Universe Storage Box

C1946 Advise

C1946 Advise

"You really want to do it. How dare you go into the army so quietly?" Alvin said.    


"Hehe, I have always had this idea. I was just not old enough. Now that I have enough, I naturally have to go." Bill said, "I'm going to report in a few days' time. I specially came tonight to celebrate."    


"Cheers. Congratulations, future captain." Alvin and Bill touched the blanket and said.    


"Cheers, the great captain Bill is about to step onto the stage of history!" Bill said happily.    


Both of them seemed to be very happy in their next lives. Bill was happy because he was one step closer to his dream, and Alvin was happy for his friend.    


"By the way, Alvin, you can also join the army. You can always be a laborer and have no future." Bill put down his wine glass and said.    


Indeed, no one had ever heard of anyone who could make a fortune by working hard and becoming famous in history. This was just a way to make a living. Obviously, they could not keep doing it.    


Obviously, Bill thought that being a soldier was much more promising than being a laborer. Therefore, he wanted Alvin to be a soldier instead of wasting his life on the dock.    


"Soldier? I'm not going." Alvin shook his head and said. He had never thought of this before.    


"Alvin, hey, brother, think about it. Don't you want to own a spaceship that belongs to you? You can be a soldier. You can even be the commander of a fleet. Wow, that kind of situation, just thinking about it makes me excited. " Bill advised.    


Indeed, Alvin wanted to own a ship that belonged to him. But... What he wanted was a ship that belonged entirely to him, a ship that could help him explore the world. A private flying ship, not a warship... It couldn't belong to him. At most, he could command it.    


"I'm not going, I still think it's better to be outside" Alvin said.    


"You work as a laborer outside. When will you have the money to buy a spaceship? I'm afraid you won't have enough money in your lifetime." Bill said, although Alvin could endure hardship. But... Being a laborer really couldn't earn a lot of money, let alone... Alvin also liked to drink. If he couldn't save money, then he wanted to buy a spaceship. It was even more of a pipe dream.    


"I might as well go to the military camp and make a contribution. The reward won't be small either. Even if I come out after a few years, the money I earn won't be comparable to being a laborer killing." Bill said.    


Indeed, nowadays, soldiers could also earn money, especially those soldiers who often went to the front line. They had more money. As long as they worked as soldiers for a few years, the money they earned would definitely be much more than being a laborer.    


Alvin was a little tempted. Although working as a laborer could also earn money, however, it was unstable. In Li Guang City, there were many unemployed people. They would wander around the pier every day, waiting to move the goods. Sometimes, Alvin did not even have the chance to move the goods.    


Therefore, this job could only be a temporary worker. It was not stable at all. It was clearly unrealistic to want to earn big money.    


Seeing that Alvin was a little tempted, Bill said again, "Moreover, if you can make a great contribution at the front line, not only will you be rewarded with money, you will also be rewarded. The king might even reward you with some other things. If you can have a territory. Yes."    


This was also one of Bill's dreams. He thought. After he became the captain, he led the team and fought. He had made great contributions, and finally got the audience and appreciation of the emperor. It would be best if he could get another piece of territory. Then, his life would be perfect.    


"You really dare to think about it." Alvin rolled his eyes at his good friend. "Do you know how many people have gotten their territory now?"    


"It's not possible even if you think about it." Bill said, "It's fine as long as someone gets it. If others can get it, why can't I? You can too."    


"Me? Forget it." Alvin had never thought that he would one day become a lord. He only wanted to live a peaceful life.    


However, even if he did not want to be a lord, being a soldier at that time was obviously a good choice. At most, he could just stay inside for a few years. Anyway, he was still young.    


Alvin was sixteen years old this year, which was the lowest age to join the army.    


"Alright, I'll go to the conscription office tomorrow to take a look." Alvin said.    


"That's right!" Bill laughed and patted Alvin's shoulder. He seemed very happy. "The two of us joined the army and made great contributions together. We are famous throughout the entire planet. Come, let's have a toast. Congratulations to the future Lord."    


"Hehe, good" Alvin also happily clinked glasses with Bill and said.    


After the agreement was made, the two of them happily thought about the future and drank a lot of wine. Then they separated and went home.    


The next day, Alvin woke up a little late and tidied himself up. After that, he went to the recruitment office of Liguang City.    


