Universe Storage Box

C1940 Passion

C1940 Passion

The members of the National Security Agency would be involved in this matter. This was something Huang Feng had never expected. One should know that the National Security Agency was a very special department in the country. It also had a lot of authority. Usually, those who could enter it... All of them had gone through layers of selection, and all of them had strong abilities and thoughts. Therefore, very few members of the National Security Agency had problems with their own bodies.    


Huang Feng had never thought that he would only want to teach Wang Dafu a lesson. As for the case that was involved, there was actually a member of the National Security Agency involved. This also meant that there were definitely a lot of people involved in this matter. Furthermore, there were definitely people with high positions. Just the people in the local area... Director-general Liu, Elder Liu, and the others were obviously not qualified. There should be even more powerful people in the group.    


Due to the participation of the National Security Agency members, this matter was getting more and more involved. The higher ups had also issued a death order that they must investigate this matter thoroughly. No matter who was involved, they would be punished according to the law and would not show any mercy.    


Bai Xiaorou had also called Huang Feng. The little group leader of the National Security Agency had already been controlled. The bureau chief had personally issued an order. Furthermore, the bureau chief was very angry about this matter. He even had a feeling of being disgraced, and he had become very angry. In addition to punishing the team leader, he also ordered an investigation on all the members of the bureau. He wanted to make sure that nothing like this would happen again.    


As a member of the National Security Agency, Huang Feng naturally had to be investigated as well. However, there was someone above Huang Feng. Furthermore, he had never done anything that violated the law. Therefore, he was not afraid of this investigation.    


Because the matter involved a lot of people, this matter had already attracted enough attention. As for the rest of the matters, Huang Feng didn't need to worry about them. Naturally, there were people from the higher ups who continued to investigate this matter. Although he didn't know who would be implicated in the end, and what kind of punishment they would receive.    


However, there was one thing that was certain, and that was Wang Dafu. Director-general Liu, Elder Liu, and the others were all finished. It was impossible for them to come out again. It was even more impossible for them to take revenge on Huang Feng, Captain Yang, or even Guo Yong. Therefore, many of them felt relieved.    


Captain Yang and the others had been paying close attention to this matter. After seeing the attitude and determination of the higher-ups, they felt relieved. To be honest, they were also very nervous when they saw the big shots attacking them. If those people were to come out again, they would definitely not let them go. At that time, it would not be as simple as being fired.    


And now, seeing them end up like this, everyone was relieved. The appointment of Captain Yang had also been officially announced. Not only had he recovered his position, but he had also returned to his previous position. He had also been promoted a few levels, becoming the leader of their group. From now on, he could no longer be called Captain Yang.    


As for brother Wang and the others, their positions had also been officially restored. Some of them had been promoted, while others had not been promoted. However, those who had stood on Captain Yang's side all those years ago... They had all been commended. Everyone knew that even if they had not been promoted this time... However, with this credit, their future path would be much easier. After all, there were only so many positions, it was impossible for everyone to get promoted all at once.    


As for the last person who chose to compromise with Director-general Liu and Wang Dafu at the harbor that night... They were not so lucky. Although they were not dismissed, however, there was no way for them to gain Yang Shan's trust. Their days in the future wouldn't be easy, and they would be gradually marginalized. He would be demoted to some unimportant departments.    


With such an outcome, no one could blame anyone. This was the result of their own choice back then. Whether it was good or bad, they could only accept it. Perhaps, these people didn't think that Captain Yang and the others would have the last laugh. They must be regretting it in their hearts right now. However, the incident had already happened. No matter how much they regretted it, it was useless now.    


After dealing with these matters, Huang Feng returned to Guo Menghan's home once again.    


In these few days, Huang Feng spent most of his time outside. He was busy with Wang Dafu and the others' cases. After all, some of them were invited by Huang Feng through his connections. He couldn't just let those people come and leave everything behind. He had to cooperate with them.    


This way, it would take a lot of time and he would not have much time to stay at Guo Menghan's house.    


This made Guo Menghan slightly disappointed in her heart. At the same time, she was worried whether Huang Feng had seen through her thoughts and had been outside these few days. He didn't want to come here and deliberately avoided her.    


Huang Feng didn't know what Guo Menghan was thinking. He was busy with the matters outside and didn't have much time to think about other things.    


Now that Wang Dafu's case had been handed over, Huang Feng didn't need to worry about the rest of the matters. The matter of Guo Menghan's family had been completely resolved, so Huang Feng had the thought of going back.    


