Universe Storage Box

C1951 Bill's Letter

C1951 Bill's Letter

From that day on, under Bernard's supervision, Alvin began his training. He had a lot of training, and the training content was rich. It even included scouting, night attacks, and even piloting a spaceship.    


And among these training, Alvin was the most interested. Driving a spacecraft. After all, all this time, his biggest dream was to have a ship that belonged to him... And with his own spaceship, he wouldn't be able to drive it. That obviously wouldn't work.    


What Alvin did not expect was that Bernard was quite proficient in piloting a ship. Including the models of all kinds of spaceships and the equipment and instruments inside. He could casually tell them how to use them and so on. There was not the slightest bit of deviation.    


This made Alvin even more curious about Bernard's identity. Although there were many ordinary people who knew how to operate spaceships. However, that was only limited to ordinary spaceships, civilian spaceships. Normal warships were not open to the public. There are very few people who actually know how to operate a warship. After all, compared to normal ships, warships were much more complicated. The difficulty was also much higher.    


However, with Bernard, nothing seemed to be a problem. Bernard was actually very familiar with all kinds of warships. From what he said, in Alvin's former residence, Bernard had definitely operated a warship before. Moreover, he must be a very excellent captain.    


The captains of ordinary warships had a relatively high status. Even if they retired, their treatment would be very good. However, Alvin could not figure out why Bernard was in this cookhouse.    


However, no matter what, it did not affect Alvin learning seriously with Bernard. After having the training of the professor driving the spacecraft, Alvin's training was enthusiastic. Obviously, he had improved by more than one level. Plus, he wasn't stupid. Therefore, Alvin could learn very quickly what Bernard taught him.    


Bernard was a little shocked about this. However, he did not show it. On the surface, he was still the class leader of the cookhouse who liked to scold people with a straight face.    


On this day, Alvin received a letter from Bill. In the letter, Bill told him about his recent situation and also asked about Alvin's situation.    


Bill's situation was obviously much better than Alvin's. After he entered the fleet's barracks, he had been receiving training in this area. Furthermore, Bill's performance was very good. Recently, he could even enter the simulator to undergo simulation training.    


It could be seen that Bill was very proud and happy about this. He shared this excitement with his best friend. Of course, he also encouraged Alvin to not be sad. He did not want to be disheartened. Even if it was the cookhouse soldiers, they could still do a lot.    


Of course, Bill did not know that although Alvin was the cookhouse soldier in name, however, the training he received was no less than that of other soldiers. Even compared to Bill, this kind of fleet soldier was not the slightest bit inferior. Furthermore, Bernard was clearly very experienced in this aspect. It was another one-on-one training. It could be said that the effect of the training was... It was much better than the other soldiers.    


Alvin's current physical fitness and combat attainment definitely surpassed most of the recruits in the same batch.    


Of course, Bill did not know about this. Alvin did not tell Bill about this because Bernard did not want too many people to know about his uniqueness.    


At the end of the letter, Bill also mentioned one thing, which he had heard by chance.    


This was when Meyer went to the Purple Sun Star. He was attacked, including all the crew members, including Meyer. None of them had returned. Some people guessed that... This incident was caused by the people of Flaming Wind Kingdom, but there was no evidence. Some even said that the people of Flaming Wind Kingdom had attacked Meyer's flying ship. It was the people from the military. However, there was also no evidence.    


However, why would the military of Flaming Wind Kingdom attack a civilian flying ship? No one knew the reason behind this. The people from the Fengji Country. Although they were very angry about this, they were also investigating the reason behind it. However, the truth of the matter had yet to be announced to the public.    


When Alvin saw Meyer's flying ship being attacked, his heart skipped a beat. He had dealt with Meyer a few times and was relatively familiar with him. Meyer was a cautious person, even though he loved money. However, he would never offend the military of Flaming Wind Kingdom. It wouldn't do him any good.    


Then, why would the military of Flaming Wind Kingdom attack Meyer? Alvin thought for a while and didn't think of this reason.    


Suddenly, Alvin remembered that he had been on Meyer's flying ship. Although the stone didn't show any unusual signs, however, Alvin didn't throw it away. He had always carried it with him.    


Thinking of this, Alvin took out the stone that he had been carrying with him to take a look, but he still didn't find any abnormalities.    


