Universe Storage Box

C1963 He Wanted to Take a Detour

C1963 He Wanted to Take a Detour

"What's going on?" The commander looked at the soldiers groaning on the ground in front of him in confusion and shock.    


"General, they seem to have stepped on Ray" A soldier reported.    


"They stepped on a mine? How could that be? Didn't they feel it?" The commander said.    


Generally speaking, if you step on a mine buried on the ground... It will feel... However, the people in front... As if they hadn't found the mine, they stepped on it. This clearly did not conform to common sense.    


The soldier who came to report also didn't know what was going on.    


At this moment, the entire team had no choice but to stop to treat the wounded. At the same time, they checked if there were any mines around.    


"What's wrong with you guys?" The commander walked to the injured soldier and asked.    


"General, we don't know what happened either, but suddenly, we were blown up" The soldier who was slightly injured replied.    


His condition was still considered good, the other soldiers... They either died on the spot, or exploded until they lost arms and legs. In any case, some parts of their bodies were missing. As for him... He was only slightly injured from the explosion.    


"None of you felt it?" The commander asked.    


"No, I didn't feel it at all" The soldier replied.    


After that, the commander asked the other wounded soldiers and they all got the same answer. The wounded soldiers all didn't feel anything unusual and were all blown up just like that.    


The commander stood up, and his face was a bit ugly. It seemed like these mines weren't simple.    


Very quickly, the injured soldiers were bandaged. Those who were seriously injured were immediately sent back for treatment. As for the others, they continued to lead the way.    


However, because they were worried that there would be more mines along the way, their speed was very slow. Moreover, at the front of the group, there were a few construction workers specialized in mines.    


The commander sat in his own car with an ugly expression on his face. Before, they didn't want to rush to the front line early, so they found an excuse. And the excuse was that they encountered ambushes and snipers along the way. Originally, they did not think much of it and only thought that it was an excuse. However, now it seemed that it was no longer an excuse. It really happened.    


"What a bastard!" The commander cursed in his heart. Before he even had an official exchange of fire with the enemy, he had already lost quite a few people on his side. Such a situation obviously made him very dissatisfied.    


However, just as the commander finished his scolding, the four engineering soldiers in front of him who were responsible for the minesweeping were directly blown up. One of them even became 'fragmented' when he was in the air.    


"What, what's going on?" The commander mumbled. Those few people were professional engineers. The equipment in their hands was also the most advanced minesweeping equipment on their side. Why was it blown up now?    


The team had no choice but to stop again and start resuscitating the wounded. This time, they were even more careful because even professional engineering soldiers had been blown up. And it was with the equipment in his hand. Who knew... Was there still lightning around? Would he be blown up again?    


Miserable screams could be heard as two of the four engineering soldiers were killed by the explosion. The other two were also seriously injured. The commander walked in front of one of the heavily injured engineering soldiers. Squatting down, he asked: "What is going on? Don't you have an instrument in your hands? Why didn't you find Lei? "    


This commander still trusts his subordinates' abilities. However, because of his trust, he became even more confused. There was no doubt about their abilities. However, since they also had abilities... The equipment was also the most advanced, so how could it be blown up?    


He couldn't figure it out.    


"General, General." The soldier looked at the commander and said. As soon as he spoke, blood kept coming out of his mouth. Obviously, he was heavily injured: "That, that Lei, is very, very powerful. Our equipment... Our equipment can't be checked at all! "    


The soldier said intermittently, but his words made the commander's face even uglier.    


Even though the soldiers from before had not found any lightning on the ground even after they were blown up, it had already caused him to become vigilant and feel that the other party's lightning might not be simple.    


However, the commander did not expect that the other party was not simple. It would not be simple to such an extent. The engineering soldiers on their side... Even with the equipment, they were still unable to find the location of the other party's Ray. This really shocked him.    


At the same time, he was also afraid!    


He was afraid! This was a feeling that this commander had never felt before. It was also a feeling that he had never imagined before. Although he attached great importance to Hanssen and the others, however... He wasn't afraid of them at all, not to mention the fact that all of them had come together. They were more prepared than last time, and that was themselves... This time, their preparations were much more thorough than the last time.    