"You are going back tomorrow?" When Huang Feng told Guo Menghan his thoughts, Guo Menghan was a little surprised and a little disappointed.    


This time, because of an accident at home, plus Guo Menghan had never applied for leave before. The work had always been very tiring, so Guo Liang gave Guo Menghan a long holiday. This holiday was not over yet, and Huang Feng was still here. Therefore, Guo Menghan did not think about going to Jiang Prefecture early.    


However, what Guo Menghan did not expect was that Huang Feng proposed to go back first. Guo Menghan thought about it and actually did not find it strange. After all, Huang Feng came to help her, unlike her. He could still go home while he was at it. But now, the matter at home had been resolved. Huang Feng wanted to go back, so there was nothing to be surprised about.    


"Yeah, it has been a while since I came out. It's time to go back." He thought Guo Menghan was worried about Wang Dafu. So he said, "Don't worry. That Wang Dafu probably won't be able to come out. Even if he comes out, he won't have the ability to exact revenge on your family. So, you don't have to worry. "    


"Okay." Guo Menghan nodded. Actually, she also knew about this matter. After all, Wang Dafu, Director-general Liu and the others were all local figures with power and influence. If such a person was arrested, it would definitely be reported on the news. Therefore, Guo Menghan had already heard this news from the television earlier. Of course, her parents also knew about this news. However, they did not know Huang Feng's role in this matter.    


However, this didn't stop Guo Menghan and her family from being grateful to Huang Feng. After all, Guo Yong was saved by Huang Feng himself. This was enough.    


"Thank you. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't know what to do." Guo Menghan said to Huang Feng.    


"Didn't you already thank me before?" Huang Feng smiled and said, "Besides, we are friends, so it is only right that we help you."    


"Yes, we are friends." Guo Menghan did not know if she should be happy when she heard what Huang Feng said. It was because Huang Feng treated her as a friend. That was why she had helped him. Otherwise, with her own abilities... She definitely wouldn't be able to save her brother.    


However, Guo Menghan didn't want to just be Huang Feng's friend. She hoped that their relationship would be closer, so she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.    


After Guo Menghan's parents found out that Huang Feng was leaving tomorrow, they asked Huang Feng to stay for a while. However, seeing that Huang Feng was really leaving, they couldn't say anything else. However, at night, they must make a sumptuous dinner.    


Due to Guo Menghan's current work, her family's financial situation was much better than before. Hence, it was not difficult to make some sumptuous food for Huang Feng to practice.    


At the table, Guo Yong used a drink as a substitute to thank Huang Feng. After that, Guo Menghan's father accompanied Huang Feng to drink a lot. Guo Menghan's mother kept persuading Huang Feng to drink more. Eat more. Anyway, this meal... The people in Guo Menghan's family were very enthusiastic.    


"Mom, why do I feel like there was something wrong with the way you looked at Huang Feng at the dinner table?" After the meal, Huang Feng and Guo Menghan's father were chatting while Guo Menghan was washing the dishes in the kitchen with her mother.    


Guo Menghan thought about the way her mother looked at Huang Feng at the dinner table and her behavior. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong.    


"What's wrong with me?" Guo Menghan's mother's eyes seemed to flicker. But... She recovered very quickly, but Guo Menghan did not notice. "Huang Feng has helped our family so much. I advise him to eat more food. What's wrong with drinking more wine?"    


"That's true." Guo Menghan thought for a while and nodded. After all, Huang Feng had helped their family a lot. It was normal for her mother to be more enthusiastic.    


Guo Menghan also knew that her mother had a big flaw. She was very envious of those rich people. And in the past few days, her mother had also understood Huang Feng's situation. After learning that Huang Feng was a billionaire with several factories and companies, there was nothing to be surprised about his unusual enthusiasm for Huang Feng.    


"By the way, there is a bowl of soup here. It was specially brewed by me. Drink it and replenish your body. There is also another bowl. You can bring it to Huang Feng later." Guo Menghan's mother said to Guo Menghan.    


"Mom, I don't need it. My health is still good. I will leave it for you and Dad to drink." Guo Menghan declined.    


"Your dad and I can drink at any time, but you... We can't take care of you even if you stay outside. I also know that you've suffered a lot, and it's not easy for you to be alone. Won't you be supplemented when you come back?" Guo Menghan's mother said.    


After hearing her mother's words, Guo Menghan was very touched in her heart. She did not think too much and picked up the bowl of soup and slowly drank the soup inside.    


Guo Menghan's mother had been watching her daughter. When she saw that she had finished all the soup, she seemed to be relieved and only then did she return to normal.    


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