"Could it really be an ordinary stone?" This thought popped up in Alvin's mind once again.    


However, Meyer's sudden death made Alvin feel uneasy. Although, every exploration was actually somewhat dangerous. During interstellar travel, there was a possibility of encountering galactic pirates. However, Alvin felt that Meyer probably did not encounter galactic pirates this time. Just like the rumors said, they met the Flaming Wind Kingdom team. However, why would the army of this country suddenly attack a civilian spacecraft? This was really puzzling.    


"Alvin, begin training!" Bernard's voice came again.    


"Coming!" Alvin responded and put away the stone. He went out to prepare for training.    


On the other side, somewhere in the Flaming Wind Kingdom, a large number of spaceships were parked. Teams passed by one after another, and everyone was fully armed. Their expressions were serious, and there were many sentries around them. There were quite a number of soldiers who looked around with serious expressions on their faces. They would not let go of any corner.    


Somewhere in this military camp, General Angus was reporting something to a few people who looked like leaders. Those people even reprimanded General Angus. Obviously, Angus's previous words made them unhappy.    


Very soon, those people all left. General Angus's face was a little gloomy. It took him a long time to recover, but he did not have that kind of approachable feeling. He was still like a statue.    


"Dong Dong Dong." There was a knock on the door.    


"Come in!" Angus said.    


The person who walked in was Angus's assistant. He came to Angus's back and gave him a military salute. Then he said, "General Angus, I have investigated that person's identity."    


"Speak!" Angus turned his head and said.    


"That person is called Alvin, an orphan. He is 16 years old this year. Since he was 14 years old, he often moved goods on the pier to maintain his life. After the cargo ship arrived at the shore, he also went to work as usual. He participated in the transport and the crew was in his hands. I saw the gem" Angus's deputy said.    


"Where is that Alvin now?" Angus asked.    


"He went to participate more than ten days ago. He is now working in the cookhouse of a certain military camp." The deputy said. Obviously, they had a very detailed investigation of Alvin.    


"Cooking soldier?" Angus raised his eyebrows and said, "Arrange for a few skilled ones to sneak in. Make sure to get that gem back for me!"    


"Yes!" Angus's assistant knocked on the ground with his legs and said loudly.    


Angus waved his hand and the assistant turned around and left.    


"Alvin? I don't care who you are. If you take something you shouldn't have, you have to take responsibility for it." Angus said to himself.    


It turned out that the Spatiotemporal Secret Key Angus and the others had gone to the Purple Sun Star to find was the 'stone' in Alvin's hand. However, they were obviously a step later than Meyer and the others who happened to pass by. When Angus and the rest arrived at the Purple Sun Planet, Meyer and the rest had already cleaned up the wreckage. They had taken a lot of things from the wreckage, including the 'Spatiotemporal Secret Key'.    


However, Meyer and the others obviously did not know about the uniqueness of that gem. Therefore, they casually threw it aside and didn't take it seriously. Later, when Alvin came to transport the goods, he coincidentally picked it up. Meyer's subordinates once again did not realize the uniqueness of this gem. He directly let Alvin take it away.    


However, although Angus did not obtain the gem, he did not give up. While investigating the spaceship that had been going to Purple Sun Star during this period of time, he also sent people to guard the area near the wreckage to see if the people from before would still come back.    


He did not expect that they would really be able to wait this time. Meyer had been on this spaceship before. He had obtained a lot of things and earned a lot after selling them. As for the wreckage, they had not cleaned it up last time. Therefore, Meyer naturally couldn't help but want to go there again.    


And this time, their luck wasn't that good. After they arrived there, they were captured by General Angus's subordinates who had been lying in ambush there for a long time. After that, they were forced to confess, and Meyer and the others admitted it. They had come here once before.    


This made Angus and the others very excited. After that, they asked them if they had found a gem.    


Meyer looked at Angus and the others and knew that the gem was very important. Naturally, he didn't admit it. However, it was obvious that Angus wasn't that easy to fool. After Meyer said that he didn't have it, he didn't let them go. He gave them a fierce beating. There was even a possibility that they would just beat them to death if they didn't say anything.    


At this moment, a sailor suddenly said that someone called Alvin had found a gem on the ship. However, it was very ordinary, so he didn't pay much attention to it and let Alvin take it away.    


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