Universe Storage Box

C1948 Different Arrangements

C1948 Different Arrangements

While Ross and Cohen were chatting, Bill and Alvin had also arrived.    


"How was it? Did you sign up today?" Bill asked impatiently when he saw Alvin. He was afraid that Alvin would just say whatever he wanted yesterday, and he was also afraid that Alvin would forget about this matter.    


"I signed up. The form has been submitted. I just don't know if I can pass it." Alvin said.    


"There should be no problem." Bill said, "I heard that our country is expanding its army. This year, we even increased the number of soldiers we recruit. It seems like the surrounding situation isn't too good. Those big shots above feel uneasy."    


"Is there a situation?" Alvin asked curiously.    


"Something big has happened in the Flaming Wind Kingdom next door recently, and it has attracted the attention of the higher ups. It's a pity that I'm just a small figure, and I don't know much about this matter. In any case, it's definitely not a good thing. Otherwise, the number of recruits wouldn't have increased. " Bill shrugged and said.    


Alvin nodded. It seemed that something bad had indeed happened. However, his brows immediately relaxed. Those problems were all considered by the higher-ups. The lower-class people who had been fed and fed for the past few days didn't even know if they could solve it, so there was no need for them to worry about it.    


"Oh right, I saw Cohen at the conscription office today." Alvin said. Bill knew Cohen as well. After all, Bill was a good friend of Alvin. He had a conflict with Cohen before. To be precise, he had been taught a lesson by Cohen.    


"That playboy? What is he going there for?" Sure enough, after hearing Cohen's name, Bill frowned. His impression of Cohen was also very bad. He even felt disgusted. If possible, he even wanted to kill ___.    


Unfortunately, the difference in status between the two of them was huge. He was only a small figure, but Cohen was the son of a famous rich family in this Li Guang City. The two of them were not on the same level at all. So... No matter how bad his impression of Cohen was, he couldn't do anything about it.    


It wasn't as if Alvin and Bill hadn't thought about it before. They wanted to give Cohen a hard time in the dark. However... That guy probably knew that he had offended a lot of people, or perhaps he was afraid of death. Or maybe he was pretending to be someone and always had bodyguards and servants by his side. He had given Alvin and Bill a long time to find an opportunity. They hadn't been able to find it.    


"I don't know." Alvin shook his head and said, "But I think he also went to enlist in the army."    


Indeed, ordinary people would not go to the conscription office when they had nothing to do. It was a place specially divided in the city. There were no other government departments there. Only those who wanted to enlist in the army would go there.    


"He also wants to join the army?" Bill was slightly surprised, and then nodded and said, "It's possible, many young masters from rich families. They would all choose to join the army, since they did not need to go to the front line. After a few years, their ranks will rise. After that, they will come out and run their families. Then, they will become someone with real power. "    


Bill knew about these things. Therefore, after thinking for a while, he understood the reason why Cohen went to the conscription office.    


Alvin nodded in agreement.    


"If that's the case, maybe we can become 'comrades' with him." Bill suddenly smiled. "In the army, he doesn't have any bodyguards or servants with him."    


"What do you want? Teach him a lesson? I'm afraid it won't be easy. Besides, fighting to the death in the military camp requires punishment, for him, it's not worth it" Alvin said.    


"I can do it secretly and not let others know. Isn't that enough?" Bill said, "Could it be that you can't stand that guy?"    


"That's true." Alvin nodded and said, "Alright, count me in. I have wanted to beat him for a long time. I never had the chance before. Maybe I can find a chance this time."    


"Okay." Bill nodded and said, "But the army is so big. It's not easy to meet someone. I'm afraid I can't find him."    


"It is fine. If you find him, teach him a lesson. If you cannot find him, then forget it. There is no need to force him." Alvin said.    


Bill also nodded. Because even if they forced him, they had no other way. They were just two ordinary people. They could not use their relationship to find him.    


"I don't know where the two of us will be assigned to. I filled in the form to go to the warship. I don't know if it will pass." Bill said.    


There was a place on the form of the conscription office that he could go to. However, every place had its own audit. Whether it could pass or not was another matter.    


Of course, even if the place he filled in did not pass, he would be transferred to other departments that lacked people. Generally, those who could enter the army would rarely be sent back.    


