although he and Huang Feng had Tang Muxue's relationship, however, they had not known each other for a long time, let alone their current relationship. In a big family, even if they were brothers, they wouldn't be able to trust each other completely. Therefore, Tang Jie wasn't surprised by this.    


As for Huang Feng, he was already very satisfied that Huang Feng was able to appoint him as the General Manager and let him show his potential. What he could do now was to do his job well, making Huang Feng feel that he wasn't wrong.    


Huang Feng only smiled at Tang Jie's words and didn't say anything. It wasn't that Huang Feng didn't trust Tang Jie. It's just that he thinks, one less person knows, one more safety, Huang Feng had told the woman beside him about the Storage Box after careful consideration. Although Huang Feng thought highly of Tang Jie, but... It wasn't to the extent where he could share too many things.    


Of course, if Tang Jie's performance had always been good... Huang Feng didn't mind telling the other party some unimportant technical information. After all, his career would only get more and more, and it wouldn't be everything. He would be able to take into account that he could find a few people who were worth it. It was still very important.    


"By the way, I heard that some companies in the country called me. Does that mean some people in the country also have the same idea?" Tang Jie said to Huang Feng.    


"I think so," ___ said. Huang Feng nodded and said, "However, it is obvious that some of the boss men in our country have not understood the situation and their positions."    


Huang Feng had always insisted on working with domestic companies. He did not support, did not oppose, and did not have the help of those companies. Their companies could also occupy the domestic market. The other automotive companies... They could not even compete with those overseas car companies. How could they compete with their companies? Therefore, it was only a matter of time before they were surpassed by their own company.    


Of course, if they were to cooperate, that was fine too. After all, there was no end to the money. If he ate it all by himself... It would easily cause dissatisfaction from many people, especially from the back of those companies in the country... They all had some background, and those people might not make a move against foreign companies. However, it was not impossible to make a move on a domestic company.    


Therefore, Huang Feng had always been neutral towards domestic companies. He was neither proactive nor opposed to it. However, the domestic automotive companies did not seem to have such thoughts before. They seemed to have gotten used to the current situation and didn't want to work with their own companies. No one had taken the initiative to contact them before.    


And now, they had also chosen to call at this time. It was obvious that someone had instructed them to do so. However, those who had instructed them to do so... They might not have clearly stated the importance of the matter, so when the heads of the companies or the higher-ups called... They still had a high and mighty attitude, and their attitude was very arrogant. They even thought that cooperating with their own company was a gift from them to their own company.    


"That's right, those people have always been like that." Tang Jie also said. When he was working at the Tang Corporation, he had dealt with many similar people and knew what kind of people they were. He wasn't surprised by their performance at all.    


"As for the cooperation with those people, I still have the same attitude as before. I don't support, I don't object. If they really want to cooperate, if their attitude is correct, it's not impossible to cooperate with them. However, at the same time, for some of the core technologies... We can't reveal anything about them. " Huang Feng said.    


"I understand." Tang Jie nodded.    


Tang Jie had called Huang Feng earlier, and he had even looked nervous and helpless. That was because he didn't know what was going on here. He didn't understand why those people had called at the same time. So... He didn't know what to do.    


Now, after learning the cause of the incident from Huang Feng, he knew how to deal with this matter, and what kind of attitude to treat those who called. He was even more familiar with these matters than Huang Feng and the old Daoist. After all, he had done similar things many times when he was in the Tang family business. Therefore, he didn't need Huang Feng to remind him.    


"En, I know you can handle it." Huang Feng said, "However, my main purpose for coming here today is not to talk about this matter."    


"What else is there?" Tang Jie asked, "Oh, I know. Do you want to strengthen the security?"    


"That's right." Huang Feng nodded approvingly.    


Tang Jie was not stupid. Since Huang Feng had already told him about the battlefield, there were also many companies that had taken action, and those people definitely would not only use this method. Tang Jie had some understanding of politicians like this. For his own purpose, he could do whatever he wanted. Controlling those companies to cooperate with his company was just one of their ways. It was also the method on the surface.    


Obviously, those people could not be so desperate. If that was the case, they would be a little too stupid. Therefore, they would definitely use other methods, and there would not be few methods in the dark.    


Therefore, this was the true purpose of Huang Feng's visit. Huang Feng wouldn't pay too much attention to the situation on the surface. The same went to Tang Jie. After all, they had the initiative now. Those companies wanted them to cooperate with them. Therefore, it was much easier to deal with them.    


However, it was hard to say what was going on behind their backs. Some preparation work still had to be done. Whether it was for the information or for the safety of themselves and the people in the factory, they had to make some preparations.    


"This afternoon, I will send some more people over. You arrange their work, some important places, and strengthen some protection. Also, you have to be careful." Huang Feng said.    


"I understand." Tang Jie nodded and said, "The research institute..."    


Huang Feng and Tang Jie both understood that for their company, the most important place was the research institute. That was the most important place. All the core secrets were there. As for the factory, that was secondary.    


"Don't worry about that. I will arrange it." Huang Feng said.    


Of course, Huang Feng knew the importance of the research institute. In fact, he had understood this from the beginning. He had never slacked off on that place. The security measures had always been very good. Although he had indeed encountered a few incidents of people sneaking in, however, they had all been successfully discovered and stopped.    


This time, they had to face more people and more complicated things. Huang Feng naturally attached more importance to this matter. Even if Tang Jie didn't say anything, he would still strengthen the security of the place.    


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