Universe Storage Box

C1971 Target Locked

C1971 Target Locked

"How is it? Have you compared those photos? Is it the product of China's' space-time company '? " In a base of Mi Country, a man dressed in military uniform with several medals on his chest said to the person who had just arrived at his side.    


"General, we have completed the comparison. If our judgment is correct... That is indeed the car produced by that company in China." The soldier next to him held a stack of paper in his hand and said, "At present, there is only one company in the world that can produce a suspension car. Moreover, in the design, the car in the photo was displayed at the press conference by that company in China. There are many similarities. "    


The person who had asked the question earlier, the general who had just spoken, nodded with a serious expression and said, "How's the investigation of firepower and bulletproof ability going?"    


" According to the information at the front lines, the enemy's firepower is comparable to a dream. The machine guns in their vehicles are not ordinary machine guns, and their lethality is several times that of our machine guns. Even armored vehicles can be easily penetrated. As for the bulletproof ability... It's even more terrifying. " At this point, the soldier who reported this had a shocked expression on his face. "As for their bulletproof ability, it's even more powerful than we imagined. Even if they were bombarded by our tanks at close range, they wouldn't be damaged in the slightest. Our tanks and cannons can't penetrate the enemy's defense at all. "    


The general was also shocked when he heard that. "Their firepower and bulletproof abilities are so strong? Even the weapons we transported to the battlefield can't do anything to them? "    


"Although I don't want to admit it, I think, General, it is indeed as you said." The soldier who reported said.    


"How could a private enterprise in China produce such a powerful 'weapon'?" The general said. In his eyes, those cars... They were no longer just cars, but powerful weapons. They were so powerful that even he was shocked.    


"General, could there be some other background behind that company?" The soldier said. His meaning was very clear, "Space-Time Car" company should not be as simple as a private company. There might be some other background behind it. As for the background, although he did not say it clearly, but... Both of them understood in their hearts.    


"This is very likely." The general said: "Otherwise, even if they were a private company, they wouldn't be able to develop such a powerful weapon. However, we still have to investigate them first. Let's see what the situation of this company is like and if there's a chance... Obtain their technology."    


Previously, these people did not put a private company in their eyes. Even if the other party was the first to develop a floating technology, it had nothing to do with these soldiers.    


However, this is obviously not the case now. The car produced by that private company... It could already affect them. Furthermore, this would have a huge impact. Therefore, these people also wanted to obtain the information regarding the suspension car technology from the Space-Time Car Company.    


"General, I'm afraid this won't be easy. I heard that many automotive companies are trying to obtain the information, but none of them succeeded." Yes, the soldier said.    


"There will definitely be difficulties, especially when the other side might have some other background. However, no matter how difficult it is, we have to give it a try. Send our most elite soldiers over. If we can't obtain the technology as soon as possible... On the battlefield, we will always be on the receiving end." The general said.    


What happened this time had already been explained. What kind of impact would a suspension car, especially a suspension car produced by the Space-Time Car Company, have on the battlefield? Although they didn't transport their most advanced weapons to that battlefield, even if they did, he still felt that... The effect it had on the hovering vehicle was very limited.    


And the appearance of the suspension technology could solve a lot of problems. Especially since it had already been proven to be useful in the city battlefield. This was something that not even ordinary helicopters or tanks could compare with. Previously, these people had overlooked this point. Now, it seemed that this point was very important.    


When a car could float and possess powerful bulletproof abilities as well as fierce firepower, such a car was simply an existence akin to a killing machine on the battlefield.    


"We can't wait any longer. We have to send people over immediately. I believe that the people from other countries are already ready to make a move at this time." The general said.    


"Yes, I will make the arrangements right away." The one next to him said, then hesitated and said: "General, we suffered heavy losses on that battlefield, what should we do now?"    


Indeed, after the two sieges and counterattacks, the Mi Country did not have many soldiers left on that country's battlefield. The base had been occupied by Hanssen and the others. Now, they only had the remaining people. It was impossible for them to take back their base, and because of this, they either gave up that place. Or send more men.    