In that commander's mind, perhaps the other major powers would suffer some losses. However, the final victory would definitely belong to their side. To be precise, it would belong to their Mi Country.    


However, the current mine formation made him feel afraid. They had yet to exchange fire with the enemy, but their side had already suffered heavy casualties. Furthermore, there was a lot of fear in his heart. No one knew that... On the road ahead, were there any mines? How big was the size of this mine?    


Therefore, although he didn't admit it for a very reason, in his heart, he understood that they might have really encountered great trouble this time.    


Before they came, they knew that Hanssen and the others had obtained a batch of very advanced weapons and equipment through some unknown means. It was even more advanced than the weapons and equipment of the Mi Country.    


However, even if they were mentally prepared, however... Now that they had experienced it again, they were still very shocked. They even felt nervous and afraid that the other party's weapon had already advanced to such an extent. It actually made the weapons they had on their side unable to do anything about it.    


While the commander was shocked, he also wanted to know where Hanssen and the others had gotten these weapons and equipment from. In this world, there was someone stronger than the Mi Country in terms of weapons and equipment.    


At the same time, the commander was even more determined. He had to eliminate Hanssen and the others and seize all the advanced weapons in their hands!    


"Swoosh! Bang!"    


Suddenly, a familiar sharp sound rang out. Then, the commander saw that not far in front of him, a soldier who was rescuing the wounded soldier had a burst of blood in his head. After that, the soldier fell straight down onto the wounded soldier that he was about to save.    


"There's an ambush! There's a sniper! Everyone be careful! "    


" Quickly find cover, damn it, quickly find cover and hide! "    


"Ah, I've been shot. Someone save me, mom!"    


The entire scene instantly became chaotic. The commander, under the protection of the soldiers around him, hid in the vicinity of the car at the back.    


And there was obviously more than one sniper lying in ambush. After that shot, there were several more shots. With every shot, a person would fall, and the entire scene became even more chaotic.    


When everyone found a bunker to hide in, the gunshots finally stopped. However, the screams did not stop. Some of the soldiers who had not died. They were also dragged by other soldiers to hide on top of cover.    


"Did you find them?" the commander asked the soldier beside him.    


"I found them" The soldier next to him said, "Just like the other forces said, they are very far away from us. General, look, there!"    


The commander looked in the direction the soldier next to him pointed, and indeed saw a very far place. A few figures were swaying, and the other party seemed to know. At this distance, the Mi Country's troops could not cause any harm to them. Therefore, they acted in an unrestrained manner and didn't conceal themselves.    


When the commander saw this scene, he gritted his teeth in hatred. However, there was no good way to do so, at such a long distance... Indeed, there was no way for them to cause too much damage... Furthermore, if they took the risk to shoot, they would even give their opponent a chance to counterattack.    


"Retreat!" The commander said, "Let's take another route. This way, not only is there an ambush, but also... We don't know how many more mines there are, we can't go any further. Otherwise, we will all meet God here! "    


The soldiers beside him didn't say anything, but they all agreed with the commander's words. If they continued along this path, they would definitely be told to stay here. This path was too dangerous.    


"However, if we take another path, we will waste more time." They didn't want to reach the front line earlier because they didn't want to. They slowed down on purpose, but now they had to take a detour. That would waste even more time.    


Previously, when they had been looking for excuses, the other factions had found out that they hadn't been the first ones to do so. Arriving. They were already somewhat dissatisfied with the designated location. Although... The Mi Country team had an excuse, many of them didn't believe it. Naturally, they were also dissatisfied in their hearts.    


But now, they still had to take a detour. It would take more time, and the others would be even more dissatisfied.    


"Don't worry about them!" The commander said with a cold face, "Whether they can survive in the end is still uncertain!"    


Indeed, facing the advantage of Hanssen and the others in terms of weapons and equipment, even their team felt a huge pressure, let alone other forces.    


Because of this, the commander was sure that their side would win miserably in the end, and the ones who would lose the most would be the other forces. What was there to be afraid of?    


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