"I can also fill in the warship." Due to Bill's influence, the place Alvin had filled in was... It was also a warship. After all, his dream was to have his own flying ship. He would definitely learn all the knowledge on that spaceship.    


"It would be great if the two of us could get through together." Bill said.    


"En." Alvin also thought the same. The two of them were good friends to begin with. It would be wonderful if they could become comrades again.    


However, five days later, when the arrangements in the military camp were notified, the two of them were happy and sad.    


The happy Bill was really chosen by the warship. After that, he would go to the warship to serve, while the sad ones... It was Alvin. He had actually been eliminated by the warship. After that, he would go to other places, but where would he go? It was still uncertain.    


"How could this be? Why didn't you pass?" Bill was happy that he passed the examination, but when he found out that Alvin didn't pass the examination, he was disappointed.    


"I don't know. Maybe the officers in the military camp don't like me." Alvin shrugged and said. At first, he was really sad. However, now he thought it through. He had no intention of going to the warship. The reason why he chose that place was because he wanted to learn some knowledge about the spaceship. The other reason was that he also wanted to serve with his friends.    


However, not being able to pass wasn't a particularly serious matter. As for some knowledge regarding the operation of spaceships, as long as it was spent, there is a place to learn, not to go to a warship... As for not being able to serve together with Bill, although it was very disappointing, however, it was also not a big deal. At most, the two of them would be separated.    


"You are much more capable than I am. I can even pass. How can you not pass? " Bill still could not accept it. If he had not heard of it before... If Alvin passed, perhaps he could accept it. Because, based on his usual behavior, Alvin was indeed smarter than him. He was also more capable than him. If he was chosen, he would lose. It was also easier to accept.    


But now, he had been chosen, and Alvin had failed. This made Bill feel that it was somewhat unbelievable and hard to accept.    


"Don't say that. You are not bad at all." Alvin smiled and said, "Actually, it is not a big deal to not go to the warship. At most, it is just the two of us splitting up. Why don't we compete? In two places, let's see who gets promoted faster. "    


"I don't dare to compete with you. What did you compete with me before? I've never won before " Bill said, "However, it's good to be in two places. Maybe we will be in two different places in the future. If both of us are outstanding, it will be a good story if it is spread out. Furthermore, if there are any difficulties, we can help each other. "    


" Yes, that is indeed the case. " Alvin said, "Then let us work hard together!"    


"Work hard!"    


The two young men held onto their dreams for the future and fiercely struck out with their palms.    


Three days later, Bill left with the army, while Alvin was still waiting for the notification.    


Another five days passed. Just as Alvin was wondering if those people in the army had forgotten about him, his arrangements were finally made.    


However, after seeing his destination, even though he had prepared himself mentally, Alvin could not help but feel angry and disappointed.    


He was actually assigned to the cookhouse, and it was the cookhouse that belonged to the engineering camp. It was a good opportunity to go to the battlefield. Some people even stayed in the engineering camp for more than ten years. Maybe they hadn't even fired a shot, let alone the cookhouse of the engineering camp.    


For Alvin, who wanted to make a name for himself and go to the front line, this was something he wanted to make a name for himself. ... It was no different from a huge blow to him. It was not that he looked down on the cookhouse. However, this was too different from what he had expected. He couldn't accept it. If he really went... He estimated that he would stay inside for a few years. After he came out... Other than cooking, he would not have any money or credit.    


"Tomorrow, we will go to the gathering place. We must leave on time. No delays. Otherwise, we'll be judged as deserters " The soldier who came to inform Alvin looked at him coldly and said. He seemed to have seen through Alvin's thoughts, so he gave him a warning.    


Alvin frowned. "Can I not go?"    


"No! If I don't go, I will be a deserter. I will be executed on the spot!" The soldier said.    


"Then can I go somewhere else?"    


"No! That's why we have already arranged a place for you to go. There is no way to change it. You don't have the right to choose! " The soldier said.    


Alvin frowned even more. At this moment, he even began to regret the idea of enlisting in the army. This was like pushing himself into a pit of fire. After entering, other than wasting a few years of his life, what other use was there?    


However, looking at the soldier in front of him who had a cold expression, Alvin knew that it was too late for him to say anything now.    


He could only report to the cookhouse!    


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