Recently, it was the yearly recruitment time. Therefore, the recruitment office of Liguang City was very lively. It was not good to have dreams. If one wanted to make a name for themselves, or if one had no other choice, one would have to. Those who did not have a better way out all chose to join the army. Therefore, the conscription office was surrounded by a lot of people.    


Alvin finally got an application form, so he found a place with fewer people and filled it up.    


"Hey, isn't this Alvin? You're joining the army? Hehe." At this moment, a voice suddenly rang in Alvin's ears. There was a surprised and mocking voice. Although Alvin did not raise his head, however, just by listening to the voice, he could tell who the other party was. After knowing who the other party was, he frowned.    


Sure enough, when Alvin raised his head, he saw a young man who was about the same age as him standing in front of him. The young man was looking at him with disdain, without hiding anything.    


As for this man, Alvin knew him as well. His name was Cohen. He was a young master from a wealthy family in Li Guang City. Although his family wasn't the biggest family in Li Guang City, it was still a young master from a wealthy family. However, he also had a lot of connections. He also had a lot of properties and could be considered a rich second generation. He had money and power.    


However, Alvin did not have a good impression of him. To be precise, there were still some grudges between the two. Originally, given Alvin and Cohen's status... There wouldn't be any interaction between the two of them. However... One day, when Alvin was transporting the goods at the pier, it was easier for Cohen to pass by. At that time, Alvin did not notice that he had touched the other party. After dirtying the other party's clothes a little, Alvin immediately apologized to the other party. However, not only did Cohen not accept it, he even cursed Alvin. He even got his personal attendant to beat up Alvin.    


It was at that time that the two of them had a grudge. After that... Whenever Cohen saw Alvin, he would ask someone to find an opportunity to teach Alvin a lesson. Fortunately, Alvin was smart enough to dodge many times. Otherwise, his life would definitely not be easy.    


However, Alvin never thought that he would meet Cohen here today. This was something he didn't expect. That was why he frowned when he saw Cohen.    


However, in order to not cause trouble, Alvin decided to bear with it. He picked up the form in his hand and walked to another place. If he couldn't offend ___, how could he hide from him?    


Cohen nodded to the people around him. Immediately, someone blocked Alvin's way, not allowing him to leave.    


"What do you want?" Alvin asked in a deep voice.    


"My young master is talking to you, and you dare to leave without answering? Why are you not giving my young master any face?" One of the men who stopped Alvin said with an unfriendly expression.    


"I don't want to talk to him. Can't I?" Alvin said with a straight face.    


"Hey, Alvin, I haven't seen you for a few days. You have become bold." Cohen walked over and said, "How dare you talk to me like that?"    


"What do you want?" Alvin looked at Cohen and said, "You should first find out where this is. This is the conscription office. If you cause trouble, even if your family has some background, you will not be able to bear the consequences!"    


Alvin's words made Cohen, who was full of confidence, hesitate. Alvin was right. The country was very strict with conscription. If he dared to cause trouble here, it would definitely not end well for him. Although he would not go to jail, his father would definitely punish him severely.    


And for the sake of Alvin, Cohen would be punished severely. No matter how Cohen thought about it, he felt that it wasn't worth it. Therefore, he didn't want to take this risk.    


"Hehe, I haven't seen you for a few days. Alvin, you have a better mouth." Cohen said to Alvin.    


When Alvin saw that the people surrounding him had left, he heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. He was also making a bet just now. Fortunately, this Cohen was somewhat afraid of this place. If that was the case, he wouldn't make a move anymore.    


"I'm not as good as you." Alvin said.    


"Hey, are you feeling proud of yourself now? Do you think I can't do anything to you?" Cohen suddenly smiled. In Alvin's eyes, his smile was a little mysterious, but it also puzzled him.    


"Alright, you can leave now. Next time you see me, you won't have such luck!" Cohen suddenly said to Alvin.    


Alvin was even more confused. What was going on with Cohen? Why did he suddenly have good intentions? Could it be that the sun was going to rise from the west tomorrow?    


However, no matter what, Alvin felt that he would be able to leave smoothly. Therefore, even though he was still puzzled in his heart... However, Alvin still left without stopping. He handed over the form in his hand. Then, he left with a puzzled expression.    


On the other side, Cohen really didn't come to stop him. This made Alvin even more puzzled. However, he didn't have the energy to think about that right now. The most important thing right now was to leave this place as soon as possible.    


"Young master, are you going to let him leave just like that?" A servant beside Cohen asked.    


"Do you think that's possible?" Cohen smiled again.    


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