"Giving up that place completely doesn't benefit us." The general said: "But right now we don't have a good idea, so... Let the rest of them find a place to stay first... Don't think about counterattacking for now. We'll talk about it after we meet up with that China company "    


If they really gave up on that country, this general really wouldn't dare to make such a decision. After all, this didn't benefit their country. Before, they had agreed to send troops to that country. It was also decided by the higher ups of the country, he was a general... Although his position wasn't low, he still wasn't qualified to give up.    


However, because there was no way to deal with Hanssen and the others, plus... They didn't have many people left. Therefore... The general could only choose to submit temporarily, wait and see... If he could get the key technology from the company in China, that would be great. If he couldn't, he could think of other ways.    


"Yes, I'll do it right away." The person next to him said.    


The general nodded with a serious expression. Of course, he also knew... Currently, their situation was not good. Those who wanted to get their hands on the Huaxia Country company... Furthermore, the upper echelons of the Huaxia Country were not fools. Regardless of whether they had anything to do with the company or not, they must have already known how powerful those cars were. They would definitely protect them. In that case... It would be even harder for them to make a move.    


However, things were just as he had said before. Even if it felt difficult to make a move, they still had to make a move. He couldn't just sit there and wait for his death. Furthermore, this general didn't have all his hopes... He placed all his hopes on the elite soldiers that they had arranged in the past. After he left the base, ... He contacted some famous Automobile Manufacturer in the country and asked them to use their personal name. He wanted to talk to the company in China about cooperation. If he could talk about cooperation... Then, it would be much more convenient to obtain the core technology of the company.    


Of course, there would also be some business spies in those companies. After hearing about the performance of those cars on the battlefield, they will definitely be moved. There is no need for me to rush them. They will also do whatever it takes to get those technologies. Sometimes... Those people were even more capable than themselves.    


However, no matter what, for a moment, it seemed like there were many countries... Many of the people in the companies turned their eyes to China. They were looking at a company in China that had just been established for less than a year: Space-Time Car Company!    


Huang Feng, who was in China, also felt the change in the atmosphere around him.    


In fact, although Huang Feng had always been in the country and had not gone abroad, however, he knew everything that had happened on the battlefield like the back of his hand. Huang Ping would inform Huang Feng of everything that had happened there as soon as possible. After all, Huang Ping knew that Huang Feng attached great importance to that place. After all, he attached great importance to the market there, and to all the weapons, including the suspension car. The performance on that battlefield.    


Therefore, when Hanssen and Huang Ping used the suspension cars and some other weapons to fight in all directions on the battlefield, Huang Feng knew that they would attract some people's attention this time.    


However, Huang Feng was prepared for this situation. As long as he didn't expose the fact that he was the person behind Hanssen, there wouldn't be any concrete proof of his shock. Even if there were people who doubted him, Huang Feng wouldn't care. As for the rest, Huang Feng wouldn't pay too much attention to them.    


However, what Huang Feng didn't expect was that not long after he received Huang Ping's report, he received another call from Elder Lee.    


He had previously treated Elder Lee's illness. In addition, when Huang Feng went to the capital, elder Lee had also paid Elder Lee a few times a visit. Elder Lee had even contributed to the matter between Huang Feng and Su Yumo. Therefore, the relationship between Huang Feng and Elder Li was pretty good.    


However, recently, Huang Feng and Elder Lee had not been in contact with each other much. It was not because the relationship between the two of them had faded, but because... Both of them were busy people, especially Elder Lee, who had a lot of things to do. Therefore, if there was nothing to do, the two of them wouldn't talk on the phone.    


Therefore, when Huang Feng saw Elder Lee calling him, he was a little surprised. However, when he thought about what Huang Ping had just reported, he had some guesses in his heart.    


"Hello, Elder Lee. Why did you call me? What's the matter?" After the call was connected, Huang Feng said with a smile. The relationship between him and Elder Lee was complicated. Elder Lee was Huang Feng's elder, but also seemed like a friend who could befriend each other. Therefore, when Huang Feng faced Elder Lee, he didn't have the same trembling feeling as the others.    


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